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Science and technology

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«Science and technology»


Science and Technology

In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically changed life on our planet as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the Universe as a whole.

Today, science and technology are closely related. Many modern technologies such as nuclear power and space flights depends on science and the application of scientific knowledge and principles. Each advance in pure science creates new opportunities for the development of new ways of making things to be used in daily life. In turn, technology provides science with new and more accurate instruments for its investigation and research.

Technology refers to the ways in which people use discoveries to satisfy needs and desires, to alter the environment, to improve their lives. Throughout human history, men and women have invented tools, machines, materials and techniques, to make their lives easier.

Of course, when we speak of technology today, we are looking at it in a much narrower sense. Generally, we mean industrial technology, or the technology than began about 200 years ago with the development of power-driven machines, growth of the factory system, and mass production of goods than has created the basis for our modern society. Today we often say that we live in an age of science and technology. According to one estimate, 90 % of all the scientist who ever lived, were alive and active in the 1970-s. This increased scientific activity has brought new ideas, processes, and inventions in ever-growing amount.

The scientific revolution that began in the 16th century was the first time that science and technology began to work together. Thus, Galileo, who made revolutionary discoveries in astronomy and physics, also built an improved telescope and patented a system of lifting water. However, it was not until the 19th century that technology truly was based on science and investors began to built on the work of scientists.

For example, Thomas Edison built on the early experiments of Faraday and Henry in his invention of the first practical system of electrical lighting. So too, Edison carried on his investigations until he found the carbon filament for the electric bulb in a research laboratory. This was the first true modern technological research.

In a sense, the history of science and technology is the history of all humankind.

Answer the questions:

  1. What role has scientific and technological development played in man’s life?

  2. What proves that science and technology are closely related today?

  3. What does the term “technology” refer to?

  4. What does the term ‘industrial technology” mean?

  5. How is scientific activity in the 1970-ies estimated?

  6. What facts prove that the scientific revolution of the 16th century was the first time that science and technology began to work together?

  7. What was the first true modern technological research?

  8. How can the history of mankind be described?

Translate into English:

  1. За последние годы наши взгляды на жизнь на Земле, на человека как на личность, на вселенную резко изменились.

  2. Современная техника зависит от достижений в области чистой науки.

  3. Техника дает науке более точные инструменты исследования.

  4. Развитие науки делает возможным использование открытий для удовлетворения нужд и потребностей человека и улучшения его жизни.

  5. На всем протяжении истории человечества люди изобретали инструменты, машины, материалы, технологии и изменяли окружающую среду.

  6. Техника в более узком смысле означает промышленную технику, создавшую основу современного общества.

  7. Современная техника началась с паровых машин, развития фабричной системы и массового производства товаров.

  8. Научная революция, начавшаяся в XVI веке стала действительно основываться на работах ученых.

  9. Только в XIX веке техника стала действительно основываться на работах ученых.

  10. Первым действительно научно-техническим исследованием было исследование Фарадея.

  11. История человеческого общества-это, в некотором смысле. История развития науки и техники.

Topical Vocabulary

Science and Technology- наука и техника

scientific and technological developments- достижения науки и техники

to drastically changed life- резко изменить жизнь

a view of smbd., smth- взгляд на кого-либо, что-либо

the Universe- вселенная

-to be closely related- быть тесно связанным

Nuclear power- атомная энергия

A space flight- космический полет

Applicacation of scientific knowledge and principles- применение научных знаний и принципов

An advance in pure science прогресс в чистой науке

To create new opportunities for smth. Создать новые возможности для чего-либо

An instruments for investigation and research инструмент исследований

To satisfy needs and desires для удовлетворения нужд и потребностей

To alter the environment изменить окружающую среду

To improve one’s life улучшить чью-либо жизнь

Throughout human history на всем протяжении истории человечества

To invent tools, machines, materials and techniques изобретать инструменты, машины, материалы, технологии

To make one’s life easier облегчить чью-либо жизнь

-to look at smth. in much narrower sense -посмотреть на что-либо в значительно более узком смысле

Industrial technology промышленная технология

Development of power-driven machines развитие паровых машин

Growth of the factory system рост фабричной системы

Mass production of goods массовое производство товаров

To create the basis for smth. Создать основу для чего-либо

An age of science and technology век науки и техники

According to one estimate по одной оценке

Increased scientific activity возросшая научная активность

An invention изобретение

The scientific revolution научная революция

To make e revolutionary discovery in smth/ сделать револ.открытие в какой-либо области



To patent smth. Запатентовать изобретение

To be based on science основываться на науке

An inventor изобретатель

To build on the work of scientists основываться на научных работах

Early experiments более ранние эксперименты

Electrical lighting электрическое освещение

To carry on an investigation проводить исследование

An electric bulb электрическая лампочка

A research laboratory исследовательская лабаратория

Modern technical research современное научно-техническое исследование


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