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Типы упражнений по английскому языку

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Данная работа была подготовлена на курсах повышения квалификации учителей английского языка.

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«Типы упражнений по английскому языку»

Министерство образования, науки и молодёжи Республики Крым

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

дополнительного профессионального образования

Республики Крым

«Крымский республиканский институт постдипломного

педагогического образования»


Работу выполнила

слушатель курсов повышения квалификации

учителей английского языка

Кадырова Зера Изетовна

Белогорский район

МКОУ «Муромская средняя школа »

10.10.16 – 28.10.16

Симферополь - 2016

Рецептивные упражнения

1. Выберите нужную форму глагола, согласуя его с существительным.


1. are     2. is        3. am

1. My watch ... ten minutes fast.

2. These data ... not accurate.

3. No news ... good news.

4. How many pieces of furniture ... there in your room?

5. Mice ... also domestic animals.

6. Paper ... very expensive today.


7. Money ... not make you happy.                      8. The goods ... arrived.

1. does               2. do                                           1. has                  2. have

9. In England postmen ... a uniform.                 10. Your hair ... cutting.

1. wears              2. wear                                        1. need               2. Needs

2. Выберите нужную форму местоимения

1. ... aunt Susan is ... mother's sister.

1. my           2. me           3. My          4. Me

2. ... relatives are coming to see ... today.

1. Our         2. Us           3. We          4. our              5. us          6. we

3. Tell ... about it.

1. they                2. them           3. their

4. Is this ... dog?

1. you                 2. your

5. Ask ... if it is ... car.

1. he                    2. him              3. his

6. He gave ... ... photograph in which I couldn't recognize ....

1. him                  2. me                       3. he                        4. his

7. We were surprised to see ... on the platform, they also came to meet ....

1. they        2. them       3. their        4. us            5. we       6. Our

3. Составьте общий вопрос, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.

1. It's a black cat.                                            2. It's a nice car.

1. a              4. Are         7. it                              1. a          4. Are         7. it

2. Is             5. Am          8. It's                           2. car       5. Am          8. It's

3. black       6. cat                                               3. Is         6. nice

3. It's a brown dog.                                          4. It's a thin door.

1. a              4. Are         7. It's                           1. thin     4. Are         7. It's

2. Is             5. Am          8. it                              2. Is         5. Am          8. a

3. brown     6. dog                                             3. door    6. it

5. It's a green book.                                        6. It's a white house.

1. green      4. Are         7. book                       1. it              4. Am          7. a

2. Is             5. It's           8. Am                          2. white      5. Is             8. Are

3. it              6. a                                                  3. It's           6. house

7. He is a good student.                                   8. She is a young woman.

1. a              4. Am          7. It's                           1. a                  4. Are     7. It's

2. Is             5. Are         8. student                  2. Is                 5. Am      8. young

3. good       6. he                                                3. woman       6. she

9. He is a fat man.                                            10. She is a young doctor.

1. man     3. a          5. Are     7. He               1. a      3. doctor    5. Are     7. She

2. Is         4. Am      6. he        8. fat               2. Is     4. young    6. she      8. Am

11. He is a good teacher.                                12. Her face is round.

1. a      3. teacher   5. Are     7. he                    1. Is             3. Are     5. face

2. Is     4. Am          6. good   8. He                   2. round     4. her

13. They are clever.                                        14. You are pale.

1. they    3. Are     5. They                               1. you         3. Is         5. You

2. Is         4. clever                                             2. Are         4. pale

Репродуктивные упражнения

1. Напишите глаголы в третьем лице единственного числа

  1. I hide – he …

  2. We hunt – she …

  3. They live – he …

  4. You eat – she …

  5. I walk – she …

  6. You use – she …

  7. They carry – he …

  8. We wash – he …

2. Раскройте скобки

  1. Rhinos …………….( to eat) plants.

  2. The Bengal tiger ……………… ( to live) in India.

  3. A lion ………………….. ( to sleep) during the day.

  4. Crocodiles ……………………(to swim) in rivers.

  5. Elephant ……………………. (to like) bananas.

  6. A cobra sometimes ……………….( to bite) humans.

3. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам

1. A tiger is a wild cat.

2. It lives in Asia and is the national animal of India.

3. The tiger is orange with black or brown stripes.

4. The tiger hunts big animals like deer for its food.

Продуктивные упражнения

1. Опиши животное по карточке

Name Goofy

Surname Goof

Age 17

Country Disneyland


1st August

Telephone № 124762980

Favourite animal fish

Предполагаемый ответ:

My name is Goofy. My surname is Goof. I am 17. I am from Disneyland. I was born on the 1st of August. My phone number is 124762980. My favourite animal is a fish.

2. Опишите картинку.

3. Напишите письмо Санта Клаусу Предполагаемый ответ «A letter to Santa» Dear Santa Claus, Let me introduce myself. I am Kate. I am 11. My family is small. We are three: my mother, my father and me. I live in Moscow and study in the 5th form. We have 2 pets, a cat and a dog. I help my parents to take care of them. Our family is very friendly. New Year is coming and I’ve decided to write a letter to you. How are you? How did you spent last holidays? I hope, everything is OK with you. As for me, at school I was getting good and excellent marks the whole year. Best of all I like English, Nature Studies and Literature. It is so interesting to learn new things about our planet. Besides, I help my mother about the house, do some shopping and walk with our dog. So, as you see, I am quite a good child. I’d like to ask you to present me with a new creativity-set, containing multicoloured beads, some wool for felting and shreds for patchwork. I will be very glad to get an mp3-player or some other interesting gadget. I’m looking forward to the holiday night. It is the time of miracles and fairy-tales. And I hope my desires will come to life. Wish you to be healthy and wealthy enough to fulfill the children’s dreams all over the world. Sincerely yours,


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