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Мой перевод сказки "Колобок" на английский язык

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Kolobok (The Bin, Johnny-Cake)

One winter The Old Man said to his Old Woman: “I’m very hungry! Old woman, bake me a bin.” She answered weeping: “I would bake it in a flash (right away, at once) but we have no flour!” “Don’t cry, Old Woman, - said The Old Man. – Collect yourself (pull yourself together, control yourself, take yourself in hand) and scrape the bottom of the barrel. I’m old but I’m not born yesterday: I advise you only the best.”

The Old Woman did as The Old Man said and gathered two handfuls of flour. She baked a bin and put it on the window sill to cool. But The Bin didn’t lie for a long time. He jumped on the floor, then outside and rolled along the road, leading to the forest. The Bin was rolling and singing:

I am a Russian Bin

To roll away I succeeded in

From Grandma and Granddad

Who wanted to eat a piece of bread.

Suddenly, The Bin saw The Wolf who was not to be trifled with (watch your step with him) and stopped singing.

“I’m glad to see you, Bin. What are you singing about?” – asked The Wolf. The Bin sang to him his song adding to it such words:

“As a wind I run

I’m a little batch

And you, Wolf,

Will never me catch.”

(I can run very quickly

From you, Wolf

I will be able to flee)

Then The Bin rolled away as soon as he could, and met The Bear, who sleeps usually all the winter but in this year kept himself in hand (keep oneself under control) and didn’t sleep at all. The Bin sang his song to The Bear and continued his way. Then he met The Fox. As everybody knows, The Fox enjoys confusing the issue and tells as if she is pure but actually she has a finger in the pie.

The Fox listened to The Bin’s song and said: “Poor me. I’m deaf as a door-nail. Sit on my tongue and sing your song one more time but do it louder.”

The Bin sat on The Fox’s tongue but had no time to sing his song because The Fox ate him in split second (eyewink). Then she licked her lips and said: “Well, not all the tales have a happy end.”

19.02.2017 15:34

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