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Внеклассное мероприятие "Christmas and New Year Party"

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Christmas and New Year Party So many countries so many customs. If we celebrate the same holidays we are very much alike. Цели урока:  1.    Ознакомление с традициями празднования Рождества в Великобритании и России 2.    Закрепление в речи учащихся необходимой тематической лексики. 3.    Развитие навыков аудирования, устной речи, чтения. 4.    Создание условий для воспитания уважительного отношения к культуре другой страны через ознакомление с её традициями, поэзией, музыкой; формирования способности участвовать в межкультурном диалоге путем сравнения традиций наших стран. Оборудование: красочно оформленные сообщения учащихся, наряженная елка, рождественские чулки, рождественские открытки, запись музыкального сопровождения песен “Jingle Bells”, “Happy New Year”, «В лесу родилась ёлочка» русско-английское исполнение, плакат “Merry Christmas!”, плакаты с Дедом Морозом. Ход мероприятия Welcome dear friends, students and our guests. I am very glad to see you today. Our party is devoted to the most intersting, the most important, the most beautiful, and of course, the most favourite holiday among all people all over the world - Christmas!  I congratulate you on this holiday and I wish you Merry Christmas! I wish you to be always happy, healthy, wealthy and wise! There are many Christmas traditions in different countries, but today we shall speak about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. I invite my partners, …………….. They‘ll tell you about Christmas traditions In Great Britain. (Звучит музыкальное сопровождение . На фоне музыки ведущие  читают стихотворение с переводом). Christmas Message (H. W. Longfellow) I heard the bells on Christmas Day    Я слышал колокольчик Рождества Their old familiar carols play    Его привычно старые мотивы And wild and sweet    И вольные, и нежные слова The words repeat    Слова, что в памяти народной живы. Of peace on earth, good will to men.    О мире на земле, о счастье для людей. 1. Which holiday is more popular in Britain: Christmas or New Year? 2. When do the British celebrate Christmas? 3. Who was born that night? 4. What traditions are connected with the holiday?  Day Before Christmas (Marchette Chutte) We have been helping with the cake And licking out the pan And wrapping up our packages As neatly as we can And we have hung our stocking up Beside the open grate And now there’s nothing more to do EXEPT TO WAIT! Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Christmas Eve is a very busy time for the Englishmen. On December the 24th offices, factories and schools close at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, but shops are open until late for the people who haven’t bought Christmas presents yet and want to buy them at the last moment. People have a lot to do: they decorate Christmas trees and their houses, prepare presents for children, relatives and friends, women cook or buy various tasty things for Christmas Dinner. Many people on this day go home to be with their families because Christmas is a family holiday.

NB - Christmas is the best holiday for most British families. It's the most important festival of the year. It combines the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ with the traditional festivities of winter. Гаснет свет, звучит тихая, спокойная музыка. IP Silent night. Holly night. All is calm, all is bright, Round you Virgin, Mother and Child, Holly Infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. NB Тихая ночь. Дивная ночь. Дремлет все, лишь не спит В благоговении святая чета: Чудным младенцем полны их сердца. Радость в душе их горит, Радость в душе их горит. IP - Nine months later Mary gave birth to this special baby and called him Jesus how God wanted. NB Silent night. Holly night.  Shepherds quake at the sight. Glorious streams from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing Halleluia, Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born. IP Тихая ночь. Дивная ночь. Глас с небес возвестил: "Радуйтесь ныне родился Христос, Мир и спасенье он всем нам принес. Свыше вас свет посетил! Свыше вас свет посетил!" Танец снежинок. Ведущий 1: Рождество – это праздник, посвящённый рождению Иисуса Христа. Рождество является одним из самых главных, значимых, и любимых праздников в году. Особенно это касается Англичан. Ни один праздник, даже Новый год не могут сравниться с Рождеством по масштабам подготовки и празднования. Как ни к какому другому празднику, к Рождеству начинают готовиться заранее. День накануне Рождества называется Сочельник или по– английски Christmas Eve, а Ночь – Святой. В такую ночь в Вифлееме в Палестине родился Иисус Христос. Его родителей звали Мария и Иосиф. В те зимние дни в городе было много приезжих и Марии с Иосифом не нашлось места в гостинице переночевать и тогда Иосиф нашёл на самой окраине города пещеру – там кто-то держал скот: овец, быков, ослов. Они постелили солому на пол и устроились на ночлег. Здесь, на соломе и родился мальчик Иисус. Никто на земле не знал кто он такой. А вот Ангелы на небе хорошо это знали. Знали и радовались, что на землю пришёл Спаситель. Недалеко от Вифлеема в поле ночевали пастухи со стадом овец. И вдруг среди ночи они увидели сияние, небеса раскрылись, появились ангелы, возвестившие о том, что в Вифлееме случилась великая радость – родился Спаситель. Ведущие: Christmas is celebrated all over the world. In every country customs and traditions vary a little, but one thing is the same everywhere: it’s a gay and happy holiday. So let’s say each other “Merry Christmas!” By the way, what does it mean? Merry Christmas!   Женлайбинов – Сосна 6 Б M for the music, merry and clear; E for the Eve, the crown of the year; R for the Romping of bright girls and boys; R for the Reindeer that brings them the toys; Y for the Yule log softly aglow; C for the Cold of the sky and the snow; H for the Hearth where they hang up the hose; R for the Reel which the old folks propose; I for the Icicles seen through the pane; S for the sleigh bells, with tinkling refrain; T for the Tree with gifts all abloom; M for the Mistletoe hung in the room; A for the Anthems we all like to hear; S for St. Nicholas – Joy of the year! Christmas Dinner. The most popular Christmas dishes are Christmas turkey and Christmas pudding. In England they make Christmas pudding before Christmas. All the family stir the pudding and make a wish. When the pudding is hot they put five-penny pieces in it and sometimes little silver charms – a horseshoe, a button or a ring. A five-penny piece means you are going to have money the next year, the horseshoe brings good luck, the ring means a wedding. The button means you aren’t going to get married.  Ведущий 2: Особенно строго Британцы придерживаются традиции Рождественской кухни. Традиционными Рождественскими блюдами, подаваемыми в этот день можно назвать Pudding, Christmas cake, gingerbread, mince pie, turkey. Christmas cake или Рождественский пирог пекут задолго до праздника, использую настоянные в роме сухофрукты. Затем пирог заворачивают в марлю, пропитанную ромом. Таким образом, пирог настаивается длительное время и приобретает особый аромат и вкус. Gingerbread или имбирный пряник выпекают в форме Рождественской символики Также, используя прямоугольные заготовки пряника можно собрать домик, скрепив и украсив его сахарной глазурью. Внутрь домика обычно кладутся леденцы, конфеты. Предлагаем всем отведать имбирный пряник (ведущие угощают всех присутствующих имбирными пряникам). Christmas in Two Lands. (John Mellings) Лёвина – Петрова 8 Г There it is cold, or there is snow And holly, fir and mistletoe And carols sung out in the street By children, walking through the sleet    Here it is hot, the sun is gold And turns tired when day is old Christmas carols are sung at night Somewhere outside, by candle-light Church bells break the frozen air Ringing loudly everywhere There is where white winter glory Comes to tell the Christmas story.    Church bells ring out in the heat And call to people in the street The Christmas story here is told In summer, when the sun is gold. Christmas Decorations. The English like to decorate their houses before Christmas. There is a beautiful Christmas tree in every English home. But this tradition is not very old. In England the Christmas tree was made popular by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria. Prince Albert was born in Germany where the decorated tree was already one of the Christmas traditions. In 1840 he introduces a beautiful tree into the royal family’s Christmas and many other people soon followed  it.  The English decorate their houses not only with a Christmas tree, they use holly, ivy and mistletoe. It’s a typical English custom. Holly is an evergreen plant with shape-pointed leaves and red berries. Holly’s berries symbolize Christ’s blood. Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch you may kiss everyone you like. Ivy means immortality. Звучит песня "В лесу родилась елочка" на английском языке 6 Б

New Year: I am the little New Year, ho, ho! Here I come jumping over the snow, Shaking my bells with a merry din – So open your doors and let me in! 1 Snowflake: Christmas’ Day, happy day. We are all glad and very gay! We all dance, and sing, and say: “Welcome! Welcome! Christmas’ Day!” 2 Snowflake: Hear the sledges with the bells - Silver bells! 3 Snowflake: What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle.. 4 Snowflake: In the icy air of night! While the stars that over sprinkle All the heavens seem to twinkle  With a crystalling delight... 1 Snowflake: The snow is falling; The north wind is blowing; The ground is white All day and all night. 2 Snowflake: Here we come! Oh, what fun! We are dancing and floating in the sun. Ice Princess: Singing, dancing merrily Round the Christmas’ tree. Merrily, merrily Round the Christmas’ tree. Happy Christmas, my friends, Happy Christmas Day today!

Песня   Анна Волкова 10А Christmas Cards. Every English family sends and gets a lot of Christmas cards. In fact the English send more than a billion Christmas cards every year. The custom of sending cards at Christmas appears in Queen Victoria’s reign. All the Christmas cards are beautiful; there are pictures of angels, fir trees, Christmas stockings on them. You can also see a robin on almost every Christmas card. Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins. At Christmas they brought a lot of Christmas cards so people began to think about robin as a Christmas bird. Ведущий 1: В Великобритании существует традиция написания писем Санта Клаусу. Обычно дети пишут письма, указывая свои просьбы, пожелания. Но вместо того чтобы бросать их в почтовый ящик, они бросают их в камин. Тяга воздуха поднимает дымок от писем вверх по трубе и Father Christmas, читая таким образом письма, исполняет детские желания. New Year Boy: Christmas - a beautiful holiday, which is loved by children and adults; when everything is decorated with lights and toys; when we see Christmas trees everywhere; when people buy presents and cook special food, send cards and have parties! And we'll celebrate this holiday now. NB: It's Christmas! Merry Christmas! Yes, it's merry, merry Christmas. It's time for hanging stockings, It's time for riding sleighs,

IP: It's time for jolly greetings,  Trees and holly, overeating. Oh, I love you Merry Christmas You are the best of Holidays! The Snow Man   Come in the garden  And play in the snow,  A snow-man we'll make,  See how quickly he'll grow! Give him a hat and a stick  And make him look gay. Such a fine game  For a cold winter day!  * * * . I want some crackers, And I want some candy, I think a box of chocolates Would come in handy, I don't mind oranges, I do like nuts! And I should like a pocket-knife That really cuts. And, oh! Father Christmas, If you love me at all, Bring me a big, red India-rubber ball! Around the New Year Tree  Singing, dancing merrily, Round the New Year tree,  Merrily, merrily, merrily,  Round the New Year tree, Happy New Year, my friends, Happy New Year today. Let us dance hand in hand. I will show you the way. On the Ice Slide, slide the ice is strong, Quickly, quickly slide along! Slide along and don't be slow, In the cold your face will glow! Slide along, slide very fast, It's a same to be the last! The Snowman. Come in the garden  And play in the snow, Make a white snowman, And help him to grow! "What a nice snowman!" The children will say "What a fine game For a cold winter day!" Snow The cold, white snow falls softly down On the tree tops bare and brown, In the still night, when all's asleep Falling, falling thick and deep, In the country, in the town, Falling, falling softly down.

Ведущий 2: Также существует традиция Развешивания чулков над камином. Существует легенда, что однажды Father Christmas рассыпал монеты как раз в тот момент, когда спускался по трубе. Монеты бы непременно пролетели через решётку для золы и потерялись, если бы они не упали прямо в чулок, повешенный для сушки на камин. С тех пор дети продолжают развешивать чулки в надежде найти в них подарки.  Кроме того, в Великобритании строго следуют традиции, имеющей название Boxing day. Согласно этой традиции, 26 декабря двери всех церквей открыты для прихожан. Обычно в этот день сюда приходят малоимущие люди, нищие. И каждый из них получает коробку с подарками, так как подарки являются неотъемлемой частью праздника Рождества. Накануне праздника обеспеченные британцы и те, кто свято чтит традиции своего народа, приносят в церковь коробки, наполненные сладостями, небольшими игрушками для детей, и всевозможными яствами с праздничного стола. (Выходят дети, карточки с буквами.) 5 А A is for angels from haven above.  B is for bells, ringing news of God’s love.  C is for Christmas, our most joyful day.  D is for Dancer, who pulls Santa’s sleigh.  E is for evergreen, a fine Christmas tree.  F is for flower, so pretty to see.  G is for gifts for our friends big and finy.  H is for holly with leaves green and shiny.  I is for icicles agleam in the sun.  J is for JESUS, the holiest one.  K is for kitten, a warn Christmas ball.  L is for Chistmas lights.  M is for mailbox with mail over flowing.  N is for neighbors, their cold faces glowing.  O is for ornaments, cheery and gleaming.  P is for plum pudding, tasty and steaming.  Q is for guilt rof a long winter’s nap.  R is for ribbon, you present to wrap.  S is for Santa Claus, stockings and sleigh.  T is for tree, shining on Christmas Day.  U is for all that is under the tree.  V is for voices, singing with glee.  W is for wreath, the best one we found.  X is for kisses and hugs all around.  Y is for Yule tide, the time of good cheer.  Z is for Zoom! Santa’ll be back next year.  Исполняется песня «Ой, снег, снежок» Santa Claus. For English children Christmas means Santa Claus. We picture him a merry old grey-haired gentleman with rosy cheeks, dressed in his gay heavy red coat and having large sacks on his back. To begin with, Saint Nicholas – that was his real name – is the national saint of Russia and Greece. He is the saint, who protects all the people in trouble: he saved sailors’ lives during storms, brought health to sick children, gives money to the poor. They say that during his lifetime Saint Nicholas was tall and thin, but the Dutch, who emigrated to America took their favourite saint with them. And there he changed his appearance. Now he is short and thick, a very homely and well-loved figure. NB He  lives in England Funny and merry.  His cheeks are like roses, His nose is like a cherry.  With a branch of green holly And robin, his friend To all little children  Best wishes he sent! Merry Christmas, our dear friends! 

 Carols. On Sunday before Christmas many churches hold a carol service where special songs are sung. These songs are called carols. There are different types of carols: religious songs or old traditional songs such as “Jingle Bells” in England. Carols are sung by waits. Waits are a group of singers who sing carols. In small towns and villages waits often come and stand in front of the house and sing or play carols. They receive money for their singing or playing. They give money to poor and old people.  Ведущий 2: В канун Рождества младшие школьники участвуют в представлениях, посвящённых рождению Христа. Они разыгрывают сценки из библейской жизни, где главными героями становятся Мария, Иосиф, младенец Иисус Христос, пастухи, Волхвы, пришедшие поздравить и преподнести свои дары новорожденному младенцу Иисусу. Традиционно дети исполняют Рождественские гимны или песни, которые иначе называют Carols. Дети с огромным желанием и удовольствием принимают участие в постановках, которые обычно проходят в при церквях. Это одна из самых важных традиций в праздновании Рождества. По-английски она носит название Nativity play.

And let’s listen to  the most popular Christmas song “Jingle Bells”. (Исполняется песня).

Стихи – поздравления 9А Текунова - Снопкова

NY:  New things to learn! IP:  New friends to meet! NY:  New songs to sing! IP:   New books to read! N Y:  New things to see! I P:    New things to hear! NY & IP:   New things to do in this glad New Year!

Исполняется песня    “Happy New Year”.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "Christmas and New Year Party"»

  Christmas  and  new year  party

Christmas and new year party

 In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions.

In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions.

This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas Day. They eat Christmas pudding for Christmas dinner. The dinner ends with mince pies.

This is the big dinner people eat on Christmas Day. They eat Christmas pudding for

Christmas dinner. The dinner ends with mince pies.

People use holly and mistletoe to decorate their homes. But there are many other decorations at Christmas.

People use holly and mistletoe to decorate their homes. But there are many other decorations at Christmas.

They use holly to decorate their homes during the dark cold winters. It is an evergreen plant with sharp pointed leaves and berries.

They use holly to decorate their homes during the dark cold winters.

It is an evergreen plant with sharp pointed leaves and berries.

It is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under the bunch boys kiss girls.

It is an evergreen plant with small leaves and

small white berries. On Christmas Eve there

is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under

the bunch boys kiss girls.

He comes into children’s  homes on  Christmas Eve.

He comes into

children’s homes

on Christmas Eve.




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