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Describing a picture: задание 3 устной части ЕГЭ

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Как выполнить задание 3 устной части на 7 баллов? Выучить схему ответа и фразы-клише

  1. Вступительная часть (Introduction)

I’ve chosen photo number 1/2/3.

Last summer/autumn/spring/winter holidays were wonderful.

I took a lot of photos and now I’m going to show you one of them.

I’d like to show you one of the photos from my album.

It’s great! / Do you like it?

2. Where and when the photo was taken (2-3 предложения)

Well, this photo was taken when I was on holidays…./ I travelled

It's the most ancient/wonderful/ breathtaking place I have ever visited/ been to/seen in my life.

I was there with my friends/my family.

3. What/who is in the photo

In the picture you can see a boy/a girl/a group of people/a man/a woman + Ving The photo/picture shows. I can see.

In the picture there is/are.

In the foreground/background you can see…

On the left/right there is/are.

He/the/They is/are happy/excited/ cheerful/ pleased with. 4. What is happening (present continuous),

The atmosphere in this picture/photo is peaceful/wonderful/ joyful/festive/carefree/light-hearted/ gripping/thrilling.

By the way, you see that the weather in the picture is also nice.

5. Why you keep this photo int the album

So you see why I keep this photo in my album. Every time I look at this picture, it reminds me of that day.

I feel that every moment of life is priceless

The children/people are/were so cheerful/active/involved/Ving…

Though the day isn't/wasn't nice …they are/were….

I can't help smiling when I look at this photo.

6. Why you decided to show this picture to your friend

I decided to show this picture to you…

as I wanted to share this positive moment with you/as I'm preparing for a photo exibition and I want to have your opinion on this matter: whether I should choose picture or not.

I know that you have problems now, so maybe this pictire will make you feel better. Cheer u and enjoy your life!

7. Заключение (Conclusion)

Well, that's all for now. I am looking forward to your reaction. See you!

25.02.2018 21:55

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