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Методические указания 1 курс 1 часть (2022 год)

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Данная разработка предназначена для 1 курса по темам: Тема 1. Знакомство; Тема 2. Семья. Семейные ценности; Тема 3. Внешность человека. Описание характера

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«Методические указания 1 курс 1 часть (2022 год)»



Государственное бюджетное профессиональное

образовательное учреждение Нижегородской области




по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (Английский язык)»

для студентов I курса

Тема 1. Знакомство

Тема 2. Семья. Семейные ценности

Тема 3. Внешность человека. Описание характера



иностранного языка

Воронина М.В.,

Булкина Т.А.

Красные Баки

2022 год

Lesson 1


Английский алфавит

В английском языке 44 звука, а алфавит имеет 26 букв. Поэтому одна и та же буква в разных положениях может читаться как несколько разных звуков. Для точного обозначения звукового состава слова пользуются транскрипцией, т.е. такой системой графических обозначений, в которой каждому звуку соответствует один определенный знак.

Английский алфавит состоит из 26 букв. Из них 6 служат для обозначения гласных звуков: a, e, i, o, u, y. Остальные 20 букв служат для обозначения согласных звуков.





A a


N n


B b


O o


C c


P p


D d


Q q


E e


R r

[a:] (амер.[r])

F f


S s


G g

[dZi: ]

T t


H h


U u


I i


V v


J j


W w

[`dʌbl `ju: ]

K k


X x


L l


Y y


M m


Z z

[zed] (амер.[zı])

О транслитерации русских имен и фамилий

При заполнении регистрационных форм, анкет, оформлении разного рода документов (например, загранпаспорта или визы) приходится писать свою фамилию, имя, адрес латинскими (английскими) буквами. Данный сервис позволяет автоматизировать перевод (транслитерацию) русских букв в английские.

А — A

К — K

Х — KH

Б — B

Л — L

Ц — TS (TC)

В — V

М — M

Ч — CH

Г — G

Н — N

Ш — SH

Д — D

О — O


Е — E, YE

П — P

Ъ —

Ё — E, YE

Р — R

Ы — Y

Ж — ZH

С — S

Ь — ‘

З — Z

Т — T

Э — E

И — I

У — U

Ю — YU(IU)

Й — Y (I)

Ф — F

Я — YA (IA)

Правила чтения

Английские слова имеют несколько типов слогов. Однако, для понимания всей системы, необходимо запомнить и различать следующие два типа: закрытый и открытый.

Закрытый слог оканчивается на согласную: pen, cat, bus - гласная буква в слоге даёт иной звук.

Открытый слог оканчивается на гласную: game, like, stone - гласная буква в слове читается так же, как и в алфавите.

Ударение в транскрипции и словах обозначается вертикальной чёрточкой перед ударным слогом.

Одиночные гласные звуки

Типы слогов


a [ ei ]

o [əu ]

e [ i: ]

i [ ai ]

y [waı]

u [ju:]

I Открытый слог

[ ei ]


[ əu ]


[ i: ]


[ ai ]


[ ai ]




II Закрытый слог













III Гласная перед r





[ə: ]


[ə: ]


[ə: ]


[ə: ]


IV Гласная перед re

[εə ]




[ ]


[ aiə ]


[ aiə ]


[ juə ]


Правила чтения согласных букв,

имеющих два варианта чтения





[s] перед e, i, y






[dZ] перед e, i, y






[s] перед и после глухой согласной



[z] после гласной и звонкой согласной, между гласными



[ks] перед гласной буквой в конце слова



[gz] перед ударной гласной


Чтение сочетаний согласных букв





[tS ]

chair, catch


[k] в словах греческого происхождения



[S ] в словах французского происхождения















[f ]



[∫ ]














wh перед о






wor + согл.



wo + согл.




[kw]в ударном слоге



[k] в конце слова



1. Распределите слова по типу слогов. Прочитайте слова.

person, Steve, bench, perfect, bee, there, end, sphere.

2. Распределите слова по типу слогов. Прочитайте слова.

type,fire, gym, bird, tyre, kite, rich, myrtle.

3. Распределите слова по типу слогов. Прочитайте слова.

fur, huge, pure, but, mute, hurt, must, secure.

4. Распределите слова по типу слогов. Прочитайте слова.

bag, sharp, game, garden, care, mat, share, skate.

5. Распределите слова по типу слогов. Прочитайте слова.

storm, more, home, hot, fork, go, pond.

6. Заполните таблицу:

Good morning / See you tomorrow / See you soon / Good afternoon / What’s up? /

How are you all? / See you then / Good evening / Hello / Hey! / Take care / How's it going? / How are you? / Good-bye / Bye / Good night / See you later



7. Подберите к словам описание:

Good Morning

We say it when we greet friends and classmates out of the classroom.

Good Evening

We say it in the morning, usually between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.

Good Afternoon

We say it after lunch in the afternoon, between 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm.

Good Bye

We say it when we go to sleep.

Good Night

We say it when we leave.


We say it when we greet somebody between 8:00 pm and 12:00 am.

8. Прочитайте стихотворение:

One thing at a time

Edith Segal

Work while you work,

Play while you play.

That is the way

To be happy and gay.

All that you do

Do with your might,

Things done by halves

Are never done right.

One thing at a time,

And that done well,

Is a very good rule

As many can tell.

Lesson 2

About myself

1. Выполните тест по фонетике:

1. [ Sip ]

a) sip b) cheap c) ship d) sheep

2. [ bxk ]

a) back b) beg c) bag d) bark

3. [ pRk ]

a) pack b) pork c) park d) peak

4. [ hxpi ]

a) chap b) happy c) cherry d) shape

5. [ mHn ]

a) mule b) moon c) mourn d) mean

6. ["sIks'tJn ]

a) six b) sixty c) sick d) sixteen

7. [ gIv ]

a) give b) guy c) good d) guide

8. ['vIlq ]

a) wheel b) villa c) will d) while

9. [naIn ]

a) nanny b) Nina c) name d) nine

10. [ sprIN ]

a) sprint b) spring c) sprang d) sprint

11. chair

a) [ CIq ] b) [ SVq ] c) [ Ceq ] d) [CR]

12. cab

a) [ kxp ] b) [kxb] c) [kjHb] d) [kRd]

13. north

a) [nLT] b) [nPt] c) [nE:s] d) [nAt]

14. east

a) [xst] b) [Jst] c) [iz] d) [est]

15. west

a) [west] b) [wet] c) [wJst] d)[vest]

16. physics

a) ['fIzIks] b) [hIzIks] c) ['pjusIks] d) [faIzIks]

17. new

a) [nqV] b) [naV] c) [ni:] d) [nju:]

18. boy

a) [bOI] b) [bqV] c) [baI] d) [bi:]

19. coat

a) [kqVt] b) [kLt] c) [kAt] d) [kxt]

20. Earth

a) [Jst] b) [E:T] c) [Iq] d) [Rt]

21. [pxt Iz TrJ]

a) Пэт на дереве b) Пэт три года с) Пэт играет d) Пэт худая

22. [aIm 'veri 'plJzd tq 'mJt jH]

a) очень приятно b) доброе утро с) рад с вами познакомиться d) спасибо

23. [ A ]

a) bat b) brown c) bus d) bad

24. [ N ]

a) pen b) morning c) name d) uniform

25. [ C ]

a) teacher b) school c) brush d) mother

2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Let me introduce myself. My name is Timofei, Tim for short. My full name is Timofei Ivanov. I'm 14 years old. I was born in 2008. My birthday is on the 22nd of January. I live in Russia, in Krasnye Baki. I’m Russian. I'm a student. I study at the Forest College. I am a full-time student. I am in my first year now. There are two more children in the family besides me — my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Maria. Oleg is twenty-one, he goes to the Academy and he will be a dentist. Maria is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl. My parents are not old at all. My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper. My Dad is forty-four; he is an engineer in computers. My parents love their jobs very much. I'm doing quite well at college. My parents are proud of my marks. I go in for sports. I play basketball. I take part in different basketball competitions. I have many friends at school and in the team. My grandparents are already retired. They are fond of gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.

3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is the boy’s full name?

2. How old is he?

3. When is his birthday?

4. Where does he live?

5. What nationality is he?

6. Does Timofei go to school?

7. Where does he study?

8. Is he the only child in the family?

9. How old are his parents?

10. What are they?

11. What is Tim’s hobby?

12. What are his grandparents fond of?

4. Составьте рассказ о себе и своей семье, друзьях (10-15 предложений)

  1. What is your name?

  2. What is your surname?

  3. How old are you?

  4. When were you born?

  5. When is your birthday?

  6. Where do you live?

  7. What is your address?

  8. What nationality are you?

  9. What are you?

  10. Where do you study?

  11. What do you like to do?

  12. Do you have many friends?

5. Запишите в тетрадь:


to be в Present

to be в Past

 to be в Future

I (я)

am a student

was a student

will be a student

He (он)

is a student

was a student

will be a student

She (она)

is a student

was a student

will be a student

It (оно, это)

is a student

was a student

will be a student

We (мы)

are students

were students

will be students

You (ты)

are a student

were a student

will be a student

They (они)

are students

were students

will be students

6. Вставьте глагол to be в правильной форме.

1. I … a student. 2. He … an economist. 3. We … workers. 4. They … doctors. 5. You … a lawyer. 6. She … a secretary. 7. You … managers. 8. It … a cat. 9. These girls … very strange. 10. Where … they from? 11. I … fond of sports. 12. Jane … married, but Nick and John … single. 13. You and Kate … here for the first time. 14. He … a businessman and his wife … a model. 15. We … at the lesson now. 16. They … my friends, but who … he? 17. Where … your car? 18. I … an artist, and what … you? 19. Her favourite seasons … spring and summer. 20. His hair and eyes … black.

Lesson 3

Family. Household chores.

1. Match the definitions with the words.

  1. Your mother’s mother

  2. Your brother’s daughter

  3. Your father’s brother

  4. Your husband’s father

  5. Your sister’s son

  6. Your father’s sister

  1. My niece

  2. My grandmother

  3. My aunt

  4. My nephew

  5. My father-in-law

  6. My uncle

2. Try to guess using the definition who this is:

  1. your father and your mother are your …

  2. your mother’s father or your father’s father are your …

  3. your mother’s mother or your father’s mother are your …

  4. your father’s sister or your mother’s sister are your …

  5. your father’s brother or your mother’s brother are your …

  6. your aunt’s or uncle’s children are your …

  7. the daughter of your brother or a sister is your …

  8. the son of your brother or a sister is your …

3. Read the rule:

a) [s] after a voiceless sound: helps, stops, sleeps, cooks, drinks, walks, sits;

b) [z] after a voiced sound: rides, deals, sings, shelves, plays, wears, cures, sees;

c) [ɪz] or [əz] after ch, -s, -ss, -sh, -x,-z: fixes, mixes, buzzes, kisses, teaches, dishes.

4. Read the poem and pronounce the sound S correctly.

Missis Grundy washes on Monday,

Irons on Tuesday, shops on Wednеsday,

Bakes on Thursday, sews on Friday,

Cleans on Saturday, cooks on Sunday –

This is life of Missis Grundy.

5. Read and translate the word combinations:

household chores, wash up, cook the dinner, do the shopping, make the bed, vacuum the floor, set the table, feed the cat, tidy your room, clean the car, take the rubbish out, water the flowers, iron, repair objects

6. Answer the questions:

  1. Who does the most chores in your home?

  2. Have you got your personal household chores at home?

  3. What chores do you enjoy doing the most?

  4. What chores do you hate doing the most?

  5. Do your parents pay you any money for completing chores?

  6. Did you sometime happen to avoid doing chores?

  7. What are some strategies for making chores easier?

7. Read and translate the text.

Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. People are happy when the home is always bright and clean. Day after I do my household chores. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work. I do most of the washing up, tidy my room and make my bed. Cleaning the room is probably the best one, and the worst I think is cleaning the bath, because it kills your back. My father and I try to help my mother to do the chores. Everyone in the family is responsible for cleaning and repairing things when they have free time.

As for me, I have my own household chores, as well as, other members of my family. Cooking is the main responsibility of my mum and I sometimes help her with that. My own chores include washing the dishes, cleaning the dust and vacuum cleaning. My father is responsible for repairing some devices and objects in our flat. There is one thing that all the members of my family do together. It’s shopping for food and for clothes. I can’t say that these chores are difficult or take a lot of my time. I know that only several years ago women spent much more time on house work, when they didn’t have such household appliances as microwave, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, blender and others. In my opinion, having certain responsibilities is very important. It helps to understand and respect other people’s work, and also to overcome laziness.

8. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why is doing household chores a necessary part of our life?

  2. What chores does the speaker do?

  3. What chore is the worst one?

  4. What is main responsibility of the mother?

  5. What do they do together?

Lesson 4

Family traditions

1. Read the words and write out the words with the sounds

1) [ D ]:

2) [ A ]:

3) [ I ]:

4) [ f ]:

5) [ t ]:

mother, mummy – мама

wife – жена

sister – сестра

daughter – дочь

grandmother – бабушка


aunt – тетя

niece – племянница

cousin – двоюродный брат (сестра)

father, dad(dy) – папа

husband –муж

brother – брат

son – сын

grandfather – дедушка


uncle – дядя

nephew – племянник

twins -близнецы

2. Read and translate the text “What is a good family”:

Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. You feel secure when there’s a family behind you. They are people you can trust and rely on, people who won’t let you down and who share your joys and sorrows. In happy families parents are frank and honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without moralizing or bossing them, and children in their turn learn how to treat other people and how to form relationship with their peers.

How much time should families spend together? That varies from family to family. Families with young children usually spend most of their time together because young children need a great deal of physical care and guidance. Families with teenagers may spend less time together because teens naturally want to spend more time with their friends. Healthy families keep a good balance between ‘too much’ and ‘not enough’ time together. They spend enough time to satisfy all family members.

Nothing unites a family more than its traditions which include different norms, ways of behavior, customs and views. In united families these traditions are deep-rooted and passed from generation to generation.

Strong families take time to be together and talk to one another. They share their hopes and dreams, feelings and concerns over common meals. Members of successful families feel they really belong to their family. They celebrate their victories and help each other learn from their mistakes. They do their household chores together and go to the theatre. At the same time, strong families adapt relationships and family rules when needs arise. Since no family knows what tomorrow will bring, being adaptive is a good trait for family members to develop.

Recent studies affirm the importance of love in families. Research shows that expressions of affection towards children reduce behaviour problems and help children’s development. Strong families notice and share positive aspects of each member. They notice the talents, skills and achievements, special qualities and characteristics that make the other person unique. They find ways to be positive even when another family member makes a mistake and make an effort to develop closeness and show love at home.

3. Answer my questions:

  1. What makes a family united?

  2. How much time should family members spend together?

  3. What daily traditions can you list?

  4. Are there any family traditions that you follow?

  5. Is there an international holiday of the family? If so, when is it celebrated?

  6. Is there a family holiday in Russia? How is it called?

4. Match the words with their definitions:







the state of being free from public attention


sharing (mutual)


the state of being protected from the bad things that could happen to you




feeling that someone is important, so that you are interested in them, worried about them, etc.




a strong belief in the honesty, goodness etc. of someone or something




having the same opinion, experience, feeling etc. as someone else




an attitude of regarding someone as important so that you are careful not to harm them, treat them rudely, etc.




feeling of being calm, more cheerful, or hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy

5. Choose the right word and write the sentences:

  1. The family, which consists of a father, a mother, children, a grandfather, a grandmother is: extended/ nuclear.

  2. The family, which consists of a father, a mother and children is: nuclear/separated

  3. The family, which consists of a father or a mother and children is: immediate/separated

  4. The family, which consists of a father, a mother and many children is: a large family/extended

  5. The close relative families are immediate/nuclear

6. Study the material « to have»:

to have (иметь)

настоящее время

прошедшее время

будущее время

I have
You have
Hе (She, It) has

We have
You have
They have


shall have
will have

7. Insert to have:

  1. You … beautiful eyes.

  2. … you … any sisters or brothers? Yes, I … .

  3. I … two sisters, but I … a brother.

  4. … your mother … a good job? Yes, she … . / No, she … .

  5. We … a new car.

  6. What time … you … breakfast?

  7. She always … a cup of tea in the morning.

  8. … a good time!

  9. We … a wonderful holiday last summer.

  10. When he was young he … a car.

  11. What time … you … breakfast this morning?

  12. He … a birthday party.

8. Make up negative and interrogative sentences:

1. The boy has got a cat. 2. I have got a rabbit and a tortoise. 3. We have cassettes. 4. You have got bags. 5. My mother has blue eyes.

9. Match Russian and English sentences:

1. У меня есть два хомяка.                              a) The girl has an umbrella.

2. У моей сестры есть фотоаппарат.              b) Peter has a cassette-recorder.

3. У него есть попугай и черепаха.                c) My sister has a camera.

4. У девочки есть зонтик.                               d) My parents have got a walkman.

5. У моих родителей есть плейер.                 e) He has got a parrot and a tortoise.

6. У котят есть корзинка.                                f) The parrot has a cage.

7. У попугая есть клетка.                                g) I have got two hamsters.

8. У Петра есть магнитофон.                          h) The kittens have got a basket.

10. Write what Kate and Colin have, use the information of the table. Write about yourself:




a camera




a bike




black hair





one sister



Lesson 5


1. Read the text and answer the questions:

I’m Dan. I have many friends. I like my friends. When we gather, we play computer games, chat, make lots of noise. I like noise.

To my mind, people should have many friends as possible, because if you have no friends, you just become very dull and boring person. It is fine when you have friends, who are able to understand you and support and help in difficult situations.

We have much in common and we enjoy communicating with each other.

One of my friends is Sergey. He is nineteen. I can say that he is a good guy. He is a student. He wants to be a businessman like his father. He studies well, but he is not a hardworking person.

When we gather together, we like to play computer games, to watch new movies and discuss them. His favourite subject is Maths. He is keen on Maths. I guess he might become a great mathematician, but he wants to be like his father.

We are friends for a long time. We trust each other. We have some personal secrets. I can tell him about my troubles and he always helps me, if he can. I'm happy to have such a good friend as Sergey.

1. Does Dan has many friends?

2. What do they do together?

3. Is it necessary to have many friends? Why?

4. What kind of person is Sergey?

2. Match the two columns.

1. miserable       a) доброжелательный

2. honest            b) надежный

3. trustworthy   c) злой

4. mean              d) честный

5. lazy                e) открытый

6. sympathetic   f) обладающий богатым воображением

7. open               g) забавный

8. imaginative    h) несчастный

9. cheerful          i) с легким характером

10. active           j) полезный

11. easygoing    k) активный

12. helpful         l) застенчивый

13. shy               m) ленивый

3. Complete the sentences using the words that describe people’s character: miserable, honest, trustworthy, mean, sympathetic, open, imaginative, cheerful, active, helpful.

1. Someone who you can always believe is … .

2. Someone who always tells the truth is … .

3. Someone who is unhappy is … .

4. Someone who can make you laugh is … .

5. Someone who is there for you if you need a hand is … .

6. Someone who is always busy doing something is … .

7. Someone who bullies people is … .

8. Someone who has no secrets is … .

9. Someone who is nice and polite is … .

10. Someone who is always full of new ideas is … .

4. Give Russian equivalents for English proverbs and sayings

  1. A good friend is as a sun in winter.

  2. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.

  3. Before you make a friend eat a bushel of salt with him

  4. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  5. A friend is easier lost the found.

5. Study the material “Pronouns”:




Именительный падеж

Объектный падеж

Основная форма

Абсолютная форма

кто? что?

кого? чего?

кому? чему?

чей? чья? чьё? чьи?

чей? чья? чьё? чьи?

I – я

me – меня, мне

my – мой

mine – мой

myself – сам

we – мы

us – нас, нам

our – наш

ours – наш

ourselves –сами

you – ты, вы

you – тебя, тебе, вас, вам

your – твой, ваш

yours – твой, ваш

yourselves – сам, сами

he – он

him – ему, его

his – его

his – его

himself – сам

she – она

her – ей, её

her – её

hers – её

herself – сама

it – он, она, оно

it – ему, ей, его, её

its – его, её

its – его, её

itself – сам, сама

they – они

them – им, их

their – их

theirs – их

themselves – сами

6. Complete the table:

Kate, my parents, auntie, Jacob, car, sister, cousins, two chairs, chair, the Queen, Ann, brother, uncle, Bill, cat, table, my father, my house, cars, balls.





7. Use possessive pronouns:

  1. I’m Pearl and this garden is ….

  2. This is my brother. … name is Peter.

  3. We are Betty and Barbara and this is … favourite book. … title is Twilight.

  4. She is Rachel and this sister is ….

  5. These are my teachers. … names are Paul and Rita.

  6. He is Lewis and this living room is ….

  7. I’m Sophie and this is … dog. … name is Aladdin.

8. Use reflexive pronouns:

1. My little sister can dress _______________.

2. I wash my clothes ___________________.

3. We repaired the computer ____________.

4. My uncle shaves __________ every morning.

5. I don’t like to talk about _______________.

6. My sister lives by ____________________.

7. Sarah looks at ___________ in the mirror for hours.

8. We hurt ____________ in the accident.

9. You are going to enjoy ____________ if you go to the party.

10. Kids don’t hurt ____________ when they are in the park.

9. Translate the sentences:

1. Она ничего не сказала мне.
2. Он посмотрел на нее с удивлением.
3. Она не захотела пойти с ним.
4. Я попросил его налить немного молока.
5. Когда ему было 3 года, он мог сам одеваться.
6. Простите, но у меня нет времени.
7. Какая красивая картина! Она твоя?
8. Возьми свою чашку. Эта чашка — моя.

Lesson 6

Describing people

1. Read the text and answer the questions:

How important is it for you to be attractive? Although everyone wants to be good-looking, do you think beautiful people are always happy?

I don’t think so. For example, it must be a problem to be a very beautiful woman, because some men may be more interested in looking at this woman than talking to her. They think of her like a picture rather than a person. Some people think that very pretty women and handsome men are stupid, as a rule. These people are thought to be only interested in their appearance.

Some people believe that only unattractive people can be clever. But surely no one wants to be really ugly; and no one wants to be plain either — that is to have rather simple face that can be easily forgotten. Being attractive can help you find happiness, but it does not always make you happy. So maybe the best thing is not to worry about your appearance. It is more important to try to be an interesting personality. Because interesting people are always attractive.

When we speak about somebody's figure, face, hands, feet we mean his or her appearance. A person may be tall, middle-sized or short, thin or plump. A face may be round, oval or square. In summer some people may have freckles on their faces. Old people have wrinkled faces.

People's hair may be long or short, thin or thick, good or bad, straight or curly. If it is long it is often plaited. Its colour may be black or fair, chestnut or red. Old people have grey hair. Women usually have their hair done at the hairdresser's.

Eyes may be large or small. They may be of different colour, grey, green, black, or hazel (brown).

Cheeks may be rosy or pale (if a person is ill), plump or hollow (if a person is very ill). Some people have dimples in their cheeks when they smile.

The manner of walking is called the walk (gait). One's step may be: light, heavy, firm. Old people often shuffle their feet, have a shuffling gait.

1. Why must it be a problem to be a very beautiful woman?

2. What people think that very pretty women and handsome men are stupid?

3. Can attractive people always be happy?

4. What is it more important: to be stupid and beautiful or clever but unhappy or an

attractive interesting personality?

5. Are you interested in your appearance?

6. What is appearance?

7. What can be people's face, hair, eyes, cheeks?

8. What can be the figure and the manner of walking of a person?

2. Put these words into the correct categories in the table:

shoulder-length, handsome, dyed, straight, scruffy, middle-age, in (their) twenties/ thiгties, young, blonde, fashionable, beard, well-built, moustache, attractive, spiky, tall, overweight, smart, ugly, thin, wavy, short.





3. Continue the sentences.




Our teeth can be… WHITE, UNEVEN, ROTTEN, CURLY


Our eyebrows can be… THICK, BUSHY, THIN, ROTTEN,


4. Write the parts of the body:

5. Study the materialAdjectives”:

Прилагательные можно разделить на две группы:

  1. Fact adjectives или объективные прилагательные

  2. Opinion adjectives или субъективные прилагательные

К первой группе относятся такие прилагательные, которые дают объективную оценку предмету. Допустим, мы видим деревянный стул. Он деревянный и это факт. Если вы подойдете к другому человеку и спросите о материале этого стула, он также скажет, что он деревянный.

Субъективные же прилагательные выражают ваше мнение. То есть стул этот, по вашему мнению, может быть красивым, однако, другой человек может иметь противоположное мнение.

В английской грамматике все прилагательные разделены на 9 категорий для определения их расположения. Прилагательные используются в следующей последовательности:

1. Мнение / оценка /впечатление, общие качества

smart – умный, expensive – дорогой, delicious – вкусный

2. Размер

huge – огромный, giant – гигантский, tiny – крошечный, big – большой

3. Свойства материалов

smooth – гладкий, fragile – хрупкий, scabrous – шероховатый

4. Возраст

young – молодой, immature – незрелый, old – старый, antique –старинный

5. Форма

rectangular – прямоугольный, oval – овальный, round – круглый

6. Цвет

orange – оранжевый, turquoise – бирюзовый, white – белый

7. Происхождение

Japanese – японский, Russian –русский, northern – северный

8. Материал

copper – медный, metal – металлический, plastic – пластиковый

9. Предназначение

sleeping – для сна, running – для бега, cooking – для готовки

Категории возраста и формы могут меняться местами, в каком порядке вы бы их не использовали, оба варианта допустимы.

6. Match the adjectives for categories:










Bad, zigzag, round, Floridian, youthful, big, teenage, red, black, concrete, free, great, cotton, flat, antique, brown, international, large, oceanic, ceramic, dance, spherical, transparent, local, Irish, sleeping, military, political, French, recent, triangular, swinging, strong, white, young, glass, Spanish, wooden, ancient, walking, small, racing, mature, yellowish, infantile, Australian, blue, fabric, straight, cooking, plastic, equatorial, leather, old-fashioned, metal, tiny, steel, circular, square, huge, oval, pink, little, orange, northern, polar, American, work

7. Make right word combinations:

1) suede / French / blue / soft / shoes

2) young / tall / Englishman

3) oval / Venetian / antique / valuable / glass

4) expensive / shiny / large / yellow / leather / case

5) oval / wooden / modern / nice / table

6) large / stone / beautiful / cottage

7) porcelain / tea / blue / thin / cup

8) tall / handsome / young / blonde / man

8. Choose the right variant:

  1. a long black coat или a black long coat

  2. a wooden large armchair или a large wooden armchair

  3. a beautiful wooden round table или a beautiful round wooden table

  4. a sunny lovely day или a lovely sunny day

  5. beautiful long fair hair или beautiful fair long hair

  6. a slim tall girl или a tall slim girl

  7. an old French film или a French old film

  8. a nice new jacket или a new nice jacket

Lesson 7

Education, nationality, qualities

1. Translate the words and make up the sentences with them:

школа, колледж, ученик, студент, образование, учёба, класс, группа, староста, экзамен, зачёт.

2. Write sentences.

Example: Ann is from Spain. She is Spanish.

Theo (Paris) Franchesco (Rome) Jane (London) Ivan (Moscow)

Laila (Cairo) Barbara (New York) Paula(Rio de Janeiro) Takashi (Tokyo)

3. Use your dictionary and write the nationalities.

England - English

Germany, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Spain, Scotland, France, the USA, Wales, Switzerland, China, Mexico, Russia, Ireland, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Poland, Turkey.

4. Make sentences according to the model:

Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

Amsterdam, Havana, Dublin, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Kiev, Sofia, Warsaw, Budapest, Athens, Washington, Teheran, Bucharest, Baghdad, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm.

5. Write down positive and negative qualities, translate them:

Sensitive, smart, loyal, wise, sociable, selfish, dishonest, calm, brave, caring, impolite, patient, honest, shy, greedy, kind, polite, arrogant, cruel, repulsive, pleasant, courageous, eager, evil, determined, faithful, friendly, gentle, frowning, obedient, witty, lovely, jolly

6. Study the material "Present Simple”:

1) Настоящее простое время - обозначает регулярное действие, то, что происходит постоянно, каждый день

2) Указатели времени:

usually – обычно

every day – каждый день

often – часто

always – всегда

sometimes – иногда

3) Вспомогательные глаголы: do / does (в 3-ем лице, ед.ч.)

Употребляются только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях

4) Положительное предложение


3 л., ед.ч. V-s,-es

5) Отрицательное предложение


do not

3 л., ед.ч. V1

does not

6) Общий вопрос


Do ?

3л. ед.ч. V1

Does ?

7) Специальный вопрос


Wh. do ?

3л. ед.ч. V1

Wh. does ?

7. Make the sentences negative (-)

  1. I live in London.

  2. He likes to drink coffee.

  3. You get up at 7 o’clock.

  4. Doctors go to hospital.

  5. My sister goes to school every day.

8. Make the sentences affirmative (+)

  1. Foxes don’t live in the forest.

  2. My sister doesn’t make her bed every day.

  3. I don’t do exercises every day.

  4. My brother doesn’t work at school.

  5. We don’t play the piano every day.

9. Make general and special questions:

  1. I go to school at 8 o’clock every day.

  2. Nick plays football in the gym on Sundays.

  3. They read books every evening.

  4. You buy milk every Thursday.

  5. She works at college.

10. Open the brackets:

  1. One fly … (to fly) , two flies … (to fly).

  2. One girl … (to cry), four girls … (to cry).

  3. When a wolf … (to see) the moon, it … (to begin) to howl.

  4. Wolves and sheep … (to be) never friends.

  5. Our hens … (to lay) a lot of eggs.

  6. Boys … (to fight) and… (to shout).

  7. That boy … (to try) to catch some balls.

11. Use the words in Present Simple:

  1. He ________ (get) up at 7.

  2. He ________ (have) his English lesson every day.

  3. Не ________ (speak) English to his friends.

  4. He ________ (play) board games in the afternoon.

  5. Sometimes he ________ (swim) in the lake.

  6. He often ________ (go) hiking.

  7. He sometimes ________ (sit) by the camp fire in the evenings.

12. Insert verbs in Present Simple:

go, like, love, watch, read, like, walk, come, do, watch

  1. My name's Pavel. In the evening I usually (1) ___________ my homework.

  2. Then I (2) ___________ TV or video.

  3. I (3) ___________ action films! They are super!

  4. Then I (4) ___________ my dog.

  5. After that I (5) ___________ home, (6) ___________ a book and (7) ___________ to bed.

  6. My sister is little. She doesn't (8) ___________ action films.

  7. She (9) ___________ cartoons.

  8. She (10) ___________ them every day.

Lesson 8

Describing people: traits of character

1. Read the text and answer the questions:

There is no doubt that all people have different character traits. Sometimes you may think that you know your friend's character well just because you have been friends for ages, but one particular situation can show how wrong you were. In lots of cases people just don't know who they really are and what they are capable of. Anyway, each of us has both negative and positve character traits and wants to be a better person. In life, there is a constant battle between these two traits.

As far as I am concerned, I am emotional and easy-going. That's why it is easy for me to make new acquaintances. Besides, my friends say that I am helpful, sympathetic and kind-hearted. Well, I am supportive as well. No matter how busy I may be, I will always be there to help if I am needed. As for my negative character traits, I am lazy and stubborn. Besides, I am too touchy and vulnerable. I dislike when people criticize me because I feel as if I must be perfect. Another negative trait of character I dislike and suffer from is my hot temper. I get angry very quickly and fly into a rage. Sometimes I even can't control myself when I argue with anyone.

If you ask me to describe a person whose character I like, I would tell you about my best friend, Anna. She is sociable and cheerful. She is always in high spirits. Her optimism always cheers me up. Besides, she is clever, purposeful and hardworking. She is an excellent student and already knows three foreign languages. Moreover, she has a wide range of interests. She is fond of music, reading and painting.

As for characteristics which are the least appealing in a person, I think it is envy and hypocrisy. Unfortunately, appearances are often deceptive. It is true when they say, "Don't judge a book by its cover." As for other negative characteristics I hate, I can't stand cruel and ruthless people. Moreover, I don't trust people who dislike animals. I find them cold-hearted.

1. Are you sure that you know your friend’s character very well?

2. What 2 character traits has each of us?

3. What helps her to make new acquaintances?

4. What positive and negative character traits has Lena?

5. What character traits interrupt her to be calm and reserved?

6. What character traits does her best friend Anna possess?

7. What character traits are the least appealing in a person?

2. True or false:

1. Each of us has both negative and positive character traits.

2. I find people who dislike animals cold-hearted.

3. Appearances are never deceptive.

4. Any situation can show that you know your friend's character well.

5. Hot temper makes very quickly get angry and fly into a rage.
6. It’s very difficult for a complete extravert to make friends.

3. Match the characteristics with their opposites

1. careful

a. greedy

2. clever

b. unkind

3. generous

c. untidy

4. kind

d. careless

5. tidy

i. silly

6. polite

f. bad-tempered

7. quiet

g. impolite

4. Match the adjectives with their characteristics

1. talkative

a) likes to give orders

2. bossy

b) has good manners

3. shy

c) talks a lot

4. selfish

d) shares things with friends

5. lazy

e) is interested only in him/herself

6. generous

f) likes to be around people

7. sociable

g) doesn’t say much in front of other people

8. polite

h) doesn’t like working

9. honest

i) tells the truth

10. serious

j) thinks deeply about things

5. Can you find these similes? Match them and translate them:




a loon


a jaguar


a bee


a pig in mud


a goose


a turtle


a giraffe


a bug’s ear


a church mouse


an owl


a rabbit


a mouse

6. Study the materialDegrees of comparison”



adj.+ er
















more + adj.

most + adj.


more famous

most famous




















oldest (по возрасту)

eldest (по старшинству)




farthest (о расстоянии)

furthest (о времени)

7. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.

1. nice

2. cheap

3. expensive

4. bad

5. hollow

6. lucky

7. wonderful

8. shy

9. cruel

10. attractive

11. pleasant

12. low

13. busy

14. little

15. quiet

16. interesting

17. light

18. good

19. surprising

20. few

8. Раскройте скобки, поставьте прилагательное в сравнительной степени:

  1. Today you certainly look …. than you did yesterday. (happy)

  2. In Moscow the weather is …. than in Кiev. (cold)

  3. Jack is …. than his friend. (fat)

  4. Life in town is …. than in the country. (expensive)

  5. Happiness is …. than money. (important)

9. Раскройте скобки, поставьте прилагательное в превосходной степени:

  1. Olga is … girl John has ever met. (beautiful)

  2. Greg is …. of all the boys in his class. (intelligent)

  3. …. way to travel is bу plane. (fast)

  4. Australia is …. continent in the world. (small)

  5. Му father finds soap operas …. ТV programmers. (boring)

10. Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательное в нужной степени сравнения.

  1. This cake is …. (good) the one you baked last week.

  2. This exercise is …. (easy) than we expected.

  3. Don’t travel by plane. It’s …. (expensive) than the train.

  4. Are you feeling better now? – No, I am …. (bad). I have a terrible headache.

  5. Have you heard any …. (far) news from John?


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