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Конспект урока "80 дней вокруг света"

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Конспект урока "80 дней вокруг света"

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«Конспект урока "80 дней вокруг света"»

Конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе

Тема «Жюль Верн. Вокруг света в 80 дней».

Тип урока: комбинированный

Цель: познакомить с творчеством французского писателя Жюль Верна на примере его биографии и отрывка из романа «Вокруг Света в 80 дней».

Цели урока:


- знакомство с текстом романа и осмысление его содержания;

- обучение навыку выразительного исполнения романа в лицах, умению вникнуть в роль.

2) развивающие:

- развитие художественно-творческой активности, развитие читательских навыков и умений учащихся;

- развитие памяти, образного мышления, воображения и правильной речи,

- развитие умения мотивировать свой ответ.

3) воспитательные:

- воспитание интереса к зарубежной литературе;

- ознакомление с творчеством Жюль Верна.

Оборудование: экран, проектор, постеры по теме, фотографии писателей, учебник.

Ход урока


Организационный момент

Good morning! I’m glad to see you and I think so you are.

How are you?

Do you have any good news?

I’m happy to know you are O.K. So, let’s start our lesson.


This year we have learnt many well-known writers and read many interesting extracts from their novels or stories.

Have a look at the screen.

Can you match the names with the books?

Answer Key

Louisa May Alcott – Little Women

Edith Nesbit – The Railway Children

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov – The Darling

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – The Lost World

Good job!

Now open your book a on page 88 and have a look at the picture and title of the text and share your thoughts and ideas on what the text will be about.

Students answers.

Today we are going to speak about famous French writer Jules Verne and read an extract from his novel.

The topic of our lesson is “Biography of J. Verne. Around the world in 80 days”.

This lesson:

  • we are going to watch and listen to the presentation about J. Verne;

  • we shall read the story while listening to the tape;

  • we are going to do several lexis exercises

  • and at the end of our lesson I hope you’ll be able to tell about J. Verne and give your own ending of the novel.

3. Развитие лексических навыков аудирования

Now, let’s listen the presentation about J. Verne. You should do some notes on the blanks while listening. Report:

  1. Jules Gabriel Verne-a famous________. He is __________the author in the world after Agatha Christie.

  2. He was born in Nantes, in France,_________.

  3. He spent his ___________house on the banks of the Loire River.

  4. At school he developed a great interest in _________. His favorite subjects were geography, ________and math.

  5. Being a __________he started writing travelling stories which become very popular. At that time he met Victor G. and Alexander D. who ________him writing advice.

  6. In 1857 he ________Honorine de Viane Morel. In 1861 their son Michael was born.

  7. J.V. travelled a lot. He visited England, Scotland, Scandinavia, the USA and other countries. He _________his travels in his books.

  8. J.V. wrote 54 novels, a lot of ________, essays, plays and poems.

  9. J.V. died _______in his home.

  10. People of France are very _______. They put him a monument, opened a restaurant of his name and called a ________.

Answer Key

  1. French writer, second translated

  2. in 1828

  3. childhood in a country

  4. travel and exploration, biology

  5. student at a University, offered

  6. married

  7. described

  8. short stories

  9. in 1905

  10. proud of him, Moon crater

Good job!

4. Развитие лексических навыков через прогнозирование

L+ook at the picture and the title of the text.

What the text will be about?

This text is about some travels around the world.

Who are these characters?

They are Phileas Fogg and Passepartout.

What are they about to do?

They are about to get into a carriage.

What do you think Phileas Fogg and Passepartout took with them on their trip?

I think they took money, clothiers and maps.

5.Развитие лексических навыков аудирования

Ok. Now let’s listen and read to find out.

(ex. 2а p.88)

Have you been right? Yes

Поисковое и изучающее чтение.

Read again the text and complete the gaps with the phrases below. I’ll give you 3 min.

(ex.2b, p. 88)

1 – C

2 - E

3 - B

4 - F

5 - A

6 – D

Time is up. Let’s check.

6.Зазвитие умений изучающего чтения; освоение значений новой лексики —развитие языковой догадки

Now we have the whole text and have the next task. Complete the word combinations with the words from the text. I’ll give you 3 min.

(ex.3, p.88)

Time is up. Let’s check your work.

1 stout shoes – крепкие туфли

2 quite life – полноценная жизнь

3 native soil – родная земля

4 bank note – банковская банкнота

5 first class ticket – билет первого класса

7. In the text we have got highlighted verbs. Let’s find and translate them.

Collapse – рухнуть

Slip – засовывать

Weigh – отягощать

Plead – просить

Hand – отдать в руки

Well up – навернуться (о слезах)

And now complete the sentences using these verbs (ex. 4а, p. 88-89)

Answer Key

1 welled 3 weighed 5 slipped

2 handed 4 pleaded 6 collapsed

8. How do you think what verbs can we use instead of “said”?

Ask, answer, tell, offer

Find in the text five verbs, which have been used instead of “said” (ex.4b, p.89)

Enquired – спросил means to ask for more information on a matter.

Returned – ответил here it means to reply

Answered – ответил here it means to reply.

Asked – спросил this means asking a question

Pleaded for – попросил this means to ask for sth in an intense, emotional way.

Checked – сделал выговор in this case, the speaker is reminding Fogg of sth.

9. Закрепление учебного материала. Развитие лексических навыков в монологических высказываниях

And now a very interesting task. What can be a possible ending of this novel. And then we’ll listen to the actual ending of the story.

(ex.6b, p.89)

10. Подведение итоговРефлексия

Do you quite satisfied with our work?

Have you liked our lesson? How are you?

I’m quite satisfied with your work at our lesson. I would like to give you some mark. Who is the best?

I hope at the end of our lesson you feel better than at the beginning.

Your home task is Ex.4, p.89 – Explain the words in bold.

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