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UAE tailored lesson 5

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«UAE tailored lesson 5»

Banking and finance:

  • ATM

  • bank

  • credit card

  • debit card

  • currency exchange

  • exchange rate

  • fee

  • withdrawal

  • deposit

  • account

  • balance

  • overdraft

Useful phrases:

  • Where's the nearest ATM/bank?

  • Can I withdraw money using my credit card?

  • What's the exchange rate for [currency]?

  • Is there a fee for currency exchange?

  • How do I check my account balance?

  • Can I deposit money at this bank?



Banking and finance vocabulary (20 minutes)

  • Give the student a worksheet on banking and finance vocabulary, with words such as "ATM," "currency exchange," and "credit card"

  • Review the meanings of the words, and give examples of how to use them in a sentence

  • Have the student complete the worksheet, either alone or with your guidance, and provide feedback on their answers

Banking and Finance Vocabulary

Complete the following sentences using the correct banking and finance vocabulary from the worksheet:

  1. I need to withdraw some cash from the __________.

  2. I'm going to use my __________ to pay for this purchase.

  3. The __________ rate is better at this bank than the other one.

  4. I need to __________ my currency from dollars to dirhams.

  5. The __________ fee is quite high, so I usually use a different card for overseas transactions.


Рекомендуем курсы ПК и ППК для учителей

Вебинар для учителей

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