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Сценарий "Цветы"

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Сценарий «Королева цветов»

«Цветы – это прекрасно, но и пусть они всегда благоухают вокруг нас, радуют глаз буйством красок, наполняют души незабываемыми эмоциями».

Ведущий: - Цветы! Сколько радости, светлого и приятного вносят они в нашу жизнь всех народов мира сложены о цветах восторженные поэтические строки. Цветы дарят нам радость, поднимают настроение, прибавляют бодрости.

Действующие лица:

Королева Цветов – Queen of Flowers

Подснежник - Snowdrop

Фиалка - Violet

Нарцисс - Daffodil

Лютик - Buttercup

Колокольчик - Bluebell

Василек - Cornflower

Подсолнух – Sunflower

Мак – Poppy

Учащиеся в костюмах «цветы». Каждый «цветок» пританцовывая входит в зал.

Королева Цветов (Queen of Flowers)

Ведущий: - Во Дворце Королевы Цветов собрались разные цветы, чтобы решить кому, когда появляться на земле.

Звучит музыка «Вальс цветов». Выходят учащиеся и читают стихотворения на фоне музыки.

Учащийся 1: This is the season

When the snowdrop flowers.

When nobody likes

To stay indoors.

Учащийся 2: In the merry month of May

All the little birds are gay

They all hop, and sing and say:

“Winter days are far away

Welcome, welcome merry May!”

Snowdrop: What a nice day

It is today!

I`m happy and merry

I sing again

Because today

It is spring again.

I am a nice little flower in a light yellow dress. I have no smell.

Queen of Flowers: Your name is Snowdrop. You are the first flower in spring. People like you very much. You come when the snow is on the ground.

Violet: Spring is coming,

Spring is coming,

Flowers are coming too.

I come next. I don`t like snow. I like warm days. I`m a spring flower, too.

My dress is violet. I am very nice, as you see.

Queen of Flowers: Your name is Violet. You come after the Snowdrop, a little later when there is no snow in the fields, the days are longer and it is warmer.

Daffodil: I come next. I am yellow like the sun. I like to dance in the wild.

My name is Daffodil.

Учащийся 1: Spring is here.

Summer is near.

Grass is green.

So nice and clean.

Buttercup: I am a little flower. I am dressed in a nice yellow dress. I like the sun.

I like it when it`s warm. I am the last to come in spring.

Queen of Flowers: You come it is warm and the sun shines all days long. Your name is Buttercup.

Учащийся 2: Buttercups, buttercups.

Oh, the nicest flowers

Coming in the spring time

To tell of sunny hours.

Учащийся 3: When the trees are leafless.

When the fields are bare

Buttercups, buttercups.

Spring up here and there.

Учащийся 4: Summer comes, and it is hot.

Days are long and nights are short.

Birds can sing we can swim.

Flowers grow. Lots of fun, oh!

Учащийся 5: The sun is shining.

The flowers are blooming.

The sky is blue.

The rains are few.

Queen of Flowers: Who are Summer`s flowers?

Bluebell: I am blue like the sky and my dress is like a bell. I like the sun.

Queen of Flowers: Oh, I know your name is Bluebell. You will make the fields beautiful.

Cornflower: My colour is blue, too. I make the fields beautiful.

Queen of Flowers: Your name is Cornflower. People will see you in the fields all the summer.

Sunflower: Look at me, please! I am like the sun.

Queen of Flowers: Yes, you look like the sun, so your name is Sunflower.

Учащийся 1: Flowers here,

Flowers there.

Flowers in blossom


Poppy: I come in summer, too. I have two dresses – red and yellow. My name is

Poppy. Now I have a nice red dress. I am very nice, as you see.

Queen of Flowers: Well, my dear flowers! Now you know that you are spring and summer flowers. You are not garden flowers. People can see most of you only in the fields. Now let us sing and dance.

Учащийся 2: Come, flowers let us dance,

Let us dance and sing.

First the Snowdrop, then the Violet after them the Daffodil and the Buttercup and the Bluebell and then the Cornflower and then the Sunflower and then the Sunflower and the Poppy.

Учащийся 3: Let us dance and let us play

On this happy sunny day!

Все цветы: Happy day, happy day!

We are very glad and gay,

Happy day, happy day!

Let`s sing and play!

Учащийся 4: Look at our flowers

In the bright, bright sun!

Учащийся 5: Red and yellow,

White and blue.

The gayest flowers

Are just for you!

Песня: Red and orange,

Blue and purple,

Yellow and green.

Let`s sing the colours!

Let`s sing!

23.03.2015 16:35

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