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Методическая разработка урока по теме «Спорт»

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Урок по теме "СПОРТ". Модуль 6. УМК: О.Л.Гроза «Английский нового тысячелетия» 10 класс

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«Методическая разработка урока по теме «Спорт»»

Методическая разработка урока по теме «Спорт» в 10 классе

УМК: О.Л.Гроза «Английский нового тысячелетия»


Textbook; O.L.Groza“New Millennium English”

Grade 10

Unit 6 “Sport”

Lesson 1 “Why sport?”


Ss will be able

  • To develop and express their attitude to sport

  • To discuss in speaking and writing the role sport plays in people’s life

Skills development:

Ss will

  • Practice listening for gist and specific information

  • Practice understanding new words from the context

  • Practice exchanging opinions


  • Computer

  • Projector

  • Internet-source abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8736370

  • The presentation “Why sport?”

  • The presentation “Exercises for eyes”

  • Worksheets

  • Self-evaluation cards

Lasts - 45 minuts


  1. Greetings (1min.)

Good morning boys and girls.

I’m glad to see you.

How are you? I think you are fine.

Let’s start our lesson.

  1. Warm-up.(4 min.)

(Whole class, individual)

T: Watch a video about how an one-armed teen becomes a sport hero and answer the questions;

(Internet: abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8736370_)(1, 34 min.)

Questions to Ss:

-Who is the main hero?

-What kind of sport does he do in for?

-How do you think is he a hero? Why? Why not?

- Why do sports?

T:-How do you think what are we going to talk at our lesson?

-Today at our lesson we’ll talk about kinds of sport and why do we sport.

At the end of our lesson we’ll answer the question: why do we sport?

3.Vocabulary (4 мин)

1.Slide 1.The presentation “ Why sport?”(whole class)

-How do you think what is sport?

Sport- an activity needing physical effort and skill and usual undertaken for pleasure or fun.

Slide 2. The presentation “Why sport?”(4 min)

(There are pictures with different kind of sport on slide. Ss should name it .They use worksheets for their work.)

–Can you name different kinds of sport?

  1. From the list in your worksheets (ex.1.) choose that name the sports in the pictures.

  2. Add more names of sport.

Slide 3 The presentation “ Why sport?” (2 мин)

–Study what do with sport. (whole class)

  • To play sport (to play football, tennis, basketball, etc.)

  • To do sport (aerobics, gymnastic, exercise, etc.)

  • To be into a sport (She is into yoga.)

Slide 4. The presentation “ Why sport?”(7 min)

Grammar: use to go V-ing, to V

(Individual. Work with worksheets)

Ex.2а. Choose the most suitable expression from the ones brackets.

  1. I (swim/go swimming/do swimming) once a week.

  2. In Russia a lot of children (play/go/do) hockey.

  3. He is a professional. He (goes skiing/skies/does skiing) four hours a day.

  4. I want to be fit. That is why I (go/do/play) aerobics in our fitness club.

  5. Lack is really (into/playing/ doing) football. He plays himself and has a good collection of football star’s photos.

  6. In her teens my mother (swam/went swimming/did swimming) and her best result was bronze in a national championship.

Ex2в. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or ing-form of the verb.

  1. Sport allows us (meet)___________a lot of interesting people.

  2. Basketball has helped me (forget)__________about my problems.

  3. Your train, and train, and train and when you get used to this routine, you start (like)________it.

  4. She took up (bike)_________ to get back in shape.

  5. I soon become addicted and preferred (ride)________ to driving a car.

  6. Everyone can find an activity that they enjoy (do)_________________.

  7. Many people fail to start (exercise)_________, because they can’t pick their sport or activity.

  8. I’d like (feel)__________stronger and (look)_______better, but I’m too lazy to start.

T: Now let’s check up (2 min.)

Ex.3.Work in a pairs. Write five sentences about what kinds of sport people in our place do/play/ go.(3 min.)(pair work)

Example: In winter a lot of people from our city go skiing and skating.

T: Now let’s check up (2 min,)

Relaxation-Exercise for eyes. (1 мин)

4.Reading.(5 min.)

Slide 5.(Individual)

Ex.4. Read the text and underline the English equivalents of the following phrases.

The importance of exercise for a healthy body is well documented and confirmed by scientific research. Most experts agree that a daily routine of mild exercise is necessary to maintain general health and wellbeing. There is considerable evidence to suggest that exercise may even prolong our life span. A fit body has s stronger immune system and makes us less susceptible to illness and disease. General fitness makes us feel better and allows us to become more alert. Exercise is particular crucial in any weight management program. Yet, even knowing all these things about the positive benefits of exercise, most human beings find it difficult to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Why do most people hate exercise? The answer is because most people fail to choose a type of exercise that they enjoy. One of the cheapest, yet most effective forms of exercise is simple walking. Running may burn more calories, but walking is user-friendlier and even relaxing. It is one example of dozen of inexpensive ways to stay fit and healthy.

  1. физические нагрузки

  2. ежедневная программа

  3. небольшие физические нагрузки

  4. продлевать жизнь

  5. восприимчивый к болезням

  6. решающий, критический

  7. программа контроля за весом

  8. постоянные упражнения

  9. сжигать калории

  10. более удобный в использовании

T: Now let’s check up (1 min.)

5. Speaking.(5 min.)

Slide 6.

(Group work) Divide into two groups supporting one of the statements below.

  1. In group discuss your statements. Speak about the arguments in favor of your statement.

  2. In your groups divide into pairs. Each pair joins a pair from another group.

  3. In the new groups discuss your position about sport. Use the arguments you discussed in the first two groups.

I don’t think sport is at all useful.

Sport is very important.

T: Now let’s listen your arguments about sport (3 min)

Our lesson comes to the end. Tell us WHY SPORTS?(2 min)

On your tables you have gold, silver, bronze medals. Evaluate yourself, how you work at our lesson. Choose the medal and fill the card. Explain why? Why not?

Home work ( 1 min.)

Do one of the tasks below:

  1. Produce a leaflet “Sport in our village”. Write about the attitude of the citizens to sport and about the kinds of sport most popular in our village.

  2. Prepare presentation: “Why is it good/bad to do sports?”

  3. Write a paragraph beginning like this “For me sport is….” Write about personal experience in sport.


  1. Internet-source: abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=8736370

  2. Textbook; O.L.Groza“New Millennium English” for students

  3. Textbook; O.L.Groza“New Millennium English” for teacher

  4. Textbook; O.L.Groza“New Millennium English” workbook



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