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How to write a postcard

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Материал содержит информацию о правилах написания открытки на английском языке. Содержит минимальный набор фраз, которые могут помочь в написании открытки. Есть образец открытки, а так же правила написания адреса (сравниваются российский и британский варианты). Помимо этого в материале есть советы о том, как общаться с друзьями по переписке из англоязычных стран. 

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«How to write a postcard»

How to Write a Postcard.

1. You may begin and end in any way you like because postcards are informal and personal.

2. There is not much space in a postcard. So you usually mention just a few things and use shortened sentence forms.

3. You don't have to follow strict rules of punctuation. For example, you may use dashes (-) instead of full stops or commas to separate ideas.

4. To emphasize words or expressions in a postcard you can use: capital letters, underlining, exclamation marks.

5. In postcards you often use descriptive words to show you like something or someone (e.g. wonderful, great, beautiful, exciting, fabulous or bad, miserable, unfriendly and so on).

How to get started:

Dear Paul / Dear Mr. Black / Hello Sally / Hi Mark!

Choose any variant or invent your own. But be sure to refer to the person by name. Then also there are options:

How are things? / How are you? / How's it going? / Many thanks for your letter / It's been such a long time since we wrote to each other / How was (your holiday)?

How to continue:

Great news about ... / Glad to hear that ... / Sorry to hear about ... /

Talk about the news:

Listen! Did I tell you about ... / You'll never believe that ... / You remember I told you in my last letter that...

Offer something:

Why don't you...? / May be you could ... / How about...?

How to finish:

  Give my love (regards) to ... / Say hello to ... / See you soon! / Hope to hear from you soon / Please, write (drop) me a line soon / I look forward to meeting up again soon.


Love, / Lots of love ... / Yours, / All the best ... / Regards...


Write a postcard to your friend and tell about where you are and your impressions. Ask him about how he spends holidays. Write address correctly.


Hi, Galina and Gennady.

How are you?

Well. Here we're in PARADISE!

It has been a FANTASTIC holiday in Turkey.

It's been very beautiful and relaxing for us two.

Regards from Stephanie and family.

Postcard written by Zakhrova Polina (student of the 8th form)

Hello Nastya,

Many thanks for your letter.

Some news about my holidays.

We are in Turkey now, the weather is wonderful

and we have a great time here.

I enjoy the holiday, sunbathe and swim.

I want you to be here too.

Wait for me and my present.

What about you, please, write me a line soon about your holiday.



Sending mail to the Russian Federation

( http://www.russianpost.ru/rp/servise/ru/home/postuslug/rule_adress )

Sending mail to the UK

(http://www.royalmail.com/personal/help-and-support/How-do-I-address-my-mail-correctly )

When sending mail to UK addresses you need to use a full and accurate address complete with the postcode. You do not need to include a county name, as long as the post town and postcode are used. Avoid using commas or full stops and do not centre or stagger your lines.

Fictional example of UK address

Miss S Pollard

1 Chapel Hill




There should be a generous margin around the address.

Line 1 – the addressee's name

Line 2 – building number and street name

Line 3 – locality name, if required

Line 4 – POST TOWN, please print in capitals

Line 5 – POSTCODE, please print in capitals, in full and on a separate line

Ten useful hints on how to have good and longstanding pen friends

(http://www.europa-pages.com/penpal_form )

1. Imagine yourself "in the best light," take care of positive image.

2. The first letter is most important: arrange a new friend to communicate.

3. Do not forget to reply to the message. If you did not get a long letter of response, do not worry. Write again.

4. Do not write on trivial topics. discuss something concrete, not wasting a lot. Do your letter interesting to read, add pictures, photos, etc.

5. Try to find common ground with your hobbies respondent.

6. Treat correspondence creatively: to propose new topics for discussion, accompanied by audio or video materials, hint that you, too, would like to get something similar.

7. Be sensitive, attentive to the news, thoughts and emotions of your friend: express your participation, empathy, sharing the joy or sadness.

8. Use maximum of the chance to learn more about the country lifestyle companion. Tell the story of his country.

9. Respect the feelings, customs and way of life of the other people. Do not think that you are better or smarter than your pen pal.

10. Strengthen your friendship: it will lead to long-term friendship, real communication, and mutual visits.

The International Pen Friend Service

10015 Ivrea, Italy



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