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Организационный момент

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Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Who wants to be a millionaire

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Activation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills acquired by students during the educational process.

Repetition of vocabulary, grammar, development of interest in English, increasing interest, learning to work in a team.

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«Who wants to be a millionaire»

Curricular activities

School: №5 school-lyceum

Date: 01.10.2022

Teacher name: Zhumadilova M.K.

Grade: 7 «B»

Number present: 23

Number absent:0


Who wants to be a millionaire?

Learning objectives

Activation of phonetic, lexical and grammatical skills acquired by students during the educational process.

Repetition of vocabulary, grammar, development of interest in English, increasing interest, learning to work in a team.

Lesson objectives

Education: - repetition of the material passed;

practical: - formation of teamwork skills

development: - development of memory, attention distribution, auditory memory and the ability to listen to the teacher and classmates.

educational: - introduction of interest in English; - create a sense of responsibility for the team; "respect each other.


computer, multimedia tool, screen, presentation Power point, cards A, B, C for each team, sticker.


Planned timings

Planned activities

Learners’ activities




5 min

Organizational moment.

I. Teacher: Good afternoon dear students. I am glad to see you and we hope you will enjoy today’s competition. You are welcome to our intellectual game which is named “Who wants to be a millionaire?”. Today at our class we have a big competition. And we will define the cleverest pupils. The game will be devoted to the topic “Do you know Great Britain?” I’m sure you’ve got much information about this great country at our English lessons.

II. Teacher: explain with the rules of the competition. And right now you will have a good chance to show your knowledge of the matter by taking part in our competition. I wish you success. Please, be attentive. It’s high time to begin, but first of all let the participants introduce themselves. Students introduce themselves one by one. 

Teacher: Thank you very much. And now dear boys and girls, let’s start our game. Right now I'll explain the rules. I'll ask you a question and give only 4 variants. You should choose only one of them because only one variant may be right. During our game you are able to take the money you have already won or continue to play.

You'll also have three prompts. They are 50/50, a call to a friend and the help of the audience. Good luck to you!

If you want to become a player of the first tour you should answer the question and be the first.

2 Warm up. 


Change partners often and share your findings.

Teacher tells the students the objectives of the lesson

Make an argument and evolve reasoning while speaking; Evolve arguments, reasons, and evidence for a limited range of written genres;

Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically



Introduction the groups

Verbal evaluation

Mutual avaluation

PPT slide 1


PPT slide 1


PPT S 2-3


30 min

Task №1:

QUESTION for 100 tenge 

What is the official name of the country whose language you study?

a) England b) Scotland

c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland d) Great Britain

2) QUESTION for 500 tenge 

Halloween is …

a) the day of all workers b) the day of all enamored people c) the holiday of evil spirits d) the birthday of Karlsson

3) QUESTION for 1000 tenge 

What room cannot we find in the flat?

a) bathroom b) bedroom c) living-room 

d) classroom

4)QUESTION for 5000 tenge 

What is the best mark in British schools?

a) A b) B c) C d) D

5) QUESTION for 50000 tenge 

Which of these cities is not in the UK?

a) New York b) London c)  Belfast

d) Oxford

6) QUESTION for 100.000 tenge 

Which of the following emblems is not a symbol of the UK?

a) the Dragon b) the Thistle c) the Daffodil d) the Shamrock

7) QUESTION for 125000 tenge 

There are two days a week when British pupils do not go to school. They are:

a) Monday and Tuesday b) Friday and Thursday c) Saturday and Sunday d) Sunday and Monday

8) QUESTION for 250000 tenge 

Who is the author of «Romeo and Juliet»?

a) Mozart b) Shakespeare c) Lermontov d) Pushkin

Answer the question




A3 papers, markers, crayons.




9) QUESTION for 600000 tenge

George Gordon Byron (Noel) is …

a)a singer b) a poet c) a film maker d) a dancer

10) QUESTION for 1000000 tenge

The London residence of Queen Elizabeth II is: a)Windsor Castle b) the Tower of London c) Buckingham Palace d) The Victoria and Albert Museum

http://images.yandex.ru/ фотографии, картинки

http://www.englishforkids.ru/ задачи, шарады, пословицы


5 min


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

At the end of the lesson, students reflect by the "Traffic lights"

Home task: Writing and speaking “Why they want to be a millioner”


Saying goodbye


5 min


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all learners achieve the LO?

If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

At the end of the lesson, students reflect by the "Traffic lights"

Home task: Writing and speaking “Why they want to be a millioner”


Saying goodbye



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