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Контрольное списывание с заданием для 4 классов вариант 2

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Контрольное списывание для учащихся 4 классов, вариант№2

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«Контрольное списывание с заданием для 4 классов вариант 2»

  1. Прочитайте сказку и поставьте «true», если предложение верно, или «false», если предложение неверно.

Rabbit's Clothes

One day the rabbit was very hungry and ran Mr Grey's garden. There were some sweet carrots, red tomatoes, big potatoes and red apples there! The rabbit was happy in this garden!

At 12 o'clock Mr Grey came into the garden and started his work. Suddenly he saw Peter: “A rabbit in my garden!” Mr Grey jumped up and ran after the rabbit. The rabbit jumped up and ran away from Mr Grey. But he couldn't see the

garden door.

He lost his red shoes near the tomatoes. He had no shoes on! Now he could run on his four legs! Then he jumped out of his jacket. Now he had no clothes on and ran very fast.

Suddenly he saw the garden door. Closed! The rabbit went under it. How happy he was to be out of the garden!

Mr Grey was happy too. He had no rabbits in his garden. When he saw a blue jacket and shoes, he got happier:

“Now I have got some nice clothes! Two red shoes and a blue jacket.”

Mr Grey put the rabbit's clothes on a scare-crow (пугало).

  1. There were yellow bananas in Mr Grey's garden.

  1. The rabbit had some clothes on when he came into the garden.

  1. The rabbit liked to eat tomatoes and apples.

  1. Mr Grey didn't like the rabbit in his garden.

  1. The rabbit helped Mr Grey to work in the garden.

  1. The rabbit's shoes were blue.

  1. The rabbit ran after Mr Grey.

  1. Mr Grey liked rabbit's clothes and shoes.

  1. Почтите текст и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple.

The Red Cow (1)____________ (live) in the field of beautiful flowers. In the morning she (2)______________(give) lessons to her daughter. In the afternoon they (3)____________ (eat) sweet green grass. In the evening the Red Cow (4)________________ (think) about her happy life.

One night the Red Cow (5)_______________(get) up suddenly and (6)_________________ (begin) to dance. There (7)_____________ (be) no music but she (8) _______________ (dance). Then she (9) ____________ (want) to stop but she could not.

  1. Какое слово лишнее? Выпиши его в бланк ответов.

  1. cold, rainy, windy, snowy, smart

  2. spring, week, summer, winter, autumn

  3. armchair, kitchen, sofa, table, desk

  4. floor, bread, honey, soup, butter

  5. friend, pupil, sister, teacher, door

  6. Monday, July, Tuesday, Sunday, Thursday

  7. London, Monday, Oxford, Moscow

  8. doll, girl, mother, grandmother, sister

  1. Подбери к вопросам (1-8) соответствующие по смыслу ответы (a-h)

1. Did your father help you?

2. Did you put on a T-shirt yesterday?

3. Did your mother like rats?

4. What did he want to have for breakfast?

5. What did your kitten drink yesterday?

6. Did you eat bananas three years ago?

7. Did your friends send you a telegram?

8. Where did you put your toys yesterday?

  1. It drank milk.

  2. No, she didn't.

  3. No, I didn't. It was very cold.

  1. Yes, I did.

  2. Yes, they did.

  1. He wanted some porridge.

  2. No, he didn't.

  3. I put them in the box.


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