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Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку. 7 класс (УМК "Spotlight 7")

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«Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку. 7 класс (УМК "Spotlight 7")»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение города Джанкоя Республики Крым «Школа – гимназия «№6»


на заседании МО учителей иностранного языка

(протокол №4 от 28.12.2019)


Заместитель директора по УР МОУ «Школа-гимназия» №6 г.Джанкоя

______ /А.А.Гоморова/



Приказом МОУ «Школа-гимназия» №6 г.Джанкоя

от 28.12.2019 №660



7 класс

Разработчик Склярова Оксана Васильевна, учитель английского языка высшей категории



фонда оценочных средств

по английскому языку

(наименование учебного предмета, курса, дисциплины)

7 класс

№ п/п

Контролируемые разделы (темы) дисциплины


оценочного средства


Модуль 1. Образ жизни.

Модульный контроль №1.


Модуль 2. Время рассказов.

Модульный контроль №2.


Модуль 3. Внешность и характер.

Модульный контроль №3.


Модуль 4. Средства массовой информации и коммуникации.

Модульный контроль №4.


Модуль 5. Что ждёт нас в будущем.

Модульный контроль №5.


Модули 1-5.

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие.


Модули 1-5.

Контроль говорения.


Модуль 6. Развлечения.

Модульный контроль №6.


Модуль 7. В центре внимания.

Модульный контроль №7.


Модуль 8. Проблемы экологии.

Модульный контроль №8.


Модуль 9. Время покупок.

Модульный контроль №9.


Модуль 10. В здоровом теле здоровый дух.

Модульный контроль №10.


Модули 6-10.

Контрольная работа за 2 полугодие.


Модули 6-10.

Контроль говорения.


1. Критерии оценивания модульных контролей.

За контрольные работы оценка вычисляется исходя из процента правильных ответов:

Оценка «2» - 49% и менее

Оценка «3» - от 50% до 69%

Оценка «4» - от 70% до 89%

Оценка «5» - от 90% до 100%

2.Критерии оценки устных развернутых ответов (контроля говорения).

Устные ответы оцениваются по пяти критериям:

1) Содержание (соблюдение объема высказывания, соответствие теме, отражение всех аспектов, указанных в задании, стилевое оформление речи, аргументация, соблюдение

норм вежливости).

2) Взаимодействие с собеседником (умение логично и связно вести беседу, соблюдать очередность при обмене репликами, давать аргументированные и развернутые ответы на

вопросы собеседника, умение начать и поддерживать беседу, а также восстановить ее в

случае сбоя: переспрос, уточнение);

3) Лексика (словарный запас соответствует поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

4) Грамматика (использование разнообразных грамматических конструкций в соответствии с поставленной задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку);

5) Произношение (правильное произнесение звуков английского языка, правильная постановка ударения в словах, а также соблюдение правильной интонации в предложениях).


Соблюден объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует

теме; отражены все аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу задания, аргументация на уровне, нормы вежливости соблюдены. Адекватная естественная реакция на реплики собеседника. Проявляется речевая инициатива для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач.

Лексика адекватна поставленной задаче и требованиям данного года обучения языку. Использованы разные грамматические конструкций в соответствии с задачей и требованиям данного года обучения языку. Редкие грамматические ошибки не мешают коммуникации.

Речь звучит в естественном темпе, нет грубых фонетических ошибок.


Не полный объем высказывания. Высказывание соответствует теме; не отражены некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи соответствует типу

задания, аргументация не всегда на соответствующем уровне, но нормы вежливости соблюдены.

Коммуникация немного затруднена.

Лексические ошибки незначительно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося. Грамматические незначительно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося.

Речь иногда неоправданно паузирована. В отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки (замена, английских фонем сходными русскими). Общая интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка.


Незначительный объем высказывания, которое не в полной мере соотв

етствует теме; не отражены некоторые аспекты, указанные в задании, стилевое оформление речи не в полной мере соответствует типу задания, аргументация не на соответствующем уровне, нормы вежливости не соблюдены.

Коммуникация существенно затруднена, учащийся не проявляет речевой инициативы.

Учащийся делает большое количество грубых лексических ошибок.

Учащийся делает большое количество грубых грамматических ошибок.

Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок.

Интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка.


Учащийся не понимает смысла задания. Аспекты указанные в задании не учтены.

Коммуникативная задача не решена.

Учащийся не может построить высказывание.

Учащийся не может грамматически верно построить высказывание.

Речь понять не возможно.


Модульный контроль №1

Spotlight 7. Modular test 1.

Variant I


Task A. Match the words and translate.

1. fresh

2. constant

3. door

4. feeling

5. alarm

6. high rate of

7. beautiful

8. hustle and

a. system

b. unemployment

c. noise

d. landscapes

e. air

f. bustle

g. isolated

h. chain

Points: 8

Task B. Choose the correct word.

1. Marry is hometown / homesick when she misses home.

2. Kate is crazy of / about skating!

3. They don’t like the peace / landscapes and quiet in this country side.

4. Max is installing / inventing outside lights in this garden.

5. Parents want to check / rent a DVD tonight.

6. The supermarkets are close / easy at hand in this city.

7. She misses people from her hometown / homework.

8. My brother likes walking / surfing the Net.

9. Ann doesn’t like visiting / hanging out at the shopping centre.

10. Oh, no! The guests will be here in a minute and we run into / out of coffee.

11. Always look through the chain / peephole before you open the door.

12. I tried to run after / out the robber, but he was very fast.

Points: 12


Task C. Give the correct advice, using should / shouldn’t.

1. Helen has got a toothache. She should / shouldn’t see a dentist.

2. It’s raining outside. You should / shouldn’t take an umbrella.

3. You should / shouldn’t open the door to strange people.

4. You should / shouldn’t use zebra to cross the road.

5. Mum is tired. She should / shouldn’t go to bed early.

6. Children should / shouldn’t eat so many sweets. It’s bad for their teeth.

Points: 6

Task D. Use Present Simple and Present Continuous to complete the sentences.

1. Kate ….. (visit) her parents this weekend.

2. Nick and Mike ….. (play) chess at the moment.

3. My grandma ….. (feed) the chickens every evening.

4. My lessons ….. (start) at 9.

5. He ….. (not / visit) his uncle very often.

6. She ….. (not / have) a shower now.

7. My sisters ….. (surf) the Net at night.

8. I ….. (go) to the park this evening.

9. ….. (you / like) to play soccer?

10. Sue ….. (think) of buying a new mobile phone.

Points: 10

Total: 36

Spotlight 7. Modular test 1.

Variant II


Task A. Match the words and translate.

1. beautiful

2. door

3. constant

4. feeling

5. hustle and

6. high rate of

7. fresh

8. alarm

a. system

b. unemployment

c. noise

d. landscapes

e. air

f. bustle

g. isolated

h. chain

Points: 8

Task B. Choose the correct word.

1. They don’t like the peace / landscapes and quiet in this country side.

2. David is installing / inventing outside lights in this garden.

3. Parents want to check / rent a DVD tonight.

4. The supermarkets are close / easy at hand in this city.

5. Helen is hometown / homesick when she misses home.

6. She misses people from her hometown / homework.

7. My brother likes walking / surfing the Net.

8. Jane doesn’t like visiting / hanging out at the shopping centre.

9. Oh, no! The guests will be here in a minute and we run into / out of coffee.

10. Always look through the chain / peephole before you open the door.

11. I tried to run after / out the robber, but he was very fast.

12. Polly is crazy of / about skating!

Points: 12


Task C. Give the correct advice, using should / shouldn’t.

1. You should / shouldn’t open the door to strange people.

2. Helen has got a toothache. She should / shouldn’t see a dentist.

3. Mum is tired. She should / shouldn’t go to bed early.

4. It’s raining outside. You should / shouldn’t take an umbrella.

5. Children should / shouldn’t eat so many sweets. It’s bad for their teeth.

6. You should / shouldn’t use zebra to cross the road.

Points: 6

Task D. Use Present Simple and Present Continuous to complete the sentences.

1. Angela ….. (visit) her parents this weekend.

2. Tom and Mike ….. (play) chess at the moment.

3. My grandma ….. (feed) the chickens every evening.

4. My lessons ….. (start) at 9.

5. He ….. (not / visit) his uncle very often.

6. She ….. (not / have) a shower now.

7. My sisters ….. (surf) the Net at night.

8. I ….. (go) to the park this evening.

9. ….. (you / like) to play soccer?

10. Sue ….. (think) of buying a new mobile phone.

Points: 10

Total: 36

Модульный контроль №2

Spotlight 7. Modular test 2.

Variant I


Task A. Write negative and interrogative sentences.

1. Sherlock Holmes smoked a pipe.

(-) _____________________________________

(?) _____________________________________

2. Hercule Poirot caught a lot of criminals.

(-) _____________________________________

(?) _____________________________________

Points: 4

Task B. Put the verbs into Past Simple:

  1. Mr. Johnson ………………. (find) 10$ in the park yesterday.

  2. Columbus ……………………… (discover) America.

  3. We ………………………… (watch) TV last night.

  4. Marry …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago.

  5. J. Rowling ……………………... (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends.

  6. He ……………… (stop) talking when I entered the room.

  7. I ……………. (lose) my wallet on the bus.

  8. … ………..Brian (win) the competition? – No, he … .

  9. My friend …….. ………(prefer) mystery.

  10. Hercule Poirot ………… (be) a Belgian detective.

Points: 10

Task C. What did/didn’t Emma use to do when she was seven? Write sentences.

  1. play hide-and-seek (√) __________________________________________

  2. watch cartoons (√) __________________________________________

  3. read comics (x) __________________________________________

  4. drive a car (x) __________________________________________

Points: 4

Task D. Choose the correct item:

1. The children played in the garden until / then it got dark.

2. Henry used to go / went to the Ireland last week.

3. Lyn got a job after / until she finished school.

4. First she made dinner, then / when she watched TV.

5. The mouse ran away until / as soon as it saw the cat.

6. I was sleeping as soon as / when the phone rang.

7. I turned on the light until / as soon as I arrived.

8. She ran to the police station until / after she saw the thief.

9. Please turn off the computer after / when you leave.

10. She made dinner when / then she took the dog for a walk.

Points: 10


Task E. Fill in the missing word.

adventure enjoy book amazing character adventures funny

1) I __________ books of different genres: 2) _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics.

3) I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most 4) ________books I have ever read.

5) In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil. (зло)

6) My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very 7) __________.

Points: 7

Total: 35

Модульный контроль №2

Spotlight 7. Modular test 2.

Variant II


Task A. Write negative and interrogative sentences.

1. A.C. Doyle created Sherlock Holmes.

(-) _____________________________________

(?) _____________________________________

2. Jules Verne had a great imagination.

(-) _____________________________________

(?) _____________________________________

Points: 4

Task B. Put the verbs into Past Simple:

1. My brother ………………………… (watch) TV last night.

2. Robert ………………. (find) 10$ in the park last night.

3. Sally …………………….(send) an e-mail to her friend an hour ago.

4. J. Rowling ……………………... (write) 8 books about Harry Potter and his friends.

5. I ……………. (lose) my wallet on the bus.

6. … ………..Brian (win) the competition? – No, he … .

7. Columbus ……………………… (discover) America.

8. My friend …….. ………(prefer) mystery.

9. Hercule Poirot ………… (be) a Belgian detective.

10. He ……………… (stop) talking when I entered the room.

Points: 10

Task C. What did/didn’t Emma use to do when she was seven? Write sentences.

  1. play hide-and-seek (√) __________________________________________

  2. watch cartoons (√) __________________________________________

  3. read comics (x) __________________________________________

  4. drive a car (x) __________________________________________

Points: 4

Task D. Choose the correct item:

1. I was sleeping as soon as / when the phone rang.

2. I turned on the light until / as soon as I arrived.

3. She ran to the police station until / after she saw the thief.

4. Please turn off the computer after / when you leave.

5. She made dinner when / then she took the dog for a walk.

6. The children played in the garden until / then it got dark.

7. Henry used to go / went to the Ireland last week.

8. Lyn got a job after / until she finished school.

9. First she made dinner, then / when she watched TV.

10. The mouse ran away until / as soon as it saw the cat.

Points: 10


Task E. Fill in the missing word.

adventure enjoy book amazing character adventures funny

1) I __________ books of different genres: 2) _________ and detective stories, science fiction and comics.

3) I would like to tell you about my favourite ____________. “ Harry Potter” is one of the most 4) ________books I have ever read.

5) In this story the children have dangerous ____________ and fight with the evil. (зло)

6) My favorite ___________ is Ron Weasley. He is very 7) __________.

Points: 7

Total: 35

Модульный контроль №3

Spotlight 7. Modular test 3.

Variant I


Task A. Odd word out.

1. dark fair curly tall

2. determined short brave artistic

3. in her twenties grey baby teenager

4. scar straight moustache freckles

Points: 4

Task B. Fill in the gaps with: back, up or away.

1. Mark gave the book _________ to his friend.

2. Liza gave_____________ her book collection to the local library.

3. Give _____ what you took.

4. Jack gave ______ jogging in the morning when he got a new job.

5. Tony gave ________ his secret.

Points: 5

Task C. Put the words into the right order

1. a / British / clever / old / professor

2. a / German / nice / big / clock

3. a / tall / basketball player / serious / Russian

4. short / is / a / old /American / writer /

5. French /a / tall / author / good / is

6. middle-aged / an / excellent / is / tennis player / British

7. teacher / a / funny / is / tall / Russian

Points: 7


Task D. Choose the right word.

1. He’s that kind of person where / who can read books the whole day.

2. I don’t know where / why you lie (лгать).

3. Is that the boy which / that lives near here?

4. Whose / which bag is this?

5. This is the dress which / whose I bought last week.

6. The kangaroo is an animal who / that lives in Australia.

7. Meryl Streep is the actress which / who played in Mamma Mia.

8. The girl whose / who parents are doctors lives next door to us.

9. Katrina is the storm who / which hit New Orleans.

10. Maria is the one which / who is always late for class.

Points: 10

Task E. Choose the correct word.

1. My nephew was amusing / amused by the clown.

2. The journey was exhausting / exhausted! Twelve hours by bus.

3. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It’s so embarrassing / embarrassed!

4. She looked very confusing / confused when I told her we had to change the plan.

5. That film was so depressing / depressed! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

6. He was frightening / frightened when he saw the spider.

7. We are going in a helicopter? How exciting / excited!

8. I’m sorry, I can’t come tonight. I’m completely exhausting / exhausted.

9. This lesson is so boring / bored.

Points: 9

Total: 35

Модульный контроль №3

Spotlight 7. Modular test 3.

Variant II


Task A. Odd word out.

1. determined short brave artistic

2. in her twenties grey baby teenager

3. dark fair curly tall

4. scar straight moustache freckles

Points: 4

Task B. Fill in the gaps with: back, up or away

1. Sam gave ______ jogging in the morning when he got a new job.

2. Beth gave the book _________ to his friend.

3. Vicky gave_____________ her book collection to the local library.

4. Give _____ what you took.

5. Ted gave ________ his secret.

Points: 5

Task C. Put the words into the right order.

1. a / tall / basketball player / serious / Russian

2. a / British / clever / old / professor

3. short / is / a / old /American / writer /

4. French /a / tall / author / good / is

5. a / German / nice / big / clock

6. middle-aged / an / excellent / is / tennis player / British

7. teacher / a / funny / is / tall / Russian

Points: 7


Task D. Choose the right word.

1. Whose / which bag is this?

2. This is the dress which/whose I bought last week.

3. The kangaroo is an animal who/that lives in Australia.

4. He’s that kind of person where / who can read books the whole day.

5. Meryl Streep is the actress which / who played in Mamma Mia.

6. The girl whose / who parents are doctors lives next door to us.

7. I don’t know where / why you lie (лгать).

8. Katrina is the storm who / which hit New Orleans.

9. Maria is the one which / who is always late for class.

10. Is that the boy which / that lives near here?

Points: 10

Task E. Choose the correct word.

1. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It’s so embarrassing / embarrassed!

2. That film was so depressing / depressed! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

3. My nephew was amusing / amused by the clown.

4. We are going in a helicopter? How exciting / excited!

5. The journey was exhausting / exhausted! Twelve hours by bus.

6. I’m sorry, I can’t come tonight. I’m completely exhausting / exhausted.

7. This lesson is so boring / bored.

8. She looked very confusing / confused when I told her we had to change the plan.

9. He was frightening / frightened when he saw the spider.

Points: 9

Total: 35

Модульный контроль №4

Spotlight 7. Modular test 4.

Variant I

Task A. Fill in the correct word.

text messages horoscope radio articles weather gossip

fashion and beauty

1. I like reading the newspapers for all its interesting ………. .

2. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ………. last night.

3. My sister buys a popular magazine to read ………. about famous people.

4. Tom likes to send ………. to his friends.

5. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ………. advice.

6. I always read the ………reports in the newspapers.

7. I usually start reading newspapers from a daily ………. .

Points: 7

Task B. Match the words to make up word combinations.

1. interesting wildlife

2. international

3. listen to

4. chat

5. weather

6. text

7. fashion and beauty

8. cookery

a) message

b) interview

c) show

d) documentary

e) news

f) report g) programme h) advice

Points: 8

Task C. Fill in the gaps with off, with, on:

1. Go… ……. . I am listening to you.

2. This blouse goes well………. your skirt.

3. You must use these cakes soon before they go…………. .

4. My alarm clock went …………. at 7 o’clock.

Points: 4

Task D. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous.

1. Mother ________ (watch) TV when he arrived.

2. Tom ______(play) computer games at 9 pm yesterday.

3. Bob and Mark ______ (read) magazines when their father came.

4. She _______ (send) e-mails until 10 pm last night.

5. When I phoned my friends, they __________(play)   monopoly.

Points: 5

Task E. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1. They _______ (do) their homework when their father _______ (come).

2. His parents ________ (read) while Tom _________ (sleep).

3. When Ann _________ (watch) the film, her sister _________ (dance).

4. Mother ________ (cook) dinner when Kate _________ (hear) a noise.

5. John ________ (read) a magazine when the phone _________ (ring).

Points: 5

Total: 29

Модульный контроль №4

Spotlight 7. Modular test 4.

Variant II

Task A. Fill in the correct word.

text messages horoscope radio articles weather gossip

fashion and beauty

1. I heard (слушал) my favourite songs on the ………. last night.

2. Tom likes to send ………. to his friends.

3. I like reading the newspapers for all its interesting ………. .

4. I always read the ………reports in the newspapers.

5. My sister buys a popular magazine to read ………. about famous people.

6. I usually start reading newspapers from a daily ………. .

7. Sara buys a lot of magazines for its ………. advice.

Points: 7

Task B. Match the words to make up word combinations.

1. interesting wildlife

2. text

3. listen to

4. cookery

5. weather

6. international

7. fashion and beauty

8. chat

a) report

b) interview

c) show

d) documentary

e) news

f) message g) programme h) advice

Points: 8

Task C. Fill in the gaps with off, with, on:

1. Go… ……. . I am listening to you.

2. This blouse goes well………. your skirt.

3. You must use these cakes soon before they go…………. .

4. My alarm clock went …………. at 7 o’clock.

Points: 4

Task D. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous.

1. Mother ________ (watch) TV when he arrived.

2. Tom ______(play) computer games at 9 pm yesterday.

3. Bob and Mark ______ (read) magazines when their father came.

4. She _______ (send) e-mails until 10 pm last night.

5. When I phoned my friends, they __________(play)   monopoly.

Points: 5

Task E. Put the verbs in the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1. They _______ (do) their homework when their father _______ (come).

2. His parents ________ (read) while Tom _________ (sleep).

3. When Ann _________ (watch) the film, her sister _________ (dance).

4. Mother ________ (cook) dinner when Kate _________ (hear) a noise.

5. John ________ (read) a magazine when the phone _________ (ring).

Points: 5

Total: 29

Модульный контроль № 5

Spotlight 7. Modular test 5.

Variant I


Task A. Complete the words.

1. l _ _ _ _ _

2. h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. d _ _ _ _ _ _

c _ _ _ _ _

4. U _ _ s _ _ _ _

5. t _ _ _ _ _

6. m _ _ _ _ _

p _ _ _ _

Points: 6

Task B. Match the words.

1. digital

2. virtual

3. mobile

4. flying

5. MP3

6. glass

a. dome

b. car

c. camera

d. phone

e. pet

f. player

Points: 6

Task C. Fill in the correct word / phrase.

pocket money role model assignment computer simulation training button

1. Press the ……….to switch the computer on.

2. This singer is a good ……….for teenagers.

3. You must save your ……….if you want to buy something special for yourself.

4. This college offers many courses in teacher …………. .

5. The students finished their ……….on time.

6. ………..is used a lot in video games.

Points: 6


Task D. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. I booked my holiday ages ago. I am going / will go to Spain.

2. Maybe I’ll / am going to bed early tonight.

3. Look at those black clouds. It’s probably going to / will rain.

4. I promise I am going to / will feed the cat.

5. I will / am going to order a pizza if you like.

6. I want to buy a new video game so I will / am going to save my pocket money.

Points: 6

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. If you ……….you may fail the test.

a. don’t study

b. won’t study

2. I ……….a present if I have enough money.

a. buy

b. will buy

3. When you ………..fast, you get tired.

a. run

b. will run

4. If you go to the party, I am sure you ……….a good time.

a. will have

b. have

5. If you ………..dinner, I’ll wash the dishes.

a. cook

b. will cook

6. If it ……….sunny tomorrow, well go to the park.

a. will be

b. is

7. If you ………..enough, you get tired.

a. won’t sleep

b. don’t sleep

Points: 7

Total: 31

Модульный контроль № 5

Spotlight 7. Modular test 5.

Variant II


Task A. Complete the words.

1. l _ _ _ _ _

2. h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. d _ _ _ _ _ _

c _ _ _ _ _

4. U _ _ s _ _ _ _

5. t _ _ _ _ _

6. m _ _ _ _ _

p _ _ _ _

Points: 6

Task B. Match the words.

1. MP3

2. mobile

3. glass

4. flying

5. digital

6. virtual

a. dome

b. car

c. camera

d. phone

e. pet

f. player

Points: 6

Task C. Fill in the correct word / phrase.

pocket money role model assignment computer simulation training button

1. This college offers many courses in teacher …………. .

2. This singer is a good ……….for teenagers.

3. The students finished their ……….on time.

4. Press the ……….to switch the computer on.

5. ………..is used a lot in video games.

6. You must save your ……….if you want to buy something special for yourself.

Points: 6


Task D. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. Maybe I’ll / am going to bed early tonight.

2. I promise I am going to / will feed the cat.

3. I booked my holiday ages ago. I am going / will go to Spain.

4. I will / am going to order a pizza if you like.

5. I want to buy a new video game so I will / am going to save my pocket money.

6. Look at those black clouds. It’s probably going to / will rain.

Points: 6

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. If you ……….you may fail the test.

a. don’t study

b. won’t study

2. I ……….a present if I have enough money.

a. buy

b. will buy

3. When you ………..fast, you get tired.

a. run

b. will run

4. If you go to the party, I am sure you ……….a good time.

a. will have

b. have

5. If you ………..dinner, I’ll wash the dishes.

a. cook

b. will cook

6. If it ……….sunny tomorrow, well go to the park.

a. will be

b. is

7. If you ………..enough, you get tired.

a. won’t sleep

b. don’t sleep

Points: 7

Total: 31

Контрольная работа за 1 полугодие

Spotlight 7. Mid test.

Variant I


Task A. Read the text and mark the statements True or False.

Rita Nelson is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to another town this summer. “Let me tell you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly, but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school starts at 8.00 here, a whole, hour before it did in that school. This morning I forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note into my record-book. I was really angry! There are a lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they love sports here. I joined gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.

1. Rita doesn’t like her new school.

2. Today Rita came to school in time.

3. Students don’t love sports in the new school.

4. Many girls play football in the new school.

5. Rita likes to go football very much.

Points: 5

Task B. Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. One title is extra.

A. Activities after school B. Free time between lessons

C. School clothes D. School subjects

E. Homework F. School day begins

1. I get up at 7.30 and get dressed for school. I don`t live far from school, so I walk there with my friends, Brain and Gemma. On Mondays we all start the day with Assembly in the school hall at 8.50. The headteacher talks to us and gives us information about school events.

2. This year I’ve got nine subjects. We all study English, Maths and Science, and then we choose other subjects. My favourites are IT and Art&Design. Brain likes Spanish and Japanese. Gemma is brilliant at Maths, so she goes to an Advanced Math class.

3. We have 20 minutes for break in the morning and an hour for lunch. Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch. But my friends and I always eat at the dining room where you can get a hot meal every day.

4. Lessons end at 4 o’clock, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until 5 o’ clock. I go to the photography club and the Athletics Club. There are lots of clubs and activities at our school. Brian belongs to the film society, Gemma plays in the school orchestra.

5. At the end of the day I always spend 2 or 3 hours on homework. We have lots of homework now. We’ve got exams in June, there’s lots work to do.






Points: 5


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. I like ………. films because they usually take place in space.

a. adventure b. drama c. science-fiction

2. I bought some really nice ……….for my MP3 player.

a. laptops b. headphones c. submarines

3. Many people ……….isolated in big cities.

a. sleep b. sit c. feel

4. Dad is usually ……….when he comes home from work.

a. tire b. tired c. tiring

5. I never read ……….in Sunday newspaper. I don’t believe in them.

a. fashion b. text messages c. horoscopes

6. When I was a kid, I didn’t get much ……….money.

a. shoe b. pocket c. jumper

7. I hate getting stuck in traffic ………. .

a. jams b. fuels c. situations

8. I’m throwing out the bread because it has gone ………. .

a. on b. off c. with

9. That’s the boy ……….father is a teacher.

a. that b. which c. whose

10. I like listening to ……….because I’m very curious about other people’s lives.

a. articles b. music c. gossip

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. John ………., took a shower and left for work.

a. was getting up b. get up c. got up

2. They ……….their son every Sunday.

a. are visiting b. visits c. visit

3. If we mix blue and yellow, we ……….green.

a. get b. will get c. will be getting

4. Jane ……….lunch right now.

a. prepares b. was preparing c. is preparing

5. Look at the sky! It ……….a beautiful day!

a. will be b. is going to be c. is being

6. If you go out with your friends, you ……….a great time.

a. will have b. have c. are having

7. I think Sue ……….a famous dancer.

a. becomes b. will become c. is becoming

8. Kathy was doing her homework while Helen ………. .

a. was cooking b. is cooking c. cooks

9. Mike was reading a magazine when I ……….him.

a. phone b. phoned c. was phoning

10. If it is sunny, we ……….a picnic.

a. will have b. have c. are having

Points: 10

Total: 30

Spotlight 7. Mid test.

Variant II


Task A. Read the text and mark the statements True or False.

At different times, thousands of people say that they have seen a large animal in the famous lake called Loch Ness in Scotland. For many centuries, people have tried to catch it. People who live there always talk about the mysterious animal in the lake, and many of them believe that it is still there today.

In 1933, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble, and a huge animal with two humps came out of it. After that, scientists examined the lake with underwater equipment and tried to find out what kind of animal lived there. Of course, they haven’t found it yet, because the lake is so deep and so dark. Tourists from all over the world have visited Loch Ness, they hope to see the monster. They have even given it a nickname “Nessie”. Many people even show photos of the monster, but they are usually photos of the pictures of the monster. Scientists suppose that the Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, which has survived since the Ice Age.

1. For many centuries, people have tried to catch the Loch Ness monster.

2. No one believes that the Loch Ness monster is still in the lake today.

3. In 1956, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble.

4. The lake is very deep.

5. Many people show photos of the monster.

Points: 5

Task B. Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. One title is extra.

  1. After dinner activities

  2. Hobbies

  3. At the weekend

  1. Travelling to work

  2. Their friends

  3. Start of the day

1. If you stay with an English family, what will life be like? We will tell you about life at the Grants’ flat in London. During the week, the day starts at about 7.15. They have breakfast in the kitchen. Tim and Penny Grant always have toast and coffee, but a lot of English people prefer tea. Charlie, Tim and Penny’s son, has orange juice and cereal.

2. Tim and Penny leave the flat at about 8 o’clock. They go to work on the tube. Charlie gets the bus to school. A lot of British people travel to work by car. The roads are usually very busy, especially during the ‘rush hour’ – in the morning and at the end of the day.

3. They usually have dinner together, but sometimes Penny works in the evening and sometimes Tim goes to the gym after work. They eat at about half past seven. After that Tim reads a paper, Charlie does his homework and Penny watches TV. They go to bed at about eleven.

4. At the weekend, Charlie and Tim sometimes go to a football match, and Tim always washes the car. Penny does the housework and Tim does the shopping at the supermarket near the flat. Sometimes they go to the cinema, or they go for a walk on Hampstead Heath.

5. Sometimes Tim and Penny’s friends come to the flat for a meal, or just to say ‘hello’. Penny often goes cycling at the weekend. Charlie spends a lot of time at his friend’s flat, and he often argues with his parents when he doesn’t help at home!






Points: 5


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. I never read ……….in Sunday newspaper. I don’t believe in them.

a. fashion b. text messages c. horoscopes

2. When I was a kid, I didn’t get much ……….money.

a. shoe b. pocket c. jumper

3. That’s the boy ……….mother is a doctor.

a. that b. which c. whose

4. I like listening to ……….because I’m very curious about other people’s lives.

a. articles b. music c. gossip

5. We like ………. films because they usually take place in space.

a. adventure b. drama c. science-fiction

6. Tina bought some really nice ……….for her MP3 player.

a. laptops b. headphones c. submarines

7. I hate getting stuck in traffic ………. .

a. jams b. fuels c. situations

8. I’m throwing out the bread because it has gone ………. .

a. on b. off c. with

9. Many people ……….isolated in big cities.

a. sleep b. sit c. feel

10. Mum is usually ……….when he comes home from work.

a. tire b. tired c. tiring

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. I think Zoe ……….a famous doctor.

a. becomes b. will become c. is becoming

2. Dora was doing her homework while Beth ………. .

a. was cooking b. is cooking c. cooks

3. If we mix blue and yellow, we ……….green.

a. get b. will get c. will be getting

4. My mum ……….lunch right now.

a. prepares b. was preparing c. is preparing

5. Phil was reading a magazine when I ……….him.

a. phone b. phoned c. was phoning

6. If it is sunny, we ……….a picnic.

a. will have b. have c. are having

7. Sam ………., took a shower and left for work.

a. was getting up b. get up c. got up

8. We ……….our son every Sunday.

a. are visiting b. visits c. visit

9. Look at the sky! It ……….a beautiful day!

a. will be b. is going to be c. is being

10. If you go out with your friends, you ……….a great time.

a. will have b. have c. are having

Points: 10

Total: 30

Модульный контроль №6

Spotlight 7. Modular test 6.

Variant I


Task A. Match the words.

1. theme

2. fun

3. rocket

4. driving

5. water

6. trapeze

  1. license

  2. artists

  3. journey

  4. fair

  5. park

  6. ride

Points: 6

Task B. Fill in the correct word.

eat go see ride on shake hands explore fly

Disneyland Paris is the perfect choice for a fun day out. You can 1) …………… the big wheel, 2) .................... in a pirate ship, 3) .................... clowns performing tricks, 4) .................... with cartoon characters and 5) .................... a haunted mansion. And, of course, 6) .......... souvenir shopping and 7) .................... candy floss.

Points: 7

Task C. Fill in the gaps with play, make, have, go

1. … hiking

2. … volleyball

3. … IT classes

4. … swimming

5. … a tree house

6. …/… a webpage

7. … a video game

8. … an instrument

9. …/ … robot

10. … rafting

Points: 10

Task D. Fill in: round, across, out, back

  1. The explorers came…some ancient ruins.

  2. His new article has come …recently.

  3. I’ve just come…from Paris.

  4. We came… to our parents because we missed them.

  5. He came … this book in an antiques shop.

Points: 5


Task E. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect.

1. She … …. … (already/write) five letters.

2. School … … … (not/ start) yet.

3. I … …. …(never/be) to Australia.

4. She … … …. (already/cook) dinner.

5. … … … (they/ be) to Paris many times?

6. People … … … (not/travel) to Mars.

7. John… … (study) three foreign languages.

8. Man … … (walk) on the Moon.

9. The rain … …. … (not/stop). 

10. … …. …. (you/do) your homework?

Points: 10

Task F. Choose the right item.

1. Sue’s not here. She has gone / been to the supermarket.

2. My sister has gone / been to Spain twice.

3. Mike and Garry have gone / been to London for the day.

4. I have never gone / been to America before.

5. Mum has gone / been shopping. She’ll be back this afternoon.

6. Mr Smith is tired. He has gone / been to the airport and back twice this morning.

Points: 6

Total: 44

Модульный контроль №6

Spotlight 7. Modular test 6.

Variant II


Task A. Match the words.

1. driving

2. fun

3. water

4. theme

5. trapeze

6. rocket

  1. park

  2. artists

  3. journey

  4. fair

  5. license

  6. ride

Points: 6

Task B. Fill in the correct word.

eat go see ride on shake hands explore fly

Disneyland Paris is the perfect choice for a fun day out. You can 1) …………… the big wheel, 2) .................... in a pirate ship, 3) .................... clowns performing tricks, 4) .................... with cartoon characters and 5) .................... a haunted mansion. And, of course, 6) ................souvenir shopping and 7) .................... candy floss.

Points: 7

Task C. Fill in the gaps with play, make, have, go

1. … hiking

2. … volleyball

3. … IT classes

4. … swimming

5. … a tree house

6. …/… a webpage

7. … a video game

8. … an instrument

9. …/ … robot

10. … rafting

Points: 10

Task D. Fill in: round, across, out, back

1. Her new article has come …recently.

2. We’ve just come…from New York.

3. The explorers came…some ancient ruins.

4. We came… to our parents because we missed them.

5. He came … this book in an antiques shop.

Points: 5


Task E. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect.

1. … … … (they/ be) to Paris many times?

2. People … … … (not/travel) to Mars.

3. John… … (study) three foreign languages.

4. Man … … (walk) on the Moon.

5. The rain … …. … (not/stop). 

6. … …. …. (you/do) your homework?

7. I … …. …(never/be) to Australia.

8. She … … …. (already/cook) dinner.

9. She … …. … (already/write) five letters.

10. School … … … (not/ start) yet.

Points: 10

Task F. Choose the right item.

1. Rita’s not here. She has gone / been to the supermarket.

2. My sister has gone / been to Italy twice.

3. Hugh and Garry have gone / been to Los Angeles for the day.

4. I have never gone / been to America before.

5. Mum has gone / been shopping. She’ll be back this afternoon.

6. Mr Smith is tired. He has gone / been to the airport and back twice this morning.

Points: 6

Total: 44

Модульный контроль №7

Spotlight 7. Modular test 7.

Variant I


Task A. Read the descriptions of some films. Which genre are they describing?

1. A film that makes people laugh. - c _ _ _ _ _

2. A film about life in space or the future. - s _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _

3. A film about a love story. – r _ _ _ _ _ _

4. A film about an imaginary world. – f _ _ _ _ _ _

5. A film in which cartoons are brought to life. – a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Points: 5

Task B. Fill in the missing words:

tunes adventure cast special effects handsome successful

1. Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy … .

2. I like the … of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!

3. Brad Pitt is one of the most … actors in the world.

4. I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and … .

5. They used a lot of … to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.

6. Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of … films.

Points: 6

Task C. Write the words relating to film, and the words relating to music.




powerful voice

special effects


music charts




Points: 8

Task D. Fill in the gaps with in, into, off or on.

1. They used special effects to show how the woman turned .......... a monster.

2. Don’t turn .......... the radio. I love this song!

3. I will turn .......... the TV as soon as I finish my homework.

4. I’m going to turn .......... . I’m very tired!

Points: 4


Task E. Choose the correct item.

1. Shrek 2 is most funny / funnier than Home Alone.

2. Madonna is more famous / most famous than Beyoncé.

3. I prefer classical music because it is more relaxing / most relaxing than rock music.

4. In my opinion, people who write songs are often most talented / more talented singers.

5. This film is the most successful / more successful film ever!

Points: 5

Task F. Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. I never saw / have never seen “The Lord of the Rings”. Is it a good movie?

2. They have lived / lived in London for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995.

3. Did you visit / Have you visited our Granny yet? She is at the hospital.

4. Last year I didn’t have / haven’t had enough money to buy a new laptop. So my parents presented it to me.

5. My brother has a collection of animated films. He already had / has already had 50 DVDs.

6. Did you ever see / Have you ever seen the film “Titanic”?

7. I watched / have watched “The Matrix” last week on TV.

Points: 7

Task G. Complete the sentences using always, ago, yet, for or since.

1. I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter ........... 2001.

2. They have been married ............ fifty years!

3. I lived in England two years ................... .

4. Have you heard his new song ..................?

5. I have …………. been a fan of Sting!

Points: 5

Total: 40

Модульный контроль №7

Spotlight 7. Modular test 7.

Variant II


Task A. Read the descriptions of some films. Which genre are they describing?

1. A film about a love story. – r _ _ _ _ _ _

2. A film that makes people laugh. - c _ _ _ _ _

3. A film about an imaginary world. – f _ _ _ _ _ _

4. A film in which cartoons are brought to life. – a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. A film about life in space or the future. - s _ _ _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _

Points: 5

Task B. Fill in the missing words:

tunes adventure cast special effects handsome successful

1. Brad Pitt is one of the most … actors in the world.

2. Have you listened to the latest album of Avril Lavigne yet? There are a lot of catchy … .

3. I admire Angelina Jolie! She is very talented and … .

4. They used a lot of … to show the fantasy world of dragons and fairies.

5. I like the … of the latest “20th Century Fox” comedy. Cameron Diaz and Jim Carrey are acting in it!

6. Why not to watch one of the Jackie Chan’s films! I’m fond of … films.

Points: 6

Task C. Write the words relating to film, and the words relating to music.




powerful voice

special effects


music charts




Points: 8

Task D. Fill in the gaps with in, into, off or on.

1. They used special effects to show how the woman turned .......... a monster.

2. Don’t turn .......... the radio. I love this song!

3. I will turn .......... the TV as soon as I finish my homework.

4. I’m going to turn .......... . I’m very tired!

Points: 4


Task E. Choose the correct item.

1. I prefer classical music because it is more relaxing / most relaxing than rock music.

2. Shrek 2 is most funny / funnier than Home Alone.

3. Madonna is more famous / most famous than Beyoncé.

4. This film is the most successful / more successful film ever!

5. In my opinion, people who write songs are often most talented / more talented than singers.

Points: 5

Task F. Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Did you visit / Have you visited our Granny yet? She is at the hospital.

2. Last year I didn’t have / haven’t had enough money to buy a new laptop. So my parents presented it to me.

3. My brother has a collection of animated films. He already had / has already had 50 DVDs.

4. Did you ever see / Have you ever seen the film “Titanic”?

5. They have lived / lived in London for 5 years, from 1990 to 1995.

6. I watched / have watched “The Matrix” last week on TV.

7. I never saw / have never seen “The Lord of the Rings”. Is it a good movie?

Points: 7

Task G. Complete the sentences using always, ago, yet, for or since.

1. They have been married ............ fifty years!

2. I lived in England two years ................... .

3. I’ve been a fan of Harry Potter ........... 2001.

4. Have you heard his new song ..................?

5. I have …………. been a fan of Sting!

Points: 5

Total: 40

Модульный контроль № 8

Spotlight 7. Modular test 8.

Variant I


Task A. Fill in the correct word.

pollution fumes trees station rubbish recycle rain clean out

1. power …………….

2. ........................... newspapers and cans

3. toxic ...........................

4. air, water and soil ..............................

5. collect ............................

6. acid ...............................

7. plant ..............................

8. ............................ a pond

Points: 8

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Factories emit / burn toxic fumes.

2. Water pollution can wipe out / drink up fish and plant species.

3. I can’t make up / out what it says here.

4. Acid rain gathers / poisons trees and plants.

5. We all should try to make up with / out friends soon after silly tiffs (ссоры).

6. Solar / Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.

7. Can I join / volunteer the Eco-helpers club?

8. Do you easily make out / up stories?

Points: 8


Task C. Make sentences. What does/doesn’t a forest warden have to do?

1. wear a uniform ˅

2. plant trees ×

3. patrol the forest ˅

4. feed wild animals ×

5. fight forest fires ˅

Example: A forest warden has to wear a uniform.

Points: 5

Task D. Choose the right ending.

1. Ann likes oranges, …?

A. isn’t Ann? B. does she? C. doesn’t Ann? D. doesn’t she?

2. Girls can sing well, …?

A. can girls? B. can they? C. can’t they? D. don’t they?

3. The Director is responsible for the social programme, …?

A. is he? B. isn’t he? C. do he? D. aren’t he?

4. Boys don’t like Art lessons, …?

A. don’t they? B. do boys? C. do they? D. are they?

5. Russian students will visit Britain in April, …?

A. don’t they? B. will they? C. won’t they? D. do they?

Points: 5

Task E. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She ……………………………..to raise money for the zoo for months. (try)

2. He ............................................... the environment for over ten years. (study)

3. We ......................................... hard to build nesting boxes. (work)

4. It ........................................... for two days. (rain)

5. He ........................................... money to Greenpeace for a long time. (donate)

6. The government ................................... to reduce pollution for years. (try)

7. I .............................. to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)

Points: 7

Total: 33

Модульный контроль №8

Spotlight 7. Modular test 8.

Variant II


Task A. Fill in the correct word.

Pollution fumes trees station rubbish recycle rain clean out

1. toxic …........................

2. air, water and soil …...........................

3. …........................ newspapers and cans

4. …......................... a pond

5. collect ….........................

6. acid …............................

7. power ………………..

8. plant …...........................

Points: 8

Task B. Choose the correct item.

1. Solar / Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.

2. Water pollution can wipe out / drink up fish and plant species.

3. I can’t make up / out what it says here.

4. Acid rain gathers / poisons trees and plants.

5. We all should try to make up with / out friends soon after silly tiffs (ссоры).

6. Factories emit / burn toxic fumes.

7. Do you easily make out / up stories?

8. Can I join / volunteer the Eco-helpers club?

Points: 8


Task D. Make sentences. What does/doesn’t a forest warden have to do?

1. wear a uniform ˅

2. plant trees ×

3. patrol the forest ˅

4. feed wild animals ×

5. fight forest fires ˅

Example: A forest warden has to wear a uniform.

Points: 5

Task E. Choose the right ending.

1. Sue likes plums, …?

A. isn’t Ann? B. does she? C. doesn’t Ann? D. doesn’t she?

2. Boys can sing well, …?

A. can girls? B. can they? C. can’t they? D. don’t they?

3. The Director is responsible for the social programme, …?

A. is he? B. isn’t he? C. do he? D. aren’t he?

4. Children don’t like Art lessons, …?

A. don’t they? B. do boys? C. do they? D. are they?

5. Russian students will visit Britain in April, …?

A. don’t they? B. will they? C. won’t they? D. do they?

Points: 5

Task F. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. She ……………………………..to raise money for the zoo for months. (try)

2. He ............................................... the environment for over ten years. (study)

3. We ......................................... hard to build nesting boxes. (work)

4. It ........................................... for two days. (rain)

5. He ........................................... money to Greenpeace for a long time. (donate)

6. The government ................................... to reduce pollution for years. (try)

7. I .............................. to clean out ponds for a year now! (volunteer)

Points: 7

Total: 33

Модульный контроль № 9

Spotlight 7. Modular test 9.

Variant I


Task A. Match the words.

1. low-fat

2. chicken

3. frozen

4. wholemeal

5. brown

6. lamb

7. a bar of

8. a bottle of

a. cola

b. rice

c. bread

d. yoghurt

e. legs

f. peas

g. chops

h. chocolate

Points: 8

Task B. Match the pictures to the shops.

1. optician’s …..

2. supermarket …..

3. electronics shop …..

4. sports shop …..

5. clothes shop …..

6. toy shop …..

7. chemist’s …..

8. stationary shop …..

Points: 8

Task C. Choose the correct item.

1. I went to the clothes shop yesterday to buy some socks / notebooks.

2. Don’t take off / out your coat. You will catch a cold.

3. I need to go to the electronics / stationary shop to buy new batteries for my digital camera.

4. I picked up some pills for my headache from the optician’s / chemists.

5. If you want to take it out / back to the shop, you have to do so within the next 15 days.

6. Betty was buying a teddy bear / swimsuit from the toy shop when I saw her.

7. Two sandwiches take off / away, please.

Points: 7


Task D. Complete the sentences with

carton box jar cup glass bottle

1. The honey came in a big ………. .

2. Can you pass me a ………. of cereal?

3. This is a ……….of milk.

4. Shall we buy a ……….of water?

5. Can I have a ……….of juice, please?

6. I’d love a ……….of tea.

Points: 6

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. He has got little / few friends.

2. There isn’t many / much tea left.

3. We have a lot of / a few time.

4. We could not buy cherries, so we bought some / any plums instead.

5. There is many / some milk in the fridge.

6. I drink little / few coffee. I don't like it.

7. I never eat many / much bread with soup.

Points: 7

Task F. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. They ……….a cake for your birthday. (buy)

2. Susan ……….her weekend for the last two days. (plan)

3. My mum ……….dinner for two hours. (cook)

4. You ……….all day! (pack)

5. I ……….Jennifer for ten years. (know)

Points: 5

Total: 41

Модульный контроль №9

Spotlight 7. Modular test 9.

Variant II


Task A. Match the words.

1. brown

2. a bar of

3. wholemeal

4. low-fat

5. lamb

6. frozen

7. chicken

8. a bottle of

a. peas

b. cola

c. bread

d. yoghurt

e. legs

f. rice

g. chops

h. chocolate

Points: 8

Task B. Match the pictures to the shops.

1. toy shop …..

2. supermarket …..

3. electronics shop …..

4. clothes shop …..

5. sports shop …..

6. optician’s …..

7. chemist’s …..

8. stationary shop …..

Points: 8

Task C. Choose the correct item.

1. Betty was buying a teddy bear / swimsuit from the toy shop when I saw her.

2. I went to the clothes shop yesterday to buy some socks / notebooks.

3. I need to go to the electronics / stationary shop to buy new batteries for my digital camera.

4. I picked up some pills for my headache from the optician’s / chemists.

5. If you want to take it out / back to the shop, you have to do so within the next 15 days.

6. Don’t take off / out your coat. You will catch a cold

7. Two sandwiches take off / away, please.

Points: 7


Task D. Complete the sentences with

carton box jar cup glass bottle

1. Can you pass me a ………. of cereal?

2. I’d love a ……….of tea.

3. This is a ……….of milk.

4. Shall we buy a ……….of water?

5. The honey came in a big ………. .

6. Can I have a ……….of juice, please?

Points: 6

Task E. Choose the right item.

1. There isn’t many / much tea left.

2. We have a lot of / a few time.

3. We could not buy cherries, so we bought some / any plums instead.

4. He has got little / few friends.

5. There is many / some milk in the fridge.

6. I drink little / few coffee. I don't like it.

7. I never eat many / much bread with soup.

Points: 7

Task F. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. They ……….a cake for your birthday. (buy)

2. Susan ……….her weekend for the last two days. (plan)

3. My mum ……….dinner for two hours. (cook)

4. You ……….all day! (pack)

5. I ……….Jennifer for ten years. (know)

Points: 5

Total: 41

Модульный контроль № 10

Spotlight 7. Modular test 10.

Variant I


Task A. Use the prompts to complete the phrases.

sit move throw argue lose practise

1. to ….. an instrument

2. to ….. house

3. to ….. with someone

4. to ….. an exam

5. to ….. a party

6. to ….. something valuable

Points: 6

Task B. Match the words.

1. wash

2. eat

3. get

4. put

5. take

6. drink

  1. a painkiller

  2. a cool pack on your forehead

  3. a light meal

  4. plenty of fluids

  5. with cold water

  6. some rest

Points: 6

Task C. Fill in the correct word.

sore sprain ache miserable flu appointment hurt chip

1. Jane didn’t go to work today as she had a stomach ………. .

2. David has ………. his back and has to rest.

3. Greg has a high temperature. I think he’s coming down with the ………. .

4. Can I have some tea with honey, please? My throat is ………. .

5. I have a(n) ……….to see Dr Harris this afternoon.

6. What’s wrong with your wrist? Did you ……….it?

7. You have to go to a dentist when you ……….a tooth.

8. I have a bad cold. I feel ………. .

Points: 8

Task D. Fill in the gaps with apart, behind, out.

1. Julie fell ……….with her brother because he wasn’t nice to her.

2. This book is falling ………. . I have to buy a new one.

3. He fell ……….in his work because he was in holiday.

Points: 3


Task E. Choose the correct item.

1. You should / shouldn’t take your raincoat. It’s going to rain.

2. Kate should / shouldn’t go to the doctor. She looks ill.

3. They should / shouldn’t fight. They are best friends!

4. I think I am coming down with the flu. I should / shouldn’t take some vitamin C tablets.

5. We should / shouldn’t panic. We have plenty of time to get there.

6. You should / shouldn’t do more exercises to get fit.

7. Anna should / shouldn’t worry. She always does well in exams.

8. If you are tired, you should / shouldn’t get some sleep.

Points: 8

Task F. Write the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. Do you think he can do it by ………. ?

2. We are going to the shop by ………. .

3. Jenny cut ……….with a knife by accident.

4. David usually goes to the gym by ………. .

5. Did you hurt ……….badly in the accident?

6. I cooked dinner ………. .

7. The doctor told Pam and Helen to look after ………. .

8. The lamp switched off by ………. .

Points: 8

Total: 39

Модульный контроль №10

Spotlight 7. Modular test 10.

Variant II


Task A. Use the prompts to complete the phrases.

sit move throw argue lose practise

1. to ….. a party

2. to ….. house

3. to ….. with someone

4. to ….. something valuable

5. to ….. an instrument

6. to ….. an exam

Points: 6

Task B. Match the words.

1. take

2. drink

3. get

4. put

5. wash

6. eat

  1. a painkiller

  2. a cool pack on your forehead

  3. a light meal

  4. plenty of fluids

  5. with cold water

  6. some rest

Points: 6

Task C. Fill in the correct word.

sore sprain ache miserable flu appointment hurt chip

1. I have a(n) ……….to see Dr Harris this afternoon.

2. Beth didn’t go to work today as she had a stomach ………. .

3. Henry has ………. his back and has to rest.

4. Mike has a high temperature. I think he’s coming down with the ………. .

5. Can I have some tea with honey, please? My throat is ………. .

6. What’s wrong with your wrist? Did you ……….it?

7. You have to go to a dentist when you ……….a tooth.

8. I have a bad cold. I feel ………. .

Points: 8

Task D. Fill in the gaps with apart, behind, out.

1. Susan fell ……….with her brother because he wasn’t nice to her.

2. This book is falling ………. . I have to buy a new one.

3. He fell ……….in his work because he was in holiday.

Points: 3


Task E. Choose the correct item.

1. Mary should / shouldn’t go to the doctor. She looks ill.

2. They should / shouldn’t fight. They are best friends!

3. I think I am coming down with the flu. I should / shouldn’t take some vitamin C tablets.

4. You should / shouldn’t take your raincoat. It’s going to rain.

5. We should / shouldn’t panic. We have plenty of time to get there.

6. You should / shouldn’t do more exercises to get fit.

7. Tom should / shouldn’t worry. He always does well in exams.

8. If you are tired, you should / shouldn’t get some sleep.

Points: 8

Task F. Write the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. We are going to the shop by ………. .

2. The doctor told Pam and Helen to look after ………. .

3. Jenny cut ……….with a knife by accident.

4. David usually goes to the gym by ………. .

5. Do you think he can do it by ………. ?

6. Did you hurt ……….badly in the accident?

7. I cooked dinner ………. .

8. The lamp switched off by ………. .

Points: 8

Total: 39

Контрольная работа за II полугодие

Variant I


Task A. Listen to talk about shopping. Who bought each pair of things? One item is extra.

Tina D

1. Jake

2. Timothy

3. Mike

4. Bob

5. Nancy

A. picture frame and wallet

B. wallet and T-shirt

C. chocolate and book

D. towel and teddy bear

E. chocolate and sunglasses

F. socks and swimsuit

G. book and postcards

Points: 5


Task B. Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. One title is extra.

A. The game for the educated

B. First champions

C. Moving to the Olympics

D. The origin

E. Chess and great people

Chess in Russia

1. Chess is a board game played between two players. It is played on a chessboard, which is a square – checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an eight – by – eight grid (сетка). Chess combines elements of art, science and sport. The name originates from the Persian language: checkmate, meaning “the ruler died”. Chess appeared in the 6th century in India. In the 9th and 10th century chess appeared in Europe. In 1886 championships all over the world began.

2. The history of chess in Russia began in the 12 – 14th centuries as a result of the Tatar – Mongol Yoke’s influence. Since the late 18th and early 19th century the first chess clubs and Russian chess books appeared in Russia. Thanks to the efforts of such outstanding chess players as Alexander Petrov, Karl Yanish and others chess got popularity among noble people, and later among intelligentsia, gradually becoming one of the main indicators of educational level of the society.

3. Many prominent writers played chess and loved it. Such great Russian writers and poets as Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy found great joy in playing chess, which also contributed to the game’s growing popularity in Russia. In the life of Leo Tolstoy chess occupies a special place. He played chess almost every day, finding time for the game. Tolstoy wasn’t a good player. When he won, he was happy like a child; at a loss he was distressed.

4. Chess is a popular game in Russia. Today many people play chess for pleasure, they also take part in different competitions. For years, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the President of the World Chess Federation, has been trying to get chess accepted as part of the Olympics. The effort has included introducing drug tests to follow regulations of the International Olympic Committee. Experts have been discussing if chess is a sport for many years because there is no physical element in chess. Still, many countries already recognize chess as a sport.





Points: 4


Task C. Choose the right item.

1. The script / lyrics to the song were very beautiful.

2. Toxic fumes pollute / wipe out the air we breathe.

3. Sometimes I eat low-fat / grilled chicken with rice.

4. I woke up this morning with ache / sore eyes.

5. I need to go to the chemists / opticians to get sunscreen and toothpaste.

6. We should use rain / solar power to heat our homes.

7. Would you like to have / go hiking?

8. Acid rains poison / waste trees and plants.

9. I have to take the dog for a walk before I live / leave.

10. The security guard / shop assistant told us the T-shirts were on sale.

Points: 10


Task D. Choose the right item.

1. She has worked / has been working at the clothes shop for 2 years.

2. I always have a little / much milk with my tea.

3. We’re late are we / aren’t we?

4. He has been studying since / for this morning.

5. Martin is youngest / younger than David.

6. They aren’t here. They have been / gone to the cinema.

7. I have ever / never seen clowns performing tricks.

8. Governments have tried / have been trying to reduce air pollution for years.

9. We cooked dinner yourselves / ourselves. Do you like it?

10. The shopkeeper says there aren’t any / a lot of apples left.

11. I already heard / have already heard her new song.

12. Do you wash your clothes herself / yourself?

Points: 12

Total: 31


Test 1

Variant I

Task A

1. e

2. c

3. h

4. g

5. a

6. b

7. d

8. f

Task B

1. homesick

2. about

3. peace

4. installing

5. rent

6. close

7. hometown

8. surfing

9. hanging

10. out

11. peephole

12. after

Task C

1. should

2. should

3. shouldn’t

4. should

5. should

6. shouldn’t

Task D

1. is visiting

2. are playing

3. feeds

4. start

5. doesn’t visit

6. isn’t having

7. surfs

8. am going

9. Do you like

10. is thinking

Variant II

Task A

1. d

2. h

3. c

4. g

5. f

6. b

7. e

8. a

Task B

1. peace

2. installing

3. rent

4. close

5. homesick

6. hometown

7. surfing

8. hanging

9. out

10. peephole

11. after

12. about

Task C

1. shouldn’t

2. should

3. should

4. should

5. shouldn’t

6. should

Task D

1. is visiting

2. are playing

3. feeds

4. start

5. doesn’t visit

6. isn’t having

7. surfs

8. am going

9. Do you like

10. is thinking

Test 2

Variant I

Task A

1. Sherlock Holmes didn’t smoke a pipe.

Did Sherlock Holmes smoke a pipe?

2. Hercule Poirot didn’t catch a lot of criminals.

Did Hercule Poirot catch a lot of criminals?

Task B

1. found

2. discovered

3. watched

4. sent

5. wrote

6. stopped

7. lost

8. Did Brain win…..? – No, he didn’t.

9. prefered

10. was

Task C

1. Emma used to play hide – and – seek when she was seven.

2. Emma used to watch cartoons when she was seven.

3. Emma didn’t use to read comics when she was seven.

4. Emma didn’t use to drive a car when she was seven.

Task D

1. until

2. go

3. after

4. then

5. as soon as

6. when

7. as soon as

8. after

9. when

10. then

Task E

1. enjoy

2. adventure

3. book

4. amazing

5. adventures

6. character

7. funny

Variant II

Task A

1. A.C. Doyle didn’t create Sherlock Holmes.

Did A.C. Doyle create Sherlock Holmes?

2. Jules Verne didn’t have a great imagination.

Did Jules Verne have a great imagination?

Task B

1. watched

2. found

3. sent

4. wrote

5. lost

6. Did Brain win…..? – No, he didn’t.

7. discovered

8. prefered

9. was

10. stopped

Task C

1. Emma used to play hide – and – seek when she was seven.

2. Emma used to watch cartoons when she was seven.

3. Emma didn’t use to read comics when she was seven.

4. Emma didn’t use to drive a car when she was seven.

Task D

1. when

2. as soon as

3. after

4. when

5. then

6. until

7. go

8. after

9. then

10. as soon as

Task E

1. enjoy

2. adventure

3. book

4. amazing

5. adventures

6. character

7. funny

Test 3

Variant I

Task A

1. tall

2. short

3. grey

4. straight

Task B

1. back

2. away

3. back

4. up

5. away

Task C

1. a clever old British professor

2. a nice big German clock

3. a serious tall Russian basketball player

4. a short old American writer

5. a good tall French author

6. an excellent middle-aged British tennis player

7. a funny tall Russian teacher

Task D

1. who

2. why

3. that

4. whose

5. which

6. that

7. who

8. whose

9. which

10. who

Task E

1. amused

2. exhausting

3. embarrassing

4. confused

5. depressing

6. frightened

7. exciting

8. exhausted

9. boring

Variant II

Task A

1. tall

2. short

3. grey

4. straight

Task B

1. back

2. away

3. back

4. up

5. away

Task C

1. a serious tall Russian basketball player

2. a clever old British professor

3. a short old American writer

4. a good tall French author

5. a nice big German clock

6. an excellent middle-aged British tennis player

7. a funny tall Russian teacher

Task D

1. whose

2. which

3. that

4. who

5. who

6. whose

7. why

8. which

9. who

10. that

Task E

1. embarrassing

2. depressing

3. amused

4. exciting

5. exhausting

6. exhausted

7. boring

8. confused

9. frightened

Test 4

Variant I

Task A

1. articles

2. radio

3. gossip

4. text messages

5. fashion and beauty

6. weather

7. horoscope

Task B

1. d

2. e

3. b

4. c

5. f

6. a

7. h

8. g

Task C

1. on

2. with

3. off

4. off

Task D

1. was watching

2. was playing

3. were reading

4. was sending

5. were playing

Task E

1. were doing, came

2. were reading, was sleeping

3. was watching, was dancing

4. was cooking, heard

5. was reading, rang

Variant I

Task A

1. radio

2. text messages

3. articles

4. weather

5. gossip

6. horoscope

7. fashion and beauty

Task B

1. d

2. f

3. b

4. g

5. a

6. e

7. h

8. c

Task C

1. on

2. with

3. off

4. off

Task D

1. was watching

2. was playing

3. were reading

4. was sending

5. were playing

Task E

1. were doing, came

2. were reading, was sleeping

3. was watching, was dancing

4. was cooking, heard

5. was reading, rang

Test 5

Variant II

Task A

1. laptop

2. headphones

3. digital camera

4. USB stick

5. tablet

6. mobile phone

Task B

1. c

2. e

3. d

4. b

5. f

6. a

Task C

1. button

2. role model

3. pocket money

4. training

5. assignment

6. computer simulation

Task D

1. am going

2. ’ll

3. going to

4. will

5. will

6. am going

Task E

1. a

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. b

Variant II

Task A

1. laptop

2. headphones

3. digital camera

4. USB stick

5. tablet

6. mobile phone

Task B

1. f

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. e

Task B

1. training

2. role model

3. assignment

4. button

5. computer simulation

6. pocket money

Task C

1. ’ll

2. will

3. am going

4. will

5. am going

6. going to

Task E

1. a

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. b

Mid test

Variant I

Task A

1. F

2. F

3. F

4. T

5. T

Task B

1. F

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. E

Task C











Task D











Variant II

Task A

1. T

2. F

3. F

4. T

5. T

Task B

1. F

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. E

Task C











Task D











Test 6

Variant I

Task A

1. e

2. d

3. c

4. a

5. f

6. b

Task B

1. ride on

2. fly

3. see

4. shake hands

5. explore

6. go

7. eat

Task C

1. go

2. play

3. have

4. go

5. make

6. have / make

7. play

8. play

9. play / have

10. go

Task D

1. across

2. out

3. back

4. round

Task E

1. has already written

2. has not started

3. have never been

4. has already cooked

5. Have they been

6. have not travelled

7. has studied

8. has walked

9. has not stopped

10. Have you done

Task F

1. gone

2. been

3. gone

4. been

5. gone

6. been

Variant II

Task A

1. e

2. d

3. f

4. a

5. b

6. c

Task B

1. ride on

2. fly

3. see

4. shake hands

5. explore

6. go

7. eat

Task C

1. have / make

2. play

3. play

4. play / have

5. go

6. go

7. play

8. have

9. go

10. make

Task D

1. out

2. back

3. round

4. across

Task E

1. Have they been

2. have not travelled

3. has studied

4. has walked

5. has not stopped

6. Have you done

7. have never been

8. has already cooked

9. has already written

10. has not started

Task F

1. gone

2. been

3. gone

4. been

5. gone

6. been

Test 7

Variant I

Task A

1. comedy

2. science fiction

3. romance

4. fantasy

5. animation

Task B

1. tunes

2. cast

3. handsome

4. successful

5. special effects

6. adventure

Task C

Film: plot, script, special effects, acting

Music: lyrics, powerful voice, single, music charts

Task D

1. into

2. off


4. in

Task E

1. funnier

2. more famous

3. more relaxing

4. more talented

5. the most successful

Task F

1. have never seen

2. lived

3. Have you visited

4. didn’t have

5. has already had

6. Have you ever seen

7. watched

Task G

1. since

2. for

3. ago

4. yet

5. always

Variant II

Task A

1. romance

2. comedy

3. fantasy

4. animation

5. science fiction

Task B

1. handsome

2. tunes

3. successful

4. special effects

5. cast

6. adventure

Task C

Film: plot, script, special effects, acting

Music: lyrics, powerful voice, single, music charts

Task D

1. into

2. off


4. in

Task E

1. more relaxing

2. funnier

3. more famous

4. the most successful

5. more talented

Task F

1. Have you visited

2. didn’t have

3. has already had

4. Have you ever seen

5. lived

6. watched

7. have never seen

Task G

1. for

2. ago

3. since

4. yet

5. always

Test 8

Variant I

Task A

1. station

2. recycle

3. fumes

4. pollution

5. rubbish

6. rain

7. trees

8. clean out

Task B

1. emit

2. wipe out

3. out

4. poisons

5. up with

6. Solar

7. join

8. up

Task C

2. doesn’t have to plant trees

3. has to patrol the forest

4. doesn’t have to feed wild animals

5. has to fight forest fires

Task D

1. D doesn’t she

2. C can’t they

3. B isn’t he

4. C do they

5. C won’t they

Task E

1. has been trying

2. has been studying

3. have been working

4. has been raining

5. has been donating

6. has been trying

7. have been volunteering

Variant II

Task A

1. fumes

2. pollution

3. recycle

4. clean out

5. rubbish

6. rain

7. station

8. trees

Task B

1. Solar

2. wipe out

3. out

4. poisons

5. up with

6. emit

7. up

8. join

Task C

2. doesn’t have to plant trees

3. has to patrol the forest

4. doesn’t have to feed wild animals

5. has to fight forest fires

Task D

1. D doesn’t she

2. C can’t they

3. B isn’t he

4. C do they

5. C won’t they

Task E

1. has been trying

2. has been studying

3. have been working

4. has been raining

5. has been donating

6. has been trying

7. have been volunteering

Test 9

Variant I

Task A

1. d

2. e

3. f

4. c

5. b

6. g

7. h

8. a

Task B

1. B

2. A

3. C

4. D

5. F

6. E

7. H

8. G

Task C

1. socks

2. off

3. electronics

4. chemists

5. back

6. teddy bear

7. away

Task D

1. jar

2. box

3. carton

4. bottle

5. glass

6. cup

Task E

1. few

2. much

3. a lot of

4. some

5. some

6. little

7. much

Task F

1. have bought

2. has been planning

3. has been cooking

4. have been packing

5. have known

Variant II

Task A

1. f

2. h

3. c

4. d

5. g

6. a

7. e

8. b

Task B

1. E

2. A

3. C

4. F

5. D

6. B

7. H

8. G

Task C

1. teddy bear

2. socks

3. electronics

4. chemists

5. back

6. off

7. away

Task D

1. box

2. cup

3. carton

4. bottle

5. jar

6. glass

Task E

1. much

2. a lot of

3. some

4. few

5. some

6. little

7. much

Task F

1. have bought

2. has been planning

3. has been cooking

4. have been packing

5. have known

Test 10

Variant I

Task A

1. practice

2. move

3. argue

4. sit

5. throw

6. lose

Task B

1. e

2. c

3. f

4. b

5. a

6. d

Task C

1. ache

2. hurt

3. flu

4. sore

5. appointment

6. sprain

7. chip

8. miserable

Task D

1. out

2. apart

3. behind

Task E

1. should

2. should

3. shouldn’t

4. should

5. shouldn’t

6. should

7. shouldn’t

8. should

Task F

1. himself

2. ourselves

3. herself

4. himself

5. yourself

6. myself

7. themselves

8. itself

Variant II

Task A

1. throw

2. move

3. argue

4. lose

5. practise

6. sit

Task B

1. a

2. d

3. f

4. b

5. e

6. c

Task C

1. appointment

2. ache

3. hurt

4. flu

5. sore

6. sprain

7. chip

8. miserable

Task D

1. out

2. apart

3. behind

Task E

1. should

2. shouldn’t

3. should

4. should

5. shouldn’t

6. should

7. shouldn’t

8. should

Task F

1. ourselves

2. themselves

3. herself

4. himself

5. himself

6. yourself

7. myself

8. itself

Exit test

Variant I


Task A

1. A

2. B

3. E

4. G

5. F


Task B






Task C

1. lyrics

2. pollute

3. grilled

4. sore

5. chemist’s

6. solar

7. go

8. poison

9. leave

10. shop assistant


Task D

1. has been working

2. a little

3. aren’t we

4. since

5. younger

6. gone

7. never

8. have been trying

9. ourselves

10. any

11. have already heard

12. yourself

Variant II


Task A

1. A

2. B

3. E

4. G

5. F


Task B






Task C

1. lyrics

2. pollute

3. grilled

4. sore

5. chemist’s

6. solar

7. go

8. poison

9. leave

10. shop assistant


Task D

1. has been working

2. a little

3. aren’t we

4. since

5. younger

6. gone

7. never

8. have been trying

9. ourselves

10. any

11. have already heard

12. yourself


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