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Место работы

Петропавловск-Камчатский, средняя школа

Обо мне

Преподаватель английского и немецкого языков (на английском) 

·   Trusted to create and teach seminar designed to upgrade skills of professional interpreters. 

·   Recognized as MASTER TEACHER, skilled in using creative and entertaining teaching techniques to help students (including ESL students) achieve learning objectives and successfully master content.

·   Know how to adapt curriculum materials to student’s cognitive and grade level to facilitate learning.  Also able to create clear and realistic lesson plans and employ in the classroom teaching techniques designed to appeal to a variety of learning styles and student personalities. 

·   Trained to serve as a psychological counselor, with professional experience and credential in Russia.  Consequently able to serve effectively as a mentor and advisor to students coming from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds.  

·   Responsible for planning and conducting classes in English, German, and social studies for college-bound, secondary-school students. 

·   Trusted to observe and evaluate students' performance, behavior, social development, and physical health. Able to enforce all administration policies and rules governing school operation and curriculum delivery. 

Моё образование

высшее педагогическое, закончила Камчатский педагогический институт в 1999 году, факультет иностранных языков. 


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