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Тема "Languages in Russia and the UK" ("Языки России и Великобритании").

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Languages in Russia and the UK

Russia is a country with a huge area, and cosmopolite population. It is logical that people living in Russia speak many languages but Russian. It turns out that Russia's population speaks 50 languages but Russian!

Russian is the most widely spoken language and is the unifying language of all the republics. Russian belongs to the Indo-European family. English and German, Hindi and Farsi, Ossetian and Spanish belong to this family too.

Part of the family - a group of Slavic languages. There is a Russian neighbor Czech and Polish, Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian, and so on.

In Russia, there are languages which are not included in any of families. It is above all the languages of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East. All of them are few. In the Chukchi-Kamchatka languages are spoken by the Chukchi, Koryak and Itelmen; in the Eskimo-Aleut - Eskimos and Aleuts. Ket’s Languages to the Yenisei and Nivkh on Sakhalin and Amur does not belong to any family of languages.

As for the language, British law does not recognize any language as official. And the English language is not the only language that is spoken in the UK. But English is the only language used in England for general official business.

The other national languages of the UK are Welsh, Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic. It is so because Welsh, Scottish and Irish people feel their national identity very strongly and value their cultural heritage.

Wales is officially bilingual. In Wales the Welsh language is used alongside English. Welsh is treated by law as an equal to English. And in Scotland over 75,000 people speak Scottish Gaelic.

Standard English or the Queen’s English is the same English language, but it is called so because it is spoken by educated people in Britain.

Besides standard literary English there exist regional and social dialects. One of such dialects which is well-known all over the world is the dialect called Cockney. Cockney is spoken colloquially in London.

Источники: https://reshak.ru/otvet/otvet_txt.php?otvet1=/spotlight11/images/module6/culture_corner/5&ysclid=lrdsbjovdn768641656


28.01.2024 15:28

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