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Тестовые задания на тему: "Путешествие" для 8 класс по учебнику Кузовлев В.П.

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«Тестовые задания по теме: " Путешествие".»

Fill in the right modal verb.

1. If you prefer a relaxing holiday you ____ choose a resort.

2. All the tourists around ____ get a visa.

3. It’s very stuffy in the room, ____ I open the window?

4. You ___ make a little less noise.

5. ____ you help me?

6. All the students ____ wear school uniform at school.

7. You ___ take a heavy luggage on board the plane.

8. Sorry, I ___ not ____ to visit the museum last night, I was very busy.

9. They ____ be at home at this time. They usually come at 19:00.

10. You ____ _____ to wait at the airport walking round your city.
















Choose the correct variant

I prefer walking round the city, to tell the truth I’m ________.

a) a lazy – bone b) a stay – at – home c) a coach potato

A place where we are going to is called ________.

a) city b) an accommodation c) a destination

While having a sea voyage you should buy a ticket for ______.

a) a ship b) a boat c) a steamboat

It’s our stop. We ought to ______.

a) get off b) get out c) turn off

If you are lost when travelling you should ask _______ for help.

a) a custom’s officer b) a travel agent c) a policeman

Most of Moscow’s _______ are situated in the city center.

a) sights b) sides c) activities

My aunt always goes on a day _______ to Moscow to buy Christmas presents.

a) out b) trip c) travel


Make word combinations. More than one variant is possible.

Travel meter

Guided agency

Holiday(s) accommodation

Package resort

Seaside destination

Tourist tour

Parking attraction




Fill in the modal verbs.

1. should

2. must

3. shall

4. should/ ought to

5. could/ will

6. have to

7. need not

8. was not able

9. must

10. don’t have to


Choose the correct variant

1 – b

2 – c

3 – a

4 – a/b

5 – c

6 – a

7 – b


Make word combination

Travel agency

Guided tour

Holiday(s) destination/attraction

Package tour

Seaside resort

Tourist attraction

Parking meter



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