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Как приготовить любимое блюдо?

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«Как приготовить любимое блюдо?»

 Smashed potato

Smashed potato

Need:  10 potatoes 2 cups of warm milk piece of butter Some salt


  • 10 potatoes
  • 2 cups of warm milk
  • piece of butter
  • Some salt
Take ten potatoes.

Take ten potatoes.

Wash them carefully.

Wash them carefully.

Peel the potatoes  and  put them into a saucepan.

Peel the potatoes and put them into a saucepan.

Turn on the stove and wait for  20 minutes.

Turn on the stove and wait for 20 minutes.

Turn off the stove and remove water.

Turn off the stove and remove water.

Smash the boiled potatoes carefully and  add 2 cups of warm milk  and a piece of butter.

Smash the boiled potatoes carefully and add 2 cups of warm milk and a piece of butter.

Mix them together.  Smashed potato is ready.

Mix them together. Smashed potato is ready.

Serve with meat, fish or some salad.

Serve with meat, fish or some salad.


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