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1. This is How We Roll You can use this simple game as a get to know you at the start of school or later as a get to know you better activity. All you need is one standard die and six questions – either ice breakers or ones that elicit opinions, experience or other personal thoughts. Be creative and choose the ones you’d like to hear your students answer. Give stu ...
13.09.2016 16:05 401
Ambiguity Most literature can be taken in more than one way. The songs “Misery” and “We Are Never Getting Back Together” show the messiness of relationships. “Misery” by Maroon 5 has the repeated lyric from the narrator “I’m going to get you back,” which I originally thought meant the speaker meant wanted to win back the affections o ...
12.09.2016 21:25 489
What does it mean to be a great teacher? Of course credentials, knowledge, critical thinking, and all other faculties of intelligence are important. However, a great teacher should be much more than credentials, experience and intelligence. What lies in the heart of a great teacher? You are kind: a great teacher shows kindness to students, colleagues, parents and those around her/him. My favourite saying is “kindness makes the world ...
12.09.2016 15:47 477
Итак, правилы игры совсем просты. Поэтому она подойдет школьникам младшего и среднего звена. Правила: Ученик №1 выбирает букву, напрмер "В" Ученик №2 называет слово на эту букву - "BOOK" Ученик №1 завершает игру придумывая предложение с этим словом - " I love reading because a good book makes you a better person " Попробуйте то же самое с другими буквами! ...
11.09.2016 20:03 256
While students certainly need practice reading material in English, it is important that you include short speaking, listening and writing activities whenever possible in your reading lessons. The focus of the lesson may be on reading a particular passage but having a diverse lesson plan will enable students who are good at other aspects of English to still participate and feel confident in their abilities while working to improve an area they are weaker at. ...
11.09.2016 19:50 648

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