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Задания для очно-заочной школы по английскому языку для 10-11 классов. Часть 1

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«Задания для очно-заочной школы по английскому языку для 10-11 классов. Часть 1»

Районная очно-заочная школа по английскому языку г.Верещагино.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10-11 классов.

Dear friend!

We are glad you decided to study English by correspondence.

  • Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы, прочитай внимательно весь текст.

  • Запоминай новые слова из текстов, упражнений и выписывай их вместе с транскрипцией.

  • Легкие задания оставляй на «десерт», но записывай задания в том порядке, в каком они даны.

  • Обязательно пользуйся словарем.

  • Читай задания вслух, чтобы потренировать свое произношение.

  • Выполнение первой контрольной работы и отправка ее на проверку – до 15 декабря 2015г.

  • Желаем тебе успехов и чувства удовлетворения от хорошо выполненного дела. Good luck! Ваш куратор – Рогожникова Софья Александровна.(89082487722)

  • Работу выполнил -________________________________________Школа №________

  • Ваш учитель - _______________________________________


1. Read the text and circle the appropriate variant.

Information Technology

If you want a brief history of information technology, here is one. Humans were the first "computers". Then machines were invented to carry out the computational tasks. Now these machines have given way to new form of information technology. Information has become accessible from anywhere.

Information technology deals with the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications. Thanks to the continuous development of computers, the original computing systems became minicomputers and later personal computers took the lead. Nowadays, mobile phones are dethroning the personal computer and computing is evolving faster to become disembodied more like a cloud, becoming accessible more easily whenever needed. Information technology in this sense has transformed people and companies and has allowed digital technology to influence society and economy alike.

Начало формы

  1. Information technology is changing principally because of:
     a) the changing needs 
    b) new technological advances

  2. According to the author the first computers were:
     a) calculators
     b) humans

  3. Development of information technology is the result of:
     a) advances in computing systems 
     b) development of machinery in general

  4. Computing systems are taking the form of clouds means:
      a) computers have become smaller
      b) computing power will be disembodied.

Конец формы

2. Read the texts and match the headings with them. There is one extra heading.

Score: 11 points


1. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the words in capitals.

2. Underline the correct choice of words in italics.

1. (It was / They were) the children who broke the window.

2. The eyes of a person (is / are) the mirror of his soul.

3. (The rich and the poor / Rich and poor) have their own problems.

4. Mike Brown was appointed (the goalkeeper / goalkeeper) of our football team.

5. The theses (has / have) been reviewed by experts.

6. The hypothesis (is / are) still tentative.

7. Two tons of coal (is / are) required.

8. They bought furniture (by / on) credit.

9. Mary is (under / over) twenty yet.

10. (For / By) fear of an accident he slowed down.

11. Let’s go to the concert tonight, (won’t we / shall we)?

12. She rarely cooks meat, (doesn’t she / does she)?

Score: 38 points (2points per answer)

Use of English

1. Choose the correct answer.

2. Choose the correct answer.

3. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the words in capitals.

Score: 30 points


Put the phrases in the correct order

  1. Jerry: Oh, I use it everyday! I check my email, read the news, play games online and watch my favourite games. I love the Internet!

  2. Fay: Yeah, it's great, isn't it? Sometimes I stay online for hours to chat with friends in France, Japan, and Argentina.

  3. Fay: Not only text, I do "voice chat" too. I have a microphone and speakers. It's like using a telephone, but a whole lot cheaper.

  4. Fay: Yes, that's right. Once you download their software, you can begin to chat right away. You can speak to people all over the world and all you need is a mic!

  5. Jerry: That sounds like a good way to practice English. Thanks Fay, I think I'll try it out. 

  6. Jerry: That's cool! You chat with them by typing text messages, right?

  7. Fay: Hi, Jerry, how often do you use the Internet?

  8. Jerry: Hey, I'd like to try that too. Can I just go to www.paltalk.com?

The answer: ________________________________________

Score: 8 points

Do you know Great Britain?

  1. What is St. Paul’s Cathedral? _______________________________________________

  2. What sea is the UK washed by? ______________________________________________

  3. What animal is the symbol of the English might or strength? _______________________

  4. What was the Tower of London in the past? ____________________________________

  5. What is the political centre of London? ________________________________________

  6. Where is the business centre of London? _______________________________________

  7. What is the most democratic park in London?


  1. What ocean is the UK washed by? ____________________________________________

  2. What is the name of the British flag? __________________________________________

  1. Name 3 famous British scientists.


Score: 13 points

Total score: 100 points


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