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«The national cuisine of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom» Преподаватель иностранного языка: Попова Юлия Алексеевна

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««The national cuisine of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom» Преподаватель иностранного языка: Попова Юлия Алексеевна»

Министерство образования и науки Астраханской области

ГАПОУ АО «Астраханский социально-педагогический колледж»

Специальность 44.02.02 «Преподавание в начальных классах»

Английский язык

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа №5

«The national cuisine of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom»


Студентка группы 1 «АС»

_________Аширятова К.Р.


__________ Попова Ю. А.


Fish and chips – French fries and pieces of deep-fried fish, a common fast food in the UK that can be found in any pub.

Yorkshire pudding is a traditional English appetizer made of batter, unsweetened airy buns made of batter, the classic composition of which includes fat dripping from frying meat.

Shepherd's pie or shepherd's pie is a casserole of mashed potatoes and minced meat (traditional lamb) with vegetables and Worcestershire sauce. Shepherd's pie with meat other than lamb is called cottage pie.

Trifle is an English sponge cake dessert with thick cream, fruit and whipped cream. The dish is easily and quickly prepared, which is why it got its name: the word trifle translates as "trifle".

English roast beef is a large piece of beef, baked whole in the oven, traditionally without seasonings and salt, with vegetable oil.

Scottish eggs are boiled or pickled eggs in minced meat, fried in breadcrumbs.


Golden tortillas with bacon and cheddar are a favorite recipe of British cuisine, which will be quite to the taste of your loved ones.


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