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Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку. 11 класс. Чтение.

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Назначение диагностической контрольной работы – оценить уровень языковой подготовки по английскому языку учащихся 11 класса,  как сдающих, так и не сдающих итоговый экзамен по английскому языку с целью определения владения ими базовых умений и навыков, в том числе их готовности к государственной (итоговой) аттестации в форме ЕГЭ, также выявление элементов содержания, вызывающих наибольшие затруднения при усвоении учебного материала.

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«Диагностическая контрольная работа по английскому языку. 11 класс. Чтение.»

Спецификация контрольной работы по английскому языку

для 11 классов МБОУ СОШ № 9 (2020-2021 г.г.)

1. Назначение контрольной работы

Назначение диагностической контрольной работы – оценить уровень языковой подготовки по английскому языку учащихся 11 класса, как сдающих, так и не сдающих итоговый экзамен по английскому языку с целью определения владения ими базовых умений и навыков, в том числе их готовности к государственной (итоговой) аттестации в форме ЕГЭ, также выявление элементов содержания, вызывающих наибольшие затруднения при усвоении учебного материала.

2. Характеристика структуры и содержания контрольной работы

Контрольная работа включает раздел «Чтение».

В контрольную работу включены задания базового, повышенного и высокого уровня.

Уровень сложности заданий определяется уровнями сложности языкового материала и проверяемых умений, а также типом задания.

Задание 1 (базовый уровень).

Проверяемое умение: понимание основного содержания текста.

Тип задания: установление соответствия.

Характеристика задания: предлагается прочитать семь коротких текстов и установить соответствие между ними и заголовками. Один заголовок лишний.

Задание 2 (повышенный уровень).

Проверяемое умение: понимание структурно-смысловых связей в тексте.

Тип задания: установление соответствия.

Характеристика задания: предлагается прочитать текст и заполнить в нем пропуски, установив соответствие между частью текста с пропуском и пропущенным фрагментом предложения. Один фрагмент лишний.

Задание 3 (высокий уровень).

Проверяемое умение: полное и точное понимание информации в тексте.

Тип задания: выбор ответа из четырех предложенных (множественный выбор).

Характеристика задания: предлагается прочитать текст и выбрать один из четырех вариантов ответов на вопросы к нему.

3. Распределение заданий диагностической контрольной работы по содержанию, проверяемым умениям и видам деятельности

В разделе «Чтение» оценивается сформированность умений читать текст с пониманием общего содержания и с пониманием запрашиваемой информации и анализа прочитанной информации.

Распределение заданий по проверяемым элементам содержания учебного предмета.

Проверяемые элементы содержания

Количество заданий

Максимальный первичный балл

Процент максимального тестового балла

Чтение (базовый уровень)

Задание базового уровня с кратким ответом (на соответствие)




Задание повышенного уровня с кратким ответом (на соответствие)







Чтение (повышенный уровень)

Задание базового уровня с кратким ответом (на соответствие)




Задание повышенного уровня с кратким ответом (на соответствие)




Задание высокого уровня с выбором ответа из четырех предложенных







100 %

4. Жанрово-стилистическая принадлежность текстов, используемых в разделе «Чтение»

Чтение: публицистические, художественные, научно-популярные и прагматические тексты.

5. Время выполнения работы

Время выполнения контрольной работы (базовый уровень) – 40 мин.

Время выполнения контрольной работы (повышенный уровень) – 45 мин.

Шкала оценивания

Чтение (базовый уровень)

Итоговый балл




6 - 0


5 (отл.)

4 (хор.)

3 (удовл)


Итоговая отметка за работу

12-13 5 (отлично)

10-11 4 (хорошо)

7-9 3 (удовлетворительно)

6-0 2 (неудовлетворительно)

Чтение (повышенный уровень)

Итоговый балл




9 - 0


5 (отл.)

4 (хор.)

3 (удовл)


Итоговая отметка за работу

18-20 5 (отлично)

15-17 4 (хорошо)

10-14 3 (удовлетворительно)

9-0 2 (неудовлетворительно)

Контрольная работа по разделу «Чтение» 11 класс (базовый уровень)

Задание 1

Установите соответствие между заголовками 18 и текстами AG. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

1. Old world – new meaning

5. For travellers’ needs

2. Not for profit

6. For body and mind

3. Generosity to taste

7. Under lock and key

4. New word – old service

8. Cheap yet safe

A) The residents of the southern United States are particularly warm to visitors, ready to welcome them to their homes and to the South in general. Food places an important role in the traditions of southern hospitality. A cake or other delicacy is often brought to the door of a new neighbor as a means of introduction. When a serious illness occurs, neighbors, friends, and church members generally bring food to that family as a form of support and encouragement.

B) Destination spas exist for those who only can take a short term trip, but still want to develop healthy habits. Guests reside and participate in the program at a destination spa instead of just visiting it for a treatment or pure vacation. Typically over a seven-day stay, such facilities provide a program that includes spa services, physical fitness activities, wellness education, healthy cuisine and special interest programming.

C) When people travel, stay in a hotel, eat out, or go to the movies, they rarely think that they are experiencing many-sided, vast and very diverse hospitality industry. The tourism industry is very challenging for those who work there, as they should be able to meet a wide variety of needs and to be flexible enough to anticipate them. The right person to help us feel at home likes working with the public, and enjoys solving puzzles.

D) Ten years ago, with the help of friends and family, Veit Kühne founded Hospitality Club as a general-purpose Internet-based hospitality exchange organization. Now, it is one of the largest hospitality networks with members in 226 countries. This is a completely free organization, which involves no money. The core activity is the exchange of accommodation, when hosts offer their guests the possibility to stay free at their homes.

E) To the ancient Greeks and Romans, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. In the contemporary West, hospitality is rarely associated with generously provided care and kindness to whoever is in need or strangers. Now it is only a service that includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, but only as part of a business relationship.

F) A bed and breakfast is a type of overnight accommodation with breakfast offered in someone’s private home. This type of service was established in Europe many years ago and its roots lie a long way back in history when monasteries provided bed and breakfasts for travelers. But the term appeared in the UK only after World War II, when numerous foreigners needed a place to stay and local people opened their homes and started serving breakfast to those overnight guests.

G) Hostels are nothing more than budget oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, and share a bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. But somehow there are misconceptions that a hostel is a kind of homeless shelter, a dangerous place where young people can face potential threat. This does not reflect the high quality and level of professionalism in many modern hostels.








Контрольная работа по разделу «Чтение» 11 класс (базовый уровень)

Задание 2

Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски AF частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 17Одна из частей в списке 17 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Welcome to the Smithsonian

When you visit any of the Smithsonian’s 19 museums and galleries or the National zoo, you are entering the largest museum complex in the world. This complex holds about 137 million unique objects in its trust for the American people.

The Smithsonian was established in 1846 with funds given to the United States by James Smithson, an English scientist. The main idea was to increase and spread knowledge for free. And now all Smithsonian institutions are still devoted to public education, A______________________________.

Ten Smithsonian museums and galleries are located in the centre of the U.S. capital. Six other museums and the National zoo are nearby in the Washington metropolitan area, B______________________________.

The 19th and the newest museum C______________________________ is the National Museum of African American history and culture. It is now operating in the form of a virtual museum. Its key feature is the memory book, D______________________________. These diverse memories are linked to each other and to the museum content, E______________________________.

The Smithsonian complex is home to the world’s foremost research centres in science, the arts and the humanities. Besides the basic research F______________________________, there are a number of special facilities. Conservation centre at the zoo studies rare and endangered species, environment centre carries out research in ecosystems in the coastal area.


that is carried on regularly in each of the museums


providing different materials in the arts, science and history


placing a spotlight on people and events in African American history


that has to be established within the Smithsonian complex


which allows website visitors to upload their own stories or images


and visitors can enjoy watching rare exhibits daily


and two museums are situated in New York City  







Контрольная работа по разделу «Чтение» 11 класс (повышенный уровень)

Задание 3

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания 12–18. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

For almost 125 years, the secrecy surrounding the recipe for Coca-Cola has been one of the world’s great marketing tricks. As the story goes, the fizzy drink’s famous ‘7X’ formula has remained unchanged since it was developed in 1886. Today, the recipe is entrusted only to two Coke executives, neither of whom can travel on the same plane for fear the secret would go down with them.

Now, one of America’s most celebrated radio broadcasters claims to have discovered the Coke secret. Ira Glass, presenter of the public radio institution This American Life, says he has tracked down a copy of the recipe, the original of which is still supposedly held in a burglar-proof vault at the Sun Trust Bank in Atlanta, Georgia.

The formula was created by John Pemberton, an Atlanta chemist and former Confederate army officer who crafted cough medicines in his spare time. In 1887, he sold the recipe to a businessman, Asa Griggs, who immediately placed it for safekeeping in the Georgia Trust Bank.

Glass came across a recipe that he believes is the secret formula in a back issue of Pemberton’s local paper, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, while he was researching an entirely different story. Tucked away on an inside page of the 8 February 1979 edition, he stumbled on an article that claimed to have uncovered the closely guarded ‘7X’ formula.

The column was based on information found in an old leather-bound notebook that belonged to Pemberton’s best friend and fellow Atlanta chemist, RR Evans. Glass was intrigued and, after some digging, found that the notebook had been handed down over generations until it reached a chemist in Georgia called Everett Beal, whose widow still possesses it.

The rediscovered recipe includes extract of coca leaves, caffeine, plenty of sugar (it specifies 30 unidentified units thought to be pounds), lime juice, vanilla and caramel. Into that syrup, the all-important ‘7X’ ingredients are added: alcohol and six oils – orange, lemon, nutmeg, coriander, neroli and cinnamon. The formula is very similar to the recipe worked out by Mark Pendergrast who wrote a history of the drink in 1993 called For God, Country & Coca-Cola.

Coke’s secret recipe is, in fact, partly a myth. The soda has changed substantially over time. Cocaine, a legal stimulant in Pemberton’s day, was removed from the drink in 1904 after mounting public unease about the drug. Extract of coca leaves is still used but only after the cocaine has been removed.

In 1980, the company replaced sugar, squeezed from beet and cane, with the cheaper corn sweetener that is often found in American food and drink. Coke fans were not impressed.

Despite such occasional controversies, one element has remained constant: Coke’s commitment to keeping its own secret. Speculation about the recipe has been a popular talking point for more than a century, proving good for business. The company has reacted to the This American Life story in a way that has been typical of its commercial strategy since the 19th century. “Many third parties have tried to crack our secret formula. Try as they might, they’ve been unsuccessful,” Coca-Cola’s Kerry Tressler said.


12. The best title reflecting the message of the story probably is

  1. Coca-Cola secret recipe revealed?

  2. Tracking down the famous recipe.

  3. The secret recipe is a fraud.

  4. The History of The Coca-Cola Company.


13. Who is supposed to know the Coke secret recipe nowadays?

  1. RR Evans.

  2. The director of Atlanta Sun Trust Bank.

  3. Certain Coca-Cola executives.

  4. A broadcaster.


14. How did Ira Glass learn about the recipe?

  1. Accidentally reading an article in an old Atlanta paper.

  2. Studying an old notebook that belonged to Pemberton.

  3. Talking to a relative of John Pemberton.

  4. Working in Atlanta archives.


15. Which of the following does NOT belong to the famous ‘7X’ ingredients?

  1. Alcohol.

  2. Orange oil.

  3. Caffeine.

  4. Nutmeg oil.


16. Why might the secret recipe be considered a myth?

  1. The company has been regularly changing the ingredients.

  2. The quality of the ingredients has been changing.

  3. It has never been a secret.

  4. The recipe has never existed.


17. What disappointed Coca-Cola fans in 1980?

  1. The price of the drink went up with the price of sugar.

  2. Sugar was removed from the drink.

  3. The recipe of the drink was revealed.

  4. Beet and cane sugar was replaced with the corn one.


18. The phrase “proving good for business” in the last paragraph means that the rumors about the recipe …

  1. helped to keep the recipe in secret.

  2. were supported by the company.

  3. helped the company’s sales.

  4. provided unnecessary problems for the company.









Задание 1 (7 баллов)

A-3, B-6, C-5, D-2, E-1, F-4, G-8.

Задание 2 (6 баллов)

A-2, B-7, C-4, D-5, E-3, F-1

Задание 3 (7 баллов)



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