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Учебный материал для обсуждения проблемы «Охраняя природу, ты охраняешь Родину!»

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«Учебный материал для обсуждения проблемы «Охраняя природу, ты охраняешь Родину!»»

МОУ - Лашманская ООШ

имени академика В.А.Канайкина Касимовский район Рязанская область

Учебный материал для обсуждения проблемы

«Охраняя природу, ты охраняешь Родину!»

учитель английского языка

Ткачёва Татьяна Сергеевна

Декабрь, 2021 г.

I. Лексика:

vast - обширный;

to protect - охранять, защищать;

to sign - подписывать;

law - закон;

to pollute - загрязнять;

wildlife - животный мир;

plant - растение;

environment - окружающая среда.

II. Сообщение учителя:

''Boys and girls!

We all love our motherland. We love its green fields and vast forests, high mountains, rivers and lakes.

The protection of our nature means the protection of our motherland. The richer is the nature of our country, the richer and stronger is the country itself.

The protection of nature has become one of the most important problems of the 21 – st century.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the people who will live in the future.

Of course, people are working to make the earth cleaner, but they must do more. There are many special laws and decisions on protecting the atmosphere and country's land and water resources from pollution.

The protection of nature is only possible if all the people in our country work together. So let's work hard to protect nature and even make it richer in the future.

III. Вопросы учащимся:

1. Why is the protection of nature so important?

2. What does protecting our environment mean?

3. Who must work hard to keep our earth clean?

4. What can you say about environmental protection in our country?

5. What can you do personally to protect nature.

IV. Задания для проведения беседы:

1. Are you interested in planting gardens, orchards and future forests?

Have you ever taken part in Bird Day and Forest Day? What did you do?

2. Describe how schoolchildren study nature. Say whether there is a nature study corner (section) in your school and what kind of nature study material can be found there.

3. Give the names of some Russian poets who wrote poetry about nature and explain why their works are still loved by many readers.

4. Discuss what is meant by ''love for nature and wildlife''.

Опоры выполнения: to fight against water (air, land) pollution; not to pick flowers in the woods and fields; to build bird houses and bird feeding-stations; not to be cruel to animals.

    1. Учащимся предлагается текст для прослушивания:


After E. Ilyin

One day Alexandra Ivanovna, the teacher of literature, decided to have a

heart-to-heart talk. And not with Lyudmila only. She wanted to have that

talk with all the pupils in her class. She came up to the blackboard and took

a piece of chalk. Then she wrote carefully the subject of the home essay:

'' Thoughts, My Thoughts''.

The pupils looked at each other in surprise.

… Lyudmila wrote that her generation lived in a difficult but interesting time. The most important thing in life, in her opinion, was to be useful to people. '' And I want to be a veterinary'', she wrote.

'' A veterinary!'' Alexandra Ivanovna thought. '' This profession has very little of our stormy time in it. If she tells the class about it, they may not understand her. But it can't be helped, if that's just what she is thinking about today''.

''The most terrible thing for me'', wrote Lyudmila, ''is to see a homeless dog. It is so

miserable, but everyone keeps away from it. They are afraid of mad dogs. But if you

are afraid of a dog today, you may be afraid of many other things tomorrow.

There is a factory opposite my house. And near the gatekeeper's office you can always see a large, friendly dog. His white hair is long and I think that he is a real beauty. People give him food. Everybody is very good to him but nobody wants to give him a home. I should be glad to take him, but I have Arkashka, a small dog whom I picked up a year ago. Oh, he is a wonderful dog. He is restless, but he becomes quiet in my hands. We're happy together.

I have only one thought now. I want to finish school, to enter an institute, to work! My idea is doctor Aibolit. It's strange,isn't it?

VI. Задания для проведения беседы:

1. Aibolit, as you know, is an animal doctor in one of K.Chukovsky's books. Why do you think Aibolit was Lyudmila's ideal? Does her decision to become a veterinary seem strange to you? Why?

  1. Do you think that Lyudmila is a person of high moral qualities? Give your reasons.

Опоры выполнения: humane; has a kind heart; always ready to help those in need; prepares to devote her life to helping ''our lesser brothers''.

  1. What animals are hearest in their nature to human beings? What is the great difference between them and human beings?

  1. Why do human beings tame animals? What animals have been tamed by human beings in various countries? How are these animals used?

  2. What will happen if we don't stop polluting the air and water?

Опоры выполнения: trees and flowers won't grow; fish will die in dirty water; the air we breath will be dirty; our environment will be unsuitable for life.

  1. Discuss what is done by country and schoolchildren to keep our environment clean and to protect wildlife.

  2. Many animals may disappear from the face of the earth in the near future. Why does this mean for man?

Опоры выполнения: When animals and plants disappear something is wrong with the ecological system; to protect animals and plants is to protect ourselves; the disappearance of animals means the disappearance of man.


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