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Входная контрольная работа. 7 класс. УМК М.В. Вербицкая "Forward"

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Данная работа предлагается для входного среза заний учащихся в 7 классе.

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«Входная контрольная работа. 7 класс. УМК М.В. Вербицкая "Forward"»

Входная контрольная работа 7 класс

I. Choose the right endings

1. .    Tigers are dangerous animals,

2.      They have a wonderful garden,

3.      He bought an expensive TV-set,

4.      You have a terrible toothache,

5.      She has read an interesting book,

6.      We gave all possible answers,

7.      I asked a foolish question,

8.      It will be a useful exercise,

A.     didn't I?

B.      haven't you?

C.      aren't they?

D.     haven't they?

E.      hasn't she?

F.      didn't we?

G.     didn't he?

H.     won't it?

II. Choose the right variant

1.Whose computer is this? It's Robert's and mine. It's____________

a)his b)theirs c)ours d)yours

2.Whose photos are these?

a)It's Nevita's b)they're Nevita's c)There are Nevita's d)These are Nevita

3.Is there any snow on the ground?

a)No, it isn't some b)No, there aren't any c)No, there isn't any d)No, there is.

4.What________you like_______in your free time?

a)are you like doing b)do you like do c)do you like doing d)do you like does

5.I got up late last Sunday.

a)When do you get up last Sunday?

b)When did you got up last Sunday?

c) When did you get up late?

III. Insert articles a, an, the or no article.

1.________British Isles include the islands of ______Great Britain and________Ireland.

2.We are from_________Russian Federation.

3.____capital of____ Russian Federation is______Moscow.

4._________Chicago is situated in ______USA, and______Dublin is situated in______Ireland.

5.____largest ocean is ______Pacific ocean.

IV. Read the following text and do the task below.

Caroline was at school in a small, quiet town in England. She was sixteen, and her mother and father were poor, and their house was very small. Ann was Caroline’s friend. Caroline said, ‘’Ann, I am going to find a very rich man and I am going to marry him. Then I am going to have a beautiful house and a large garden and a lot of clothes and a lot of money, «Caroline went to London and then to America where she found a man she wanted to marry. Some years later she came back to England and invited her friend Ann. Of course she wanted to boast about her life. She said, “Ann, I’ve married a very rich man. I’ve got a beautiful house and a large garden. My husband has got a plane and flies it! Ann said, “A lot of people have got planes and fly them.” “But my husband does it in his house!” Boast – хвастать

True or false.

1. Caroline wanted to work in her small town.

2. Caroline went to London and then to Europe to find a husband.

3. Caroline saw Ann in England again.

4. Сaroline married a very rich man.

5. Caroline’s parents lived in a big beautiful house.

6. Caroline found her husband in the USA.


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