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Тесты по английскому языку для 8-9 класса

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Тесты по аглийскому языку для 8-9 классов


1. Сопоставьте характеристики транспорта с его названием.

A. These are reasonable in price, the drivers always know the fastest routes and you'll have a very comfortable journey. B. This is a very efficient way of getting around London. You won't see much of the city but you will get to your destination quickly. There are nearly 300 stations, so  you'll usually find one close by. C.For people with time and energy, this is the best way of travelling short distances. You'll be able to stop and look at anything that interests you and it'll give you a sense of the 'atmosphere' of  London. D. The traffic is sometimes slow but you'II get a good view of the city, especially if you sit on the top deck. This is one of the fastest ways of travelling across central London, but you'll have to be careful. You can hire one from the local firms. E. Traflic congestion in central London is a problem, so your journey will probably be very slow, and parking can be difficult. 1. Car 2. Bike 3. Underground 4. Taxi 5. Walking 6. Bus 2. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.  The Practical Princess Princess Bedelia was as lovely as the moon shining upon a lake full of water lilies. She was as graceful as a cat leaping. And she was also extremely practical, always ready to take actions instead of dead dreaming. When she was born, three fairies came to her cradle to give her gifts as it was usual in that country. The first fairy gave her beauty. The second one gave her grace. But the third one , who was a wise old creature, said, "I' II give her common sense". "I don't think much of that gift", said King Ludwig, raising his eye-brows. "What is good in hommon sense for a princesses? All she needs is charm".

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