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Тема "My Lifestyle" ("Мой стиль жизни").

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Тема "My Lifestyle" ("Мой стиль жизни") для 9 класса.

There are more than eight billion people in the world, and each one is so different. Everyone has their own lifestyle. My life is primarily spent in an active mode.

For a modern person is absolutely necessary to be mobile and easy to get up. If you sit in one place, life can just pass you by.

My day is literally scheduled by the minute. In the morning, I have breakfast, run to school, and then go to ________ practice. When I come back home in the evening, I do my homework, and then I meet up with friends. We can go to the cinema, just walk or go to a cafe.

At weekends, I also try not to waste time in vain. Even on vacations, when I don’t have to go to school or attend practice, I always find something to do.

That’s how I generally perceive life: it’s constant movement, new experiences, and acquaintances. And regular sports activities to maintain health. I also find time to read. In short, I try to use every minute of my time wisely.

Источник: https://www.en365.ru/my_lifestyle.htm?ysclid=ln96qb9ovm870081691

02.10.2023 21:33

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