Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Объяснение материала

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Тестовые задания для контроля знаний учащихся

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В своей работе я использую различные способы оценивания при проверке знаний учащихся, но в связи с тем, что в последнее время при проведении олимпиад, конкурсов, познавательных игр, учащимся предлагаются задания в форме тестирования, я стала уделять больше внимания и этому способу. Кроме того, меня привлекает то, что тестовый контроль – это оперативная проверка качества усвоения, немедленное исправление ошибок, высокая степень объективности получаемых результатов, восполнение пробелов. Таким образом, это дает возможность учителю быстро провести проверку знаний учащихся и без лишних затрат времени и сил обработать полученную информацию. Еще одним преимуществом тестов по сравнению с другими формами контроля является то, что все учащиеся находятся в равных условиях, позволяющих объективно сравнивать их достижения; исключается субъективность учителя; результаты тестирования поддаются статистической обработке. Использование тестовых заданий позволяет учителю определить, как ученики овладевают знаниями, умениями и навыками, а также проанализировать свою педагогическую деятельность. Учащиеся смогут узнать о своих достижениях или пробелах в учении, сравнивать свои результаты с эталоном, тем самым у школьников развивается самоконтроль. У родителей появляется возможность узнать результаты обучения их детей

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Тестовые задания для контроля знаний учащихся»

Управление по образованию и науке администрации города Сочи

Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение дополнительного образования «Центр внешкольной работы» города Сочи

Тестовые задания для проведения мониторинговых работ в объединениях английского языка организаций дополнительного образования детей


Пискунова Т.Г.,

педагог дополнительного образования МБУ ДО ЦВР


В своей работе я использую различные способы оценивания при проверке знаний учащихся, но в связи с тем, что в последнее время при проведении олимпиад, конкурсов, познавательных игр, учащимся предлагаются задания в форме тестирования, я стала уделять больше внимания и этому способу. Кроме того, меня привлекает то, что тестовый контроль – это оперативная проверка качества усвоения, немедленное исправление ошибок, высокая степень объективности получаемых результатов, восполнение пробелов. Таким образом, это дает возможность учителю быстро провести проверку знаний учащихся и без лишних затрат времени и сил обработать полученную информацию. Еще одним преимуществом тестов по сравнению с другими формами контроля является то, что все учащиеся находятся в равных условиях, позволяющих объективно сравнивать их достижения; исключается субъективность учителя; результаты тестирования поддаются статистической обработке. Использование тестовых заданий позволяет учителю определить, как ученики овладевают знаниями, умениями и навыками, а также проанализировать свою педагогическую деятельность. Учащиеся смогут узнать о своих достижениях или пробелах в учении, сравнивать свои результаты с эталоном, тем самым у школьников развивается самоконтроль. У родителей появляется возможность узнать результаты обучения их детей.

В своей работе я использую тесты трех видов. Входной тест дается при поступлении в центр внешкольной работы. Этот тест позволяет определить уровень знаний учащихся, а так же в какой степени учащиеся подготовлены для более глубокого усвоения учебного материала, но и судить о том, какие меры следует принять для ликвидации пробелов.

Промежуточный тест провожу, как правило, после изучения нового материала, но перед решением основных, типовых задач на применение полученных знаний. Основной целью этого тестирования является проверка правильности воспроизведения и понимания учащимися определений, правил, алгоритмов, так как продуктивного творческого обучения не может быть на пустом месте, без репродуктивных тренировок. Правильность своих ответов ученик может проверить, открыв нужную страницу школьного учебника. При этом осуществляется наиболее эффективная, целенаправленная корректировка знаний учащихся.

Итоговый тест я провожу в конце учебного года

Тестовый контроль повышает интерес учащихся к предмету. Используя тесты на уроке, как одну из форм контроля за знаниями учащихся, можно сказать, что тесты способствуют развитию у учащихся умения наблюдать, обобщать, проводить аналогии, делать выводы и обосновывать их.

Инструментом оценки знаний учащиеся также являются диагностические карты, где отмечаются уровень освоения разных видов деятельности.

Диагностическая карта учащихся 8 ____ класса английский язык










Диалогическая речь

Монологическая речь





ФИО учащихся

Имена существительные во множественном числе, образованные по правилу и исключения

Понятие глагола- связки

во всех временах

Употребление определенного, неопределенного, и нулевого артиклей

Образование и употребление глаголов в Present Simple в активном и пассивном залоге

Образование и употребление глаголов в Present Progressive в активном залоге

Образование и употребление глаголов в Past Simple в активном и пассивном залоге

Косвенная речь

Образование и употребление глаголов в Present , Past Perfect в активном залоге

Словообразование - аффиксы

Диалог- расспрос

6 реплик

7-8 фраз

Чтение и понимание текстов различных стилей

Понимание сообщений на слух с различной стратегией

Преподаватель _________________________________ подпись_________________________

Оценочные материалы.

Критерии оценивания работ учащихся по предмету «Английский язык»

1.Критерии оценивания письменных работ

1.1. За письменные работы (контрольные работы, тестовые работы, словарные диктанты) оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов:

Виды работ




Контрольные работы

От 50% до 69%

От 70% до 90%

От 91% до 100%

тестовые работы, словарные диктанты

От 60% до 74%

От 75% до 94%

От 95% до 100%

1. 2. Творческие письменные работы (письма, разные виды сочинений, эссе, проектные работы, в т.ч. в группах) оцениваются по пяти критериям:

2.1.Содержание (соблюдение объема работы, соответствие теме, отражены ли все указанные в задании аспекты, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на соответствующем уровне, соблюдение норм вежливости).

2.2. Организация работы (логичность высказывания, использование средств логической связи на соответствующем уровне, соблюдение формата высказывания и деление текста на абзацы);

2.3. Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

2.4. Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

2.5. Орфография и пунктуация (отсутствие орфографических ошибок, соблюдение главных правил пунктуации: предложения начинаются с заглавной буквы, в конце предложения стоит точка, вопросительный или восклицательный знак, а также соблюдение основных правил расстановки запятых).

Критерии оценки творческих письменных работ

(письма, сочинения, эссе, проектные работы, в т.ч. в группах)


Критерии оценки


1. Содержание: коммуникативная задача решена полностью.

2. организация работы: высказывание логично, использованы средства логической связи, соблюден формат высказывания и текст поделен на абзацы.

3. лексика: лексика соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения.

4. грамматика: использованы разнообразные грамматические конструкции в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи.

5. Орфография и пунктуация: орфографические ошибки отсутствуют, соблюдены правила пунктуации: предложения начинаются с заглавной буквы, в конце предложения стоит точка, вопросительный или восклицательный знак, а также соблюдены основные правила расстановки запятых.


1. Содержание: коммуникативная задача решена полностью.

2. организация работы: высказывание логично, использованы средства логической связи, соблюден формат высказывания и текст поделен на абзацы.

3. лексика: лексика соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения. Но имеются незначительные ошибки.

4. грамматика: использованы разнообразные грамматические конструкции в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку, грамматические ошибки незначительно препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи.

5. Орфография и пунктуация: незначительные орфографические ошибки, соблюдены правила пунктуации: предложения начинаются с заглавной буквы, в конце предложения стоит точка, вопросительный или восклицательный знак, а также соблюдены основные правила расстановки запятых.


1. Содержание: Коммуникативная задача не решена.

2. организация работы: высказывание нелогично, не использованы средства логической связи, не соблюден формат высказывания, текст не поделен на абзацы.

3. лексика: большое количество лексических ошибок.

4. грамматика: большое количество грамматических ошибок.

5. Орфография и пунктуация: значительные орфографические ошибки, не соблюдены правила пунктуации: не все предложения начинаются с заглавной буквы, в конце не всех предложений стоит точка, вопросительный или восклицательный знак, а также не соблюдены основные правила расстановки запятых.

2. Критерии оценки устных развернутых ответов

(монологические высказывания, пересказы, диалоги, проектные работы, в т. ч. в группах)

Устные ответы оцениваются по пяти критериям:

1. Содержание (соблюдение объема высказывания, соответствие теме, отражение всех аспектов, указанных в задании, стилевое оформление речи, аргументация, соблюдение норм вежливости).

2. Взаимодействие с собеседником (умение логично и связно вести беседу, соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами, давать аргументированные и развернутые ответы на вопросы собеседника, умение начать и поддерживать беседу, а также восстановить ее в случае сбоя: переспрос, уточнение);

3. Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

4. Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

5. Произношение (правильное произнесение звуков английского языка, правильная постановка ударения в словах, а также соблюдение правильной интонации в предложениях).

Входное тестирование

3 класс

Цель работы – контроль навыков аудирования на основе материала, пройденного во 2 классе, контроль лексических навыков на основе материала 2 класса, контроль умения соотносить вопрос с ответом, используя грамматические навыки 2 класса

Содержание работы

Часть I. Аудирование

Прослушай текст и выполни задания.

Текст для аудирования


Betty is a nice kitten. She has got a mother and four brothers. They live in a big house. Betty and her brothers like to jump and play. They have got friends: pink pigs, yellow ducks, grey rabbits and one red fox. Pink pigs and yellow ducks are funny. Grey rabbits are sad. They are not strong.

A red fox is slim. We can see her in the forest.

1. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос: "What friends have Betty and her brothers got?"

A. Pink pigs and green crocodiles.

B. Pink pigs, yellow ducks, grey rabbits and one red fox.

C. A mouse and a monkey.

2. Закончи предложение в соответствии с прослушанным текстом.

Betty and her friends like to …

A.… skip and run.

B.… sing and skate.

C.… jump and play.

3. Выбери неправильное предложение в соответствии с прослушанным текстом.

A. They have got friends.

B. They live on a farm.

С. We can see a red fox in the forest.

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест.

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.

a) I, you, he, my, she

b) red, grey, blue, brave, black

c) can, jump, sing, swim

d) long, slim, nice, five, strong

2. Найди для каждого вопроса подходящий ответ.

1) Have you got a sister? a) Yes, he can.

2) Is his duck fat? b) Yes, she can.

3) Is Ben's fox slim? c) Yes, it is.

4) Can Ann jump? d) No, it isn't.

5) Can Nick sing? e) No, I can't.

The next day I gave the story to the teacher. She read it and said, “It’s the(good) 9. _______________ story I’ve read today.” Then she asked me to read it aloud to my classmates. I said, “I (do) 10. ________ it with pleasure”

Задание 3 Прочитайте диалог и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

warm weather climate cold cloudy rain

- Hi, Ann. This is Peter. I’m calling from Sochi.

- What are you doing in Sochi?

- I’m on holiday.

-How is the _1) _ ______________ in Sochi? Is it sunny?

- No, it isn’t. It’s _2) _ ___________.

- Is it hot?

- No, it isn’t. It’s 3) _____________.

- No, it isn’t. It’s 4) ______________. It’s going to 5) ______________ and I have no umbrella with me.

Задание 4. Ответь на вопросы о себе.

  1. What`s your name? ________________________________________

  2. How old are you? _________________________________________

  3. Where are you from? ______________________________________

  4. What class are you in? _____________________________________

  5. What`s your favourite subject? ______________________________

7 класс

Choose the correct item.

  1. Did they …..board games last week?

A plays B play C played

  1. We watched a film and then went for a walk in the …..

A school B park C stadium

  1. Aunt Polly ….. a cake at the moment.

A is doing B is making C makes

  1. Does he …… French?

A is studying B studies C study

  1. There isn’t …. milk left.

A some B any C a

  1. The ….. is in the living room.

A fridge B bookcase C sink

  1. Football and basketball are ….. games.

A indoor B outdoor C board

  1. An elephant is the …. animal.

A big B bigger C biggest

  1. We saw him two years ….

A last B ago C next

  1. She’s not ….. to drive a car.

A going B will C go

  1. …she like swimming?

A do B is C does

  1. We don’t …. to do this exercise.

A must B have C need

  1. It’s Women’s Day ….8th March.

A on B in C at

  1. How …. going to the theatre?

A about B much C like

  1. Maths is the ….lesson on Monday.

A one B first C two

  1. They usually go to school ….bus.

A on B by C in

  1. I …speak English, but I can’t speak French.

A must B can C have to

  1. We didn’t … to the museum a month ago.

A go B went C going

  1. You must ….your hands before dinner.

A brush B wash C clean

  1. These melons are lovely and …

A sour B sweet C salty

  1. My little brother …. a glass of juice every morning.

A drank B is drinking C drinks

  1. Watch ….! There’s a bus coming.

A out B up C over

  1. We’re going to …..a performance tonight.

A go B visit C attend

  1. I want to …a picture of the building.

A go B take C look

  1. He often ….the shopping on Sunday.

A goes B do C does

  1. What are you …?

A doing B going C do

  1. He …like playing monopoly.

A isn’t B doesn’t C didn’t

  1. They are …of swimming.

A keen B fond C love

  1. On New Year Day we always ….gifts.

A change B exchange C transfer

  1. It’s time to …the special light.

A light B fire C play

  1. Mike’s birthday is … July.

A in B on C at

  1. They have English lessons …the afternoon.

A in B on C at

  1. Always stop at the traffic … when they’re red.

A roads B pavement C lights

  1. Susan is doing the …..She loves plants and flowers.

A gardening B homework C cleaning

  1. What ……are you? I’m German.

A occupation B profession C nationality

  1. Pete likes exercising at the …..

A school B centre C gym

  1. This girl is ….than that one.

A tallest B tall C taller

  1. She is the ….pupil in the class.

A good B best C better

  1. Can you pass me a ….of milk, please?

A bottle B box C packet

  1. Is there …yogurt in the fridge?

A any B some C no

(Mark 40 ____)


Read and email and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS (doesn’t say).




Dear Sue,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to get it. Sorry for not writing for so long, I was busy with my school.

I want to tell you about my weekend. I had a great day on Sunday. I woke up at 10 o’clock and the sky was blue. I met George and Mike at 11 and we left for the cinema. The film was wonderful.

In the afternoon we went for a walk in the park. We found very good sports ground there, so we did a lot of exercises and took pictures. It was cool!

I’m going to visit an art gallery next Sunday. I think it’s going to be a very interesting walk. I hope I’ll know a lot of new things.

That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


  1. Sue had a great day on Sunday. ………

  2. Kate woke up at twelve o’clock. ……….

  3. The film was very interesting. ……….

  4. The friends are going to visit an art gallery next Sunday. ………..

  5. Kate met George and Mike near the cinema. ………..

Задание 4. Ответь на вопросы о себе.

46What`s your name? ________________________________________

47How old are you? _________________________________________

48Where are you from? ______________________________________

49What class are you in? _____________________________________

50.What`s your favourite subject? ______________________________

Входное тестирование 8 класс

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и определите, о чём он. В таблице

для каждого текста укажите его тему, выбрав её из списка.

The text is about


2.electric cars.

3.ecological problems.

4.a transport system.

5.a popular entertainment.


A. Which is the best cinema in London for watching the latest Hollywood blockbuster? Where do you go if you want to see a film but don’t want to spend a fortune on a ticket? On our website you will find everything you want to know about London movie theatres from beloved small local film houses to big out-of-town multi-screen ones.

B. London underground provides the quickest and easiest method of getting from one part of London to another. More than 3 million passengers travel on the Underground every day. Another 6 million use buses every weekday. Many people still travel in private cars. There are even some electric cars in the street.

C. This collection was founded in 1856. Its purpose is to illustrate British history, literature, arts, and science by means of portraits of the most outstanding men and women. The collection now numbers over 4,500 paintings, sculptures, and drawings representing about 3,500 people. It includes many paintings by outstanding British artists.

D. For centuries, London was famous for its smog. Smog is a type of air pollutant. The word "smog" was made out of words smoke and fog. This kind of smog is caused by the burning of large amounts of coal in a city. Coal is no longer used and there are electric cars but smog caused by traffic pollution, however, still occurs in modern London.

E. One of the most famous public schools, Harrow School, is situated in the town of Harrow, near London. This is a school for boys only. 7 UK Prime-Ministers are this school graduates. Besides academic programmes, much attention is given to sports and arts. Harrow has its own unique style of football called Harrow Football. The school has its own uniform.

  1. 2- 3- 4- 5-

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму

The Sydney Opera House

For many years there was no good opera house in Australia. In 1954, Jorn Utzon from Denmark (win)_1________________ a competition organized by the Australian government to build an opera house. The construction took fourteеn years and the project (finish)_2_____________only in 1973.

Since then, the building (become) 3______________ the symbol of Australia. It is also (famous)5__________________ landmark of Australia. The (good)_6___________way to visit the Sydney Opera House is to see a show. In sunny weather visitors can take a picnic basket and enjoy walking around the Botanic Gardens near the Opera House.

Задание 3 . Прочитайте диалог и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

afraid alike another enjoy every nothing pleased

You are Wonderful

It happened several years ago in the Paris Opera House. A famous singer was invited to sing. On the night of the concert the house was packed and 1__________

ticket was sold The feeling of excitement was in the air as the house manager came to the stage and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your enthusiastic support. I am 2__________________ that due to illness, the man whom you've all come to hear will not be performing tonight. However, we have found 3___________ I hope you will 4_____________ his performance. The crowd was

disappointed and didn’t even hear the singer’s name. The singer gave the performance everything he had. When he finished, there was 5_____________but silence. No one applauded. Suddenly, from the balcony, a little boy stood up and shouted, "Daddy, I think you are wonderful!" The crowd broke into applause.

We all need people in our lives who are willing to stand up once in a while and say, "I think you are wonderful."

Задание 4. Ответь на вопросы о себе.

  1. What`s your name? ________________________________________

  2. How old are you? _________________________________________

  3. Where are you from? ______________________________________

  4. What class are you in? _____________________________________

10.What`s your favourite subject? _______________________________


Промежуточные тестирование

5 класс


  1. Match the objects to the school subjects.

    1. Atlas

    2. Paints

    3. Experiment

    4. Sport shoes

    5. Dictionary

    6. Calculator

    7. PC

    8. Piano

    1. English

    2. IT

    3. Maths

    4. Geography

    5. Music

    6. Science

    7. PE

    8. Art

  2. What are their favourite subjects?

PE, Music, Maths, Art, Geography, Science, IT, History

  1. Jane likes computers.

  2. Dave can draw and pain.

  3. Max is a good football player.

  4. Kate can sing and play the piano really well.

  1. Harry knows a lot about countries and people.

  2. Mike likes to read about old times.

  3. Sam likes doing sums.

  4. Lily likes to learn about nature.

  1. Read the dialogues and fill in the gaps with the words from the box. One is extra.

Literature, subject, PE, school, like

  • Sasha, what’s your favourite (1) ___ ? Maths?

  • No, I love sports, so (2) ___ is my favourite. Do you (3) ___ Maths?

  • No. I like reading. My favourite subject is (4) ___ .

  1. Fill in the gaps to complete the dialogue.

  • Hi. I’m Jill.

  • Hello, I’m Alex.

  • Nice to (1) ___ you, Alex. Where are you (2) ___?

  • I’m from Moscow, Russia. Are you from England?

  • Yes, I (3) ___. How (4) ___ are you, Alex?

  • I’m twelve (5) ___ old.

  1. Choose the correct response.

    1. How are you?

    2. Hello. My name is Anna.

    3. Nice to meet you, John.

    4. Where is the Science lesson?

    5. How old are you?

    6. How do you spell your name?

    7. Let’s go to the lesson together!

    8. What’s this in English?

    9. Are you new to the school?

    10. See you later!

    1. It’s a pencil.

    2. It’s D-A-V-I-D-O-V.

    3. Goodbye!

    4. Yes, I am.

    5. I’m fine, thanks.

    6. Nice to meet you, too.

    7. It’s in room D.

    8. I am twelve.

    9. Hi, my name is Olga.

    10. OK, great.

  2. Fill in the right form of «be».

Dear David,

Hi! How are you? I (1) ___ fine. I (2) ___ at my new school. It (3) ___ far from my home so I can walk there. It (4) ___ very big and it (5) ___ great. I like my classmates. They (6) ___ very friendly.

I (7) ___ in class 5V. we have five lessons every day. The lessons (8) ___ very difficult so I have a lot of free time. My favourite subject (9) ___ Maths. My Maths teacher (10) ___ very nice!

What about your school this year?

Best wishes,


  1. Read the text. Choose the correct answer.

Hi Henry!

How are you? My name is Chris and I’m ten years old. I go to Green School. My favourite subject is PE. I also like History and English. I have a lunch break from 12:30 to 1:30 every day. My favourite day at school is Friday. I have History, English and PE on this day.

Well, that’s about it.

Please write soon and tell me about your school.

Bye for now.


  1. Chris is 9/10 years old.

  2. Chris goes to Yellow/Green School.

  3. His favourite subject is Information Technology/Physical Education.

  4. He likes Science and Maths/English and History too.

  5. Chris starts lunch at 12:30/1:30.

  6. His favourite day at school is Friday/Thursday.

  7. He asks Henry to tell him about his family/school.


1. Match the nationalities to the countries.

  1. Australian

  2. Russian

  3. Japanese

  4. British

  5. English

  6. Irish

  7. French

  8. Italian

  9. Scottish

  10. Chinese

  1. England

  2. Italy

  3. Japan

  4. Australia

  5. Britain

  6. France

  7. Scotland

  8. Russia

  9. China

  10. Ireland

2. Form adjectives from the following geographical names.

  1. Italy –

  2. France –

  3. The United States of America –

  4. The United Kingdom –

  1. Spain –

  2. Australia –

  3. Great Britain –

  4. Japan –

3. Write the numbers.

  1. 25

  2. 79

  3. 100

  1. 19

  2. 60

  3. 30

4. Complete the dialogue using the words. One word is extra.

present / got / bike / weekend / often / that / Hi

  • Hi, Anna!

  • (1)___, Tom! Is (2)___ your new bike?

  • No, that’s my brother’s. I’ve (3)___ a new skateboard.

  • Wow, it’s fantastic! Is that your father’s (4)___?

  • Yes, it is.

  • I like skateboarding too. Do you (5)___ go skateboarding?

  • Every Sunday. Join me next (6)___.

  • I’d love to.

5. Complete the text with the missing phrases. There is one extra.

How much is it? / I want to buy a present / Can I have two, please? / How can I help you? /

Here you are / How about

  • Good morning. (1)___

  • Good morning. (2)___ for my little sister.

  • (3)___ this doll?

  • That’s a good idea. It looks beautiful. (4)___?

  • It’s 3000 rubles.

  • Can I have a smaller doll?

  • (5)___. It costs 500 rubles.

  • Good. I’ll take it. Thank you.

6. Choose the correct answer.

  1. They has/have got pens and pencils.

  2. We has/have got bicycles.

  3. Sue and Mark has/have got balls.

  1. I has/have got a skateboard.

  2. Natasha has/have got a cap and gloves.

  3. Peter has/have got special powers.

7. Fill in have / haven’t / has / hasn’t (got)

‐ My favourite subject is IT. 

‐ (1)______ you ____ a computer at home? 

‐ No, I (2)________. But we (3)________ computers at school. 

‐ (4)_____ Katya ____ many friends in her class? 

‐ No, she (5) _________. She’s new to the school. 

‐ Excuse me, (6)_____ you ____ a red pen? 

‐ No, I (7)________. But I (8)__________ a red pencil. Here you are. 

‐ Thank you. 


 8. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Jim has got brown glove/gloves.

  2. Emma has got three doll/dolls.

  3. She has got a guitar/guitars.

  1. Amy has got a new bike/bikes.

  2. Tim has got a pair of trainer/trainers.

  3. We have got red watch/watches.

9. Write in the plural. 

1  This lady has got a pink scarf. 

2  It is a tooth. 

3 A boy has got an atlas, a science book and a blue pen.

4  A fox has got a mouse.  

5  A child has got a new toy. 

6  That man is a teacher. 

10. Match the titles to the descriptions of the cartoons. One title is extra.

A. Free life

B. A real hero

C. True friends

D. The animal world

E. A funny bear

1. The world most popular fictional characters of the 20th century are Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Eeyore. Walt Disney made this wonderful film in 1961. Winnie the Pooh is the bear loved by all children. He is not very clever but kind and optimistic. Winnie the Pooh is a good friend, ready to help. He likes honey most of all and has a good appetite. There are many funny episodes in the film.

2. Madagascar series were made in 2005. The cartoon describes the adventures of the animals. Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo and Melman the giraffe live together in New York Zoo. They want to be free and they run away. Alex is the leader of his friends. He’s strong, clever and fast. He likes his life at the zoo but he runs away with his friends. Hunters catch them. Then they fall into the ocean. At last they land at Madagascar. They have many adventures there.

3. The Superman series are very popular. Superman is strong, with high moral principles. He came from another planet, planet Krypton, and has special powers. The first cartoon was made in 1941. It explained Superman’s origin, and described his fight with a mad scientist. The scientist planned to terrorize the city. The story was simple. Superman’s powers were great. The cartoon looked quite real.

4. All children like the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a blue and white domestic cat. Jerry is a small brown mouse who always lives close to him. Jerry is very strong for his size and he is clever. Tom is energetic. He doesn’t really want to eat Jerry but always chases him. In fact, they are friends. They always help each other when in danger. The cartoons are quite funny.

11. Put in what, how or whereAnswer the questions.

1  _________ are you from?

2  _________ ’s the capital of your country?

3  _________ do you like in your country?

4  _________’s your name?

5  _________ do you spell your name?

6  _________ old are you?

Тест 3

1. Cross the odd word out. 

  1. bed – bathroom – wardrobe – carpet 

  2. computer – bookcase – digital camera – television 

  3. fridge – cooker – desk – table  

4.bath – sink – washbasin – mirror   

5.dining room – garden – kitchen – hall  

6.desk – coffee table – chair  


2. Write the ordinal numbers.

  1. seven

  2. forty

  3. three

  4. nine

  1. two

  2. one

  3. five

  4. twelve

3. Fill in the numbers in the correct form. 

  1. Today is ______________(16) of May. 

  2. My best friend Mary is _______________(11)  years old. 

  3. ‐Which floor is Polina on? 

‐She is on the_____________(8) floor. 

  1. My block of flats has got ____________ (19) floors. 

  2. The__________(5) day of the week is  Friday. 

  3. - How much is that umbrella? 

- It’s ___________(10) pounds.  

4. Write the possessive adjectives.

  1. (He) ________________ hair is black.

  2. (It) _________________ eyes are big.

  3. (We) ________________ dog is white.

  4. (She) ________________pencil case is red.

  1. (I) ___________ brother is eleven years old.

  2. (They) ____________ house is green.

  3. (You) _____________room is small.

  4. (She) ____________ sister is big.

5. Choose the correct preposition.

  1. There is a tree under / behind / on the house.

  2. There is a small sofa on / in / next to the big sofa.

  3. There are a lot of books next to / on / in front of the shelf.

  4. The desk is on / next to / under the bed.

  1. There are some tables on / in / next to the classroom.

  2. There is a lot of furniture in / on / under the room.

  3. There is a carpet on / in front of / under the bed.

  4. There are some posters next to / in / on the wall.

6. Put the words in the correct order. 

  1. living / the / is / room / big / very.

  2. let’s / upstairs / go!

  3. my / is / bedroom / which?

  1. we / are / here.  

  2. go / in / let’s!  

  3. house / it / which / is?

7. Open the brackets to complete the text.

My friend Olga lives in England. Olga (1) ___ (have) got a house near London. The house (2) ___ (be) about 50 years old. It (3) ___ (have) three floors. There (4) ___ (be) bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs. There (4) ___ (be) a kitchen, a dining room and a living room downstairs.

8. Find the right answers in the box. 

  1. How old is she? 

  2. What date is it today? 

  3. How many rooms are there in his flat?  

  4. How many flowers are there in her back garden? 

  5. Which floor is their flat on?  

  6. How much is that poster? 

  1. Two.    

  2. The third.  

  3. Eight pounds.  

  4. Twelve years old. 

  5. The eleventh of December. 

  6. A lot.

9. Choose the correct answer.

  1. How many rooms are there in your flat?

  1. There’re flowers in the vase.

  2. Four.

  1. What’s your new flat like?

  1. On the first floor.

  2. It’s nice.

  1. Is there a picture on the wall?

  1. No, there isn’t.

  2. Yes, there are.

  1. Has your house got any furniture?

  1. Yes, there is.

  2. Yes, it has.

10. Read the text and fill in the gaps, mark statements True (T) or False (F).

hotel / garage / swimming pool / nine / friends / garden / bathroom / ninth

Mark is in France with her (1) ___. They stay in a hotel. The (2) ___ is very big. It has (3) ___ floors. Their room is on the (4) ___ floor. There is a (4) ___ next to the hotel. There is a (5) ___ on the first floor. They enjoy it when it is hot. The restaurant is on the first floor too. There is a very nice (6) ___, so they can have lunch outside.

  1. Mark is on holiday with her friends.

  2. Their hotel is big.

  3. There is a garage under the hotel.

  4. They like to swim in a hot weather.

  5. The restaurant is very nice.

  6. There is a garden at the hotel.

  7. They sometimes have lunch in the garden.








Промежуточное тестирование

6 класс

Тест 1

Choose the correct item.

  1. “What’s your dad’s favourite …….?”


A food B sport C programme

  1. You can get some aspirin at the ……

A chemist’s B chemists C chemists’

  1. My birthday is …..2nd September.

A in B on C at

  1. There’s a new restaurant ….. to the cinema.

A opposite B behind C next

  1. How ….. do you go to the theatre?

A usually B often C rarely

  1. She usually goes to bed …… 10 o’clock.

A in B on C at

  1. What’s your ……? I’m French.

A full name B nationality C occupation

  1. Mary and …. husband are going to Spain.

A his B their C her

  1. …….. about ice cream for dinner?

A Why B How C What

  1. How many sisters ……. Betty got?

A is B has C have

  1. Jane …. play the guitar, but she plays the piano.

A is B can C can’t

  1. My favourite month is ……. because we celebrate Halloween.

A October B January C November

  1. Paul hates thrillers. He thinks they’re ……..

A enjoyable B terrible C great

  1. Today’s the 2nd July. It’s the ….. day of the month.

A second B first C third

  1. Why aren’t there ……. chairs in the room?

A any B some C a

  1. Does your friend like apples? Yes, she ……

A Does B Is C Do

  1. ….. the evening I do my homework.

A on B at C in

  1. Mum will …. a special dish for her birthday.

A do B make C makes

  1. London is the …… of England.

A city B river C capital

  1. Is the party on Tuesday? No, it’s the next day. It’s on…

A Wednesday B Friday C Monday

  1. …..do you like my new hat? It’s lovely.

A How B What C Why

  1. There’s the post office …… of the supermarket.

A next B opposite C in front

  1. There are ….. tables in the classroom.

A any B some C a

  1. I’m going to the ….. to buy some vegetables.

A post office B greengrocer’s C newsagent’s

  1. I’ll ….. coffee while you’re at the shops.

A do B makes C make

  1. The ….. on her identification card is Paul Smith.

A full name B address C expiry date

  1. What’s the date today? It’s ……..

A May B 15th June C Tuesday

  1. Ben is from China, he is …….

A China B Chinese C Chinian

  1. They …… the dusting now.

A are making B do C are doing

  1. He …… go to school on foot; he goes by bus.

A don’t B doesn’t C isn’t

  1. My sister ……. go alone; she’s only two.

A can’t B isn’t C hasn’t

  1. Why don’t you come ….. for a cup of tea?

A over B up C down

  1. We’re going to the cinema. Would you like to join ….?

A up B in C out

  1. Open your ….., Martha. It’s time to wake up.

A ears B mouth C eyes

  1. Pedro is in his room. He …… TV.

A watches B is watching C look

  1. On nice days I ……my bike to school.

A ride B drive C rides

  1. The Smith’s new house …. very large.

A are B has C is

  1. Don’t forget to stop ….the traffic lights.

A on B at C in

  1. Is the party good? ……. special.

A nothing B something C make

  1. On Halloween party children always dress …. in costumes.

A up B in C down

  1. …… summer we often go on a hike.

A on B in C at

  1. Don’t touch this. It’s ………….

A my B mine C yours

  1. This is ……. flat.

A theirs B their C hers

  1. When you cross the street, ……..both ways for traffic.

A listen B look C see

  1. What’s your mother’s ……..? She’s a vet.

A full name B occupation C address



2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. not\moment\Laura\is\doing\homework\her\the\at.


  1. you\do\what\of\think\party\the?


  1. are\helping\Christie\their\not\now\Bob\and\mother.


  1. skirt\wearing\is\why\a\she\yellow\?


  1. afternoon\what\usually\they\in\do\the\do?




3. Choose the correct response.

51. What do you think of the party?

A No, not really. B Nothing special.

52.When would you like to go to the cinema?

A. How about next Monday? B. No, I can’t

53. How about going to Paris?

A Yes, I do. B Sounds great

54. Thank you very much.

A Don’t mention it B Nothing special

55. Is there a newsagent’s near here?

A Yes, there is one on the corner? B No, there aren’t.



4. Read Betty’s letter and write an answer to your friend Betty.

Hi, Sam,

Thanks for your letter. I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests.

I do my homework in the evening and after that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows, but I don’t really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD.

At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema with my friends on Saturday night. On Sunday I relax at home and read a book or sometimes I ride a bike.

Tell me what you like doing in your next email.



Write 100-120 words


  1. Vocabulary

Match the words from the two columns. (10 marks)

  1. decorate

  1. a car

  1. wear

  1. work

  1. fly

  1. the club

  1. turn

  1. the house

  1. rush to

  1. right

  1. join

  1. permission

  1. drive

  1. a costume

  1. get

  1. a plane

  1. reserve

  1. the distance

  1. measure

  1. a table

  1. Grammar

Underline the correct word (10 marks)

e.g. He is doing/making a special dish.

  1. They do/make the dusting on Saturdays.

  2. Tom is going/goes windsurfing every Sunday morning.

  3. Pete and Nick are playing/played Scrabble at the moment.

  4. Paul went/goes to the cinema yesterday.

  5. You put too many/much sugar in the tea. It’s awful.

  6. You must/can’t wear a seatbelt when you’re driving.

  7. Students don’t have to/have to take the rubbish out. The cleaners will do it.

  8. How much did/do you usually pay per month?

  9. I think she is most/more beautiful than her sister.

  10. That is the taller/tallest tree in the garden.

3. Reading

Read the email and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS (doesn’t say).
(10 marks)

Dear Emily,

Thank you for your email. You’re inviting me to go out with you on Saturday morning. Brilliant idea! What about visiting the Georgia Aquarium.

It’s the most interesting place in Atlanta. There are a lot of fish and sea mammals from around the world there. You can see sharks, whales, penguins, dolphins and other kinds of animals. You can even touch some of them, like the anemones and the starfish.

We’ll have a great time there. Let’s go. What do you think?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


  1. Anna would like to visit a museum.

  1. You can’t see any dolphins in the Georgia Aquarium.

  1. Anna likes eating fish.

  1. Everybody can touch the anemones and the starfish.

  1. The Georgia Aquarium is the most interesting place in Atlanta.

4. Write the email to your friend and invite him (her) to visit an interesting place. (10 marks)

Dear …….,

Thank you for your email. You’re inviting me to go out with you on Saturday morning. ………………………...........

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… We’ll have a great time there. Let’s go. What do you think?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Тест по английскому языку по теме: «Предлоги времени

Тест 3

Fill in: at, in, on.

Task 1.

1)… Monday;

2)… weekend;

3)… six o’clock;

4)… midnight;

5)… September;

6)… the first of March;

7)… winter;

8)… the afternoon;

9)… Sunday;

10)… the morning;

11)… half past two;

12)…Friday morning.

Task 2.

1) It is hot … Summer.

2) I wake up … 7 o’clock … the morning.

3) Russian students go to school … the first of September.

4) We watch TV … 8 o’clock every evening.

5) She was born … the second of June.

6) It’s very cold … Winter.

7) … the afternoon we go to the swimming pool.

8) I have lunch … half past eleven.

Тест 4

  1. Найдите слово с общим значением для каждой строчки и запишите его.    

Sports     weather        family          months          seasons 

1._________:  dad,   mum, sister, grandma, grandpa

2 ._________:   rainy,  sunny,  cold,  windy,  cloudy

3. _________:  winter,   spring, summer, autumn

4. _________:  hockey, tennis, basketball, football

5. _________:  July, September, May, June

2. Вставьте пропущенный глагол to be: is  или are.

 1.  There ….    a teacher in the  classroom.

2.  There   ….   teachers   in  the  classroom.

3.  There  ….   a lot  of  flowers in the garden.

4.   There  …..   a  small picture  on the  wall.

5.   There  …..   a beautiful girl in the street. 

3.Раскройте скобки. Поставьте прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень.

1. Susan is the ____________(good) pupil in our class.

2. Mike is ____________(old) than Tom.

3. Whales are ____________ (big) than dolphins.

4. The book is _____________________ (interesting) than the film.

5. A monkey is ___________________(funny) than a parrot

4 Соотнесите глаголы 1 и 2 формы в Past Simple.

1) 1. meet

2) 2. make

3) 3. come

4) 4. eat

5) 5. be

6) 6. write

7) 7. go

8) 8. draw

9) 9. take

10. become

a) came

b) was/ were


d) made

e) met

f) drew

g) wrote

h) ate

i) became

j) went

5. Выберите правильную форму глагола. Обведите соответствующую букву.

1. My mum … shopping yesterday.

a) will go b) goes c) went

2. Сhildren … football every day.

a) play b) played c) will play

3. I like to … TV in the evening.

a) watch b) watched c) will watch

4. I … the story next week.

a) wrote b) will write c) write.

5. Does he … with your friends every day.

a) play b) plays c) will play

6. Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания.

I have a friend. His name is Nick. He is only seven years old. But he goes to school. Every day he has three 1)... .The first lesson is 2)… . Nick and his classmates count pens and pencils. In the 3)… lesson they learn poems 4)… . Art is Nick’s 5) … lesson. He can draw very well. At 12 o’clock they 6) … lunch.

1. Вставьте пропущенные слова.

a) favourite, b) by heart, c) second, d) Math, e) have, f) lessons

2. Закончите предложения, выбрав один вариант из трёх предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. Every day Nick goes… .

  1. shopping

  2. to the country

  3. to school

  1. The first lesson is … .

  1. Art

  2. Math

  3. English

3. He can … very well.

  1. draw

  2. write

  3. dance


Score: _________/ 30

8. Заполни анкету для занятий в кружке английского языка.

1. Name _________________________________________________________

2. Age ____________________________________________________________

3. Favourite subjects: I like ________________________________________

4. Your hobby: I like to _____________________________________________

5. What do you like to do in your English lessons?

I like to_____________________________________________________

Промежуточное тестирование

7 класс

Вариант 1

Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-D, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один заголовок лишний.

1. Computer Club

2. Bookclub

3. Photography Club

4. Drama Club Art Club

5 Art Club

A. The club meets at 5 pm on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month in the Huntsville Public Library on the corner of St Clair and Monroe Streets. Visitors are welcome. On the first meeting each month, a guest speaker will make a presentation on their theme. The members share and discuss photos, exchange tricks of the trade, and even get together for group photo excursions! They discuss each other’s work and hold contests.

B. Here’s the place for teens to learn acting basics as they produce a short play for their big show! We always choose an age-appropriate script for the group, when you teach elementary or middle students. Students will finish their experience with a 15-minute performance for their family and friends. They can learn important skills by playing games! We’ll spend four weeks on fun activities that will make your students better actors.

C. The club provides unique opportunities to learn about painting through studio activities, discussion sessions, and visits to the galleries. The classes are taught by experienced artists. Perfect for children, parents, and grandparents! Children’s classes stimulate creative problem-solving and experimentation. The classes include instruction in drawing, painting, sculpture and going to galleries.

D. The club helps children to build technology skills, keeping their minds sharp. The programme includes digital art, website creation, video game design and other things. Children of all ages are welcome! The club gives all children the opportunity to develop their interest in technologies and meet other students. The club meets every Thursday at 5 pm.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 3–10 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

Food Fright

Doctors in Britain are worried because British teenagers eat lots of crisps, sweets and fat food. Most teenagers don’t have enough fruit or vegetables and more than one million British schoolchildren are overweight. Some teenagers say that they don’t have time to eat good food, but kids who have a poor diet often have health problems when they are older. Fast food is typical of Americans’ diet, it was born there. American fast food is now part of life all over the world. McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Burger King have restaurants in many countries on all the continents. The only good thing about fast food is its low price. In fact a steady diet of burgers, fries and cola doesn’t fill your body with vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy. Fast food is rich in calories but it doesn’t have many important nutrients (питательные вещества). Now doctors give young people books and games about a good diet. Having healthy, well-balanced diet can help you feel better and live longer.

3 British doctors advise young people to eat fat food to grow well. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4 A great number of British schoolchildren are fat. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5 Fast food restaurants first opened in France. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6 Fast food restaurants are popular around the world. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7 Many people go to fast food restaurants because they are cheap. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8 То keep our body healthy we need a diet of burgers. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

9 Doctors are trying to inform teenagers about a good diet. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

10 British teenagers learn about healthy food at school. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 2. Грамматика и лексика

11 Pass ______ the sugar, please. 1) she 2) me 3) he

12 Her aunt lives ______ California. 1) in 2) on 3) at

13 I like vanilla ice cream but Tom _______ chocolate. 1) likes 2) liking 3) like

14 How _________ your holiday? 1) wasn’t 2) were 3) was

15 I’m ______________ than my friend. He’s very tall. 1) shortter 2) shortest 3) shorter

16 They _______________ the performance last night. 1) enjoys 2) enjoyed 3) enjoy

Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова в нём пропущены. Впишите в каждый пропуск пропущенное слово, выбрав его из рамочки.

living countryside electricity house housework modern conveniences noisy quiet

I’d like to live in the (17) __________________. I'd like to have a big (18)____________with all (19) ______________________. I don’t like (20)_____________ in the city, it’s too (21)___________________ there. Alicia Lightfoot

I’d like to live in France in an old palace. I’d like to live there even without (22)___________________ as our great grandparents did. I’d like to live there because it is so (23)_________________ there. And I’d like to have a lot of servants (слуги), they would do all the (24) ________________ about the palace. Sarah Turner

Вариант 2

Раздел 1. Чтение

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами A-D, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один заголовок лишний.

1. Popular Children’s Clothes

2. The Right Clothes for Outdoor Activities

3. The Right Clothes for Children

4. An Important Part of a School Uniform

5 A Typical School Uniform

A. There are some very important things to remember while you choose children’s clothes. Clothes must be safe for kids. Besides, the little children must be comfortable in their clothes. The weather also dictates the choice of clothes for children — cottons in the summer and woollens in the winter and colder weather.

B. In England, boys and girls enjoy wearing comfortable clothes like T-shirts, jeans and sportswear, when they are relaxing at home or playing with their friends outside. Girls like wearing tunics over leggings or a skirt and a top. They choose smart bright things. Some children like clothes with the pictures of their favourite cartoon characters or TV shows.

C. Many American schools have strict rules about school clothes. Boys should wear a light-coloured shirt, not very bright tie in the school’s colours and dark trousers or shorts. Many schools also have a jacket as part of the uniform. Girls should wear a light-coloured blouse and a darker-coloured skirt or a dress. Some girls’ uniforms also have trousers, a jacket or a tie.

D. Some pupils at an Essex primary school want to have ties in their school uniform. They say that they want to wear ties because they help them to look like adults. Some of them go to school wearing green and yellow ties. But not all the pupils wear ties. There are pupils who don’t like wearing not only ties but also school uniforms

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 3–10 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

Planning Holidays Everyone needs at least one holiday a year. Different people take holidays for various purposes. Some go hunting, others prefer to climb mountains. A lot of people have holidays relative to sports activities, such as hiking, cycling, horseback riding, rowing and canoeing, as well as scuba diving or even bungee jumping. Others choose a resort or a spa. A good idea is to go somewhere abroad to see another country. When you begin thinking and dreaming about the sun and the sea you are ready for a holiday. It’s good to go somewhere quiet where the climate is pleasant. For the first couple of days you should rest and sleep as much as you can. Eat local food. Try to learn local customs and traditions. A little sightseeing is a good thing. Always have a dictionary of the local language and pick up a few words. It’s not a bad idea to get to know the place as well as you can. Be sure to take the necessary clothes and dress according to the climate. Remember that the sun is good for some people and very bad for others. Protective oils and creams are necessary for a holiday. Don't forget about your camera and take pictures. They will help to remember the most enjoyable moments!

3 How many people so many ways of spending holidays. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

4 The best way to spend holidays is to do sports activities. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

5 Going to a foreign country is a wonderful way of spending your holidays. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

6 Every person needs a rest for some days during the holidays. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

7 We should take as many clothes as possible for our holidays. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

8 We should be careful with the sun and take some protective measures. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

9 We must buy souvenirs to remember the places we visited. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

10 Learning some words of the local language is useful. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Раздел 2. Грамматика и лексика

11 Please go to the window and open _________ . 1) them 2) your 3) it

12 Goodbye. See you ______ Monday. 1) at 2) on 3) in

13 Jane _________ her car every Sunday. 1) washes 2) washing 3) wash

14 Where _____ he a month ago?

1) was 2) is 3) are

15. My chair is ______________________ than Ben’s chair. 1) comfortabler 2) more comfortable 3) most comfortable

16 Yesterday I ____________ a presentation at my geography lesson. 1) made 2) make 3) have made

Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова в нём пропущены. Впишите в каждый пропуск пропущенное слово, выбрав его из рамочки.

adults at the moment clever good at mistakes practise results simple


My brother, Tom, is learning Japanese (17) __________________. I think he's very (18)__________________ because Japanese is a difficult language, but Tom says it’s (19)__________________ . His teacher says he is very (20) __________________ languages because he doesn't make many (21) __________________ and he gets good (22)__________________ in the tests. He goes to a class for (23) __________________ in the evening, after work. He is also thinking about going to Japan for a few months so he can (24) __________________ the language and improve it. I really want to go with him!


Итоговое лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку

2 класс

I. Write the English Alphabet.

Aa Bb

II. Read and write. Use: сan or can’t

1. A dog ……. swim.

2. A chimp ……. climb.

3. A frog ……. jump.

4. A horse ……. fly.

5. A bird ……. sing.

III. Read and write the numbers.

1. five – ….... 6. ten – …....

2. one – ….... 7. two – …....

3. three – ….... 8. seven – …....

4. four – ….... 9. eight – …....

5. six – ….... 10. nine – …....

IV. Read and match.

1. brown A – красный

2. white B – зелёный

3. green C – голубой, синий

4. pink D – коричневый

5. black E – белый

6. blue F – чёрный

7. yellow G – жёлтый

8. red H – розовый

V. Read and match.

1. We A – он, она, оно

2. I B – ты, вы

3. He C – он

4. You D – мы

5. They E – она

6. It F – я

7. She G – они

VI. Read and choose.

1. She have got / has got a blue coat.

2. I have got / has got a small nose.

3. Nanny have got / has got grey eyes.

4. We have got / has got new toys.

VII. Read and write. Use: am / is / are.

1. He ….... a good friend.

2. I ….... nine.

3. My name ….... Robin.

4. You ….... a nice girl.

5. Her name ….... Mary.

Итоговое лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку

4 класс

I. Раздел Чтение

Rob gets up at 7 o’clock every day. He has breakfast at a quarter to eight. He usually has cereal with milk, a glass of orange juice, an egg and some toast for breakfast. He sometimes has a cup of tea. Rob starts school at 8: 30.His favourite subject is Geography. He also likes Maths and PE. He’s good at Maths. He doesn’t like History and Art. Rob is always late for class. Miss Benn is often angry with him.

School finishes at 4:15 P.m.After school he usually plays football with his friends. Then he walks home. He is always hungry so he has a sandwich. Then he does his homework. After homework he usually plays computer games.

Rob has supper with his family at 7:30 p.m. He watches some cartoons on TV and goes to bed at half past nine.

1. Rob gets up at_____ every day

A) seven o’clock

B) nine o’clock

C) quarter to eight

2. He likes_________ at school.

A) History

B) Geography

C) Art

3. When Rob is late for class,____________ is angry with him.

A) his mum

B) his teacher

C) his friends

4. Rob________after supper.

A) does his homework

B) plays computer games

С) watches cartoons on TV.

5.Выбери верное утверждение.

А) Rob is always thirsty.

B) Rob plays football every Wednesday after school.

C) Rob eats a sandwich before he does his homework.

II Раздел Грамматика

Выбери правильный вариант.

1. I were/ was worried yesterday.

2. He writes/ is writing a test now.

3. My friend have / has got a cat.

4. Svetlana can play a/ the piano really well.

5. Why are/ is you sad?

6. There is/are a park in front of my house.

7. An elephant is bigger/the biggest than a hippo.

8. My mother work/works at a hospital.

9. There are four child/ children in the picture.

10 I went /go to the sea yesterday

III.Раздел Письмо

Напиши письмо своему новому другу по переписке. Его зовут Ben. Закончи приведенные ниже предложения.


Thank you for your letter.

My name is_______________.

I am from________________.

I am ____________________________________________________.

My birthday is____________________________________________.I live with________________________________________________.

I can_____________________________________________________.My favourite colour is______________________________________.

Best wishes,


Итоговое тестирование для 5 класса

Раздел 1 "Чтение"

Прочитайте текст и определите, к какой из стран (1-Canada, 2- Greece, 3- China) относится каждое утверждение (1-6).


Families are different but they all do the same thing. They give children a safe place to grow up and a lot of care, so that they become happy adults. Let’s look at families in different countries.

In Greece grandparent’s aunts and uncles, parents and children all live together in one house. This is a good thing for two reasons. Firstly, grandmas and grandpas can look after young children, while mum and dad are out at work. Secondly, the older people of the family are never lonely because they have a lot of people who love them and help them. Greek families often get together to celebrate just about any occasion they can think of.

In Canada most people live in families which consist of parents and children. Grandparents and other relatives live separately. It means that children must look after themselves and they grow up to be independent. Grandparents also have to rely only on themselves. Of course, children communicate with their grandparents but they do not see them often. People in Canada celebrate Family Day in February. On Family Day, families get together and visit art exhibitions, watch movies, skate on outdoor ice rinks and play board games.

In China there is only one child in each family if the family lives in a big city. These children seem to be happy because they get all their parents’ attention but Chinese children are under a lot of pressure because their parents want them to be successful and do well at school. As in many Asian cultures, children must respect their grandparents and take care of them. There are ancestor altars in homes with candles, photographs and favourite items of the relatives who died.

1. There are only parents and children in a family.

1) Canada 2) Greece

2. Children do not usually have brothers or sisters.

3) China

1) Canada 2) Greece

3. Families have a holiday to spend time together.

3) China

1) Canada 2) Greece

3) China

4. Grandparents help to take care of their grandchildren.

1) Canada 2) Greece 3) China

5. There is a special place where people keep things which belonged to their dead relatives.

1) Canada 2) Greece 3) China

6. Parents want their children to study hard.

1) Canada 2) Greece 3) China

Раздел 3 "Грамматика и лексика"

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-5 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.


I can remember my first day at primary school.

I was six years old.

On that day my mum 1________________ with me. The classroom COME

was big. There 2________________ a lot of pictures on the walls. BE

I liked my teacher. _3_______________ name was Mrs. Benison. SHE

This year I have started secondary school. I have got many different subjects and many teachers. There are fifteen girls and fourteen boys in my class. It is very interesting to study and the new school is _4____________ than the primary BIG school but I will never forget my primary school

and my 5_____________ teacher ONE

Раздел 4 "Письмо"

Вот отрывок письма от английского друга по переписке Дэвида (David):

… .I like my new school very much. What is your school like? How do you get to school? What is your favourite subject? Why?…

Напишите Дэвиду письмо (70-80 слов), в котором нужно ответить на его 4 вопроса. Не забудьте: 1) обратиться к другу по имени;

2)поблагодарить за письмо

3)попрощаться, как это принято в личном письме

4) подписать письмо.

Адрес и дату писать не нужно.

Итоговое тестирование 8 класс

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 1-4.

With the words "Elementary, my dear Watson...", the most famous detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes, starts to explain something to his friend, Dr. Watson. That phrase has now entered the English language. Sherlock Holmes first appeared in 1882. He became famous in "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes". After that came the whole series of books about him: "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes", "The Return of Sherlock Holmes", "The Hound of the Baskervilles" and many others. Many thousands of books about Sherlock Holmes are still sold every year. Who invented Sherlock Holmes? Arthur Conan Doyle was his inventor. He was a doctor. In 1882 he moved from Scotland to England to set up a practice. One of the doctors he worked for, Dr. Joseph Bell, was the model for Sherlock Holmes's friend, Dr. Watson. Conan Doyle's medical knowledge was a great help to him in his detective stories. Conan Doyle started the fashion of the detective story. Today the fashion goes on. And what sort of man is Sherlock Holmes? We learn a lot about him from the stories in which he appears. He is a quiet man, who only speaks when he has something to say. He smokes a pipe (he has a collection of them). He plays the violin. He carries a large magnifying glass. He lives at 221B Baker Street in London. If you go to London, you will not be able to find 221B Baker Street. But instead, you can go to a pub called the "Sherlock Holmes". In that pub there is a room exactly like Sherlock Holmes's room at 221B Baker Street as described in Conan Doyle's stories. On the walls there are drawings from the original editions about Sherlock Holmes.

1.The text is about

1) Sherlock Holmes's work. 2) the most famous detective and his inventor. 3) Dr. Watson's medical practice. 4) Conan Doyle's education.

2.Choose the right sentence.

1) Dr. Watson was Dr. Bell's assistant. 2) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle's friend. 3) Dr. Watson was Conan Doyle's book character. 4) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes's relative.

3. Find the wrong statement.

1) Dr. Watson was Sherlock Holmes's friend. 2) Conan Doyle was a doctor. 3) There is 221B Baker Street in London. 4) The fashion of the detective stories goes on.

4 Complete the sentence. Conan Doyle is known to everybody as

  1. the author of books about Sherlock Holmes. 2) a talented doctor. 3) a good friend of Dr. Joseph Bell. 4) a man who opened a pub in Baker Street.

Лексика и грамматика

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 5–12, так чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 5–12.

Throughout the world, even today, people listen to the BBC World Service as a reliable and honest source of news. More recently, BBC World television 5___________________ (BECOME) one of the most famous international TV channels .In the next few years, there 6_____ (BE) more exciting innovations for both the radio and television. Broadcasting, perhaps the greatest 7________ ____ (INVENT) of the last сentury, has come a long way; and the BBC is one of the 8________________ and trusted broadcasters in the world today. (IMPORTANT). A group of journalists established the British Broadcasting Company in 1922; four years later, its name was changed to the British Broadcasting Corporation, 9________________GOOD known as the BBC. It was not the world's first radio station. There had already been public radio broadcasts in Britain before 1920, and by 1922 radio stations were operating in Russia and in America. In the Soviet Union, the radio was owned and controlled by the state; in the USA it was а free enterprise. With its new idea of public service broadcasting, the British 10____________ (GOVERN) chose the middle road. From the beginning the BBC was a public service radio, but also an independent operator; and except during the war years, it was not controlled by the authorities. In the early days of BBC radio, there was 11 not a lot of news on the radio. There were music, drama, 11_______________ (DISCUSS) and children's programmes. In 1936 the BBC began the world's first television service. Only a few thousand people in the London area could receive those first flickering images. Nevertheless, that did not discourage people, and more and more people went out to buy themselves new television sets. Now the BBC is one of Britain's most famous institutions, the BBC is Europe's biggest and most 12___________ __ exporter of audio- visual material. (SUCCESS)


Прочитайте вопрос в задании С1. Напишите развернутый ответы на вопросы, обоснуйте его. (4-6 предложений)

What do you usually do on holidays?

What sport games do you prefer playing?


Подводя итоги, хочу отметить, что тестовые технологии становятся наиболее перспективной формой контроля знаний. Как показывает опыт многих учителей, тестирование позволяет оперативно и объективно проверить уровень знаний учеников, своевременно ликвидировать пробелы в усвоении материала. Проверка результатов тестирования занимает куда меньше времени по сравнению с другими видами контроля. Ученики получают возможность самостоятельно проверить свои знания при помощи тестирования. Стандартизированная форма оценки, используемая в тестах, позволяет соотнести уровень достижений по предмету в целом и по отдельным его разделам со средним уровнем достижений в классе и уровнем достижений каждого. Тестовый контроль повышает интерес учащихся к предмету.

Хотелось бы также подчеркнуть необходимость комплексного похода контроля уровня обученности по иностранному языку. В ходе тестирования учащиеся должны продемонстрировать владение языком, т.е. умение использовать имеющиеся у них грамматические, лексические, фонологические, лингвострановедческие знания в следующих видах речевой деятельности:

- Понимании на слух ( аудировании) реплик партнера в ходе речевого взаимодействия, а также коротких сообщений, объявлений, диалогов;

- говорении, участвуя в устном интервью, ролевой игре, решении проблемной задачи в паре или в группе, строя высказывание в форме описания картинки или рассказа по серии картинок;

- чтении с пониманием основного содержания текста, с извлечением определенной информации из текста и с полным пониманием текста;

- написании письма, поздравления, заполнении анкеты, составлении плана или тезисов прочитанного, прослушанного текста.

The next day I gave the story to the teacher. She read it and said, “It’s the(good) 9. _______________ story I’ve read today.” Then she asked me to read it aloud to my classmates. I said, “I (do) 10. ________ it with pleasure”

Задание 3 . Прочитайте диалог и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска подходящее слово, выбрав его из выпадающего списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

warm weather climate cold cloudy rain

- Hi, Ann. This is Peter. I’m calling from Sochi.

- What are you doing in Sochi?

- I’m on holiday.

-How is the _1) _ ______________ in Sochi? Is it sunny?

- No, it isn’t. It’s _2) _ ___________.

- Is it hot?

- No, it isn’t. It’s 3) _____________.

- No, it isn’t. It’s 4) ______________. It’s going to 5) ______________ and I have no umbrella with me.

Задание 4. Ответь на вопросы о себе.

  1. What`s your name? ________________________________________

  2. How old are you? _________________________________________

  3. Where are you from? ______________________________________

  4. What class are you in? _____________________________________

  5. What`s your favourite subject? ______________________________


4 класс


I. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задания:

NELLY Nelly is six. It’s her birthday today. Her mother, father and brother give Nelly presents. The father gives Nelly a red ball. The ball is very nice and she likes the present. The mother gives her a big doll. The doll is very nice, too. Her brother Sam gives Nelly a little kitten. It isn’t a toy. The kitten is black and white. It’s very nice and funny. The kitten can run and jump and it likes to play. Nelly takes the kitten into her hands. She likes her kitten and she is very happy. 1. Nelly is ….. a) ten years old. b) five years old. c) six years old. 2. Her mother, father, brother…… a) don’t give her presents. b) give her a lot of presents. c) give her a doll 3. The kitten …. a) isn’t a toy. b) is grey and white. c) is the best toy. 4. The kitten can …… a) run and jump and it likes to catch mice. b) run and jump and it likes to play. c) run and skip and it likes to play. 5. Nelly likes ……. a) her kitten best of all. b) her presents but she is n’tvery happy c) her doll and she is very happy 1. Грамматика C1. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму. Запишите грамматически правильное предложение

1. My brother _______yesterday. a)will cry b) cries c) cried 2. My little sister _____every day. a) will cry b) cries c) cried 3.Granny_____to us last week. a)came b)will come c) comes 4.Mary often____at the parties. a)will sing b)sings c)didn’t sing

5.Our family____to London next year. a)will go b)went c)goes 6. We ____our cat an hour ago. a)feed b)will feed c) fed 7.Ann___a party last Saturday. a) has b) had c) have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C2. Образуйте форму множественного числа 1. Tooth _______________________________________________________ 2. Lady ________________________________________________________ 3. Table________________________________________________________ 4. Woman _________________________________________________________ 5. Day _________________________________________________________ 6. Fox __________________________________________________________ 7. Child ________________________________________________________ C3. Употребите глаголы во второй форме (Past Simple) Meet go say Have help ask Like be visit 2. Письмо

D1. Заполни анкету для занятий в кружке любителей английского языка

1 Name_________________________________________________

2 Age___________________________________________________

3 Phone number________________________________________________

4 Favourite subjects_________________________________________________

5 Your hobby. I like to_______________________________________________

6 What do you like to do in your English lessons? ________________ Variant I

I. Базовый уровень.

1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.

1. There _____a big grey carpet on my floor.

2. There _____three windows in our living room.

3. There _____a lot of books on the shelf.

4. There _____a nice armchair in Jane’s house.

5. There _____no chairs in my bedroom.

2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. The new road is___________ than the old road.

a) wide b) wider c) the widest

2. The red dress is __________ than the green dress.

a) nice b) nicer c) the nicest

3. Mag’s scarf is the __________.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful

4. I like mountains ___________ than fields.

a) much b) more c) the most

5. The farm is ___________ than the city.

a) clean b) cleaner c) the cleanest

3. Напиши одним словом.

1. We go there to watch a film or cartoons.___________

2. A man who likes to go to the theatre._____________

3. A room where we cook.__________

4. A journey by sea.__________

5. a wife of a king.____________

4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.

1. My brother repairs/will repair/repaired my bike yesterday.

2. My little sister usually plays/will play/played puzzles in the evening.

3. Mag does/will do/did the washing up half an hour ago.

4. The Greens live/lived/have lived here since 2002.

5. His grandma doesn’t/won’t/didn’t go to the country tomorrow.

6. Alex doesn’t/won’t/didn’t water the flowers yesterday.

7. I watch/watched/am watching TV now.

8. Tom is doing/does/do his homework at the moment.

II. Средний уровень

1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.

Santa Claus was very busy in December. He __________ (get up) early. He ___________ (wash) his face and hands with snow. At 7 am Santa __________ (have) an ice cream and a cup of cold coffee for breakfast. Then he __________ (give) bread to his deer Rudolph. Santa __________ (take) snow and cold weather and __________ (sit) in the sleigh. He __________ (fly) to different countries. He __________ (visit) forests and fields, rivers and mountains.

2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

Emma is English. She is ten years old. “I have my lessons in a big classroom. It’s light and comfortable with lots of flowers. There are beautiful pictures and posters on the walls. There is a computer and we often go on the Internet to get some information. There are twenty children in my class. My favourite subject is Art because I’m good at drawing and the teacher is really great.”

Marc is eight years old and he is from Holland. His home is on the boat. He and his family are always in different places. When they come to a nice port, they stop. Sometimes they stay for a week and sometimes for a month. When they stay for a long time Marс goes to school there. “My school is usually on the boat. I have lessons on the Internet. It’s fun. Some days there is no school at all.”

  1. How old is Emma? ____________________________________

  2. What subject does Emma like? ___________________________

  3. Where is Marc from? ___________________________________

  4. Where is Marc’s home? _________________________________

  5. Where does Marc have lessons? ___________________________

III. Повышенный уровень

Прочитай письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am twelve years old. My birthday is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven't got any sisters or brothers.

I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in class 1a. There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite subject?

I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about you?

I hope to hear from you soon.



Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.

Dear _________

It was great to get your letter.

My name is ______________________________

I live in ______________________________________________________

I am _________________________________________________________

I live with ____________________________________________________

I _____________________________________________friends in my class.

My favourite school subject is ____________________________________

In my free time ________________________________________________

I can ________________________________________________________


Ключи к I варианту

I. Базовый уровень.

1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.

1. is

2. are

3. are

4. is

5. are

2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. b

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. b

3. Напиши одним словом.

1. cinema

2. theatregoer

3. kitchen

4. voyage

5. queen

4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.

1. repaired

2. plays

3. did

4. have lived

5. won’t

6. didn’t

7. am watching

8. is doing

II. Средний уровень

1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.

1. got up

2. washed

3. had

4. gave

5. took

6. sat

7. flew

8. visited

2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

1. Emma is ten years old.

2. Emma likes Art.

3. Marc is from Holland.

4. His home is on the boat.

5. He has lessons on the Internet.

Variant II

I. Базовый уровень.

1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.

1. There _____a nice garden behind the house.

2. There _____ a lot of big apple trees in the garden.

3. There _____ no clocks in the living room.

4. There _____ a sofa in the hall.

5. There _____ beautiful flowers on the table.

2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. John is __________ than his brother.

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

2. February is the __________month.

a) short b) shorter c) shortest

3. Moscow is one of the __________cities in the world.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful

4. I like ice cream __________ than cakes.

a) much b) more c) the most

5. In the city streets are __________ than in the country.

a) wide b) wider c) the widest

3. Напиши одним словом.

1. We go there to watch a film or cartoons.___________

2. A man who likes to go to the cinema._____________

3. A room where we sleep.__________

4. A journey by sea.__________

5. a husband of a queen.____________

4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.

1. The pupils go/went/will go to school every day.

2. Jim gets up/got up/will get up at 6 am yesterday.

3. My brother is /was/will be at home yesterday evening.

4. She cleans/cleaned/will clean the room tomorrow.

5. Jill makes/made/will make her bed every morning.

6. Sara is cooking/cooks/will cook now.

7. I live/lived/have lived here since 2002.

8. Mum reads/read/is reading at the moment.

II. Средний уровень

1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.

Cinderella lived with her father, stepmother and two sisters in the country. She __________ (get) up at 5 am and __________ (clean) the rooms. Then she __________ (feed) the animals and __________ (water) the flowers. At 8 o’clock she __________ (go) to the kitchen and __________ (cook) breakfast for her stepmother and sisters. At half past ten she __________ (lay) the table. After breakfast she __________ (make) her sisters’ beds and did the washing up.

2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

It was a beautiful morning on Friday. Fred watched his favourite cartoon on TV. Then he had breakfast with his brother David. After breakfast he said, “Goodbye”, to his family and rode his bike to school. He put his bike next to the wall. He always put his bike there – with all his friends’ bikes.

Fred went into his classroom and put his books on the desk. The room was very quite because no children were there. The teacher was not there too. That was strange. What happened to his classmates? He sat down at his desk and took his pen from his bag. Then he looked around and saw some people outside the window.

Fred saw his teacher with a guitar and all his friends. In front of them there were two clowns. The first clown threw a tomato at the second clown. It went into his mouth. All the children laughed. Fred stood up quickly. “Oh yes!” he said, “It’s our last school day today. It’s the school party!” He ran outside and sat with his friends.

  1. What did Fred do before breakfast? ___________________________

2) How did he go to school? ___________________________________

3) Where were his friends and the teacher? ________________________

4) How many clowns were there? _______________________________

5) Why did they have a party? __________________________________

III. Повышенный уровень

Прочитай письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке.

Dear friend,

My name is Wendy. I live in London, England. I am twelve years old. My birthday is on the 12th of May. I live with my mum and dad. I haven't got any sisters or brothers.

I go to Hillside School. My school is great but it isn’t very big. I’m in class 1a. There are twenty pupils in my class. I like my classmates. They are very friendly. Have you got any friends in your class? My favourite subjects are English and Music. I don’t like Maths because I’m not very good at it. What’s your favourite subject?

I like reading books in my free time. I can sing and dance quite well. What about you?

I hope to hear from you soon.



Напиши ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения.

Dear _________

It was great to get your letter.

My name is ______________________________

I live in ______________________________________________________

I am _________________________________________________________

I live with ____________________________________________________

I _____________________________________________friends in my class.

My favourite school subject is ____________________________________

In my free time ________________________________________________

I can ________________________________________________________


Ключи к II варианту

I. Базовый уровень.

1. Прочитай предложения. Вставь is или are.

1. is

2. are

3. are

4. is

5. are

2. Выбери нужное прилагательное. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1. b

2. c

3. c

4. b

5. b

3. Напиши одним словом.

1. cinema

2. cinemagoer

3. bedroom

4. voyage

5. king

4. Выбери глагол в нужной форме.

1. go

2. got up

3. was

4. will clean

5. makes

6. is cooking

7. have lived

8. is reading

II. Средний уровень

1. Прочитай рассказ. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simple.

1. got

2. cleaned

3. fed

4. watered

5. went

6. cooked

7. laid

8. made

2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

1.Fred watched his favourite cartoon on TV.

2. He rode his bike to school.

3. They were outside.

4. There were two clowns.

5. It was there last school day.



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