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Викторина "Знаешь ли ты Австралию?"

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«Викторина "Знаешь ли ты Австралию?"»


1) Who first discovered Australia?

  1. Christopher Columbus

  2. Captain James Cook

2)Which is the capital city of Australia?

  1. Sydney

  2. Melbourne

  3. Canberra

  4. Oxford

3) What is the national language of Australia?

  1. German

  2. French

  3. English

  4. Japanese

4)What does the name “Australia” mean in Latin?

  1. Secret Land

  2. Free Land

  3. Southern Land

5) Australia is the ….. largest country in the world?

  1. 4

  2. 5

  3. 6

  4. 7

6) The flag of which country is featured in the national flag of Australia?

  1. Holland

  2. Ireland

  3. The United Kingdom

  4. Canada

7) Before the name Australia was used, what did people call the country?

  1. New England

  2. New Holland

  3. New Ireland

8) How many states and Territories are in Australia?

  1. 4

  2. 6

  3. 8

  4. 11

9) Which kind of landscape accounts for more than 40 per cent of Australia?

  1. Forest

  2. Rainforest

  3. Desert

  4. Mountain

10) How many time zones are there in Australia? 

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 6

11) How much of Australia’s population lives on the coast?

  1. 25%

  2. 45%

  3. 65%

  4. 85%

12) When is Australia Day?

  1. 26 January

  2. 11 February

  3. 7 July

  4. 27 August

13) Choose the Australian animal!

  1. Panda

  2. Koala

  3. Elephant

  4. Polar Bear

14) Is koala a bear?

  1. Tue

  2. False

  3. Unknown

15) What number should you dial for the emergency services in Australia?

  1. 911

  2. 112

  3. 0

  4. 777

16) What is the largest city in Australia by population?

  1. Melbourne

  2. Sydney

  3. Brisbane

  4. Perth


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