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UAE tailored lesson 1

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«UAE tailored lesson 1»

Topic: Greetings and Small Talk

Level: Beginner

Time: 1 hour

To learn to understand 12-hour format

To learn and practice common greetings and small talk in English

To learn and practice asking and answering questions

To learn and practice expressing likes and dislikes


Whiteboard/markers or a digital whiteboard

Handout with vocabulary and phrases

Audio or video materials for listening practice


Warm-up (5 minutes):

Greet the student and ask about their day.

Review some of the vocabulary and grammar covered in the previous lesson, such as "I would like..." and gerund verbs.

Tongue twister: "Peter Piper picked a peck of polite phrases to practice pleasant peep talk."

Introduction to Greetings (10 minutes):

Discuss cultural differences in greetings and how they can vary from country to country.

Introduce Salam and Marhab as UAE greetings, and then common English greetings, such as:

  • Hi

  • How is it going?

  • What’s up?

  • Wassup

  • Sup

  • Yo

  • Hello

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening

  • How are you doing?

  • How do you do?

Discuss adding « sir » and « madam » for formality

Practice the pronunciation and use of these greetings through repetition and examples.

Small Talk (15 minutes):

Introduce and practice small talk phrases, such as:

  • How are you?

    • Good, thank you. And you?

    • Not bad. How about yourself?

  • What have you been up to?

    • Oh, not much. Just working and hanging out with friends.

    • I've been keeping busy with work and some hobbies.

  • Nice weather, isn't it?

    • Yes, it's beautiful. I love this time of year.

    • Definitely. It's so nice to finally have some sunshine.

  • How was your weekend?

    • It was great, thanks. I went hiking with some friends..or other activity

    • It was slow, but nice. How about yours?

Practice the use of these questions in a dialogue:

Dialogue 1:

Person A: Hi, how’s it going?

Person B: Hey, it’s going pretty well, thanks. How about you?

Person A: Not bad, thanks. What have you been up to lately?

Person B: Just been keeping busy with work and some hobbies. How about you?

Person A: Same here, work has been pretty busy. Nice weather we’ve been having, isn’t it?

Person B: Definitely, it’s been great to get outside and enjoy it.

Dialogue 2:

Person A: Good morning, sir. How are you doing today?

Person B: Good morning, I’m doing well, thank you. And yourself?

Person A: I’m doing well, thank you. Can I help you with anything today, sir?

Person B: Actually, yes. I’m looking for the electronics section. Could you point me in the right direction, please?

Person A: Certainly, sir. It’s on the second floor, just take the escalator up and you’ll see it on your left.

Person B: Thank you very much, madam. Have a great day.

Person A: You’re welcome, sir. You too.

Dialogue 3:

Speaker 1 (from UAE): Salam alaikum! Marhaba!

Speaker 2 (from another country): Hello! Nice to meet you.

Speaker 1: Nice to meet you too. How are you today?

Speaker 2: I'm doing well, thank you. How about you?

Speaker 1: Alhamdulillah, I'm doing well too. Are you enjoying your time here in the UAE?

Speaker 2: Yes, it's been great so far. The weather is beautiful.

Speaker 1: Yes, it is. Have you tried any local food yet?

Speaker 2: Not yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1: You should definitely try some traditional dishes like shawarma and machboos. They are delicious.

Speaker 2: That sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation.

WH- Question Formation (20 minutes):

Introduce and practice question formation, including subject-verb inversion.

Provide examples of simple questions and ask the student to practice forming their own questions.

Review how to use question words, such as:






Introduction (2 minutes): Start by introducing the question words and their meanings. Write them on the board or show them on a handout or presentation slide. Make sure the student knows the meaning of each word.

Explanation (5 minutes): Explain how to use each question word by giving examples. For example:

  • "What" is used to ask about things or objects

  • "Where" is used to ask about places

  • "When" is used to ask about time

  • "Who" is used to ask about people

  • "How" is used to ask about manner or method.

Practice (10 minutes): Have the student practice using the question words by asking and answering questions. Provide a list of prompts or have them come up with their own questions. For example:

Teacher: Let's practice using question words. Can you ask me a question using "what"?

Student: What is your favorite food?

Teacher: My favorite food is sushi. Now, can you ask me a question using "where"?

Student: Where were you born?

Teacher: I was born in New York. Good job! Now, can you ask me a question using "when"?

Student: When is your next vacation?

Teacher: My next vacation is in two months. Keep going! Can you ask me a question using "who"?

Student: Who is your favorite musician?

Teacher: My favorite musician is Beyonce. Great job! Now, can you ask me a question using "how"?

Student: How do you get to work?

Teacher: I take the subway to work. Well done!

What is your favorite color?", "Where do you live?", "When is your birthday?", "Who is your best friend?", and "How do you like to spend your weekends?"

Review (3 minutes): Review the question words and ask the student to summarize how to use them. Check for understanding and answer any questions they may have.

Likes and Dislikes (10 minutes) Subsidiary, may be moved to the next lesson:

Introduce vocabulary and phrases for expressing likes and dislikes, such as "I like," "I don't like," "I love," "I hate," etc.

Provide examples and practice using these phrases in sentences.

Pretend to be a waiter and your student can be the customer. Ask them to order something and then inquire about their likes and dislikes.

  1. Start with simple examples: Begin with simple phrases like "I like ice cream" and "I don't like spicy food" to help your student understand the concept.

  2. Use visual aids: Show pictures of different things and ask your student to express their likes and dislikes about them. This can be an effective way to reinforce vocabulary and make the activity more engaging.

  3. Role-playing: Role-playing is a fun way to practice likes and dislikes in context. You can pretend to be a waiter and your student can be the customer. Ask them to order something and then inquire about their likes and dislikes.

  4. Practice with real-life situations: Ask your student to talk about their likes and dislikes in real-life situations, such as when they are at a restaurant or watching a movie. This can help them feel more confident and comfortable expressing themselves in English.

Listening Practice (10 minutes):

Play a short audio or video clip with greetings, small talk, and questions.

Ask the student to listen and then answer some questions about the clip.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

Review the new vocabulary and phrases introduced in the lesson.

Give the student some homework, such as practicing forming questions or writing short dialogues using the new vocabulary and phrases.


Practice forming questions using inversion, using the handout provided.

Write short dialogues using the new vocabulary and phrases covered in the lesson, focusing on greetings, small talk, and expressing likes and dislikes.

Anki words: 












1. Fill in the gaps with what, where, when, who

  1. ___________ is your name?

  2. ___________ do you live?

  3. ___________ did you do last weekend?

  4. ___________ do you like to eat for breakfast?

  5. ___________ time is it?

  6. ___________ is your favorite color?

  7. ___________ do you usually go to bed?

  8. ___________ do you want to be when you grow up?

  9. ___________ did you buy at the store?

  10. ___________ are you going to do tomorrow?

2. Fill in the gaps with given words: 




Hiring Manager 


Hi there, _______! How are you doing?

Good morning, _______. How may I assist you today?

Hello, _______! It's nice to see you again.

Good afternoon, _______. How has your day been so far?

Dear ________, I am writing to inquire about the job opening at your company.

3. Write 3 questions with what, where, when, who

4. Make questions from these sentences

  1. She is watching a movie.

  2. He was playing basketball.

  3. They have finished their homework.

  4. We will be going to the beach tomorrow.

  5. The concert has already started.

  6. You should eat breakfast before leaving the house.

  7. I had been waiting for hours.

  8. The store will close in 10 minutes.

  9. They had never been to Europe before.

  10. She is always running late.



Where is Dubai from?

What is the capital of the UAE?

How big is Abu Dhabi?

Is Khalid happy with the answers he got?


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