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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Успешный человек"

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Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Успешный человек" разработана учеником 8 В класса Елизаровым Данилом в рамках проектной деятельности. Можно использовать при изучении темы "Страны изучаемого языка и родная страна.  Выдающиеся люди и их вклад в науку и мировую культуру."

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«Презентация по английскому языку по теме "Успешный человек"»

 Successful man Elizarov Daniil, the form 8 V, school 41, Kurgan

Successful man

Elizarov Daniil, the form 8 V, school 41, Kurgan

1. A successful person, who is this? Scientist, rich or intelligent person !? Now we will find out. 2. A successful person is the person who has achieved something in life, or has won something good! 3. In life there are a lot of rich and successful people.

1. A successful person, who is this? Scientist, rich or intelligent person !? Now we will find out.

2. A successful person is the person who has achieved something in life, or has won something good!

3. In life there are a lot of rich and successful people.

5. In our country I can name such successful people as: the president of Russia.

5. In our country I can name such successful people as: the president of Russia.

6. In every school there are successful people who are excellent! 7. Here are a lot of people who wrote a book, made a game, and who created a car or a computer!

6. In every school there are successful people who are excellent!

7. Here are a lot of people who wrote a book, made a game, and who created a car or a computer!

7. Here are a lot of people who wrote a book, made a game, and who created a car or a computer! 8. I think people need to be equal to those who at the moment surpass them! 9. Someone dared to fly into space ....

7. Here are a lot of people who wrote a book, made a game, and who created a car or a computer!

8. I think people need to be equal to those who at the moment surpass them!

9. Someone dared to fly into space ....


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