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Земля в опасности

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Воспитание у учащихся ответственности за окружающую среду.

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«Земля в опасности»








Цели: - обобщить и закрепить лексический материал по теме

“ Nature In Danger!”;

  • совершенствовать навыки диалогического и монологического говорения учащихся;

  • формировать экологическую сознательность и культуру как формы взаимодействия человека с природой;

  • раскрыть перед учащимися современные проблемы окружающей среды;

  • воспитавать бережное отношение к природе (концепция «Я – Природа»);

  • способствовать обьединению всех защитников природы для сохранения жизни на Земле;

  • углубить знания учащихся по английскому языку по теме « Охрана окружающей среды».


Ведущий: Good morning to everyone!

We have learnt a lot of information on the topic “ Nature is in danger”, discussed the most important ecological problems in our previous lessons. That`s why today we offer to take part in our ecological presentation.

Its theme is “ Save Our Planet For a Better Tomorrow”.

Видео сюжет ’Save Our Planet”

В1 :Really, everybody knows, that there are a lot of problems, facing humanity at present. But on the top of them is that of environment protection. And the most global problem is how to protect our Earth, how to prevent further pollution of atmosphere and what urgent and necessary measures to undertake. People all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment because of modern industry. Newspapers and magazines write about air pollution, water and soil pollution. Fish dies in the seas, lakes and rivers, forests die too. Much of dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried for long distances.

  1. B2 : Our planet is in danger, and, actually, there are a lot of problems connected with the environment and we must do everything possible to save the nature and to make our rivers and air clean . Now people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems. Let`s name the most serious ecological problems we are having now : water, land and air pollution; greenhouse effect; global warming; radiation; deforestation; litter problem; destruction of the ozone layer.

  1. B3: Since ancient times Nature has served the Man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years we lived in harmony with environment and it seemed to us that natural riches were unlimited. But with the development of civilization man`s interference in the nature began to increase. Am I right?

  1. B4: Sure, you are right. Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises appear all over the world. The by-products of their activity pollute the air we breath, the water we drink, the land, on we grow grain and vegetables.

Look on the screen. Let`s learn information about facts which prove the dangerous consequences of heavy pollution :

  • 40% of the world`s rainforests have disappeared in the last 20 years;

  • today only in south America 50 hectares disappear every minute;

  • millions of animals are killed every year;

  • by 2030 25% of animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct;

  • an aluminum can will still litter the Earth up to 500 years later;

  • it takes 500,000 trees just to make the newspapers we read every day;

  • if we gather one tone of paper, we will save 17 trees and 3 hectares of land.



Let`s check your knowledge about the problem!

Greenpeace” :

Учень1. Hello, dear friends! We are the members of the organization “Greenpeace” which does much to preserve the environment. Today,” Greenpeace” is an international ecological organization that has 2,8 million supporters worldwide, and national as well as regional offices in 41 countries. Its headquarters are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. “Greenpeace” is non-profit organization and nongovernmental.

У2. The aim of our organization is to protect the nature, to save the life on the planet not only for the sake of present but also for the future generations. Earth is our home, and we must take care of it.

(The pictures are shown on the screen)

У3. – “Greenpeace” protests against different kinds of pollution.

  • We want to stop climate change.

  • We protect forests.

  • We defend oceans.

  • We work for peace and disarmament.

  • We work on challenging nuclear power, promoting sub stainable agriculture and eliminating toxic chemicals.

Показ фильма о животных («Грустный мультфильм»)

B 1: Let every creature address to people!

Tiger : Hi, people! I`m a Tiger. A lot of species of tigers are extinct nowadays, only 600-900 of us have survived. People, please, stop cutting trees in the woods, stop ruining our natural habitat, we have no place to live in and nothing to eat because of your activities. Stop killing us for fun and for our skin! If you don`t stop doing this, very soon you`ll be able to see us only at the Zoo or in the “Red Book”.

Panda : I`m a Panda bear. As you know I can be found on the pages of the “Red Book”. My habitant is China. I`m very rare, almost extinct. Stop destroying our habitat! Otherwise you`ll be able to see us only in the Natural History Museums. Save us!

Rhino : I`m a black rhino. Fewer than 2000 of us remain in the wild. That`s a 95 percent decline since 1970. Most of us are killed for our horns, which are ground into powder for medicinal purposes in Asia. Help us!

African elephant: I`m an elephant. In the last 20 years, half the African elephants have been killed off. The Asian elephant population has shrunk even more. Elephants are killed for their ivory tusks, most of which are used for making jewelry.

B2 : The pollution of the air and the world`s ocean, the destruction of ozone layer are the result of man`s careless interaction with nature, a sign of ecological crises.

I want to ask you a question. The most horrible ecological disaster befell Ukraine and its people in the result of the Chornobyl tragedy in April 1986. What can you say about it?

B3 : Chornobyl was the world`s biggest nuclear accident. More than thirty people died, and another two hundred became seriously ill from radiation sickness. But we shall never know how many people will die as a result of the accident. Scientists say that anything between five and sixty thousand people could die of cancer from the radiation that they received. What Chornobyl showed most clearly was that one country`s nuclear power stations are everybody`s problem.

And now let’s think about our future. What problems do we have? What will happen with us? What have we to do?

So look at the blackboard: we have 3 trees. Write your ideas and put them to the trees/

We have problems of:

  • contamination of water resources

  • decline of quality of air

  • extinction of vegetable world

  • extinction of animal kingdom

  • ecological contamination by transport vehicles

  • contamination by wastes of still human activity

  • defense of homeless animals

У2 : We can :

  • ban cutting trees

  • planting trees, bushes

  • to improve the ecological state of environment

  • technical examination of transport vehicles

  • to conduct work on the guard of animals

  • ban cars because they cause too much air pollution

  • to strengthen the system of guard of underground waters

  • improve public transport

  • to build factories on processing garbage

  • to build a shelter for the homeless

  • to clean ponds and lakes

  • to reduce quantity of used chemicals.

Заключительная часть:

B1 : At the end of our show we want all the participants and the audience to listen and sing the final song “ Earth Song” by M. Jackson .

B2 : Let everybody remember : we live only once and not very long life. We have one Earth for all those who love it and who do not. And we are sure that all of us should always remember the wise advice of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said, “ If you don`t think about the future, you will not have it”.

Звучит песня М.ДжексонаEarth Song”.

Участники предлагают свои варианты решения проблем



  1. People can call it ecological problem. Some countries suffer from it. It can cause serious health problems. It can poison food. It can also damage statues and architecture badly. ( acid rains )

  1. Dirty water, poisoned food, industrial waste, heat, acid rains…What is the common name of this fact? ( pollution)

  1. It helps us to breathe. It helps plants to live. The lack of it in the air can cause death. It helps doctors to save people`s lives in the hospital. If it is not enough in the water, fish and other sea creatures can die too. ( oxygen)

  1. This thing pollutes the atmosphere very much, but we cannot live without it. It takes people to and from work. ( transport )

  1. This is a part of science that studies the relationship between all forms of life. (ecology )

  1. This three words starting with “R” help us to create a cleaner world. (“reduce”, “recycle”, “reuse”)

  1. These useful organisms breathe in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. ( trees and plants)


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