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Развитие глобальных компетенций на уроках английского языка

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«Развитие глобальных компетенций на уроках английского языка»

Мотивационный видеоролик к уроку _Глобальные проблемы человечества ( online-video-cutter.com ).mp4
  • Мотивационный видеоролик к уроку _Глобальные проблемы человечества ( online-video-cutter.com ).mp4
Формирование  умения управления своим поведением 

Формирование  умения управления своим поведением 

"Changes in the oceans?”

Most plastic products do not decompose for centuries. And those that can decompose eventually turn into tiny particles – microplastics, which are eaten by fish and other inhabitants of the ocean. This often leads to their diseases and death. Some experts believe that by 2050, the amount of plastic waste in the world's oceans will equal the volume of fish resources. Coastal areas of many countries will be flooded as a result of rising water in the oceans caused by global warming on the planet. Another consequence of climate warming is an increase in the average temperature of water in the ocean, which leads in some areas of the World Ocean to the destruction of coral reefs and the extinction of certain species of animals and plants.

What statements can confirm the changes taking place with the ocean, which are mentioned in the text "Changes in the oceans?” To answer the question, select one or more answer options.

  • Environmentalists have estimated that tens of thousands of birds, whales, seals, sea turtles die from eating undecayed pieces of plastic garbage in the ocean.
  • In the twentieth century, the increase in the water level in the World Ocean was 10-20 cm, and in the XXI century, according to experts, it can be up to 1 m
  • A huge number of species of living organisms live in the World Ocean, they are diverse and amazing.
  • The increase in water temperature in the world's oceans has already led to a decrease in fishing in the world by almost 5%.
  • The deepest point of the World Ocean, the so-called Challenger Abyss in the Mariana Trench, has a depth of 11034m.
Which of the listed actions of schoolchildren will help reduce the ingress of plastic garbage into the ocean from the beach? To answer the question, select one or more answer options. Bring water to the beach with you in special metal flasks, not in plastic bottles.  Play ball in the water near the shore. Use a new plastic cup every time to drink water. Throw garbage bags into the water away from the territory throw plastic bags and packaging into special closed bins. Spend less time on the beach. Collect plastic garbage on the beach and recycle it Sixth graders - residents of the seaside town - learned that one of the main pollutants of the World Ocean is plastic - plastic bottles, bags, tubes, toy packaging, etc. They decided to take some actions to reduce the amount of plastic garbage entering the ocean waters from the beach, which is located in their city. Children clean up garbage from the beach Some of the listed actions of schoolchildren will help reduce the ingress of plastic garbage into the ocean from the beach.

Which of the listed actions of schoolchildren will help reduce the ingress of plastic garbage into the ocean from the beach? To answer the question, select one or more answer options.

  • Bring water to the beach with you in special metal flasks, not in plastic bottles.
  • Play ball in the water near the shore.
  • Use a new plastic cup every time to drink water.
  • Throw garbage bags into the water away from the territory
  • throw plastic bags and packaging into special closed bins.
  • Spend less time on the beach.
  • Collect plastic garbage on the beach and recycle it

Sixth graders - residents of the seaside town - learned that one of the main pollutants of the World Ocean is plastic - plastic bottles, bags, tubes, toy packaging, etc. They decided to take some actions to reduce the amount of plastic garbage entering the ocean waters from the beach, which is located in their city. Children clean up garbage from the beach Some of the listed actions of schoolchildren will help reduce the ingress of plastic garbage into the ocean from the beach.

Norway: expenditure on food for one week: $732 USA : expenditure on food for one week: $342 Ecuador: expenditure on food for one week: $31.55 Chad: Manzo family Expenditure on food  for one week: $1,23

Norway: expenditure on food for one week: $732

USA : expenditure on food for one week: $342

Ecuador: expenditure on food

for one week: $31.55

Chad: Manzo family Expenditure on food

for one week: $1,23

1.How many people are hungry in the world? 2.What counties have the highest/the lowest percent of hungry people? 3.What will happened by 2030?

1.How many people are hungry in the world?

2.What counties have the highest/the lowest percent of hungry people?

3.What will happened by 2030?

What are the solutions to this problem? За каждый правильный ответ на вопрос группа спонсоров жертвует денежный эквивалент 10 зерен риса. Деньги идут , где они нужнее всего – на спасение и изменение жизней по всему миру.

What are the solutions

to this problem?

За каждый правильный ответ на вопрос группа спонсоров жертвует денежный эквивалент 10 зерен риса. Деньги идут , где они нужнее всего – на спасение и изменение жизней по всему миру.



парниковый газ

парниковый газ

Read the text

Read the text "Is plastic waste a problem or not?" located on the right. Write down your answer to the question. Specify two reasons why Alexander decided to insist on his opinion and investigate the problem of plastic waste. Write down your answer.

The first reason:

The second reason:

High school students discussed the topics of individual projects. Alexander proposed to investigate the problem of plastic waste. Marina reacted negatively to his plan. In her opinion, this issue has long ceased to be a problem. "Everyone knows about it, only the lazy have not read about plastic and plastic waste," the girl said. Alexander was ready to agree with his classmate, but he remembered how two years ago in the summer he and his older brother worked in a group of volunteers on a seaside beach. Many vacationers bought food on the way to the beach. Each dish– a sandwich, a salad, a piece of meat- was in a plastic plate, covered with a film, to which a spoon, a knife and a fork made of plastic were attached. As a rule, vacationers left used dishes in a dumpster. But how many times have students and schoolchildren from the volunteer team found dirty plates and spoons laid with pebbles or crushed with a stone! The guys were cleaning the beach area, but in the morning Alexander saw a broken one in the coastal strip.

Plastic in the store To solve the problem of pollution with disposable plastic, the leadership of the European Union (EU) has introduced a number of restrictions on its use. From July 3, 2021 , a ban on single-use plastic began to take effect in the EU. What exactly can 't be bought in European countries now? Under a complete ban on sales in EU member states fall: cotton swabs; plastic cutlery; plastic plates; tubes and stirrers for drinks; - plastic balloon holders; glasses and containers for food and drinks. All these items have an eco-friendly alternative, not expensive to manufacture and safe for human health. For example, paper, cardboard or bamboo disposable tableware or dishes made of corn starch (in nine months it completely decomposes in the soil). The sale of other disposable goods is not prohibited yet. Read the text

Plastic in the store

To solve the problem of pollution with disposable plastic, the leadership of the European Union (EU) has introduced a number of restrictions on its use. From July 3, 2021 , a ban on single-use plastic began to take effect in the EU. What exactly can 't be bought in European countries now? Under a complete ban on sales in EU member states fall: cotton swabs; plastic cutlery; plastic plates; tubes and stirrers for drinks; - plastic balloon holders; glasses and containers for food and drinks. All these items have an eco-friendly alternative, not expensive to manufacture and safe for human health. For example, paper, cardboard or bamboo disposable tableware or dishes made of corn starch (in nine months it completely decomposes in the soil). The sale of other disposable goods is not prohibited yet.

Read the text "Plastic in the store" located on the left. To answer the question, select the appropriate answer option. Which of the following judgments explains by what criterion the leadership of the European Union divided plastic goods into two groups? Mark one correct answer.

In EU countries, it is forbidden to sell goods from one group , but not from another group.

Disposable plastic goods were included in one group, and all the others in another.

The division of plastic goods into two groups is based on the degree of harm they cause to human health and the environment.

It was necessary to divide plastic goods into two groups, because some of them are large and others are small.

There is an eco-friendly replacement for products from one group , products from another group do not have such a replacement.


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