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Итоговая контрольная работа 3 класс

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Итоговая контрольная работа для 3 класса, УМК Кузовлев

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«Итоговая контрольная работа 3 класс»

Контрольная работа 3 класс IV четверть

1. Что говорят дети о своем свободном времени? Прочитай их высказывания и заполни пропуски 1-12б выбрав один из трёх вариантов ответа. Обведи букву выбранного тобой варианта. Задание (0) сделано в качестве примера.

0. The winter holidays were great! I ______ my grandparents.

A. will visit B. visited C. visit

1. Tomorrow my friends and I ______ a party.

A. will have B. have C. had

2. It’s rainy, you ______ go for a walk.

A. must B. may C. shouldn’t

3. Last week my sister and I ______ in the river.

A. swim B. will swim C. swam

4. I cleaned my room ______ .

A. yesterday B. soon C. usually

5. ______ your friends play football with you next week?

A. Will B. Did C. Do

6. I like my dog and I ______ it every day.

A. will walk B. walk C. walked

7. ______ you celebrate John’s birthday last month?

A. Do B. Will C. Did

8. Soon we ______ apples in my grandmother’s garden.

A. gather B. will gather C. gathered

9. I ______ write a letter to my grandparents.

A. must B. want C. like

10. What ______ you wear yesterday when it was cold?

A. do B. did C. will

11. Where ______ you have a picnic next Saturday?

A. did B. do C. will

12. We will decorate a Christmas tree ______?

A. yesterday B. tomorrow C. always

2. Распредели слова из рамки по данным группам. Первое слово написано в качестве примера.

•blond hair •celebrate a holiday •decorate a New Year tree •dust the furniture

•foggy •frosty •gather apples •a hamster •have a party •a head

•look after the pets •a mountain •my father’s sweater •a nose rainy

•a red blouse •a region •a town •walk a dog

•a warm coat •wash the dishes

1. My country 5. Weather

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

2. House and garden work 6. Pets

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

3. Holidays 7. Clothes

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

____________________________ ____________________________

4. Appearance (внешность)





3. В каждой строчке подчеркни слово, в котором выделенная гласная буква и её сочетания читаются не так, как в остальных случаях.

1. game lake flag tale

2. nose toe go look

3. computer run jump puppy

4. fall walk grass tall

5. fish like trick sing

6. Pete ten me evening

7. park yard hare party

8. know mouse house out

4. Прочитай, что Сэлли из повести «Время игр для Нэнси» (Playing for Nancy by Margaret O.Hyde) рассказывает о своей сестре. Отметь вопросы, на которые есть ответы в рассказе.

1) How old was Nancy? __________

2) What did the mother say to Nancy? __________

3) Where did Nancy take her toys? __________

4) Did Nancy want to play with Winnie? __________

5) Did Winnie like playing with toys? __________

6) Did Nancy want to be a good girl? __________

7) When did Winnie and her mother go away? __________

My mother said to my little sister Nancy: “Soon my friend and her little daughter Winnie will come to see us. Winnie is a very good girl. You must be a good girl, too. You will take your toys and play with Winnie in the garden.” My little sister took all her toys into the garden. “I want to play with Winnie. When will she come?” asked Nancy.

When my mother’s friend and Winnie came, Nancy and Winnie went to play in the garden.

“Do you like my doll?” asked my sister Nancy. “Will you play with my doll?”

“No, I won’t. Thank you.”

“What toys will you play with?”

“I won’t play with toys.”

“What will you do?”

“I will read a book.”

When Winnie and my mother’s friend went away, Nancy said: “I don’t want to be a good girl.”

(after Margaret O. Hyde)

5. Напиши зарубежному другу о себе и своей семье в ответ на его письмо.

Hi boys and girls,

I want to have friends in your country and to write to them. My name is Sam. I am 10. I live in Chicago, the USA. My family is big. I have got a mother, a father, one brother and twin sisters. We have got a cat and a dog. My brother and I look after them. We feed the animals and walk the dog every day.

Christmas is my favourite holiday. We always celebrate it together.

Please write to me about your family, your pets and your favourite holiday.

Best wishes,


Dear Sam,



Best wishes,



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