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A Real Mother . Story

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A Real Mother

to quarrel – ссориться

a judge – судья

to cut - резать

called the servants – позвал слуг

a half – половина

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«A Real Mother . Story»

A Real Mother

to quarrel – ссориться

a judge – судья

to cut - резать

called the servants – позвал слуг

a half – половина

Once upon a time there lived two sisters. The elder sister had a son. The boy was one-year-old. The two women loved the baby dearly. One day the sisters quarrelled and at night the younger sister wanted leave house with the boy. The elder sister stopped her. “You cannot take the boy. He is my son!” said the elder sister. But the younger sister wanted to have the boy very much and she said, “I`ll tell the judge the boy`s mine. I love the baby so much that the judge will believe me.

In the morning they were before the judge. Each woman told him that the baby was hers. The judge thought a little and then called his servants. “Cut the child into two halves and give each woman a half of the body,” he said. The younger sister didn`t say a word, but the elder told the judge, “I`m not the child`s mother. Give him to my sister and let him live.” The judge then said to his servants, “Give the boy to the elder sister. She is a real mother.”


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