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Моя будущая профессия учитель физической культуры

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«Моя будущая профессия учитель физической культуры»

My future profession is a physical cultural teacher

One of the most important decisions in life is the choice of a profession. This problem is compounded by the fact that it is necessary to solve it very early, still not at a completely conscious age. The graduates of schools, in addition to their loads of the study of subjects and passing exams, should determine accurately their future profession.

The right choice in the modern world is becoming increasingly difficult. A great number of new and prestigious professions appear, more knowledge is required to implement one’s plans for his (her) future life. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the individual. For many professions the character and natural gifts are not less important.

Since childhood I have dreamed of becoming a physical culture teacher. A physical education teacher is certainly an important profession. He does not conduct tests, does not raise to the board, but how schoolchildren depend on an important quality - a responsible attitude to their health - depends on his skill.

A physical education teacher teaches children general sports disciplines, instills a love for sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is usually used in the educational process in such a way that the child accepts sports dependence on his characteristics.

  • The possibility of daily sports activities, which allows you to maintain excellent physical shape. Classes can be held outdoors in the warm season, which also has a positive effect on health.

  • Interesting work with students of all ages.

  • Full social package and extended vacation. Rest days are in the summer, when classes are closed in schools.

  • Participation in competitions, courses, competitions in the specialty provide a chance for self-development and improvement of skills.


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