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Организационный момент

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Good morning children! Look at the slide of the presentation and answer my question. How do you think what we are going to do at our lesson? Yes, we’ll play and repeat our theme. Read the name of our intellectual game! “ One against all”. All of us know this game from the TV cha ...
27.04.2016 23:15 622 9
  Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What day is it today? What date is it today? What is the weather like today? ...
27.04.2016 23:06 725 6
 April, 22 is a special day around the world. On that day people of the Earth celebrate Earth Day. Today at our lesson we’ll discuss a very important problem, may be the most important problem for our Planet and the people living on it. ...
27.04.2016 23:04 458 5

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