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Тема "Teen interests" ("Увлечения (интересы) подростков").

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Teen Interests

Teenagers are very different today. There are teens who study a lot and there are some who don’t do homework. Someone spends a lot of time at home and others are out all day long. The most popular hobby among young people is music. Music helps us to relax and fills with energy. All kinds of music are popular today and of course we are always crazy about new songs. We like different styles and singers, we learn lyrics by heart and even try to write our own songs.

Another thing that teens like to do is sports. I guess today young people are more responsible for health. We try to keep fit and to be active during the day. Sports games, gym, walking, swimming, yoga all these things are sports. And I am proud youth is so smart about it today. Arts is another popular hobby. There are many talented people among my friends. They like to paint, to write, to play musical instruments, to read poems.

Also volunteering is becoming popular today. Young people are really curious about saving our planet, helping to homeless animals and even people. That means that young people today care about nature and people around us.

Источник: https://www.sochinyashka.ru/referaty/english/teen-interests.html?ysclid=lqy5x04p8w282757122

04.01.2024 22:44

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