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WebQuest "Greenpeace"

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WebQuest по теме "Greenpeace" для 11 классов. Содержит задания, для выполнения которого ученикам понадобится искать иформацию на сайте https://www.greenpeace.org/international/ 

Отличный вариант для совершенствования навыков самостоятельной работы.

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«WebQuest "Greenpeace"»

WebQuest “Greenpeace”

P re Task

What do you know about Greenpeace?


Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1) core

a) победа

2) goal

b) председатель правления

3) responsible

c) правительство

4) government

d) международный

6) board chair

e) политика сообщества

7) victory

f) ответственный

8) community policy

g) цель

9) international

h) основной\ключевой

Follow the link and do the following tasks. https://www.greenpeace.org/international/

Task 1. Pick Menu = Explore= #About Us and answer the following questions:

1) What does Greenpeace want?


2) What is the goal of this organization?


3) What are its core values?

- ________________________________________________________________________

- ________________________________________________________________________


- _________________________________________________________________________

4) Where is Greenpeace international based? _____________________________________

5) What is its formal name? __________________________________________________

6 )What is NRO? What are NROs responsible for? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7) Who governs Greenpeace International? ______________________________________

8) What is the name of a Board Chair? __________________________________________

Task 2. Come back to the main page. Pick Menu = Act and answer the question:

How can you get involved with Greenpeace? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 3. Come back to the main page and enumerate 4 urgent problems of the modern world (at the top of the page)

  • ______________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________

  • ______________________________________________________________________

Task 4. Come back to the main page. Pick Menu = International = UK|English = Learn More and enumerate the recent Greenpeace victories in the UK in 2020.




Task 4. Come back to the main page. At the bottom of the page find Community policy and enumerate the rules you should follow if you want to share your opinion or to be a part of the Greenpeace community.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________

Task 5. What questions will you ask your friend who is a member of the “Greens”?





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