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Открытый урок английского языка в 6 классе на тему "Еда""

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«мой урок»

Класс: 6

Тема: Russian traditional dishes



  1. Развивать умения и навыки устной речи, учить рассказывать о своих предпочтениях в еде и расспрашивать собеседника о любимых продуктах питания.

  2. Развивать навыки чтения, употребления лексики в собственных предложениях.

  3. Закрепить грамматический материал there is/there are.

  4. Учить читать выразительно текст.

Развивающие: развивать память, мышление, воображение учащихся

Воспитательные: прививать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать уважительное к мнению другого человека.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Good morning! Good morning to you!

Good morning! Good morning! I’m glad to see too!

How are you today? Please answer my questions. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Ok? That’s right.

  1. Подведение к теме урока.

Look at the screen,please.Listen and and repeat after me.(Ученики читают за учителем, сами по-цепочке.)Обратите внимание что первые буквы в словах выделены другим цветом.Попробуйте прочитать тему нашего урока:Russian traditional dishes.

3.Речевая разминка

But first of all answer my questions.

1)What have you had for your breakfast?

2)What do you like for lunch?

Lets check your home task.You must answer the question: How often do you eat fast food?

4.Основная часть.

The topic of our lesson is Russian traditional dishes that’s why lets read some information about it.Look at the screen.

Прочитали, перевели, слова записали, еще раз прочитали


6. Bread has always been the central in the Russian cuisine.

Ученица в казачьем костюме на англ яз рассказывает о каравае.

Take orange cards on your tables and listen task.

You will listen some information about loaf of bread.There are some full in your cards/You must n complete th text.

Bread is more than just a food. It is main dish in many countries. Bread is considered the Ambassador of the whole world and friendship between nations.Loaf of bread is a popular traditional meal in Russia too. There are a lot of customs and traditions associated with a loaf.We searve a loaf when we welcome guests. It can be served with a salt.

_______ is more than just a food. It is main ______ in many countries. Loaf is considered the Ambassador of the whole world and friendship between ________.Loaf of bread is a popular _________ meal in Russia too. There are a lot of customs and traditions associated with a ______.We searve a loaf when we ______ guests. It can be served with a ______.

8.What is topic of our lesson?давайте представим что наша доска это стол,давайте попробуем сами его накрыть

Подведение итогов,дом.задание

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«конкурс през.2»

Read the words R ice, u nless, s alt, s ausage, i ce-cream, a pple, n ot, t ost, r oastbeaf, a pricot, d ish, i mage, t urkey, i cebox, o nion, n ut, a lmond, l emon, d uck, i cing-sugar , s oup, h am, e gg, s poon 2

Read the words

R ice, u nless, s alt, s ausage, i ce-cream, a pple, n ot, t ost, r oastbeaf, a pricot, d ish, i mage, t urkey, i cebox, o nion, n ut, a lmond, l emon, d uck, i cing-sugar , s oup, h am, e gg, s poon




The most popular traditional Russian dishes are  borsch,  rassolnik  (meat or fish soup with pickled cucumbers), okroshka  (cold kvass soup with chopped vegetables and meat), meat,fish and vegetable pies, porridge,  pelmeny, jellied minced meat and  other s .

The most popular traditional Russian dishes are borsch, rassolnik (meat or fish soup with pickled cucumbers), okroshka (cold kvass soup with chopped vegetables and meat), meat,fish and vegetable pies, porridge, pelmeny, jellied minced meat and other s .

Borsch- борщ  rassolnik  - рассольник Okroshka - окрошка fish and vegetable pies -рыбные и овощные пироги  porridge - каша  pelmeny - пельмени jellied minced meat -холодец 3

Borsch- борщ

rassolnik - рассольник

Okroshka - окрошка

fish and vegetable pies -рыбные и овощные пироги

porridge - каша

pelmeny - пельмени

jellied minced meat -холодец


Bread has always been the central in the Russian cuisine.

Bread has always been the central in the Russian cuisine.

______ is more than just a food. It is main ______ in many countries. Loaf is considered the Ambassador of the whole world and friendship between ________ .Loaf of bread is a popular _________ meal in Russia too. There are a lot of customs and traditions associated with a ______ .We searve a loaf when we ______ guests. It can be served with a ______ . 9

______ is more than just a food. It is main ______ in many countries. Loaf is considered the Ambassador of the whole world and friendship between ________ .Loaf of bread is a popular _________ meal in Russia too. There are a lot of customs and traditions associated with a ______ .We searve a loaf when we ______ guests. It can be served with a ______ .


Home task To prepare some information about one of Russian traditional dish 11

Home task

To prepare some information about one of Russian traditional dish



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