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Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку. Муниципальный этап. 4 класс.

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Методическая разработка представляет собой комплект заданий для проведения муниципального этапа олимпиады по английскому языку среди учащихся 4 классов. 

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«Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку. Муниципальный этап. 4 класс.»

Муниципальный этап олимпиады по английскому языку

в 2022-2023 учебном году

4 класс


Дорогой друг! Ты уже несколько лет изучаешь английский язык. Мы предлагаем тебе принять участие в олимпиаде по английскому языку.

Желаем успехов!

Раздел 1. АУДИРОВАНИЕ (5 баллов)

  1. Ты услышишь 5 диалогов. Прочитай 5 вопросов и варианты ответов. Выбери правильный ответ. Запись прозвучит дважды. Подчеркни правильный ответ.

Example/Образец: 0. How old is Monica? Eleven / Twelve

1. What time does Ann go to bed? 9 o’clock / 10 o'clock

2. Who is Piggy? Parrot / Cat

3. Where did Andrew go last summer? Countryside / Seaside

4. Why does Kim look sad? A lot of homework / Lost her notebook

5. What will they grow? Flowers / Vegetables

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ (5 баллов)

1. Прочитай рекламу-информацию о фильмах. Ответь на вопросы.

A. Dolphin Tale 3D

Great family movie! A true story.

A boy finds a dolphin and helps to save the animal’s life.

Friday–Sunday: 18:00

Monday–Thursday: 17:00

B. Footloose

High-energy teenage movie about dancing.

A city boy goes to a small town. People don’t dance there but he changes this and falls in love with a girl from the town.

Thursday: 13:15, 15:50

Friday–Wednesday: 21:00

C. The Lion King 3D

Disney’s classic animation about a young lion prince born in Africa. His uncle wants to become king and tries to kill the prince and his father. Enjoy your favourite characters and songs again in 3D.

Thursday: 13.45, 16:00

D. The Help

Drama about three Mississippi women in the 1960s.

Skeeter, a white woman, comes home to Mississippi from college. She wants to write a book, so she decides to interview black women about their lives. This is a time of great change in America.

Wednesday: 20:00, 21.00

E. Real Steel

Not for children under 12.

Exciting action movie about boxing.

The story is about the near future.

Robot boxing is a popular sport …

Thursday: 14.15, 17:00

  1. Which film starts at four o’clock in the afternoon? ______

  2. Which film is about the future? ______

  3. Which film is about an important time in the past? ______

  4. Which film has music and dancing? ______

  5. Which film starts at six o’clock on Saturday? ______

Раздел 3. ЛЕКСИКА И ГРАММАТИКА (15 баллов)

  1. Собери съедобные слова, разбитые на две части. Запиши.


















  1. Прочитай письмо, вставь в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова. Одно слово лишнее.

Dear Steve,

Thanks for your (1)… . Are you enjoying the student exchange in York?

We’re in Bridgetown, Barbados now and the weather is fantastic. It’s much (2) … than in Spain!

We’re staying in Barbados for one week, so I’m trying to see lots of different places. The people are very friendly and they laugh and smile a (3) …… . I like it here. On the boat I cook lunch every day, (4) …in Barbados we usually eat in restaurants or we have a picnic on the beach.

I’m sitting in a café at the moment, and I’m writing this on the (5) …. I’m wearing my T-shirt and shorts because the temperature is 34ºC. Actually, it’s raining now – it (6) … for about half an hour every day in June. I always wear sunglasses. Oh, and I’m (7) … your cap! Thanks!



A. rains 1._____________

B. better 2. ____________

C. but 3. ____________

D. wearing 4. _____________

E. happier 5. _____________

F. laptop 6. _____________

G. letter 7. _____________

H. lot


  1. Подберите английским выражениям русские соответствия.

  1. to have your heart in your mouth a) крутиться как белка в колесе

  2. to have one’s head in the clouds b) расходиться как горячие пирожки

  3. a storm in a teacup c) птичка на хвосте принесла

  4. to sell like hot cakes d) буря в стакане

  5. a little bird told me e) витать в облаках

  6. to be as busy as a bee f) ушла душа в пятки

  7. as cool as cucumber g) спокоен как удав








Раздел 5. ПИСЬМО (8 баллов)

  1. Прочитай письмо от своего нового друга по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Lizzy. I live in London, England. I am eleven years old. My birthday is on the 9th of November. I live with my mum, my dad and my brother. We like to walk together.

I go to Tiffin School. My school isn’t very big. I’m in class 4a. There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and Russian. What’s your favourite subject?

I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance very well. What about you?

I hope to hear from you soon.



Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.

Dear ______________

It was great to get your letter.

My name _______________________________________________________________

I live in ________________________________________________________________

I am ___________________________________________________________________

I _________________________________________________friends in my class.

My favourite school subject ________________________________________________

In my free time I __________________________________________________________

Best wishes



Раздел 6. УСТНАЯ ЧАСТЬ (10 баллов)

(отдельный бланк)

  1. Чтение текста (3 балла)

  2. Беседа по вопросам – 7 баллов


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