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Животный мир Калужской области

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«Животный мир Калужской области»

Animal World Kaluga region Ученица 10 класса Ершова Ольга Учитель английского языка Синкевич Виктория Игоревна МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №26» г. Калуги 1

Animal World

Kaluga region

Ученица 10 класса

Ершова Ольга

Учитель английского языка

Синкевич Виктория Игоревна

МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №26» г. Калуги


Fauna Kaluga region A total of 69 mammal species, 270 bird species, 6 reptile species, 11 amphibian species, and 45 fish species are recorded in the region. 1

Fauna Kaluga region

A total of 69 mammal species, 270 bird species, 6 reptile species, 11 amphibian species, and 45 fish species are recorded in the region.


Over the past 100 years, as a result of human activities, the fauna of the Kaluga region has changed dramatically. The composition of the animal world has changed significantly, and the number of animals has greatly decreased.  1

Over the past 100 years, as a result of human activities, the fauna of the Kaluga region has changed dramatically. The composition of the animal world has changed significantly, and the number of animals has greatly decreased.


Due to the wide human activity, as well as an increase in the activity of hunters and fishermen, some species of animals, such as the big jerboa, common groundhog, Russian sturgeon, dipper, speckled ground squirrel, beluga and other species, have completely disappeared from the territory of the Kaluga region.

Due to the wide human activity, as well as an increase in the activity of hunters and fishermen, some species of animals, such as the big jerboa, common groundhog, Russian sturgeon, dipper, speckled ground squirrel, beluga and other species, have completely disappeared from the territory of the Kaluga region.

A century ago, scientists were actively working on the artificial restoration of lost species of animals. So they were re-bred: wild boar, river beaver, European roe deer, muskrat. A hunting fauna has enriched the American mink, raccoon dog, muskrat, deer noble and spotted deer. 

A century ago, scientists were actively working on the artificial restoration of lost species of animals. So they were re-bred: wild boar, river beaver, European roe deer, muskrat. A hunting fauna has enriched the American mink, raccoon dog, muskrat, deer noble and spotted deer. 

Today's wildlife of the Kaluga region represents the Asian and European various species of animals. Forest zone animals of European origin: green toad, pine marten, wild boar, finch, bison, eared owl, forest dormouse, wood pigeon. As well as species of Siberian origin, such as lynx, brown bear, capercaillie, flying squirrel.

Today's wildlife of the Kaluga region represents the Asian and European various species of animals. Forest zone animals of European origin: green toad, pine marten, wild boar, finch, bison, eared owl, forest dormouse, wood pigeon. As well as species of Siberian origin, such as lynx, brown bear, capercaillie, flying squirrel.

In the Red Book of the Kaluga region, 6 species of fish and 1 species of cyclostomes are recorded: Russian fast-paced fish, Don ruff, Ukrainian lamprey, subcutaneous common, sterlet, Dniper barbel, sabrefish.

In the Red Book of the Kaluga region, 6 species of fish and 1 species of cyclostomes are recorded: Russian fast-paced fish, Don ruff, Ukrainian lamprey, subcutaneous common, sterlet, Dniper barbel, sabrefish.

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

Список литературы: Красная книга Калужской области. — Калуга: Золотая Аллея, 2006. Красная книга Калужской области. Том 2. Животный мир. — Калуга: ООО «Ваш Домъ», 2017 Марголин В.А., Баранов Л.С. Птицы Калужской области. Часть 2. Воробьинообразные. — Калуга: изд. Н. Бочкаревой, 2002. Кунаков М.Е. Растительный и животный мир Калужской области. Выпуск 2. Позвоночные животные. — Калуга: Кн. изд-во, 1962. Алексеев С.К. и др. Фауна позвоночных Калужской области. — Калуга: АКФ Политоп, 2011. Марголин В.А Птицы Калужской области. Часть 1. Неворобьиные. — Калуга: изд. Н. Бочкаревой, 2000. http://pogodaomsk.ru/Archive/Zhivotnye_Kaluzhskoi_oblasti/

Список литературы:

  • Красная книга Калужской области. — Калуга: Золотая Аллея, 2006.
  • Красная книга Калужской области. Том 2. Животный мир. — Калуга: ООО «Ваш Домъ», 2017
  • Марголин В.А., Баранов Л.С. Птицы Калужской области. Часть 2. Воробьинообразные. — Калуга: изд. Н. Бочкаревой, 2002.
  • Кунаков М.Е. Растительный и животный мир Калужской области. Выпуск 2. Позвоночные животные. — Калуга: Кн. изд-во, 1962.
  • Алексеев С.К. и др. Фауна позвоночных Калужской области. — Калуга: АКФ Политоп, 2011.
  • Марголин В.А Птицы Калужской области. Часть 1. Неворобьиные. — Калуга: изд. Н. Бочкаревой, 2000.
  • http://pogodaomsk.ru/Archive/Zhivotnye_Kaluzhskoi_oblasti/


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