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Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Семья" в 6 классе

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Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 6 классе (по учебнику Комаровой Ю. А. “Английский язык 6 класс”) Тема: “Family”  

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«Разработка урока английского языка по теме "Семья" в 6 классе»

Конспект открытого урока английского языка

в 6 классе

(по учебнику Комаровой Ю. А. “Английский язык 6 класс”)

Тема: “Family

Учитель: Кушхова О. С.

Дата проведения: 15.11.2017

  1. Организация начала урока.

  • Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you.

How are you? What date is today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent?

  1. Определение темы, постановка целей урока.

- Listen to the song. Can you guess what the theme of our lesson is? (Family).

  • What will we do at the lesson?

(На доске даны половинки утверждений- целей урока, которые ребята должны соединить)

Match the halves of the sentences and say.

  • Ученики: We will practice words and phrases, answer the questions about family, make dialogues about your families, read and tell about families.

  1. Актуализация полученных знаний

А) Повторение лексических единиц

“Phonetic exercises (Family members)” – фонетическая зарядка:

[a:nt] [kʌzn]

[‘nevju:] [‘brʌðə]


Find pairs and name more pairs.

Finish sentences with proper words: Daughter and son are…..

Grandson and granddaughter are.. Mum and dad are….Grandma and grandpa are...

Составление опорных схем:

Describing a family we use adjectives – happy, loving, friendly, big, small

Describing a person we use – tall, short, slim, fat, attractive, beautiful

About eyes we can say – blue, green, dark, brown, grey

About hair we can say – short, long, dark, fair, brown, red

Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Учащиеся рассказывают о ком-либо из семьи по фото

(e.g. This is Lena. She is my aunt. She is very nice. She’s got fair hair. Her eyes are blue.)

Учитель: Thank you. It’s interesting to know about your relatives.

  1. Актуализация навыков использования грамматической конструкции “Have got/ Has got” в предложениях (в рамках контроля выполнения домашнего задания)

Рабочая тетрадь: стр. 101 упр. 1 (put the words in the correct order to make sentences), 2 (write sentences with ‘have got’), 3 (make questions with ‘have got’),

5 (make questions with ‘How many’ and translate them)

  1. Аудирование. Актуализация слухопроизносительных навыков

Listen to the sentences and choose the correct word.

  1. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи. Работа в парах по составлению диалогов с опорой на карточки.

“Ask your friend about”:

  • What is your family like?

  • How many members are there in your family?

  • What are your parents’ names?

  • How old are they?

  • What do they look like? (appearance)

  • Have you got a sister or a brother?

  • What is his/her name?

  • How old is he/she?

  • What does he/she look like?

  • Is your family friendly?

  • Have you got many relatives?

Двое учащихся выполняют индивидуальные задания по карточкам.

Учитель: Well done! That’s great! Thank you!

Whose dialogue did you like best? (промежуточная рефлексия)

7. Динамическая пауза :

If you have got parents, please, stand up!

If you have got brothers, touch your nose!

If you have got sisters, touch your ears!

If you have got cousins, please, close your eyes!

If you have got grandparents, please, smile!

If you have got aunts and uncles, please, clap your hands!

Hands up! Hands down!

Hands on your hips! Bend left! Bend right!

Stand straight! Please, sit down!

  1. Закрепление знаний в измененной ситуации. Работа с текстом The Simpsons Family. Просмотровое чтение текста с выполнением вариативных заданий по группам (работа в группах, взаимопроверка и сверка с вариантом учителя):

Group 1 – fill in the card with information from the text

Group 2 – complete the sentences

Group 3 – draw the Simpsons’ Family Tree

  1. Объявление домашнего задания.

Homework. Draw your family tree and prepare the story about your family. Use the questions:

1. What is your family like?

2. How many family members are there in your family?

3. What are your parents’ names?

4. How old are they?

5. What do they look like?

6. What is their character like?

7. Have you got a sister or a brother?

8. What is his/her name?

9. How old is he/she?

10. What does he/she look like?

11. What is his/her character like?

12. Is your family friendly?

  1. Подведение итогов:

Relaxation – reciting the poem together.

Some families are large,

Some families are small.

But I love my family

Best of all!

  1. Рефлексия (анализ собственных действий о достижении цели урока) – письменная.

Name, surname ___________________________________________________________________

I know the words

I can use the words in the sentences

I can ask and answer the questions about the family

I can draw a family tree

I can read and understand the text about the Simpsons

At home I can make the story about my family

Very well


Not very well

Thank you for the lesson, children! Our lesson is over. Good-bye.


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