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Видео аудирование на уроках английского языка на материале фрагментов из художественного фильма "В погоне за счастьем"

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Представлена серия заданий из авторского курса «Видео аудирование на материале фрагментов из художественных фильмов» для учеников 10-11  классов с углубленным изучением английского языка, который можно использовать как на уроках, так и на факультативных занятиях, в группе и индивидуально.  Актуальность использования видеофрагментов невозможно переоценить. Видеоэлемент на уроке вносит разнообразие в знакомый для учеников набор заданий, активно вовлекает в учебную деятельность, мотивирует на дальнейшее изучение языка. Использование видео способствует эффективному формированию коммуникативных навыков учеников, стимулирует развитие устной речи, аудирования, пополнение словарного запаса. Учащиеся становятся свидетелями аутентичной языковой ситуации, где слова и выражения представлены в естественной среде, в привычном контексте. Ссылки на видео находятся в документе и ниже одна в качестве примера  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aX9W_-u1ctYwf9EkI_cz433WywBApkps/view?usp=sharing


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«Видео аудирование на уроках английского языка на материале фрагментов из художественного фильма "В погоне за счастьем"»

Talking movies. Video listening course.

Teacher V. Sinitsyna

The Pursuit of Happiness (biographical drama film)

Ex. 1 Read and consider the quote. Do you know where it is from?

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Мы считаем самоочевидными истины, что все люди созданы равными, что все они наделены Творцом определенными неотъемлемыми правами, среди которых — право на жизнь, на свободу и на стремление к счастью.

Ex.2 Discuss the questions below.

  1. What do you predict this film will be about judging by its title?

  2. What does the word “happiness” mean to you?

  3. What biographical drama films have you seen?

What sorts of things do we expect to see in this genre?

  1. What do o think the life is like for a single parent who has to bring up a child and work at the same time?

The Pursuit of happiness. In 1981, San Francisco salesman Chris Gardner invests his entire life savings in one device, which he unsuccessfully tries to sell to doctors in hospitals. As Gardner tries to sell them, his wife leaves him. Things go from bad to worse when Chris loses his house, his bank account and credit cards. Forced to live out in the streets with his son, Gardner is now desperate to find a steady job. Do you think he will succeed and find happiness in his life?

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence. The phrase gives three examples of the unalienable rights which have been given to all humans by their Creator, and which governments are created to protect.

The United States Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd president of the United States.

Ex. 3 Find pares with the similar meaning

  1. to make up one’s mind

  1. to earn money

  1. to make a living

  1. to take a decision

  1. to be in a rush

  1. kindergarten

  1. to pay off

  1. to be in a hurry

  1. daycare

  1. to return money

Ex. 4 Watch the 1st extract, fill the gaps and get ready to discuss.

bone density scanner – измеритель (сканер) плотность костной ткани

windshield wiper – “дворник”, стеклоочиститель


- I'm Chris Gardner. I met my father for the first time when I was _____ (1) years old. And I made up my mind as a ________ ______(2) my children were gonna know who their father was. This is part of my life story. This part is called "_________ ________(3)."

- It's a portable bone-density ______ (4). A medical device I sell for a ______(5).

- Thank you for the opportunity to discuss it with you. I appreciate it. We just don't need it, Chris. It's ________ (6) and _________ (7). …… Thank you. It gave a slightly denser picture than an x-ray...

for twice the _______(8).

- So I gotta get Christopher home, ______ (9) him, bathe him, get him in bed, and be back here by 7? And we got the tax _____ (10) notice today. What are you gonna do about that?

- There's no parking near ______ (11). That's what happens when you're always _____ _____(12).

I needed to sell at least _____ (13) scanners a month for rent and daycare. I'd have to sell one more ________ (14) all of those tickets under my windshield wiper.

1).Describe the Gardner family (all the members). What background do they belong to?

2). Is the atmosphere and the relationship between family members good or bad?

3).What does Christopher Gardner do for a living?

4).Do the scanners sell like hot cakes? Why yes/no.

5).What is the problem with the tickets under his windshield wiper? Why does he keep getting them?

Ex.5. Watch the 2nd extract, fill the gaps and answer the questions.

internship – практика, стажировка;

satellite office – дополнительный офис;

to submit application - подать заявку

resume – резюме

hippie – хиппи, субкультура 60х годов 20 ст.


- This part of my life is called "________(1)."

Can I ask you a favor, miss? Do you mind... if I leave this here with you, just for five minutes? I have a _____ (2) in there, and I don't wanna carry that in there looking smalltime. Um, it's not _______(3). You can't sell it anywhere.

- Let me see if I can find you an ______(4) for our internship. I'm afraid that's all we can do for you. See, this is a _______ (5).

Jay Twistle in the ______ (6), he oversees Witter Resources. I mean, I'm... You know, I'm just in this office. As you can see, we got a hell of a lot of applications here... Normally I have a ______(7) sheet,

but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I need to go. I'll ______ (8) this back.

    1. Why does Chris ask the hippy girl to watch the scanner?

    2. What job does he plan to apply for?

    3. Has he made an application successfully? Why yes/no?

    4. Do you think Chris is going to have the scanner back?

Ex.6 Read and consider the quotes.

  • Happiness is a direction, not a place. Sydney J. Harris

  • If you want to be happy, be. Leo Tolstoy

  • Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.

Guillaume Apollinaire

  • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Mahatma Gandhi

  • Happiness depends upon ourselves. Aristotle

Ex.7. Watch the 3rd extract, fill the gaps and answer the questions.

to mess up – испортить

Holy cow! – Силы небесные!

tough – тяжело, жестко

block – квартал

swivel – шарнир, стяжка

to be used to smth. – привыкнуть к чему-то

to perform procedures – оперировать


- What can I do for you? I ______ (1) an application for the intern program about a month ago.

- Listen, I'm going to Noe Valley, Chris. Uh, ______ (2) of yourself. How about we ____ (3) a ride? When I was in the Navy, I worked for a _____ (4) who loved to play golf, hours  every day. I would actually perform _______ (5) procedures when he'd leave me in the office. I'm used to being in a position where I have to make ______(6).

- Wow, you really ______ (7) it up. It works around a swivel, so the ______ (8) pieces never move.

- I don't believe you can do this. I'm telling you, no one can. It's _____ (9). See? That's all I ever do.

You almost have this side.______ (10). Good job.

    1. What qualities does Chris possess?

    2. What impression does he make?

    3. Is he going to get a place in the internship program?

    4. Who paid for the taxi ride?

Ex.8. Watch the 4th extract, fill the gaps and answer the questions.

to come up with – придумать

to admire – восхищаться

earnestness – вдумчивость, серьез

diligence – старание

determined – целеустремленный

gizmo – вещица, штуковина

apparently – очевидно

interview – собеседование

to hire – взять на работу, нанять

to pull off – осилить, добиться своего


- I've been sitting there for the last half hour trying ______(1) a story. And I wanted to come up with a story that would _____ (2) qualities that I'm sure you all admire. So the truth is I was ____(3)  for failure to pay parking tickets.

- What were you doing _____ (4) you were arrested?

- I was _____ (5) my apartment.

- Jay says you're pretty _____ (6). He said you're _____ (7). And you want to learn this business?

Have you already started learning _____ (8)?

- First in your class in school? How many in the class?

- But I was also first in my radar class in in the Navy. I'm the type of person... if you ask me a _____(9), and I don't know the answer. I know how to find the ____(10). And I will find the answer.

- Chris. What would you say if a guy walked in for an _____(11) without a shirt on and I hired him?

- He must've had on some really nice ____ (12).

- Chris... I don't know how you did it dressed as a ____ (13) man, but you really pulled it off.

    1. Was Chris late for the interview?

    2. Why has Chris arrived in such a shape?

    3. How does Chris act during the interview?

    4. Describe the attitude of the panel towards Chris Gardner?

    5. Why did they laugh when heard about parking tickets?

    6. What do we learn about Chris’s academic performance and life experience?

    7. Do you think Chris deserves this job? Will he achieve his goals and make a career?

Ex.9 Watch the final extract and discuss the questions below.


  1. What is this bit about?

  2. How does Christopher feel now? Describe his reaction to the news.

  3. Why has the chairman offered the job to Chris? What is his attitude to Christopher Gardner?

  4. What does the future hold for Christopher?

  5. What do we learn from the film and the main character?

  6. Describe Christopher as a father.

Ex. 10 Choose the adjectives given below to describe Christopher Gardner.

Selfish or caring, good-natured or mean, responsible or irresponsible, reliable or unreliable, silly or intelligent, talented or mediocrity, slow-witted or quick-witted, insensitive or emotional, awkward or confident, hesitating or determined, ambitious or unambitious, hardworking or lazy, lucky or unlucky, happy or unhappy, sincere or insincere, strong-willed or weak-willed, sensible or risky, honest or dishonest, friendly or unfriendly, optimistic or pessimistic, tongue-tied or sharp-tongued, reserved or hot-tampered, dreamer or pragmatic.

Do you like or respect Christopher Gardner?

What are his strongest qualities? What are his weakest traits? Why do you think so?

Ex.10 Read and consider the quotes.

  • Happiness is a direction, not a place. Sydney J. Harris

  • If you want to be happy, be. Leo Tolstoy

  • Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.

Guillaume Apollinaire

  • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Mahatma Gandhi

  • Happiness depends upon ourselves. Aristotle


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