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КГУ «Крыловская средняя школа отдела образования акимата Сарыкольского района»

Обо мне

Teachers are different. No one will argue with that. Some are good, others are angry. Some understand everything, others do not want to do it. Some left only the brightest memories of students, while others became a speck. Gray speck ...
Teacher, what are you? A person who has taken someone to teach something and does it for various reasons. Maybe he does not want his knowledge to disappear with him, or maybe he wants to convey to people some thoughts that are disturbing him, and maybe he does this, in the end - because of money, but ...
All this does not matter, i.e. the teacher is the person who gives us all the knowledge. And this, believe me, is very difficult, because it is much easier to solve the problem yourself than to teach someone how to solve, it is necessary to interest people, to convince that it is necessary for them.
Why am I a teacher? I never ask myself this question, but my students often ask me. And I do not always can not answer it. "Like being a teacher, interesting."
I am a teacher, probably by birth. I remember how much I remember myself from childhood - I always played school, I taught my younger brother, my neighbour’s children, I brought classmates after school, and again I played school. She made her textbooks, saved money for colored chalk, liked to check notebooks. At school, she was always a counselor, messing with those who were younger.
Probably, it is good that nothing has changed over the years of school. I wanted to be a teacher and became. I know - not bad.
Why am I a teacher? I guess I just love children, they are so different! I love it when they run to me at recess: first ask me their questions, then - adult questions. They run to solve their problems, and just talk about nothing. I love when I make discoveries for children and I hear: “Really”, “It cannot be”, for many I am a pioneer in the world of knowledge. I like to teach children to learn, so that they become not only independent, but also “able”. Pupils are a special world. From them you can take a lot for yourself! Children's world is so rich and diverse! I love it when they dedicate me to various secrets, it means that I “reached out” to a certain level of trust, when I get advice and advice from me. It also means a lot.
Why am I a teacher? School is my life, which does not stand still. Here everything boils, boils, turns - unless, of course, make some effort. Burning eyes, surprised and delighted exclamations, joyful smiles, focused eyes, even high school students attempt to fall asleep in my, as they say, lulling voice. This is all I like so much! I want to see and hear all this as often as possible, and you try, look for, invent. ... There are disappointments, I do not argue. But what kind of life without difficulties, without problems?
Why am I a teacher? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question. But I know for sure - I would not work with anyone else!
Tomorrow will be a new school day, and tomorrow in the classroom the eyes of my students will look at me again.
Why am I a teacher? I just love my job. After all, I support the greatest power - the hearts of my students.

Моё образование

Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute


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