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Внеурочная деятельность. Английский язык. Урок 2.

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Дополнительный материал для внеурочной деятельности. Английский язык.

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«Внеурочная деятельность. Английский язык. Урок 2.»


This is our apartment. It is comfortable. There are three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom in our apartment.

Now we are in the living room. There are two windows in it. The walls are light blue. On the floor there is a soft carpet. In the corner there is a TV set. There are two armchairs and a table in front of the TV set. There is also a sofa and wall units in our living room.


  • Is your apartment comfortable? – Yes, very.

  • How many rooms are there in your apartment? – There are three.

  • And on what floor is your apartment? – It is on the fifth floor.

  • What color are the walls in you room? – They are white.

  • Is there a carpet on the floor? – Yes, there is

  • Are there many books in your apartment? – Yes, there are a lot of books on the shelves.

  • Where is the TV? – It is in the living room.

  • What color is the furniture? – It is dark brown.

  • Are there any armchairs in your living room? – Yes, there are two. They are in front of the TV set.

  • Is there a sofa? – Yes, there is one.

  • How many windows are there in the living room? – There are two.

  • What are we doing now? – We are speaking English.

  • What are the children doing? – They are sleeping.

  • Where are we? – We are at home.


Translate and reproduce:

  1. – Чья это квартира?

-It’s my friend’s apartment.

- Ваш друг – инженер?

- No, he is not. He is a doctor.

- Его жена тоже врач?

- No, she is not. She is a designer.

- Они дома?

- Yes, they are.

- Что они делают?

- My friend is reading a book. His wife is playing the piano.

- Где их дети?

- They are sleeping.

  1. – Это твоя квартира?

-Yes, it is.

- Сколько спален в доме?

- There are three.

- Они на втором этаже?

- Yes, they are. There are three bathrooms there.

- Есть ли ванная на первом этаже?

- No, there isn’t.

  1. – Whose son is Donald?

-Он- сын моего друга.

- Is Anna his wife?

- Нет. Она его племянница (niece).

- Who is her husband?

- Джон Браун.

- Сколько ему лет?

- He is thirty years old.

  1. – Are there any chairs in the room?

-Да. Там шесть стульев.

- Are there any armchairs in the living room?

- Да. Там два кресла.

-Is there a TV set there?

- Да, есть.

- How many pictures are there on the wall?

- Там нет картин.

  1. – Is it cold outside? -Да, очень холодно.

- Wait for me. - Я вас жду.

- Where is John? - Он в кухне.

- Что он делает? - He is having coffee.

  1. – Какое сегодня число? -It is the twelfth of May.

- Сегодня вторник? - No, it is Wednesday today.

- Дети спят? - No, they are not.

- Что они делают? - They are reading.

  1. – Is it Thursday today? -Да. Сегодня четверг, 25 июня.

-Is Robert at home? - Нет. Он в Лондоне.

- There is some news today.- Fine. (Отлично).

  1. – Это удобная квартира? -No, it is not.

-На каком она этаже? - On the sixth.

- Сколько этажей (stores) в доме? - It is a 22-stores house.

- На каком этаже живет твой брат? - On the upper (верхний) floor.

  1. – Смотрите под ноги. (Watch your step.)-OK. It is dark here.

-Не спешите. Здесь их квартира. -On what floor are we now?

- Это четвертый этаж. Is there a telephone in their apartment?

- Да.


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