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Менин келечектеги кесибим

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Nowadays every school leavers may dream about their future professions. There are thousands of professions in our life. To choose the best and well-paid profession is one of the youth problems.

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«Менин келечектеги кесибим»

My future profession

Many roads are open for youth in our republic. Anybody can learn at school but it is not an easy thing to choose a future profession. Some people follow the advice of their parents. Others can not decide even after leaving school.

As for me, I made my choice long ago. My favourite language is English. I want to learn English very well. Two years ago, I passed exams, with excellent marks and began to study at the Lyceum of Oriental languages. At the lyceum we learn English, Arabic and Turkish. We study English six hours a week, so we can learn everything about the English.

We again talked of choosing a trade or profession two weeks after our excursion to the plant.

Some pupils decided to work at the plant, to wake machines for industry, clothes, boots and shoes and other thing for people. Other love the country-side and nature and they want to work on a collective or state farm, producing food for people and material for many industries they decided to become agronomists or tractor drivers or agricultural machine operators.


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