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Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку. 9 класс (УМК "Spotlight 9")

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«Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку. 9 класс (УМК "Spotlight 9")»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение города Джанкоя Республики Крым «Школа – гимназия «№6»


на заседании МО учителей иностранного языка

(протокол №4 от 28.12.2019)


Заместитель директора по УР МОУ «Школа-гимназия» №6 г.Джанкоя

______ /А.А.Гоморова/



Приказом МОУ «Школа-гимназия» №6 г.Джанкоя

от 28.12.2019 №660



9 класс

Разработчик Склярова Оксана Васильевна, учитель английского языка высшей категории



фонда оценочных средств

по английскому языку

(наименование учебного предмета, курса, дисциплины)

9 класс

№ п/п

Контролируемые разделы (темы) дисциплины


оценочного средства


Модуль 1. Праздники.

Модульный контроль №1.


Модуль 2. Образ жизни и среда обитания.

Модульный контроль №2.


Модуль 3. Очевидное – невероятное.

Модульный контроль №3.


Модуль 4. Современные технологии.

Модульный контроль №4.


Модули 1-4.

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие.


Модули 1-4.

Контроль говорения.


Модуль 5. Литература и искусство.

Модульный контроль №5.


Модуль 6. Город и горожане.

Модульный контроль №6.


Модуль 7. Проблемы личной безопасности.

Модульный контроль №7.


Модуль 8. Трудности.

Модульный контроль №8.


Модули 5-8.

Контрольная работа за 2 полугодие.


Модули 5-8.

Контроль говорения.


1. Критерии оценивания модульных контролей.

За контрольные работы оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов:

Оценка «2» - 49% и менее

Оценка «3» - от 50% до 69%

Оценка «4» - от 70% до 89%

Оценка «5» - от 90% до 100%

2.Критерии оценки устных развернутых ответов (контроля говорения).

Устные ответы оцениваются по пяти критериям:

1) Содержание (соблюдение объема высказывания, соответствие теме, отражение всех аспектов, указанных в задании, стилевое оформление речи, аргументация, соблюдение

норм вежливости).

2) Взаимодействие с собеседником (умение логично и связно вести беседу, соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами, давать аргументированные и развернутые ответы на вопросы собеседника, умение начать и поддерживать беседу, а также восстановить ее в случае сбоя: переспрос, уточнение);

3) Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

4) Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

5) Произношение (правильное произнесение звуков английского языка, правильная постановка ударения в словах, а также соблюдение правильной интонации в предложениях).


Соблюден объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует

теме; отражены все аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на уровне, нормы вежливости соблюдены. Адекватная естественная реакция на реплики собеседника. Проявляется речевая инициатива для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач.

Лексика адекватна поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку. Использованы разные грамматические конструкций в соответствии с задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку. Редкие грамматические ошибки не мешают коммуникации.

Речь звучит в естественном темпе, нет грубых фонетических ошибок.


Не полный объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует теме; не отражены некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу

задания, аргументация не всегда на соответствующем уровне, но нормы вежливости соблюдены.

Коммуникация немного затруднена.

Лексические ошибки незначительно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося. Грамматические незначительно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося.

Речь иногда неоправданно паузирована. В отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки (замена, английских фонем сходными русскими). Общая интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка.


Незначительный объем высказывания, которое не в полной мере соответствует теме; не отражены некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи не в полной мере соответствует типу задания, аргументация не на соответствующем уровне, нормы вежливости не соблюдены.

Коммуникация существенно затруднена, учащийся не проявляет речевой инициативы.

Учащийся делает большое количество грубых лексических ошибок.

Учащийся делает большое количество грубых грамматических ошибок.

Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок.

Интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка.


Учащийся не понимает смысла задания. Аспекты указанные в задании не учтены.

Коммуникативная задача не решена.

Учащийся не может построить высказывание.

Учащийся не может грамматически верно построить высказывание.

Речь понять не возможно.


Модульный контроль №1

Spotlight 9. Modular test 1.

Variant I


Task A. Complete the sentences using 

life raised strong sure street display bright contest spare transformed

1. Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea.  

2. If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.

3. The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. began.

4. It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week’s music festival.

5. Take a …. change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.

6. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. tradition in my family

7. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful …..parade

8. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. as a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.

9. Over the years, this organization has …. a lot of money for different local charities.

10. Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!

Points: 10

Task B. Choose the right item.

1. Sue always makes a wish before she blows out / lets off the candles on her birthday cake.

2. Bob and Jane always exchange / receive gifts with each other on Christmas Eve.

3. Many people in the USA dress up / decorate their Christmas trees with popcorn.

4. The Nice Carnival is a winter event which invites / attracts millions of festival – goers to France each year.

5. The Tulip Festival takes place every May and is one of Holland’s most popular monthly / annual events.

6. Please remind / remember me to call Linda tonight. I forgot to tell her about the costume party on Saturday.

7. Are Jane and Sue winning / entering the schools singing competition this year?

8. Everyone at the party made / took a toast to Lisa and wished her A Happy Birthday!

9. In many countries around the world, people throw / pull streamers and dance in the streets to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

10. Don’t expect the children to wait patiently / slowly for the treasure hunt to begin, they’re too excited!

Points: 10


Task C. Complete the sentences using which, who, whose, when, where:

1. What is the name of the writer …… the most famous novel is «War and Peace»?

2. The girl …… lives next door is called Natalie.

3. The boy …… won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

4. The movie …… you advised me to watch is very boring.

5. That is the girl …… brother came to see us the other day.

6. That's the restaurant …… we met for the first time.

7. That was the year …… she graduated the college.

Points: 7

Task D. Choose the right item.

1. My nephew was (amusing / amused) by the clown.

2. This lesson is so (boring / bored)!

3. I’m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.

4. The journey was (exhausting / exhausted)! Twelve hours by bus.

5. I was really (embarrassing / embarrassed) when I fell over in the street.

6. That film was so (depressing / depressed)! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

7. I hate long flights, I’m always really (boring / bored).

8. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It’s so (embarrassing / embarrassed)!

Points: 8

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. Jane …… a letter to a magazine for 2 hours.

a. is writing

b. writes

c. has been writing

d. has written

2. She …… the project yet.

a. isn’t finishing

b. doesn’t finish

c. hasn’t been finishing

d. hasn’t finished

3. Michael …… a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

a. plays

b. has been playing

c. have been playing

d. has played

4. I …… already …… the housework. I can go for a walk now.

a. am …… doing

b. have …… done

c. have been …… doing

d. was …… doing

5. The concert …… at 7 p.m. 

a. is starting

b. has started

c. start

d. starts

6. Sarah …… of moving a new house.

a. thinks

b. has been thinking

c. is thinking

d. has thought

7. Jack …… for Jenny since afternoon.

a. has been waiting

b. waits

c. is waiting

d. wait

8. This cheese …… strange.

a. smell

b. smells

c. is smelling

d. smelling

9. Dave …… in ghosts.

a. isn’t believing

b. don’t believe

c. doesn’t believe

d. hasn’t been believing

10. Susan ……….her mum to take her to the parade all morning.

a. has asked

b. has been asking

c. asked

d. was asking

Points: 10

Total: 45

Модульный контроль №1

Spotlight 9. Modular test 1.

Variant II


Task A. Complete the sentences using 

life raised strong sure street display bright contest spare transformed

1. It’s amazing how the town residents have ….. the local square into an open-air theatre for next week’s music festival.

2. Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a ….. idea.  

3. We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a …. tradition in my family

4. Henry really enjoyed the opportunity to experience …. as a knight at England’s Medieval Festival last month.

5. The night sky burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks …. began.

6. Over the years, this organization has …. a lot of money for different local charities.

7. The children were thrilled to see Disney floats at this year’s colourful …..parade

8. Why don’t you take part in the cooking …. ? I’m sure you’ll be winner!

9. If you see a spider, ….. sure you don’t kill it ; I’ve heard it’s bad luck.

10. Take a …. change of warm clothes with you on your camping trip; I’ve heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.

Points: 10

Task B. Choose the right item.

1. The Nice Carnival is a winter event which invites / attracts millions of festival – goers to France each year.

2. The Tulip Festival takes place every May and is one of Holland’s most popular monthly / annual events.

3. Please remind / remember me to call Linda tonight. I forgot to tell her about the costume party on Saturday.

4. Sue always makes a wish before she blows out / lets off the candles on her birthday cake.

5. Are Jane and Sue winning / entering the schools singing competition this year?

6. Everyone at the party made / took a toast to Lisa and wished her A Happy Birthday!

7. In many countries around the world, people throw / pull streamers and dance in the streets to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

8. Bob and Jane always exchange / receive gifts with each other on Christmas Eve.

9. Don’t expect the children to wait patiently / slowly for the treasure hunt to begin, they’re too excited!

10. Many people in the USA dress up / decorate their Christmas trees with popcorn.

Points: 10


Task C. Complete the sentences using which, who, whose, when, where:

1. The boy …… won the first prize is only fifteen years old.

2. The movie …… you advised me to watch is very boring.

3. What is the name of the writer …… the most famous novel is «War and Peace»?

4. That is the girl …… brother came to see us the other day.

5. That's the restaurant …… we met for the first time.

6. The girl …… lives next door is called Natalie.

7. That was the year …… she graduated the college.

8. That is the girl …… brother came to see us the other day.

Points: 8

Task D. Choose the right item.

1. The journey was (exhausting / exhausted)! Twelve hours by bus.

2. I was really (embarrassing / embarrassed) when I fell over in the street.

3. My nephew was (amusing / amused) by the clown.

4. That film was so (depressing / depressed)! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

5. This lesson is so (boring / bored)!

6. I hate long flights, I’m always really (boring / bored).

7. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It’s so (embarrassing / embarrassed)!

8. I’m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed early with a good book.

Points: 8

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. Jane …… a letter to a magazine for 2 hours.

a. is writing

b. writes

c. has been writing

d. has written

2. She …… the project yet.

a. isn’t finishing

b. doesn’t finish

c. hasn’t been finishing

d. hasn’t finished

3. Michael …… a computer game for two hours and he is still playing.

a. plays

b. has been playing

c. have been playing

d. has played

4. I …… already …… the housework. I can go for a walk now.

a. am …… doing

b. have …… done

c. have been …… doing

d. was …… doing

5. The concert …… at 7 p.m. 

a. is starting

b. has started

c. start

d. starts

6. Sarah …… of moving a new house.

a. thinks

b. has been thinking

c. is thinking

d. has thought

7. Jack …… for Jenny since afternoon.

a. has been waiting

b. waits

c. is waiting

d. wait

8. This cheese …… strange.

a. smell

b. smells

c. is smelling

d. smelling

9. Dave …… in ghosts.

a. isn’t believing

b. don’t believe

c. doesn’t believe

d. hasn’t been believing

10. Susan ……….her mum to take her to the parade all morning.

a. has asked

b. has been asking

c. asked

d. was asking

Points: 10

Total: 45

Модульный контроль № 2

Spotlight 9. Modular test 2.

Variant I


Task A. Fill in the missing word.

take keep dust do makes mopped hang out

1. Timmy likes helping around the house, but he hates having to ……….the rubbish out every night.

2. I don’t know how Zoe manages to ……….the ironing so fast, it takes me an hour just to iron two shirts!

3. The only thing left to do is ……….the furniture, and then the house will be ready for tonight’s party.

4. Messy people find it difficult to ……….their rooms tidy!

5. Take off your shoes before going into the kitchen, mum has just ……….the floor.

6. Pamela always ……….her bed as soon as she gets up in the morning.

7. You can’t ……….the washing now. It’s raining and all the clothes will get wet.

Points: 7

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Sam’s muscles relaxed / went soft after his accident, as he was unable to exercise for months.

2. Mrs Morris is very arrogant / nosy, she always peeps at us from behind the curtains to see what we’re doing in the garden.

3. Of all the housework / household chores, doing the dishes is the one Jenny hates most.

4. Susan would like a house with a crowded / spacious study where she can put her big desk and her two big bookcases.

5. Astronauts who work on the International Space Station use a(n) airless / vacuum hose to wash with.

6. John isn’t very sociable / silly person, as he’s not very comfortable with meeting new people.

7. Objects in space float because of the lack / zero of gravity.

8. The astronauts who work on the International Space Station make / do a lot of experiments.

9. William was tired of the noise and pollution of the big city, so he decided to move to a small isolated / industrial town in the countryside.

10. Tom and Frank play football at their local football hall / pitch every day.

Points: 10


Task C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Do you mind ……….(get) off the phone? I need to make a call.

2. Sam avoids ……….(shop) at the corner shop because it’s a bit expensive.

3. George has offered ……….(take) the dog for a walk while I’m busy with the chores.

4. They are tired of ……….(live) in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to move to the countryside.

5. Molly wants ……….(become) a teacher when she grows.

6. I don’t remember ……….(turn) off the lights upstairs. Can you please check?

7. Marks parents never let him ……….(stay) out late on weeknights.

8. Hugh has been working all morning, but he has stopped ……….(have) some lunch.

9. Why don’t we leave a bit later tomorrow? I can’t stand ……….(wake) up early!

10. You must ……….(tidy) up your own room. I’m not your slave, you know!

Points: 10

Task D. Use too or enough and the words in brackets to complete the sentence.

1. Bryan is ……….(selfish) to care about anyone else’s problems but his own.

2. The park is ……….(close) to walk to from here.

3. One thing that I don’t like about this area is that it’s ……….(noisy).

4. James doesn’t like the cottage his parents want to rent for the summer because he doesn’t find it ……….(modern).

5. Did you get ……….(sleep) last night? You seem tired.

6. Christine is ……….(busy) to babysit for Timmy tonight, she has a lot of homework for tomorrow.

7. Our living room isn’t ……….(big) for this sofa, we need to get a smaller one.

Points: 7


Task E. Read the text and match the headings (A – F) to the paragraphs (1 – 5). There is one heading you do not need to use.







Micro homes: room for just one!

1. How would you feel about living in a house that was only 2.6 m long by 2.6 m high? Well, in Europe some people are doing just that. Micro compact (’m – ch’) homes are very small homes that are no bigger that the size of a small room.

2. So how do you fit not just a sleeping and living area, but also a study and bathing area into a space that is only 2.6 m3? Well, in m – ch homes, each area has more than one uses, because you can change the place of the seats, beds and kitchen appliances. So, the dining area (which is also the study area) becomes a sleeping space by sliding the dining table into a wall. And the entrance way doubles as a bathroom – the front door becomes the shower door!

3. The company that makes tiny homes says that they designed them to solve the difficulty many Europeans have in getting their own home. Too many people cannot afford accommodation in Europe and these low – cost homes are perfect for someone who wants a place where they can live for a short time.

4. The first people to try living in m – ch homes were university students. Students love them because although small, they are very modern with flatscreen TVs and comfortable furniture.

5. So whats "micro living" like? Well, you have to be a very neat, tidy and organised person, because in order to do one thing, you have to first finish another and put everything away. Also, the lack of space means you cant have many personal items. But if you want a cheap, cosy, modern space that you can call your own, a micro home may be for you!

Points: 5

Total: 39

Модульный контроль № 2

Spotlight 9. Modular test 2.

Variant II


Task A. Fill in the missing word.

take keep dust do makes mopped hang out

1. The only thing left to do is ……….the furniture, and then the house will be ready for tonight’s party.

2. You can’t ……….the washing now. It’s raining and all the clothes will get wet.

3. Timmy likes helping around the house, but he hates having to ……….the rubbish out every night.

4. Take off your shoes before going into the kitchen, mum has just ……….the floor.

5. I don’t know how Zoe manages to ……….the ironing so fast, it takes me an hour just to iron two shirts!

6. Messy people find it difficult to ……….their rooms tidy!

7. Pamela always ……….her bed as soon as she gets up in the morning.

Points: 7

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Jenny would like a house with a crowded / spacious study where she can put her big desk and her two big bookcases.

2. Dan’s muscles relaxed / went soft after his accident, as he was unable to exercise for months.

3. Of all the housework / household chores, doing the dishes is the one Jenny hates most.

4. David was tired of the noise and pollution of the big city, so he decided to move to a small isolated / industrial town in the countryside.

5. Mrs Finch is very arrogant / nosy, she always peeps at us from behind the curtains to see what we’re doing in the garden.

6. Astronauts who work on the International Space Station use a(n) airless / vacuum hose to wash with.

7. John isn’t very sociable / silly person, as he’s not very comfortable with meeting new people.

8. Sam and Frank play football at their local football hall / pitch every day.

9. Objects in space float because of the lack / zero of gravity.

10. The astronauts who work on the International Space Station make / do a lot of experiments.

Points: 10


Task C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Do you mind ……….(get) off the phone? I need to make a call.

2. Sam avoids ……….(shop) at the corner shop because it’s a bit expensive.

3. George has offered ……….(take) the dog for a walk while I’m busy with the chores.

4. They are tired of ……….(live) in the dirty, noisy city, so they’ve decided to move to the countryside.

5. Molly wants ……….(become) a teacher when she grows.

6. I don’t remember ……….(turn) off the lights upstairs. Can you please check?

7. Marks parents never let him ……….(stay) out late on weeknights.

8. Hugh has been working all morning, but he has stopped ……….(have) some lunch.

9. Why don’t we leave a bit later tomorrow? I can’t stand ……….(wake) up early!

10. You must ……….(tidy) up your own room. I’m not your slave, you know!

Points: 10

Task D. Use too or enough and the words in brackets to complete the sentence.

1. Bryan is ……….(selfish) to care about anyone else’s problems but his own.

2. The park is ……….(close) to walk to from here.

3. One thing that I don’t like about this area is that it’s ……….(noisy).

4. James doesn’t like the cottage his parents want to rent for the summer because he doesn’t find it ……….(modern).

5. Did you get ……….(sleep) last night? You seem tired.

6. Christine is ……….(busy) to babysit for Timmy tonight, she has a lot of homework for tomorrow.

7. Our living room isn’t ……….(big) for this sofa, we need to get a smaller one.

Points: 7


Task E. Read the text and match the headings (A – F) to the paragraphs (1 – 5). There is one heading you do not need to use.







Micro homes: room for just one!

1. How would you feel about living in a house that was only 2.6 m long by 2.6 m high? Well, in Europe some people are doing just that. Micro compact (’m – ch’) homes are very small homes that are no bigger that the size of a small room.

2. So how do you fit not just a sleeping and living area, but also a study and bathing area into a space that is only 2.6 m3? Well, in m – ch homes, each area has more than one uses, because you can change the place of the seats, beds and kitchen appliances. So, the dining area (which is also the study area) becomes a sleeping space by sliding the dining table into a wall. And the entrance way doubles as a bathroom – the front door becomes the shower door!

3. The company that makes tiny homes says that they designed them to solve the difficulty many Europeans have in getting their own home. Too many people cannot afford accommodation in Europe and these low – cost homes are perfect for someone who wants a place where they can live for a short time.

4. The first people to try living in m – ch homes were university students. Students love them because although small, they are very modern with flatscreen TVs and comfortable furniture.

5. So whats "micro living" like? Well, you have to be a very neat, tidy and organised person, because in order to do one thing, you have to first finish another and put everything away. Also, the lack of space means you cant have many personal items. But if you want a cheap, cosy, modern space that you can call your own, a micro home may be for you!

Points: 5

Total: 39

Модульный контроль №3

Spotlight 9. Modular test 3.

Variant I


Task A. Match the words and translate.

1. strange -

2. well -

3. late -

4. old -

5. dark -






Points: 5

Task B. Fill in: imagination humped human survived glimpse violent mythical

1. Nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow ... … .

2. Every culture has stories of ... … creatures.

3. Nessie has a long neck and a ... … back.

4. The strange creature disappeared before we could catch a … … of it.

5. This couldn’t be a … … print. It’s far too wide and half a metre long.

6. Jake’s vivid … … is what makes him able to write spine - chilling stories.

7. Last night I dreamt that a … … whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.

Points: 7


Task C. Put the verbs into the correct tense: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. While Tom … … (read), Amely was watching a film on TV.

2. Marvin … … (come) home, … … (switch) on the computer and … … (check) his emails.

3. Helen … … (drive) along a country road, when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

4. Angela … … (paint) for two years before she sold her first picture.

5. Richard didn’t go to the party because he … … (not / finished) his project.

6. The car worked, but the mechanic … … (repair) it for a few hours.

7. When I arrived at the cinema, the film … … (start).

Points: 7

Task D. Rewrite the sentences using: used to / didn’t use to.

1. Edward believed in ghosts when he was a little boy.

2. Andrea’s parents never bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

3. In the past, my sister made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

Points: 3

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. I think I’m coming out / down with / over flue. I have been coughing all day.

2. We are looking for articles, stories and pictures for our «Scary and Mysterious» magazine that comes across / up / out next month.

3. Have you ever walked into a room or house and had a weird feeling come over / up with / out you?

4. I feel nervous of / about /on my exams.

5. Have you heard from / in / of Pushkin? – Of course I have! I’ve read all his books.

6. Our trip to Scotland was good, but we didn’t succeed about / in / of catching a big fish.

7. Have you heard of / from / in Tom? –He called me a few days ago. He’s just got back from Japan.

8. I know of / about / from my experience it is impossible to convince (убедить) Amy to do anything that she doesn't want to do.

Points: 8

Total: 30

Модульный контроль №3

Spotlight 9. Modular test 3.

Variant II


Task A. Match the words and translate.

1. old -

2. dark -

3. well -

4. strange -

5. late -






Points: 5

Task B. Fill in: imagination humped human survived glimpse violent mythical

1. Last night I dreamt that a … … whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of the ocean.

2. Nessie has a long neck and a ... … back.

3. The strange creature disappeared before we could catch a … … of it.

4. Nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow ... … .

5. This couldn’t be a … … print. It’s far too wide and half a metre long.

6. Jake’s vivid … … is what makes him able to write spine - chilling stories.

7. Every culture has stories of ... … creatures.

Points: 7


Task C. Put the verbs into the correct tense: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. While Tom … … (read), Amely was watching a film on TV.

2. Marvin … … (come) home, … … (switch) on the computer and … … (check) his emails.

3. Helen … … (drive) along a country road, when a huge creature came out of nowhere and fell onto her car.

4. Angela … … (paint) for two years before she sold her first picture.

5. Richard didn’t go to the party because he … … (not / finished) his project.

6. The car worked, but the mechanic … … (repair) it for a few hours.

7. When I arrived at the cinema, the film … … (start).

Points: 7

Task D. Rewrite the sentences using: used to / didn’t use to.

1. Edward believed in ghosts when he was a little boy.

2. Andrea’s parents never bought her books about monsters when she was a child.

3. In the past, my sister made fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them.

Points: 3

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. Have you ever walked into a room or house and had a weird feeling come over / up with / out you?

2. I feel nervous of / about /on my exams.

3. We are looking for articles, stories and pictures for our «Scary and Mysterious» magazine that comes across / up / out next month.

4. Have you heard from / in / of Pushkin? – Of course I have! I’ve read all his books.

5. I think I’m coming out / down with / over flue. I have been coughing all day.

6. Our trip to Scotland was good, but we didn’t succeed about / in / of catching a big fish.

7. I know of / about / from my experience it is impossible to convince (убедить) Amy to do anything that she doesn't want to do.

8. Have you heard of / from / in Tom? –He called me a few days ago. He’s just got back from Japan.

Points: 8

Total: 30

Модульный контроль №4

Spotlight 9. Modular test 4.

Variant I


Task A. Match the words.

  1. 1. connect

  2. 2. spill

  3. 3. come

  4. 4. run out

  5. 5. download

  6. 6. delete


to harm

of ink

by mistake

to the Internet


Points: 6

Task B. Fill in:

figurative speech artificial brain phone line email account

emotional response

1. You can’t expect a robot to show a(n) ……….! They have no feelings!

2. I can’t send or receive anything over the Internet until I’ve set up my ………. .

3. John didn’t have an Internet connection, so he checked his ……….to see if it was working.

4. Do you believe robots will ever be able to understand idioms or other parts of ……….?

5. Scientists are working on creating a(n) ……….which will make robots think on their own.

Points: 5

Task C. Choose the right word.

1. Some experts believe that robots with human intelligence will someday build / become a reality.

2. Did you know that there are robots which can perform / overcome tasks such as serving tea and vacuuming the carpets?

3. George has discovered / invented a new gadget again, he really loves making things.

4. Robert never goes anywhere without his laptop as it exists / caters for all his business needs.

5. If you continue to have problems, you’ll need to call your internet modem / service provider.

Points: 5

Task D. Fill in the sentences with the correct prepositions:

about down in into out out of up

1. I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking ………. .

2. Three men broke ……….prison yesterday.

3. Four men broke ……….the house and fortunately (к счастью) they were arrested in two days.

4. I hate his car! It's always breaking ………. !

5. The war broke ……….in 1939.

6. Thinking of those memories, I started to write ………. stories on the Internet.

7. ……….theory it is possible, but ………. practice it is very difficult.

Points: 7


Task E. Choose the correct item.

1. The lecture will have started / starts at 6 pm so we have plenty of time to get there.

2. Are you showing / Will you show me how to get free music downloads from the Internet?

3. Mark is really good with computers. I’m sure he is passing / will pass the IT test tomorrow.

4. This time next week, we will have attended / will be attending the technology exhibition (выставку) in Boston.

5. By the end of the year, Denis will be working / will have been working on his computer gadget for almost 7 months.

6. Do you buy / Are you buying Angela a new smartphone for her birthday?

7. I am installing / will install the anti-virus software on your computer as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.

8. Mr Higgins is giving / gives a demonstration of the new robot tomorrow evening.

Points: 8

Task F. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous:

1. By 2018 we ………. (live) in Moscow for 12 years.

2. He ………. (write) a book by the end of the week.

3. He ………. (write) this book for two hours by 3 o’clock tomorrow.

4. Ann ………. (finish) this project by the next week.

Points: 4

Total: 35

Модульный контроль №4

Spotlight 9. Modular test 4.

Variant II


Task A. Match the words.

  1. 1. run out

  2. 2. spill

  3. 3. delete

4. connect

5. download

6. come


to harm

of ink

by mistake

to the Internet


Points: 6

Task B. Fill in:

figurative speech artificial brain phone line email account

emotional response

1. Do you believe robots will ever be able to understand idioms or other parts of ……….?

2. Peter didn’t have an Internet connection, so he checked his ……….to see if it was working.

3. Scientists are working on creating a(n) ……….which will make robots think on their own.

4. I can’t send or receive anything over the Internet until I’ve set up my ………. .

5. We can’t expect a robot to show a(n) ……….! They have no feelings!

Points: 5

Task C. Choose the right word.

1. Susan never goes anywhere without her laptop as it exists / caters for all her business needs.

2. Some experts believe that robots with human intelligence will someday build / become a reality.

3. If I continue to have problems, I’ll need to call my internet modem / service provider.

4. Did you know that there are robots which can perform / overcome tasks such as serving tea and vacuuming the carpets?

5. Mr Robertson has discovered / invented a new gadget again, he really loves making things.

Points: 5

Task D. Fill in the sentences with the correct prepositions:

about down in into out out of up

1. I hate his TV! It's always breaking ………. !

2. Two men broke ……….the house and fortunately (к счастью) they were arrested in two days.

3. The war broke ……….in 1939.

4. I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking ………. .

5. Three men broke ……….prison yesterday.

6. ……….theory it is possible, but ………. practice it is very difficult.

7. Thinking of those memories, I started to write ………. stories on the Internet.

Points: 7


Task E. Choose the correct item.

1. By the end of the year, Henry will be working / will have been working on his computer gadget for almost 7 months.

2. William is really good with computers. I’m sure he is passing / will pass the IT test tomorrow.

3. Mr Brown is giving / gives a demonstration of the new robot tomorrow evening.

4. The lecture will have started / starts at 6 pm so we have plenty of time to get there.

5. Are you showing / Will you show me how to get free music downloads from the Internet?

6. I am installing / will install the anti-virus software on your computer as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.

7. This time next week, we will have attended / will be attending the technology exhibition (выставку) in Boston.

8. Do you buy / Are you buying Kate a new smartphone for her birthday?

Points: 8

Task F. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous:

1. By 2019 you ………. (work) in New York for 7 years.

2. She ………. (write) a book by the end of the month.

3. He ………. (write) this book for two hours by 6 o’clock tomorrow.

4. Sarah ………. (finish) this article by the next week.

Points: 4

Total: 35

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие

Spotlight 9. Mid test.


Task A. You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements 1 – 5 True, False or Not stated.

1. Anna’s mother is celebrating her birthday this Saturday.

2. Anna hasn’t decided what she wants to buy her mum.

3. Sam is playing hockey later today.

4. Sam gave his mum an expensive birthday present last year.

5. Sam is going to make a video for his mother’s next birthday.

A. True

A. True

A. True

A. True

A. True

B. False

B. False

B. False

B. False

B. False

C. Not stated

C. Not stated

C. Not stated

C. Not stated

C. Not stated

Points: 5


Task B. Read the text and match the headings (A – F) to the paragraphs (1 – 5). There is one heading you don’t need to use.







Points: 5

Vocabulary / Grammar

Task C. Choose the right item.

1. Can you be a little more careful, please? You ……….coffee on my keyboard.

a. spill

b. will be spilling

c. are going to spill

2. ……….creatures such as giants, dragons and sea monsters often appear in Northern European folklore.

a. Optical

b. Mythical

c. Extinct

3. The atmosphere at the carnival was fantastic, people were throwing ……….and dancing in the streets all night.

a. crackers

b. streamers

c. fireworks

4. After doing her chores, Mary went on ……….some phone calls.

a. make

b. making

c. to make

5. Scientists at NASA spent over ten years designing a special pen which can write in ……….gravity.

a. spacious

b. zero

c. vacuum

6. David ………of dressing up as a pirate for the Halloween party on Saturday.

a. thinks

b. is going to think

c. is thinking

7. Peter and Bob enjoy playing football at their local ……….every Saturday.

a. porch

b. pitch

c. place

8. Jane isn’t very ………., she avoids meeting new people or being in public places.

a. silly

b. helpful

c. sociable

9. Susan ……….skydiving before, and she was very excited about her first drive.

a. had never tried

b. has never tried

c. had never been trying

10. This time next week, the astronauts ……….the Earth.

a. will be orbiting

b. are orbiting

c. will have orbited

Points: 10

Total: 20

Модульный контроль №5

Spotlight 9. Modular test 5.

Variant I


Task A. Fill in:

artistic still portray stunts remain private

set miniature plots

1. No one knows the authors name, as he chooses to ……….anonymous.

2. John absolutely loves adventure films which are ……….in medieval times.

3. The children had to sit perfectly ……….while the photographer was taking their picture.

4. Some Hollywood actors like to perform their own ……….., no matter how dangerous these are.

5. The artists ………..sculptures are so small that they fit on the top of a pinhead.

6. Most of his paintings ……….scenes from the town where he grew up.

7. You can’t draw graffiti on that man’s house, its ……….property.

8. Children often express their ……….creativity through finger painting and drawing.

9. Dave loves crime novels because they always have interesting and mysterious ……… .

Points: 9

Task B. Fill in the correct phrase.

action – packed special effects box office all – star

potter’s wheel model making

1. Rick loves ……….films, as they are full of excitement and adventure scene.

2. Shakespeare in Love is a great romantic comedy with an amazing ……….cast including Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow and Geoffrey Rush.

3. Steve made a fantastic replica of an ancient ship in ……….class.

4. The ……….in Harry Potter were brilliant, it really looked like the characters could do magic!

5. The ……….success Mama Mia made over 69 million pounds in the UK alone.

6. Claire made a beautiful clay vase on the ……….we gave her for her birthday.

Points: 6


Task C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. John is ……….(talented) pupil in the art class.

2. Which of Beethoven’s compositions do you think is the ……….(famous)?

3. Sue has been practicing a lot, so her artwork is getting ……….(good) and ……….(good) all the time.

4. That’s the ……….(bad) film I’ve ever seen, the characters were shallow and the ending was dull and predictable.

5. Peter sculpts ……….(accurately) than I do because he pays attention to every little detail.

6. The ……….(much) Ann practiced, the ……….(easy) it became for her to paint portraits.

7. The authors book is quite good, but it’s not as ……….(interesting) as his last novel.

8. Willard Wigan’s sculptures are the ……….(tiny) works of art in the world.

Points: 8

Task D. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-

1. My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)

2. They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

3. The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)

4. You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

5. We were sorry to realise that we ….. in the shop. (pay)

Points: 5

Task E. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition:

of to with in for

1. She is popular ….. fans of art cinema.

2. This director is famous ….. his comedies.

3. Byron is one of the best poet ….. all time.

4. The paintings add value ….. the house.

5. Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?

Points: 5

Task F. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: away, into, out of, over, through

1. We ran ….. potatoes. – I’ll go and buy some.

2. I think we should run …. this scene one more time.

3. The driver nearly ran ….. a dog when it jumped in front of his car.

4. Angela ran ….. her best friend at auction.

5. John ran ….. from home when he was ten years old.

Points: 5

Total: 38

Модульный контроль №5

Spotlight 9. Modular test 5.

Variant II


Task A. Fill in:

artistic still portray stunts remain private

set miniature plots

1. The children had to sit perfectly ……….while the photographer was taking their picture.

2. The artists ………..sculptures are so small that they fit on the top of a pinhead.

3. Most of his paintings ……….scenes from the town where he grew up.

4. Some Hollywood actors like to perform their own ……….., no matter how dangerous these are.

5. You can’t draw graffiti on that man’s house, its ……….property.

6. No one knows the authors name, as he chooses to ……….anonymous.

7. Children often express their ……….creativity through finger painting and drawing.

8. John absolutely loves adventure films which are ……….in medieval times.

9. Dave loves crime novels because they always have interesting and mysterious ……… .

Points: 9

Task B. Fill in the correct phrase.

action – packed special effects box office all – star

potter’s wheel model making

1. Shakespeare in Love is a great romantic comedy with an amazing ……….cast including Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow and Geoffrey Rush.

2. The ……….in Harry Potter were brilliant, it really looked like the characters could do magic!

3. Rick loves ……….films, as they are full of excitement and adventure scene.

4. The ……….success Mama Mia made over 69 million pounds in the UK alone.

5. Claire made a beautiful clay vase on the ……….we gave her for her birthday.

6. Steve made a fantastic replica of an ancient ship in ……….class.

Points: 6


Task C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. John is ……….(talented) pupil in the art class.

2. Which of Beethoven’s compositions do you think is the ……….(famous)?

3. Sue has been practicing a lot, so her artwork is getting ……….(good) and ……….(good) all the time.

4. That’s the ……….(bad) film I’ve ever seen, the characters were shallow and the ending was dull and predictable.

5. Peter sculpts ……….(accurately) than I do because he pays attention to every little detail.

6. The ……….(much) Ann practiced, the ……….(easy) it became for her to paint portraits.

7. The authors book is quite good, but it’s not as ……….(interesting) as his last novel.

8. Willard Wigan’s sculptures are the ……….(tiny) works of art in the world.

Points: 8

Task C. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-

1. The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)

2. We were sorry to realise that we ….. in the shop. (pay)

3. My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)

4. You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

5. They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

Points: 5

Task D. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition: of, to, with, in, for.

1. She is popular ….. fans of art cinema.

2. This director is famous ….. his comedies.

3. Byron is one of the best poet ….. all time.

4. The paintings add value ….. the house.

5. Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?

Points: 5

Task E. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: away, into, out of, over, through.

1. We ran ….. potatoes. – I’ll go and buy some.

2. I think we should run …. this scene one more time.

3. The driver nearly ran ….. a dog when it jumped in front of his car.

4. Angela ran ….. her best friend at auction.

5. John ran ….. from home when he was ten years old.

Points: 5

Total: 38

Модульный контроль №6

Spotlight 9. Modular test 6.

Variant I


Task A. Make the phrases.

1. animal

2. charity

3. foster

4. staff

5. burst

6. a senior

7. natural

8. full

9. answer

10. take

a. shelter

b. choice

c. member

d. care

e. event

f. phone call

g. into tears

h. home

i. citizen

j. recovery

Points: 10

Task B.

1. We had been driving for an hour before we found a petrol stop / station to fill the car with fuel.

2. Sharon loves children and often gets involved / volunteers with children’s charities.

3. I think the secretary / cashier at the supermarket made a mistake and gave me more change than she should have.

4. When you get to Sheffield, just follow the street signals / signs telling you which direction to take to get to the university.

5. John is an excellent surgeon, as he has a lot of experience and very skillful / careful hands.

6. The postal officer / worker delivered the parcels yesterday morning.

7. Zoe is very organized / practical secretary who does her job well and quickly.

Points: 7


Task C. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1. The boss is going to give us a pay-rise.

2. I expect they will deliver my new car soon.

3. The police are questioning the suspects.

4. Did your neighbours see the thieves?

5. A lot of children use computers nowadays.

Points: 5

Task D. Fill in: however, whenever, whatever, wherever, whichever.

1. ……….country she visits, Rose always buys a souvenir to take back home with her.

2. ……….you do, don’t forget to take a seaplane tour while you’re in Sydney: you’ll have an amazing time.

3. Annabel’s puppy follows her ………she goes.

4. ……….busy you are, you can always find a little extra time to help out your community.

5. Alex always visits Palermo ……….he’s in Italy.

Points: 5

Task E. Complete the sentence using the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. The kitten is too young to take care of ………. .

2. I made the costumes for the charity Fun Festival ………. .

3. He doesn’t look ………. . Is he alright?

4. The house ……….was nice, but the area was horrible.

5. Girls, if you want some more food, help ………. .

Points: 5

Task F. Fill in: in, off, on, out, out of, up on.

1. Can you go upstairs and check ………. the kids?

2. He checked ………. at the Europa Hotel.

3. Henry called me to check ………. some facts.

4. The teacher checked the children’s names ………. as they entered.

5. I’d like to check ……….that new Italian restaurant.

Points: 5

Total: 37

Модульный контроль №6

Spotlight 9. Modular test 6.

Variant II


Task A. Make the phrases.

1. staff

2. take

3. natural

4. animal

5. burst

6. a senior

7. foster

8. full

9. answer

10. charity

a. shelter

b. choice

c. member

d. care

e. event

f. phone call

g. into tears

h. home

i. citizen

j. recovery

Points: 10

Task B.

1. I think the secretary / cashier at the supermarket made a mistake and gave me more change than she should have.

2. We had been driving for an hour before we found a petrol stop / station to fill the car with fuel.

3. When you get to Sheffield, just follow the street signals / signs telling you which direction to take to get to the university.

4. Zoe is very organized / practical secretary who does her job well and quickly.

5. John is an excellent surgeon, as he has a lot of experience and very skillful / careful hands.

6. Sharon loves children and often gets involved / volunteers with children’s charities.

7. The postal officer / worker delivered the parcels yesterday morning.

Points: 7


Task C. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1. The boss is going to give us a pay-rise.

2. I expect they will deliver my new car soon.

3. The police are questioning the suspects.

4. Did your neighbours see the thieves?

5. A lot of children use computers nowadays.

Points: 5

Task D. Fill in: however, whenever, whatever, wherever, whichever.

1. ……….country she visits, Rose always buys a souvenir to take back home with her.

2. ……….you do, don’t forget to take a seaplane tour while you’re in Sydney: you’ll have an amazing time.

3. Annabel’s puppy follows her ………she goes.

4. ……….busy you are, you can always find a little extra time to help out your community.

5. Alex always visits Palermo ……….he’s in Italy.

Points: 5

Task E. Complete the sentence using the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. The kitten is too young to take care of ………. .

2. I made the costumes for the charity Fun Festival ………. .

3. He doesn’t look ………. . Is he alright?

4. The house ……….was nice, but the area was horrible.

5. Girls, if you want some more food, help ………. .

Points: 5

Task F. Fill in: in, off, on, out, out of, up on, to, .

1. Can you go upstairs and check ………. the kids?

2. He checked ………. at the Europa Hotel.

3. Henry called me to check ………. some facts.

4. The teacher checked the children’s names ………. as they entered.

5. I’d like to check ……….that new Italian restaurant.

Points: 5

Total: 37

Модульный контроль №7

Spotlight 9. Modular test 7.

Variant I


Task A. Fill in the missing word:

burn chewing beat irrational screamed

teased sip eating home-made cut starving shaking

1. On cold winter nights, Joanna finds it very relaxing to sit by the fire and ……….her tea while listening to music.

2. I love ……….bread! It so much better than what we buy at the bakery.

3. A phobia is a(n) ……….fear of something which cannot really hurt you.

4. Rick hasn’t eaten anything all day, I’m sure he’s ……….!

5. It’s bad enough that Tim is afraid of spiders, but being ……….about it by his friends makes him feel even worse.

6. If you want to lose weight, you should ……….down on sweets and exercise more.

7. The best way to ……….calories is to exercise and drink plenty of water.

8. Dave was very nervous about giving a speech in class, and started ………..like a leaf.

9. Tracy is so afraid of being in enclosed spaces that just thinking about getting into a lift makes her heart ……….faster.

10. Parents can teach their children good ……….habits by offering them healthy food choice.

11. Mum jumped on a chair and ……….loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen.

12. Fred eating so fast that it looks like he’s not even ……….his food!

Points: 12

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Are you sure Phillip joined / took up mountain climbing? I thought he was scared of heights.

2. Ann is thinking about putting on / going on a diet, as she wants to lose some weight.

3. Jane tries to avoid desserts / snacks such as crisps and biscuits, as they are unhealthy and only make her hungrier.

4. Fear is a basic human / nervous emotion which is often accompanied by panic or shock.

5. Carrots improve your eyesight, as they are rich / full in vitamins A and C.

6. Jim leads / passes such a busy life that he rarely finds time to work out at the gym.

Points: 6


Task C. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ……….(be) you, I would be very careful, There are poisonous snakes in this area.

2. If grass isnt watered, it ……….(not / grow).

3. The cat ……….(not / scratch) Harry if he hadnt tried to pull its tail.

4. Your headache will go away if you ……….(take) some aspirin.

5. If I ……….(eat) breakfast this morning, I would have been able to concentrate better on my maths test.

6. Never follow a particular diet unless you ……….(discuss) it with your doctor.

7. If George………..(exercise) regularly, he would be in better shape.

8. The operator……….(connect) you to the emergency service you want if you dial 999.

Point: 8

Task D. Choose the correct item.

1. Facing your phobias instead of avoiding them might / ought help you overcome your fears.

2. You mustn’t / don’t have to approach a wild animal, they can be very unpredictable.

3. You needn’t / can’t be an expert in karate to learn how to defend yourself.

4. If you don’t know the correct answer in a test, use your intuition, it may / needs help you.

5. If someone tries to snatch your bag, you shouldn’t / don’t have put up a fight, just run away.

Points: 5

Every day English

Task E. Choose the correct response.

1. Emergency Services. Which service do you require?

2. Can I speak to a police officer, please?

3. What is the nature of the emergency?

4. Ambulance service? My brothers fallen down the stairs. He’s hurt.

5. Is that 999, Emergency Services?

A. Just a moment, please.

B. Fire Service, please.

C. No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong number.

D. There is a person stuck in the lift.

E. Help is on the way. Please stay on the line.

Points: 5


Модульный контроль №7

Spotlight 9. Modular test 7.

Variant II


Task A. Fill in the missing word:

burn chewing beat irrational screamed

teased sip eating home-made cut starving shaking

1. John hasn’t eaten anything all day, I’m sure he’s ……….!

2. Hugh eating so fast that it looks like he’s not even ……….his food!

3. It’s bad enough that Tim is afraid of spiders, but being ……….about it by his friends makes him feel even worse.

4. I love ……….bread! It so much better than what we buy at the bakery.

5. If you want to lose weight, you should ……….down on sweets and exercise more.

6. The best way to ……….calories is to exercise and drink plenty of water.

7. On cold winter nights, Joanna finds it very relaxing to sit by the fire and ……….her tea while listening to music.

8. Peter was very nervous about giving a speech in class, and started ………..like a leaf.

9. Tracy is so afraid of being in enclosed spaces that just thinking about getting into a lift makes her heart ……….faster.

10. Parents can teach their children good ……….habits by offering them healthy food choice.

11. A phobia is a(n) ……….fear of something which cannot really hurt you.

12. Mum jumped on a chair and ……….loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen.

Points: 12

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Pamela tries to avoid desserts / snacks such as crisps and biscuits, as they are unhealthy and only make her hungrier.

2. Are you sure Phillip joined / took up mountain climbing? I thought he was scared of heights.

3. Fear is a basic human / nervous emotion which is often accompanied by panic or shock.

4. Carrots improve your eyesight, as they are rich / full in vitamins A and C.

5. Nick leads / passes such a busy life that he rarely finds time to work out at the gym.

6. Beth is thinking about putting on / going on a diet, as she wants to lose some weight.

Points: 6


Task C. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I ……….(be) you, I would be very careful, There are poisonous snakes in this area.

2. If grass isnt watered, it ……….(not / grow).

3. The cat ……….(not / scratch) Harry if he hadnt tried to pull its tail.

4. Your headache will go away if you ……….(take) some aspirin.

5. If I ……….(eat) breakfast this morning, I would have been able to concentrate better on my maths test.

6. Never follow a particular diet unless you ……….(discuss) it with your doctor.

7. If George………..(exercise) regularly, he would be in better shape.

8. The operator……….(connect) you to the emergency service you want if you dial 999.

Point: 8

Task D. Choose the correct item.

1. Facing your phobias instead of avoiding them might / ought help you overcome your fears.

2. You mustn’t / don’t have to approach a wild animal, they can be very unpredictable.

3. You needn’t / can’t be an expert in karate to learn how to defend yourself.

4. If you don’t know the correct answer in a test, use your intuition, it may / needs help you.

5. If someone tries to snatch your bag, you shouldn’t / don’t have put up a fight, just run away.

Points: 5

Every day English

Task E. Choose the correct response.

1. Emergency Services. Which service do you require?

2. Can I speak to a police officer, please?

3. What is the nature of the emergency?

4. Ambulance service? My brothers fallen down the stairs. He’s hurt.

5. Is that 999, Emergency Services?

A. Just a moment, please.

B. Fire Service, please.

C. No, sorry. You’ve got the wrong number.

D. There is a person stuck in the lift.

E. Help is on the way. Please stay on the line.

Points: 5


Модульный контроль №8

Spotlight 9. Modular test8.

Variant I


Task A. Fill in the missing word.

total first aid kit experience sprained bruised face bump survived cast sling map rucksack

1. David carries most of his camping supplies in his ………. .

2. I don’t think we’re going in the right direction, according to the ……….we should be heading south.

3. Your ankle looks swollen, are you sure you haven’t ……….it?

4. It was a ……….miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again.

5. Jack has a ……….on his leg because he broke it skateboarding.

6. Everyone should have a ……….in their homes, as small injuries or accidents can happen at any time.

7. Helen Keller not only managed to ……….her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.

8. Johns eye was badly ……….when he was accidentally hit by the ball during baseball practice.

9. It’s amazing that Mike ……….the skydiving accident, he fell 1000 metres when his parachute failed to open and just broke his leg.

Points: 9

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Tim climbed up the tree and recovered / rescued the kitten.

2. Experts say that ointment / sunscreen should be used daily if we are out in the sun longer than 10 minutes.

3. Why is Alice wearing a(n) sling / ice – pack on her arm? Did she break it?

4. Sarah found a(n) harmed / injured bird and took it to the vet.

5. He decided to go surfing instead of / besides rock climbing.

Points: 5


Task C. Rewrite the sentences into Reported speech.

1. “Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?” Joan asked Sam.

2. “Don’t be late for dinner,” mum told me.

3. “We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said.

4. “Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said.

5. “Mark will begin kitesurfing lessons in summer,” Lee said.

6. “The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow,” Sandy told me.

Points: 6

Task D. Choose the correct item.

1. Can you tell James that there’s someone / anyone on the phone for him?

2. Everyone / Someone in the trekking club loves extreme sports.

3. Researchers come from everywhere / nowhere to explore Antarctica.

4. There is something / nothing wrong with your wrist, it’s not even swollen.

5. Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy that anyone / no one can do it.

Points: 5

Task E. Fill in the appropriate question tag.

1. Mike likes extreme sports, ……….?

2. Henry has never been kitesurfing, ……….?

3. It was an inspiring story, ……….?

4. A compass always points to the north, ……….?

5. Let’s apply for the volunteer position, ……….?

Points: 5

Total: 30

Модульный контроль №8

Spotlight 9. Modular test8.

Variant II


Task A. Fill in the missing word.

total first aid kit experience sprained bruised face bump survived cast sling map rucksack

1. Your ankle looks swollen, are you sure you haven’t ……….it?

2. David carries most of his camping supplies in his ………. .

3. Jack has a ……….on his leg because he broke it skateboarding.

4. Helen Keller not only managed to ……….her own challenges, but she also helped and inspired many other people with disabilities.

5. I don’t think we’re going in the right direction, according to the ……….we should be heading south.

6. Johns eye was badly ……….when he was accidentally hit by the ball during baseball practice.

7. It was a ……….miracle that Liz recovered from her spinal injury, as she was not expected to ever walk again.

8. It’s amazing that Mike ……….the skydiving accident, he fell 1000 metres when his parachute failed to open and just broke his leg.

9. Everyone should have a ……….in their homes, as small injuries or accidents can happen at any time.

Points: 9

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Experts say that ointment / sunscreen should be used daily if we are out in the sun longer than 10 minutes.

2. Tim climbed up the tree and recovered / rescued the kitten.

3. He decided to go surfing instead of / besides rock climbing.

4. Sarah found a(n) harmed / injured bird and took it to the vet.

5. Why is Alice wearing a(n) sling / ice – pack on her arm? Did she break it?

Points: 5


Task C. Rewrite the sentences into Reported speech.

1. “Have you ever travelled to a foreign country?” Joan asked Sam.

2. “Don’t be late for dinner,” mum told me.

3. “We can’t go whitewater rafting this weekend,” James and Lilly said.

4. “Andrew took up trekking three years ago,” Liz said.

5. “Mark will begin kitesurfing lessons in summer,” Lee said.

6. “The children are going on a roller coaster ride tomorrow,” Sandy told me.

Points: 6

Task D. Choose the correct item.

1. Can you tell James that there’s someone / anyone on the phone for him?

2. Everyone / Someone in the trekking club loves extreme sports.

3. Researchers come from everywhere / nowhere to explore Antarctica.

4. There is something / nothing wrong with your wrist, it’s not even swollen.

5. Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy that anyone / no one can do it.

Points: 5

Task E. Fill in the appropriate question tag.

1. Mike likes extreme sports, ……….?

2. Henry has never been kitesurfing, ……….?

3. It was an inspiring story, ……….?

4. A compass always points to the north, ……….?

5. Let’s apply for the volunteer position, ……….?

Points: 5

Total: 30

Контрольная работа за 2 полугодие

Spotlight 9. Exit test.


Task A. Listen to some people talking about challenges and match the speakers (1 – 5) to the statements (A – E).

A. The speaker is not sure about trying the same thing again.

B. The speaker does not like taking risks.

C. The speaker enjoys doing extreme sports.

D. The speaker’s friends do not share his / her interest in extreme sports.

E. The speaker feels he / she can face a challenge successfully.

1. Speaker 1 ……….

2. Speaker 2 ……….

3. Speaker 3 ……….

4. Speaker 4 ……….

5. Speaker 5 ……….

Points: 5


Task B. Read the text and match the headings (A – F) to the paragraphs (1 – 5). There is one heading you don’t need to use.







The Bolshoi Theatre

1. The Bolshoi theatre – one of the world’s biggest and most spectacular theatres – is known in all four comers of the world as the home of the outstanding Bolshoi opera and ballet companies.

2. Located near the red Square in Moscow, the Bolshoi theatre was built in 1824. Over 2000 people can sit inside this magnificent theatre on red velvet seats, underneath elaborate lights and beautiful gold decorations. It is simply impossible not to be amazed by a visit to the incredible Bolshoi theatre – that’s before a performance has even begun!

3. During its long history, the theatre has seen performances by some of Russia’s most famous artists and by some of the world’s best – loved composers. It has also survived some tough moments: three fires, the construction of the Moscow metro line underneath it and bombing during the war.

4. In 2006, engineers announced that the Bolshoi theatre was extremely unstable and that it could fall down at any time. So that same summer, the theatre was closed and repair work began at great cost. Currently, the reconstruction of the Bolshoi theatre is expected to be completed around 2011.

5. When the theatre reopens, several things will have changed. But one thing won’t, which is the theatre’s appearance. Every step is being taken to make absolutely certain that this magnificent theatre, when it reopens, will look exactly as it always did.

Points: 5

Vocabulary / Grammar

Task C. Choose the correct item.

1. If you’re looking for a dog, why don’t you get one from the animal ……….?

a. hall

b. shelter

c. station

2. Don’t worry, it’s just a scratch. Clean it, put a ……….on it and you’ll be fine.

a. cast

b. sling

c. plaster

3. Though the film has a(n) ……….cast, it hasn’t received very good reviews.

a. all - star

b. box office

c. action - packed

4. Children often express their ……….creativity through finger painting and drawing.

a. actor

b. starring

c. artistic

5. Cindy ……….into tears when a car almost hit her dog as it ran into the street.

a. took

b. made

c. burst

6. Make sure you include ……….in your daily diet.

a. too protein

b. protein enough

c. enough protein

7. If only I ……….so much homework to do! I’d love to go out with my friends.

a. wouldn’t have

b. hadn’t had

c. didn’t have

8. Sally is ……….person I’ve ever met, she hardly talks to anyone.

a. most shy

b. the shyer

c. the shyest

9. You can’t invite ……….you want to the party! We only have twenty guests.

a. whichever

b. whenever

c. whoever

10. If I ……….you, I’d cut down on all that junk food.

a. had been

b. were

c. would be

Points: 10

Total: 20


Test 1

Variant I

Task A

1. bright

2. make

3. display

4. transformed

5. spare

6. strong

7. street

8. life

9. raised

10. contest

Task B

1. blows out

2. exchange

3. decorate

4. attracts

5. annual

6. remind

7. entering

8. made

9. throw

10. patiently

Task C

1. who

2. who

3. who

4. which

5. whose

6. where

7. when

Task D

1. amused

2. boring

3. depressed

4. exhausting

5. embarrassed

6. depressing

7. bored

8. embarrassing

Task E

1. c

2. d

3. b

4. b

5. c

6. c

7. a

8. b

9. c

10. b

Variant II

Task A

1. transformed

2. bright

3. strong

4. life

5. display

6. raised

7. street

8. contest

9. make

10. spare

Task B

1. attracts

2. annual

3. remind

4. blows out

5. entering

6. made

7. throw

8. exchange

9. patiently

10. decorate

Task C

1. who

2. who

3. who

4. which

5. whose

6. where

7. when

Task D

1. amused

2. boring

3. depressed

4. exhausting

5. embarrassed

6. depressing

7. bored

8. embarrassing

Task E

1. c

2. d

3. b

4. b

5. c

6. c

7. a

8. b

9. c

10. b

Test 2

Variant I

Task A

1. take

2. do

3. dust

4. keep

5. mopped

6. makes

7. hang out

Task B

1. went

2. nosy

3. household

4. spacious

5. vacuum

6. sociable

7. zero

8. do

9. isolated

10. pitch

Task C

1. getting

2. shopping

3. to take

4. living

5. to become

6. turning

7. stay

8. to have

9. waking

10. tidy

Task D

1. too selfish

2. close enough

3. too noisy

4. modern enough

5. enough sleep

6. too busy

7. big enough

Task E

1. F

2. A

3. D

4. E

5. B

Variant I

Task A

1. dust

2. hang out

3. take

4. mopped

5. do

6. keep

7. makes

Task B

1. spacious

2. went

3. household

4. isolated

5. nosy

6. vacuum

7. sociable

8. pitch

9. zero

10. do

Task C

1. getting

2. shopping

3. to take

4. living

5. to become

6. turning

7. stay

8. to have

9. waking

10. tidy

Task D

1. too selfish

2. close enough

3. too noisy

4. modern enough

5. enough sleep

6. too busy

7. big enough

Task E

1. F

2. A

3. D

4. E

5. B

Test 3

Variant I

Task A

1. strange – looking

2. well – known

3. late – night

4. old – fashioned

5. dark – haired

Task B

1. survived

2. mythical

3. humped

4. glimpse

5. human

6. imagination

7. violent

Task C

1. was reading

2. came, switched, checked

3. was driving

4. has been painting

5. hadn’t finished

6. has been repairing

7. had started

Task D

1. Edward used to believe in ghosts when he was a little boy.

2. Her parents didn’t use to buy her books about monsters when she was a child.

3. My sister used to make fun of Surrealistic paintings, but now she loves them.

Task E

1. come down with

2. come out

3. come over

4. about

5. of

6. in

7. from

8. from

Variant II

Task A

1. old – fashioned

2. dark – haired

3. well – known

4. strange – looking

5. late – night

Task B

1. violent

2. humped

3. glimpse

4. survived

5. human

6. imagination

7. mythical

Task C

1. was reading

2. came, switched, checked

3. was driving

4. has been painting

5. hadn’t finished

6. has been repairing

7. had started

Task D

1. Edward used to believe in ghosts when he was a little boy.

2. Her parents didn’t use to buy her books about monsters when she was a child.

3. My sister used to make fun of Surrealistic paintings, but now she loves them.

Task E

1. come down with

2. come out

3. come over

4. about

5. of

6. in

7. from

8. from

Test 4

Variant I

Task A

1. connect to the Internet

2. spill coffee

3. come to harm

4. run out of ink

5. download music

6. delete by mistake

Task B

1. emotional response

2. email account

3. phone line

4. figurative speech

5. artificial brain

Task C

1. become

2. perform

3. invented

4. caters

5. service

Task D

1. up

2. out of

3. into

4. down

5. out

6. in, in

Task E

1. starts

2. Will you show

3. will pass

4. will be attending

5. will have been working

6. Are you buying

7. will install

8. is giving

Task F

1. will have been living

2. will have written

3. will have been writing

4. will have finished

Variant I

Task A

1. run out of ink

2. spill coffee

3. delete by mistake

4. connect to the Internet

5. download music

6. come to harm

Task B

1. figurative speech

2. phone line

3. artificial brain

4. email account

5. emotional response

Task C

1. caters

2. become

3. service

4. perform

5. invented

Task D

1. down

2. into

3. out

4. up

5. out of

6. in, in

Task E

1. will have been working

2. will pass

3. is giving

4. starts

5. Will you show

6. will install

7. will be attending

8. Are you buying

Task F

1. will have been living

2. will have written

3. will have been writing

4. will have finished

Mid test

Task A

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. C

Task B

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. F

5. B

Task C

1. c

2. b

3. b

4. b

5. b

6. c

7. b

8. c

9. a

10. a

Test 5

Variant I

Task A

1. remain

2. set

3. still

4. stunts

5. miniature

6. portray

7. private

8. artistic

9. plots

Task B

1. action – packed

2. all – star

3. model making

4. special effects

5. box office

6. potter’s wheel

Task C

1. most talented

2. most famous

3. better, better

4. worst

5. more accurately

6. more, easier

7. interesting

8. tiniest

Task D

1. with

2. for

3. of

4. to

5. in

Task E

1. out of

2. through

3. over

4. into

5. away

Variant II

Task A

1. still

2. miniature

3. portray

4. stunts

5. private

6. remain

7. artistic

8. set

9. plots

Task B

1. all – star

2. special effects

3. action – packed

4. box office

5. potter’s wheel

6. model making

Task C

1. most talented

2. most famous

3. better, better

4. worst

5. more accurately

6. more, easier

7. interesting

8. tiniest

Task D

1. with

2. for

3. of

4. to

5. in

Task E

1. out of

2. through

3. over

4. into

5. away

Test 6

Variant I

Task A

1. a

2. e

3. h

4. c

5. g

6. i

7. b

8. j

9. f

10. d

Task B

1. station

2. gets involved

3. cashier

4. signs

5. skillful

6. worker

7. organized

Task C

1. A pay rise is being to give us by the boss.

2. My new car will be delivered.

3. The suspects are being questioned by the police.

4. Were the thieves seen by your neighbours?

5. Computers are used by the children.

Task D

1. whichever

2. whatever

3. wherever

4. however

5. whenever

Task E

1. itself

2. myself

3. himself

4. itself

5. yourselves

Task F

1. on

2. in

3. up on

4. off

5. out

Variant II

Task A

1. c

2. d

3. b

4. a

5. g

6. i

7. h

8. j

9. f

10. e

Task B

1. cashier

2. station

3. signs

4. organized

5. skillful

6. gets involved

7. worker

Task C

1. A pay rise is being to give us by the boss.

2. My new car will be delivered.

3. The suspects are being questioned by the police.

4. Were the thieves seen by your neighbours?

5. Computers are used by the children.

Task D

1. whichever

2. whatever

3. wherever

4. however

5. whenever

Task E

1. itself

2. myself

3. himself

4. itself

5. yourselves

Task F

1. on

2. in

3. up on

4. off

5. out

Test 7

Variant I

Task A

1. sip

2. home – made

3. irrational

4. starving

5. teased

6. cut

7. burn

8. shaking

9. beat

10. eating

11. screamed

12. chewing

Task B

1. took up

2. going on

3. snacks

4. human

5. rich

6. leads

Task C

1. were

2. doesn’t grow

3. wouldn’t have scratched

4. take

5. had eaten

6. discuss

7. exercised

8. will connect

Task D

1. might

2. mustn’t

3. needn’t

4. may

5. shouldn’t

Task E

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. E

5. C

Variant I

Task A

1. starving

2. chewing

3. teased

4. home – made

5. cut

6. burn

7. sip

8. shaking

9. beat

10. eating

11. irrational

12. screamed

Task B

1. snacks

2. took up

3. human

4. rich

5. leads

6. going on

Task C

1. were

2. doesn’t grow

3. wouldn’t have scratched

4. take

5. had eaten

6. discuss

7. exercised

8. will connect

Task D

1. might

2. mustn’t

3. needn’t

4. may

5. shouldn’t

Task E

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. E

5. C

Test 8

Variant I

Task A

1. rucksack

2. map

3. sprained

4. total

5. bump

6. first aid kit

7. face

8. bruised

9. survived

Task B

1. rescued

2. sunscreen

3. sling

4. injured

5. instead of

Task C

1. Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country.

2. Mum told me not to be late for dinner.

3. James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whitewater rafting that weekend.

4. Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years ago before.

5. Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons in summer.

6. Sandy told me that the children were going on a roller coaster ride the next day.

Task D

1. someone

2. everyone

3. everywhere

4. nothing

5. anyone

Task E

1. doesn’t he

2. has he

3. wasn’t it

4. doesn’t it

5. shall we

Variant I

Task A

1. sprained

2. rucksack

3. bump

4. face

5. bruised

6. first aid kit

7. total

8. survived

9. first aid kit

Task B

1. sunscreen

2. rescued

3. instead of

4. injured

5. sling

Task C

1. Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign country.

2. Mum told me not to be late for dinner.

3. James and Lilly said that they couldn’t go whitewater rafting that weekend.

4. Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three years ago before.

5. Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons in summer.

6. Sandy told me that the children were going on a roller coaster ride the next day.

Task D

1. someone

2. everyone

3. everywhere

4. nothing

5. anyone

Task E

1. doesn’t he

2. has he

3. wasn’t it

4. doesn’t it

5. shall we

Exit test

Task A

1. C

2. B

3. E

4. A

5. D

Task B

1. E

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. D

Task C

1. b

2. c

3. a

4. c

5. c

6. c

7. c

8. c

9. c

10. b


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