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Викторина" Great Britain" для 5-6 классов по английскому языку

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«Викторина" Great Britain" для 5-6 классов по английскому языку»

Викторина по английскому языку для 5-6 классов Подготовила Ашурова А.Н. Учитель английского языка МБОУ «СШ №18»

Викторина по английскому языку для 5-6 классов

Подготовила Ашурова А.Н.

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ «СШ №18»

1. “Let’s meet”   Первый участник называет свое имя «My name is…». Второй участник повторяет имя первого и говорит свое «Her/His name is …. And my name is …». Третий участник говорит «Their names are…. And my name is…» И так далее.

1. “Let’s meet”

  • Первый участник называет свое имя «My name is…».
  • Второй участник повторяет имя первого и говорит свое «Her/His name is …. And my name is …».
  • Третий участник говорит «Their names are…. And my name is…» И так далее.
2.“Do you know Great Britain” 1. What is the official name of Great Britain?  а) Great Britain;   b) the United Kingdom;  c) England;  d) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; 2. How many parts are there in the country?   а) There are four parts in it.  b) There are three parts in it.  c) There are two parts in it.  d) There is one part in it.

2.“Do you know Great Britain”

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

а) Great Britain;  b) the United Kingdom; c) England;

d) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

2. How many parts are there in the country?

а) There are four parts in it.

b) There are three parts in it.

c) There are two parts in it.

d) There is one part in it.

2.“Do you know Great Britain” 3. What is the capital of the UK ?  а) New York is.  b) London is.  в) Cardiff is.  c) Belfast is.  d) Chicago is. 4. What language do people in the UK speak?   а) They speak British.  b) They speak English.  c) They speak Russian.  d) They speak French.

2.“Do you know Great Britain”

3. What is the capital of the UK ?

а) New York is.

b) London is.

в) Cardiff is.

c) Belfast is.

d) Chicago is.

4. What language do people in the UK speak?

а) They speak British.

b) They speak English.

c) They speak Russian.

d) They speak French.

2.“Do you know Great Britain” 5. What are the names of the parts of the UK?  а) England, Scotland and Wales.  b) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  c) Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  d) England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

2.“Do you know Great Britain”

5. What are the names of the parts of the UK?

а) England, Scotland and Wales.

b) England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

c) Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

d) England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

3. «Odd Word» 1. lemon, cherry, chicken, apple, banana 2. leg, cat, mouse, dog, rabbit 3. bird, airplane, car, helicopter, bus 4. red, sun, green, pink, brown 5. cold, warm, hot, sky, cloudy

3. «Odd Word»

1. lemon, cherry, chicken, apple, banana

2. leg, cat, mouse, dog, rabbit

3. bird, airplane, car, helicopter, bus

4. red, sun, green, pink, brown

5. cold, warm, hot, sky, cloudy

4. «Riddles»   Сlean, but not water,   White, but not snow,   Sweet, but not ice-cream,   What is it? What is found over your head but under your hat? 3.  Look at my face and you see somebody  Look at my back and you see nobody.

4. «Riddles»  

  • Сlean, but not water,

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not ice-cream,

What is it?

  • What is found over your head but under your hat?

3. Look at my face and you see somebody

Look at my back and you see nobody.

4. «Riddles»   There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?   4.  I am purple, yellow, red, and green  The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.  I show my colours after the rain  And only when the sun comes out again .  

4. «Riddles»  

  • There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

  4. I am purple, yellow, red, and green

The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.

I show my colours after the rain

And only when the sun comes out again .


5. «Poems»   Придумать рифму к каждому слову. Например, take – cake, mother – another… Pie - … Phone - … Book - … Bad - … Cat - …

5. «Poems»

Придумать рифму к каждому слову. Например, take – cake, mother – another…

  • Pie - …
  • Phone - …
  • Book - …
  • Bad - …
  • Cat - …
6. «Crossword»

6. «Crossword»

Thanksgiving Word Circle

Thanksgiving Word Circle




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