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Презентация по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная война: по страницам истории родного края"

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Презентация по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная война: по страницам истории родного края" выполнена ученицей 9 А класса Шпаковой Валерией для международного конкурса "Мой Дом/Моя Земля". Презентация посвящена Суханову Фёдору Максимовичу.

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«Презентация по английскому языку "Великая Отечественная война: по страницам истории родного края"»

MY HOME, MY LAND The Great Patriotic War: according to pages of history of the native land Author: Shpakova Valeria, the 9th class, secondary school № 41,Kurgan Teacher: Samkova Svetlana Vasilievna


The Great Patriotic War: according to pages of history of the native land

Author: Shpakova Valeria, the 9th class,

secondary school № 41,Kurgan

Teacher: Samkova Svetlana Vasilievna

Contents 1. Birthplace. 2.The Great Patriotic War. 3. Family. 4. Life after war. ​​​​​ 5. A mention in newspapers.


1. Birthplace.

2.The Great Patriotic War.

3. Family.

4. Life after war.

​​​​​ 5. A mention in newspapers.

Birthplace Sukhanov Fedor Maksimovich (14.02.1913 -16.04.1989)  My great-grandfather Fedor  was born in 1913 in the village Chesnoki. He lived in the village Chesnoki, which there was a collective farm


Sukhanov Fedor Maksimovich (14.02.1913 -16.04.1989)

My great-grandfather Fedor  was born in 1913 in the village Chesnoki. He lived in the village Chesnoki, which there was a collective farm " Sickle and a hammer". At the age of 3 years my grandfather remained an orphan,  he was taken on education in  good family  of Spirev, Fetis and Avdotya. Then the grandfather went to army. After military service Fyodor Maksimovich came back to the village. 

Birthplace: Kurgan region, Ketovsky district, village of Chesnoki.

The Great Patriotic War  On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. My grandfather Fedor, who before war worked on  the tractor went to the front. The whole echelon was created with the equipment from all areas of the region. During war my grandfather was a gunner, in 1942 he was wounded, the bullet passed in several centimeters from a carotid, after hospital he struggled with this wound again. After the end of war with Germany he went for  war with Japan, military operations took place near the city of Port Arthur, in , Manchuria.   Only in 1947 my grandfather   came back home. He deserved big  quantity of awards which are difficult for counting. Awards for liberation of Berlin, for a victory over Japan. Award of Patriotic war II degrees

The Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. My grandfather Fedor, who before war worked on  the tractor went to the front. The whole echelon was created with the equipment from all areas of the region. During war my grandfather was a gunner, in 1942 he was wounded, the bullet passed in several centimeters from a carotid, after hospital he struggled with this wound again. After the end of war with Germany he went for  war with Japan, military operations took place near the city of Port Arthur, in , Manchuria. 

Only in 1947 my grandfather   came back home. He deserved big  quantity of awards which are difficult for counting. Awards for liberation of Berlin, for a victory over Japan.

Award of Patriotic war II degrees

Family  In 1937 my granddad married Efrosiniya Vasilyevna Petrova.   After the Great Patriotic War and the Russian-Japanese war my grandfather came back home. His wife and the little daughter waited for all war .  Efrosinya Vasilyevna during war worked on the tractor together with Samoylova Polina Ivanovna. For two there was one short fur coat and one pair of valenoks, it was necessary to be engaged in repair of the ChTZ old tractor in the Shmakovsky workshop in the winter. And all were in time, worked, raised children, conducted the economy, in the village without it not to live.  After war Fyodor Maksimovich worked as the foreman of tractor crew, in family 3 more son and the daughter were born. Fedor Maksimovich and Efrosinya Vasilievna lived together for 53 years, raised 5 children, and had grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


In 1937 my granddad married Efrosiniya Vasilyevna Petrova.   After the Great Patriotic War and the Russian-Japanese war my grandfather came back home. His wife and the little daughter waited for all war .

Efrosinya Vasilyevna during war worked on the tractor together with Samoylova Polina Ivanovna. For two there was one short fur coat and one pair of valenoks, it was necessary to be engaged in repair of the ChTZ old tractor in the Shmakovsky workshop in the winter. And all were in time, worked, raised children, conducted the economy, in the village without it not to live.

After war Fyodor Maksimovich worked as the foreman of tractor crew, in family 3 more son and the daughter were born. Fedor Maksimovich and Efrosinya Vasilievna lived together for 53 years, raised 5 children, and had grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

 Life after war  After war my grandfather worked as the machine operator in collective farm. It grew up grain, won first place in socialist competitions, about it many articles in newspapers were written . He was very kind, all respected him. All who knew him were called

Life after war

After war my grandfather worked as the machine operator in collective farm. It grew up grain, won first place in socialist competitions, about it many articles in newspapers were written . He was very kind, all respected him. All who knew him were called "Fedechka Sukhanov". He was  a leader in production, the veteran of work. At that time many veterans did not like to proud by the progress and did not tell much  about themselves. Only on May 9 during the Victory Day at veterans there are a lot of memoirs. The grandfather got many awards for work in peace time for honest, conscientious work. My grandfather retired in 65 years.


A mention in newspapers

A mention in newspapers

"From morning to late evening to areas Fyodor Maksimovich Sukhanov carries out grain processing. It seeded it on 85 hectares. The areas are good. Now they stop weakening the soil between ranks in two directions. Fedor Maksimovich is the second winner of recent regional competitions of plowmen. "I plowed well", Sukhanov says, "lost several points on control of the tractor". But the second place - also great success of the operator of the car from collective farm "Sickle and a hammer", and an award for ability, a fowling piece with a double trunk, is the good memory of it".


“ In the first days of the war, Fyodor Maksimovich Sukhanov went to the front with his tractor. Instead of her husband, Efrosinya Vasilievna Sukhanova and Anna Dmitrievna Melnikova got on the tractor. Young girls graduated from tractor driver courses and worked. Everything, like throughout the country, was with us.”

“ In the first days of the war, Fyodor Maksimovich Sukhanov went to the front with his tractor. Instead of her husband, Efrosinya Vasilievna Sukhanova and Anna Dmitrievna Melnikova got on the tractor. Young girls graduated from tractor driver courses and worked. Everything, like throughout the country, was with us.”

 My grandfather died in 1989. My family and I are proud that our great-grandfather took part in the Great Patriotic War, underwent all war and after war to the pension worked in collective farm, grew up grain. I want that many people learned about my wonderful great-grandfather.

My grandfather died in 1989. My family and I are proud that our great-grandfather took part in the Great Patriotic War, underwent all war and after war to the pension worked in collective farm, grew up grain. I want that many people learned about my wonderful great-grandfather.

sources 1.Family archive. 2. https://armeec.jimdofree.com/ память/ суханов-ф-м


1.Family archive.

2. https://armeec.jimdofree.com/ память/ суханов-ф-м


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