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Сборник заданий "Русская кухня"

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Сборник заданий на английском языке для студентов по профессии "Повар, кондитер".

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«Сборник заданий "Русская кухня"»

Practical training

Russian cuisine

  1. Vocabulary:

  1. Russian cuisine - [rʌʃn kwɪˈziːn] - русская кухня = Russian cooking

  2. dessert - [dɪˈzɜːt] – десерт

  3. soup in season - суп по сезону

  4. a great number of recipes and verities - огромное количество рецептов и разновидностей

  5. cold beetroot [ˈbiːtruːt] soup - холодный свекольный суп

  6. raw – сырой

  7. dressed with herbs - заправленный травами

  8. in aspic - в заливном

  9. stuffed – фаршированный

  10. and the like - и тому подобное

  11. soft, pressed and red caviar - мягкая, прессованная и красная икра

  12. festive table - праздничный стол

  13. which covers almost all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream - который охватывает почти все способы приготовления всех злаков в воде, молоке, бульоне и сливках

  14. sour-milk products - кисломолочные продукты

  15. beverages [ˈbevərɪʤɪz] – напитки

  16. hospitable and generous - [ˈhɔspɪtəbl] [ˈʤenərəs] гостеприимный и щедрый

  17. a variety of salted, fermented [fəˈmentɪd] and pickled cucumbers, cabbage and mushrooms - разнообразные солёные, квашеные и маринованные огурцы, капуста и грибы

  18. soaked cranberry - [səʊkt] [ˈkrænbərɪ] моченая клюква

  19. cowberry - [ˈkaubərɪ] брусника

  20. vinaigrette - [vɪneɪˈgret]

  21. to be followed by cold dishes - должны сопровождаться холодными блюдами

  22. chopped onions - нарезанный лук

  23. sauerkraut - [ˈsaʊəkraʊt] - квашеная капуста

  24. wheat [wiːt], buckwheat [ˈbʌkwiːt] or millet [ˈmɪlɪt] - пшеница, гречиха или просо

  1. Read and translate the abstract from English into Russian.

Russian cuisine

R ussian cuisine is rich and varied. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and dessert dishes. Soup makes an important part of Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups are shchee, borsch, rassolnik, meat and fish solyanka, ukha, mushroom soup and soup in season – okroshka and cold beetroot soup. No two recipes are the same for borsch and shchee. Pelmeni is another specialty of Russian cookery. Nowadays there is a great number of recipes and verities of them. Russian cooking makes greater and more varied use of mushrooms than any other cuisine in the world. They are eaten raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups and pies, baked with cream. The other decoration of the Russian table is fish. It is serves hot and cold, in aspic or stuffed, fried, marinated and the like. And, of course, soft, pressed and red caviar is the hit of every festive table. The English word “porridge” is no good for translating kasha, which covers almost all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. The simplest and traditional way to serve Russian kasha is with plenty of good butter. There is also a large variety of milk products that are used in cooking. Such as granulated cream cheese - tvorog, thick sour cream - smetana and several types of sour-milk products of the yoghourt type. Russian cuisine is famouse for its pies, such as rasstegai, kulebyaka, vatrushki, krendeli, boubliki, baranki, sooshki, koolich. As for drinks, Russian cuisine offers you its original beverages: kvas and zbiten and a lot of different fruit and berry beverages [ˈbevərɪʤɪz]. Russian people are very hospitable and generous at the table. They invite everyone who enters their house to eat with them.

According to Russian tradition, a meal begins with the appetizers, for example a variety of salted, fermented and pickled cucumbers, cabbage and mushrooms, also soaked apples and cowberry to be followed by cold dishes. Also popular are soaked cranberry and marinated garlic. Vinaigrette, a Russian-style salad, is based on boiled beetroot diced. To this are added boiled carrots and potatoes, salted cucumbers, finely chopped onions and sauerkraut [ˈsaʊəkraʊt]. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise or sunflower oil. Many Russian desserts are prepared with fruits and berries, for example, baked apples with vanilla and vodka sauce or apples baked with honey. Pancakes (blini) are a popular hot dish in Russia. They are made of wheat, buckwheat or millet and served with black and red caviar, cream butter, lightly-salted fish and sour cream. Pancakes come not only as appetizers but also as desserts with strawberries, jams or honey.

  1. Find the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Many types of cutting, with the head left on, was either French or French-trained, cut into strips, to make minced meat, in aspic, thick sour cream, yeast dough rolls, filled with curds, knot-shaped bread, water-fermented by yeast, a sign of respect, a typical trait of character.

  1. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Солёные, квашеные и маринованные огурцы; мочёные яблоки; характерная черта; приправленный майонезом; мелко порезанный лук; сделать блюдо более красивым и ароматным; нежный вкус; чем больше слоёв и ингредиентов, тем вкуснее блюдо.

  1. T ranslate from Russian into English

1. Суп – это часть обеда в русской кухне. 2. Щи – это традиционный русский суп, приготовленный из мяса и капусты. 3. Петровские щи готовятся из судака и свежей капусты. 4. В русской кухне нет двух одинаковых рецептов щей и борща. 5. Многие способы нарезки и приготовления мяса заимствованы из французской кухни. 6. Жареный молочный поросёнок – традиционное праздничное блюдо русской кухни. 7. В деревнях Сибири существует целая церемония приготовления пельменей. 8. Женщины делают тесто и рубят мясо, мужчины лепят пельмени. 9. Русское слово «каша» обозначает почти все способы приготовления круп. 10. Как говорится в пословице, «кашу маслом не испортишь». 11. Сметана – это универсальная приправа в русской кухне. 12. Русская кухня знаменита различными пирожками. 13. Русские люди очень гостеприимны; они приглашают к столу каждого, кто входит в дом. 14. Гостеприимство – типичная черта русского характера. 15. Сбитень – это старинный русский напиток, который готовят из кваса, коньяка или водки, мёда, чая и специй.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the name of the popular Russian dish made of meat cut into strips and cooked in sour-cream sauce?

  2. What is the name of the highly seasoned soup made of beetroot and cabbage and served with sour cream?

  3. What is the name of the Russian fermented beverage made of rye?

  4. What are the names of the most popular Russian yoghourt – type beverages of fermented cow’s milk?

  5. What is the name of the Russian national dish made of cooked grain?

  6. What is the name of the classic chicken dish invented in Russian in the Soviet period?

  7. What is the name of a many-layed Russian pie?

  8. What is the name of the Russian Easter cake?

  9. What is the Russian counterpart of Italian ravioli?

  10. What is the name of the urn the Russians use to boil water for tea and which literally means “self-boiler”?

  11. What is the name of the Russian cottage cheese?

  12. What are the French terms for some Russian meat dishes?

  13. What is the name of open-topped pies with curd stuffing?

  14. What does a meal begin with according to Russian tradition?

  15. What does vinaigrette (Russian salad) consist of?

  16. What are pancakes made of?

  17. What Russian desserts do you know?

  18. What is the most typical trait of the Russian character?

  1. Name the following dishes.

  1. This soup is served cold and has dark red color.

  2. It’s a sort of dry granulated cream cheese.

  3. They are small ring-shaped crackers.

  4. This soup is served cold, its base is kvas.

  5. This sour-milk product is made from baked milk.

  6. They are made from dough and different kinds of filling and are cooked in boiling water.

  7. It’s a many-layered cooked semolina with layers of jam and baked-milk skin.

  8. You can’t spoil it with butter.


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